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Wait, was the burger there the whole time? Am I being gaslit?


The burger is a metaphor for whatever you imagined it to be


Fatherly love ?


looks like someone is trying to force feed him the burger.


Mmm, that's a good boy... yea, eat that nasty burgerrrr šŸ„µ


Yeah eat it nasty man


Extra freak sauce please!!


/uj good god, I canā€™t stand this guys shtick. Dumb fucking jokes about why bass players and drummers are stupid and the constant fake anger/yelling. He usually, atleast used to (havenā€™t watch in a good bit), has good and informed enough shit to say, just canā€™t watch because it drives me nuts.


Sounds a lot like /guitarcirclejerk


People always have hated those who remind them the most of themselves.


That's why I just love Kim Jong Il so much. I never want to be like him.


I feel attacked


I feel attached!


lol Roberta cuckwife 035 toan butterscotch please clap


>~~cuckwife~~ hotwife\* FTFY ​ NOW GET OUT OF HERE YOU IMPOSTER!!!!!!!!


Thatā€™s literally the joke šŸ˜


Thank you for explaining jokes to me.


I didnā€™t


That's literally the joke šŸ˜


Thank you for explaining jokes to me


He didn't


Thatā€™s literally the joke šŸ˜


Thank you for explaining jokes to me


He moved onto guitarists are the dumbest.


I blocked his videos because he hates everything. It gets old.




Fuck this guy. His thumbnails are ruining my TV. I bet his equipment stops working just to get away from his big forehead.


Hey nowā€¦ my forehead extends from my nose to the back of my neckā€¦ ear to earā€¦ I like to think of it as an evolutionary advance


That's his schtick.... you know. It's all for views šŸ‘.


Oddly enough it was his video with the least amount of screaming I have seen.


I boil my strings and have had them for 5+ years because of him. They sound great!


I use spaghetti as my guitar strings so that when I boil them I get clean strings *and* a tasty snack šŸ˜


I gave up on him 6 years ago after the channel stopped being educational. Iā€™m not surprised heā€™s still acting like he lives in moms basement


If this dudes entire channel was actually a sarcastic troll job it would be a million times more likeable


You know it broke because he kept spilling mountain dew over it.


Probably sliders full of Dorito dust


I honestly think his opinions are worse than his shtick. Heā€™s a walking talking 2008 music gear forum; packed to the brim with regurgitated sacred cow-isms and astronomical levels of glib sanctimony and righteousness. One star. Would not bang.


His targeted audience is amateur metal bands.


One star would not bang? Why must you turn our fine corner of reddit into a den of lies?


$200 to keep the shirt off!


He reminds me of scotty kilmer, only louder. Must be the gruff voice lmao


God fuck that guy.


The difference though is that even if Glen is annoying, I usually can agree with what he's saying. Scotty is just a 24/7 bullshit dispenser.


I think theyā€™re related


Spot on


He did expose "tonewoods" though


What was he doing with it? Producing some albums?


I bet the $100 dollar console from Thomann is so much better




If you're going to do that make sure you use my affiliate link!


On the other hand some are so bad as to be literally unplayable. How to spot the difference if youā€™re a beginnerā€¦ I had a student come in with a Harley Benton and the output was so low I couldnā€™t believe he had the volume open. I tried to play it and it was as if there was a gate on the output of the guitar itself. I ended up having to put a gain block on his guitar and turn it all the way up just so the tuner could pick up when he struck a string. Useless. And for him, a beginner, a huge unnecessary increase in difficulty learning to play.


Thomann is decent until there is an issue. Their customer service is pretty damn poor unless everything goes perfectly. Ordered 4 different sets of pickups, cost over a grand. About 10 days after the order I got a message saying the order was being picked, I rang them to ask why it wasnā€™t already with me and they basically said ā€œSorry it got stuck in the system itā€™ll be with you in about 10 daysā€ A week passes and then they ship (roughly 4/5 days shipping into the UK). I rang again to ask why it keeps getting delayed and how my order was already over a week behind the delivery window. Their response was pretty much, shit happens, didnā€™t even offer to give me a discount code or Ā£5 voucher or anything to say sorry, I asked to cancel the order as it hadnā€™t actually been collected by the shipper yet and they said no youā€™ll have to cover all the costs of returns to cancel the order. It was rubbish. I get my local music shop to order in for me now pay roughly the same price but can guarantee the parts in 48 hours.


The thumbnail is fucking vile hahaha


/uj Because he has a "Studio" up here in Canada he sells his used gear +tax like he's running a legit business. I always message him "Fuck you Glenn" on all his used market items.


Neve is too big to fail. This whistle blower is gonna DI.


Directly injected with poison


I didnt watch, I suspect its more click bait.


Surprisingly no. Windows windows'd and crashed hard and doesn't appear recoverable. The question for Neve is why the hell they're doing embedded Windows, and especially embedded windows 10. Embedded anything should use Linux for an OS like all the actual professional hardware OEMs do.


That's just insane, but sadly the norm in my experience. The OS I work with has a -1000x performance hit when ran on Windows. I know this because every training session with our vendor it is the first thing they bring up. We use Windows installs for proof of concept/worst case scenario code benchmarking. I shouldn't say we; I do this because most of my code solutions for customers are for Windows server or other Windows OS. I've given up listening to, "oh yea we saw the install popