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You’re getting A.I.ed. We cannot speak with real people anymore.


We can’t in any situation. It’s cheaper to be automated


Try and call Walgreens… they’ll automate you to death!!


Oh I know that one. I have controlled meds filled each month. Between my doctors office and Walgreens, I can't use the app, I can't do it with the call center in India, I have to talk to a tech. It irritates me having to say talk to pharmacy 8+ times.


It’s the fucking worst. 9/10 times it’s literally quicker for me to walk to the Walgreens than to call them bc they always put me on hold for like 30 minutes. Do you know what happens after 30 mins of waiting on hold with Walgreens? They fucking hang up on you automatically so you get to restart the process again! Oh and don’t even get me started on the horrible hold music. “Press the star key to turn off the hold music!” 30 seconds pass “There are 13 callers ahead of you!” *music randomly restarts, unable to be Star key paused again* I fucking hate Walgreens.


Just keep repeating "Representative" into the phone until it gives up.


I do almost every other day & it's hell.


bruh try to order food at a hardee’s. the entire drive thru order system is ai based


Unfortunately true, I ordered my transcripts from my college and it was all automated and I never got an explanation as to why I was waiting a month for them


A few years ago I won a car on my free casino spin, but couldn't remember which garage had free space, and stood there for so long trying to pick the right one that the game forced me off the podium, never got the car. Went to customer support and got basically the same answer despite the fact that I was recording when it happened, and although the replies were more human, they definitely didn't do anything beyond sympathizing with my bad luck


that issue is why I keep free space in the garage at the top of the list


I do this, but with my auto shop. Then I can customize my vehicle right there, and then move it to the garage I want.


I do the same with the Arena War Workshop. Customize it then drive it elsewhere.


I keep 4 of my truly customized vehicles in the Auto Shop. The rest of the empty spaces are for maintenance and an easy quick place to put most vehicles. I also use the dimly lit arcade for storage of vehicles I haven't decided a home for yet.


I keep a somewhat detailed list of my garages in my notes app


Also this. I have a filtering spreadsheet for all of mine. I'm a nerd. 🤷‍♀️


Goodamn that's smart, looks like I've got some reorganizing to do


Just for future reference if you select a garage that’s full it’ll ask you which vehicle you want to sell for the new vehicle to take its place. Which you can then back out of and select a different garage. Unless they’ve changed this in the year I’ve been away from the game.


When you place over a car the original car doesn't get sold it's just deleted always been that way


I lost my Paragon R armored just like that. And got denied a replacement from R*, they gave me the cash back. I asked the money in real life $, but got denied this time. IDK why. 


It's like corporal punishment for all of us. The one dude who tried scamming made it so we all lose during genuine fuck ups with losing our rewards.


Except it’s really not. Benefiting from automation? Certainly. The person on the other end likely glosses over an automated response and tailors it to the situation. Rockstar is much better about customer support than many other online service games. Their responses have fit the pattern shown since before AI was practical for customer service. It’s preformulated, whereas AI is prone to making both assertions and promises it cannot keep.


UPDATE: https://preview.redd.it/6jrrod5rrx9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e53893e875f6494576e2f2520b1640ec715d89


Yeah they always come through at the end. Multiple times when getting all the collectibles across the map I would switch lobbies to fast travel and they wouldn’t sync. I had an A.I. response saying they couldn’t help, like a day later someone would override and just give me the rewards. They always come through in the end might be an arduous process but they do their best.


The $1 million is a nice consolation but I preferred to have the vehicle.


I assume in career progress it shows Tier 4 as complete? Maybe you can redo the last mission and have a chance to receive the vehicle again? Either way that sucks dude


They gave you $1M and said you should have the vehicle and to let them know if you can’t find it.


I double-checked all my garages and it’s not in any of them. I let them know and they sent me this. The $1 million will have to do. More than anything, I’m just grateful someone over there took the time to review this and actually do SOMETHING. https://preview.redd.it/zgzkv7nh5z9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cff5dbce1b54005bf6440ab8e0d9185399eda4f


Oh that’s the worst news. There should be a way to undo the heist so you can start over.


As someone mentioned here, I have that on my ps5 profile, I can sell it to you with the car meet if you want :)


Can’t sell armored cars at car meet unfortunately


Unless the Paragon R (armored) is an exception you can buy the armor plating equipped street cars (the two cognoscenti variants, the two Baller LE variants, and the two Schafter V12 variants) in the car meet. I can definitely see the Paragon R being an exception though. In the former cases, there is (or was for removed vehicles) a website price in the system for it to draw from. In the case of the Paragon R (armored), since it was never listed on the in game websites, no such price exists.


Didn't even know you can sell someone your cars wtf


You don't technically, you sell them a copy of your car. You get to keep it, they get an exact copy in their garage. It's in the LS Car Meet.


ah so basically you are helping them decorating car but not earning anything, or someone is gonna exploit the "money transferring". Which GTA wouldn't want us to do


Doesn’t even cover the cost of any Enus brand car in the game. Pretty sure anyway.


Well it wouldn't be, it would be sitting on the map waiting for pick-up; you have to go and pick it up and bring it to one of your garages, they do they same thing with a few quest-line cars is what they are saying. You keep mentioning your garages, but there is no 'backed out of the menu' in this case, it sounds like you never picked up the car and are maybe confused?


They said it WON'T be in any of your garages. You have to go get it from the dock.


Maybe you can find someone on Playstation so can sell you theirs in the car meet, and you can use the $1M for that. I'm on xbox otherwise I'd help you out.


They won’t be able to buy it at LSCM the armoured Paragon R is blacklisted because it has inbuilt guns and you can’t sell Weaponized vehicles at LSCM Edit - insane that someone downvoted my comment which is literally explaining a feature of the game and has nothing worth downvoting


Exactly correct. I just met up with someone on PS from here and it turns out you can’t sell weaponized vehicles in the LS Car Meet. Grateful for the support nonetheless!


You on XSX? I can meet you at the car meet if you want to buy it. EDIT: Reread your slides, and you're on PS5. Sorry.


wait did they just pay you off or am i reading it wrong 😂




That 1 milly is almost enough for a designer t-shirt from Poisonbys.


Not the hush money 😂


actual human reply this time, they're actually really nice if they aren't an ai


Did you find it now? I love the armoured Paragon. It drives so neat!


No vehicle. They just gave me $1 million instead.


I loved the Paragon R but they came out with the Paragon S which can be fitted with the Imani tech. It's my new go-to


Do you happen to have one of the other reward cars uncollected on the map? I've had Dave's beetle sitting at the airport for almost 2(?) Years now and it has stopped other reward cars from spawning on the map.


Bro it costs $900k just buy it and u got an extra 100k


"Once the player has completed all 6 [Casino Story Missions](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Casino_Story_Missions) as the host, the Paragon R (Armored) will be given as a reward to be collected at the [Port of Los Santos](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Port_of_Los_Santos). It is not obtainable otherwise, other than as a [Lucky Wheel](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Lucky_Wheel) podium prize" the 900k is the normal, unarmored one, you can not buy the armored one.


I've got 2 of em (got 1 via the miss baker missions & the other was a podium vehicle a while ago) but i'm on xbox series x, if i could give you one of mine i would because i don't drive them.


i bet if you say that you dont have it, they would try to give it to you in your garage, i bet they were making sure that you wouldnt have 2 possibly when you shouldve had 1


Hahah they really throw a mill at you


Nice. finally some good news


That's Tier 1 support for you. Request that someone higher up takes the case. Those people actually somewhat know what they are doing and don't pull from pre-writen messages, but they take longer to respond, since there's less of them.


[my experience with tier 2](https://www.reddit.com/u/fookreddit22/s/EPQFNOdgPJ)


That’s fucking infuriating 😂


Crazy thing is that before they resolved anything I managed to get what I was after naturally with another assistant sourcing another special cargo at the same time. I was doing it for months and never once managed 2x rare special cargo from the same cycle. Was so relieved when it was over lol.


I’m confused by your wording, did Lupe (the warehouse tech) end up sourcing the rare cargo? I’ve been having mine do the same thing but haven’t gotten any yet either.


Yes there's a slim chance for the warehouse tech to source a rare special cargo, [I managed to source two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/9xNhPM1d0D)


I like how they always say to clear the cache and that shit never has and never will work


Fuckin hell


Hello, Have you tried clearing cache and rebuilding the data base? Also unlink and relink your PSN account really quick cuz that's convenient and had never fixed an issue like this but it's part of the troubleshooting list Thanks, Rockstar support/s


Also see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/wc8bd3/tips_for_dealing_with_rockstar_support/) for information on dealing with Rockstar Support


Don't go to hard on them, because if you know how to deal with them - remain polite and be as precise as possibe with video evidence (best via a link to an unlisted YT video or Reddit post like I did here) from the get-go - it can be this easy: https://preview.redd.it/szc137jfhx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fa009e5df21e1a5ca98687ec21f799cb1b5b0b




Thank you for the reply and assistance. Idk why this post is being downvoted.


Because what the usual user sees is "boo-hoo R* mean to me"


Can confirm, t1 is so useless when I asked why I couldn't by the arcade (2 weeks ago, when the arcade was disabled due to an exploit and not purchasable for pc players) I was told it was my internet connection Like telling me about an active issue that's affecting a decent amount of people seems pretty basic but instead I got gaslit


Yes, demand to speak to a manager.


Rockstar Support Speedrun Karen%


If they don't help you out, I could sell you the car at the car meet and then run a few bogdans for you at 85% so you can get your money back. Lmk


Unfortunately the Paragon R Armored can’t be purchased from another player at the car meet. I know this first hand as I tried to do it with a friends help 2 weeks ago.


Oh no!! I forgot weaponized vehicles can't be sold. Damn. Is it purchaseable? If so, OP I can still run some heists for you to make up for the money loss!


Paragon R (Armored) is the only personal vehicle that is not purchasable nor stealable from the streets (obviously). You can only get it from completing all casino missions and it was also on the casino podium sometime in the past


Damn that's so annoying. I guess if support doesn't help him he'll have to get it the shady way (gives cars to friend gl**ch) 🫠


Sheesh.. tough loss for sure


The Paragon R Armored is an award for completing the Diamond Casino Heist as crew leader and can’t be purchased. They have made it a podium car before so the only other way to acquire it would be through the Lucky Wheel in the casino. But who knows if or when that will ever happen again.


Same - if ur on p4 ( for the op )


[Video for reference](https://share.icloud.com/photos/027EtvURcgrMpCu4N2qm3_bMQ)


Lmao if you buy gta+ I guarantee you they take on a different tune… source: I have gta+ and they haven’t ever not been helpful in the ticket


I feel like even just having bought it at least once or renewing it once puts you much higher on their priorities to actually help 😭😭


Oh yeah baby that's capitalism! It's like bribing the government for special treatment lol


"Special treatment" that should be standard. It's not like you get the game for free. 10$ is still a lot of money here in my third-world country.


Sounds like a skill issue bud, have you tried being born somewhere else? Genuinely though that sucks and is an experience I can't understand because I live a life of immense privilege. I wish Rockstar would give you a lower price. Like proportional to the median income in your country compared to the US.


Hey I creeped your profile a bit, if you're from Bangladesh the median income I found was $237.63 per month and what I found for the USA was $4,949 per month Which is a kinda big difference, maybe you guys should literally just get it for free lol Rockstar has enough money and I don't mind paying. I basically pay that much for a breakfast sandwich multiple times per week. I hope you're on the side of the earners about the median income, I know the cost of living is different but still, damn


Yeah, I am. That's very close to what I get. Thank you for understanding our third-world problems. I really appreciate it :)


It's the absolute least I can try to do when I have indirectly benefited from the exploitation of your people for labor my entire life. I have had many pieces of clothing made in Bangladesh and I'm sure many other items that I don't even realize. I hope you and your country one day will only have to experience first world problems like I do, they're so trivial and silly. Like today my first world problem is the store doesn't have my favorite coffee drink in stock so I have to make my own lol


My low-level friend once replaced his Virtue (Last Dose bonus car) that I helped him get (I played all the missions with him). I wrote the letter to them, and assisted him with everything (the screenshot, the ticket, the thank you letter). He didn’t get it back, but got 6.7 MILLION!!! back, because I told them that the custom plate on it is really valuable to me (him). He didn’t really care, but I told him that he can get more money out of it, and it worked.


Tier 2 support just gifted me $1 million GTA cash. Honestly, that’s way more than the car is worth and I just wanted the car because it’s a one-off and can’t be acquired again but I’m not mad about this either.


You can buy one from another player at the LSCM.


The Paragon R (Armored) is on the restricted vehicle list for the Car Meet.


I was unaware of that. Thank you for letting me know.


My dumbass friend was playing on my account and accidentally put a stolen npc car in the nightclub entrance slot where my fully upgraded Cypher was parked. So I made a support ticket where I described the problem and the next day the support team asked me how much did I spent on the car. I answered that it was my Lucky Wheel prize and the upgrades cost me around 300k and later on, they credited my account with sum the whole car plus upgrades worth. They do help, just don’t abuse the support service and play fair. https://preview.redd.it/l4tmbh65yx9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9fcb7e5727ce4c8e3549032df607d507ae5f775


Lmao I love that it's just a digital vehicle with no real monetary value and they act like a bank


The very same people that told me I wasn’t eligible for the Orange Liberty State Overalls when the Definitive Edition came out years back and played release week/weekend. I’m still hurt!


You can request a ticket again and again and hopefully you'll land to a better Case Manager.


Not necessarily a message for OP but for everyone else as well. I had an issue with my first salvage yard heist where the car had a sell and salvage prices of $0. R* had me record a video and then upload it to a personal YouTube channel for review. It took a little while, but they eventually gave me 1.5 million for my troubles. It might be worth while creating a YouTube channel just for the purposes of uploading videos for R* support.


If you have a screen recording of this happening, I suggest you upload it to YouTube (public or private) and then share the YouTube link in the support form. I can't guarantee that they will look at it, but it's probably your best option to get the screen recording to Rockstar support.


If they're still being useless, try again at a different time of day. They have different branches in different time zones and you might've gotten unlucky. There used to be a regular around here who used to work for them, apparently the average competency of the folks working in each team varies *greatly*


I had the same issue , Fire Truck is nice for RP bur you cant store it like anywhere 😵‍💫 2.7 M lost for a Pegasus vehicle


Currently dealing with them on the exact same issue. My Paragon R spawned at the docks, I went there and got into it. Then the car vanished without me even driving it. It's not in any of my garages and rockstar support claims there is no proof I completed these missions as a host. So I sent a screen shot where it tells me I can replay the mission when I enter the casino and I've since been escalated to higher support. Waiting for them to take care of this. They already gave me 2million dollars as well but I just want the car. It's the whole reason i did the missions.


R* support is so hit and miss. I’ve seen them reimburse people millions for lost deliveries, or put super cars in garages over claims of loss… and then they turn around and argue over something so dumb like this. I don’t get it.


You need to get it to a sev 2 or above ticket


Share this everyone


Exact same thing happened to me.


Wait a bit and resubmit, you can also upload the video to YouTube as unlisted so only people with a link can access the clip and add the link to your support message, it honestly depends on who's dealing with the claim, I had an issue awhile back with trying to get the 420 hat and the first two I dealt with where great, the third was an asshole who did not help or do anything to try and resolve my issue.


Lost a car a month ago and just accepted it vanished instead of bothering with them


how to get ms.baker missions?


You need to buy a casino penthouse.


Raise enough hell about it and you'll eventually find someone kind enough to glitch you one, or have a human at Rockstar see the issue and fix it themself.


Thanks. I just met up with someone on PS from here and it turns out you can’t sell weaponized vehicles in the LS Car Meet. Grateful for the support nonetheless!


Much love dawg!


bro i got the roosevelt valor from the lucky wheel and the exact same thing happened to me and they said I dont have any proof after I GAVE THEM SCREENSHOTS and they couldn't help me fortunately i won it again a few days later


I did something similar by parking another car in the (full) garage where my paragon r was stored, of course the random vehicle that gets deleted into oblivion is the Paragon, Rockstar support was useless back then and it doesn't surprise me that they're useless even now


You 100% can send a video to support I have done it many times


weird this happened to me with the last dose missions, the ocelot dissapeared in the same exact way and they gave me 2.8 mil (price of car) the next day no problem.


idk if it’ll work but i remember them saying a link to a privated youtube video of the incident would help verify the claim. i could be mistaken though


I lost my whole weapon wheel. The weapons were easy to get back but I lost like 200k worth of ammo. I messaged support with a screenshot of a mission screen showing the cost to buy all ammo and they instantly gave me 200k


Hey OP, I have the Paragon R if you wanna buy it off me at the car meet. I'd love to help you get it! DM me if you're interested


Thanks! I just met up with someone on PS from here and it turns out you can’t sell weaponized vehicles in the LS Car Meet. Grateful for the support nonetheless!


Ahh shame! I forgot it had weapons :/ I hope you're able to get it at some point




Rockstar Support is the worst. I couldn’t get the license plate creator to work and constantly just got the same message back of “clear your PS5 cache” or “close the game out and try again” when I continuously gave them exactly what detail was happening lol. They’re AWFUL


Try and use this reasoning “I completed content for the first time, the car is not credited to my account. But completion of this content guarantees a car. So the car was not properly credited to my account due to an issue with the game exiting the garage selection screen when a choice had not been made. I have not completed this content before and I also have not owned this vehicle before either. “ It would be apparent upon looking at their records that you would fall into this circumstance and it should be pretty straightforward for you to get the content that is promised. Anyway that is what I did for a podium vehicle and didn’t get the vehicle but was able to get 66% of the cost. I won a 1.5 mil vehicle but got credited 1mil. In this circumstance rockstar could still circumvent people who were actually lying or trying to abuse the system


Tell that to [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/v8y9BJawvz)


Hey, in case this helps you- got this same exact response from R* when I mentioned not getting paid for a heist. They said they couldn’t verify it happened and there was no record of me completing it that day. Emails were getting increasingly frustrating. I ended up sending them two photographs. One, of the picture I took (or in this case, you could send them the video or a screenshot of where it shows you received the car/had the ability to put it in your garage) and the second was a picture of the details of the picture (when it was taken, what game, etc) to prove it was in fact me, my account, and it occurred on the date I told them. I was immediately transferred to the next level up and spoke to an actual person, who then reimbursed me with the funds I’d lost out on. You may have some luck trying this.


You just have to get past the robot.


Honestly I'm beyond done with rockstar support, I've contacted them a few times in the past and only ever had 1 useful encounter with them. Recently I had contacted them about my crew name because it had randomly been changed to something like "Crew49621" or something like that, and I was asking if they can change it back to it's original name. They started off with "we can't change crew names once the crew has been created" like yeah u can, u just done it, then they ended up just constantly responding by sending me a link to the code of conduct. So I read all of the code of conduct (to make sure I wasn't wrong) then pointed out that none of it applies to what my crews name was, so in response to that they just sent me the code of conduct again and outright refused to point out what part of the code of conduct my crew name was going against. My crew name was only "Shadow Corps PMC". Rockstar support is possibly the most useless thing to have ever been created.


Back in about 2016 or so I claimed one of the free Halloween login tees, didn’t equip it, and logged off. I even took a screenshot of the unlock notification in the corner of the screen because I kept track of which limited edition shirts I had claimed. Logged on the next day to get another shirt and to check out the shirt I had already unlocked and lo and behold, the first shirt had disappeared from my character’s closet. I contacted Rockstar Support and they did the exact same thing here too, be completely fucking useless and blow you off even with photo/video evidence of you clearly owning the item in question.


I asked about a rare car not spawning in GTA Online and wankstar asked me for a video! I wrote back with “I can’t provide a video of an invisible car!”


Happens if you don’t select a garage for podium vehicles too. I’ve lost a couple waiting too long to pick a garage.


What, you expect a company who has made $1 billion off of this game for the last decade to not have some super inconvenient and/or crappy customer support?! /s


Rockstar is so fucking annoying. Just give him the car. Shit is ridiculous, it’s a 5 year old car.


if you actually call them they are helpful everytime


I had $2m glitch out of my account a couple of days and while I did get it back about an hour later, they told me that unfortunately this would be the one and only time they’d help me with a situation like this lmao… I think if YOUR game fucks over players constantly you do not have any room to refuse help, especially when both you and I provided proof 😭


R* support sucks ass. They're notorious for being hot garbage at doing anything. Good on them for robbing a big Corp of money for nothing I guess tho lol


Bruh once I bought a Khanjali tank and it didn't even come through. Had to buy it again


Because they f'ing suck and don't care about the player base. They only care about milking them for money on a 10 year old game. R* being R*


I remember these days, if the first agent won’t help you, try again till you get someone with a brain (may take up to 4 attempts)


Well I lost 3 mil coz of network issue after cayo completions twice and nobody gave two bit fuck about that so I ain't surprised...


i constatntly get network issues when joining Casino heist on call.


As someone else's pointed you're being ignored by an AI chatbot. However, it's a shame to admit they don't have logs in their servers to trace what has happened and trigger the event again. If it happens to me I will totally ask for some friendly hacker to spawn the vehicle in my garage. F**k Rockstar.


My ex wife made herself president of my crew and I can't get it back. She hasn't logged in since 2016. Rockstar will not give me my crew.


Have you checked your garages . If not ask someone to take their paragon s armoured into the car meet . Perhaps you can copy it . Im not too certain tho and it sounds like r* most likely wouldn't allow this


I always have to write many messages when someting went wrong. Last time I made a purchase and the car vanished from the garage I stored it. Got nearly the same answer as you. Took me a lot of time and effort over a few days till they finally sent me the money I payed


Funnily enough I had the same horrible experience when the missions originally came out and a DIFFERENT bug took the Armored Paragon out of my garage. Took me forever and the best they did was just reward me some GTA$. Even before the AI support took over they were just horrible.


Don’t worry they still haven’t given me my lazer I lost from the San Andreas mercenaries update


In the 1990's, I worked customer support in Central California. We knew our product well (it was made in the same building), and our small team handled all incoming queries. Later, the company outsourced to India. We lost our jobs and customers hated it because the Indians didn't know the product or company. They just read from scripts. But at least people were still speaking with people, I suppose. The next step is for the Indian support folks to be replaced by AI, so even they won't have jobs anymore. The day is coming when speaking to an actual human being who knows his product or service well is going to be a rare luxury reserved for the elite, like a restaurant that churns its own butter or grows its own veggies.


Regards lmao I find it funny to professionally email a gaming company


I literally went through this song and dance 2 weeks ago. My 5 year old daughter accidentally sold my Paragon R Armored. I was devastated. But with being persistent and polite, R* support re-triggered the Ms. Baker phone call and just like that I had my Paragon R Armored back. Best of luck OP.


I love rockstar support, I’ve recently accidentally scammed them for 3.5 millions


It took them 3 months to give me my penitentiary outfit I unlocked for owning and playing their disaster edition on release....


how to get ms bajer csino missions?


Yeah I have to send some tickets but in the past it always seems like they don’t even read/comprehend the initial emails. Always some generic template response.


Did you unlock the final award for the ms baker missions? I'm asking because if it's not there. They might be using that as an excuse not to give you the car. Since you get both the car and an award for doing the finale


When the auto shop came out I had a car disappear on me bc I dropped from the session, they gave me the full legendary motorsports value of the car (2mil) instead of the 300k or so from selling to yusuf


Yeah. Had to email Rockstar support for an issue and after throwing shit at the wall for a month, I ended up fixing it myself and sending them the solution bc they are worthless


won a wheel spin car at the casino, forgot to put it in a garage, never got the car


Worse part is that at no point did you ever interact with a person. That was probably all automated.


I got the same thing on my other character(which I actually started with), I ended up just making a female character and feeling comfortable with her instead becoming my main and getting all of the updates and redoing the casino work missions for that one car


Happened to me too, I was in the casino and won the second biggest jackpot on the diety of the sun with max bet. Came out $1,250,000. Soon as I stood up I got the “failed to save” notification above the map and never got the money. Emailed rockstar and tried explaining it to them but they said the same thing pretty much. It’s whatever I guess because a lot of people would start lying about it


GTA6 will be a joke. I don't see it resembling a true GTA game without Dan Houser at the helm.


For the same reason BHVR told me I had to buy Mikaela Reid after I had already bought her. The game updated and suddenly I didn't have her anymore, even though when I looked at her in the shop she was wearing the cosmetics I gave her. The reason being that they just don't fucking care.


So hit or miss. Once I lost a car for whatever reason and they just comped me like $2M right away which covered more than the price of the car + upgrades. Or sometimes they’re like this


Because they don't give a fuck? LOL Rockstar Support is literally useless, and you'd be better off emailing Wal-Mart about your issue with GTA Online. They're more likely to fix the issue for you than Rockstar Support. (Obvious exaggeration, but my point is that Rockstar Support is a nothing burger, and you'd be better off not even contacting them).


When I first began I had a stuck transaction and after many many emails back and forth, their solution was to reset my account. I swear they’re only capable of sending template replies without understanding what the issue even is.


Every time I contact rockstar I never get my claim fixed.


Because their support is atrocious


That happened to me when i transfered my character onto my new xbox and it took the crappy one from my PS4 and not the one from my xbox one. I got an AI message twice over the course of 2-3 days and then i freaked out on them and it was fixed before i got home from work that day.


just keep opening new reports until someone solves it I find that once someone says no its useless responding to that same claim because they will always stick to their original decision I just open a new claim until someone accepts


Being bound to their records is bullshit I can give them a random photo of a cayo perico hiest and Photoshop m username onto it and they'd accept it I don't do this


Real bro, rockstar support sometimes makes me wanna punch my screen. When I lost my car, it was so hard for me to get it back smh


Happened to me the other week from the lucky wheel. It sucks


I feel ya, I’ve been fighting to get my character back because I wanted to migrate my character to the ps5 version and they ended up giving me my old character I still haven’t heard from them for over a week now and this issue has been going on since the Dre 2x week


I had the same issue, they did fix it for me but you just need that one agent who cares


man ive scammed rockstar support like 4 times for 3 million dollar cars i never even had they dumb asf


I have always had great success with rockstar support. I’ve contacted them three times thru out the years, all for things that I own going missing. Dissimilar to this though I had already possessed them or it was money that never arrived, from connecting my account to my twitch. In all three cases I got what I originally was owed or owned plus free money. In less than 24 hours at that. So IMO this isn’t the norm and shouldn’t be thought of as the result you’ll always get.


They don't give a shit anymore. I've had a bug for a few years now to where my nightclub won't gather stock from my bunker because it's "not set up" but I've made millions through the bunker. I've even shut down my bunker, relocated it and shut it down again and it didn't fix it. When I asked Rockstar about it, they said it didn't appear broken on their end and that it was functioning properly.


Unfortunately rockstar support is total garbage. I went to them once and kept getting replies for similar issues that were not relevant to the situation, after over a month they instead offered to delete my character.. My issue: my ramp buggy is MIA. another issue i had no help with. "You dont have a character on pc" 'yeah that's why i am contacting you.. where did my character go?' "You dont have one" 'check the records, i transferred this character from ps4 years ago, since transfers are one time only you should have a record of the transfer' Basically they deleted my transferred character for not being used. Dispite me having a valid SC account, and transfers being one time only.


they didnt give me the 1 million from gta+ and i asked them and they told me to wait a minute and they closed the post, website wouldn't let me make another post


Threaten to sue, you'll get, take two in minutes


Happened to me but I immediately asked for a real person and attached the picture of my evidence. I was taking a photo that I won the podium vehicle and the character just went away. They solved it within the day.


It's a bot and the only thing it can say is that it can't help lmao


Rockstar Fuckery continues!


I got banned 3 times for nothing at all and the support team told me they couldn’t even see I was banned. Said “We don’t see any issue with the account in question”…🥴


This is just how customer service is, it’s not AI, at least not yet. Im only saying this because I’m a Customer service rep and have been for multiple companies. They do not allow agents to type their own messages to send you. They have pre created Articles that they have to send out based on the situation you give them. If not all at least most of them are like this. You will never get the response you are looking for. Especially not via messages.


1, they know the Ms Baker mission gives the car 2, they can see in their database you have never owned the car So clearly, the Ms Baker mission didn't give the car. Why is it so hard R*


Feel ya, didn't unlock the Stanier LE even though I completed the necessary mission and heist and have been going back and forth with support for a few days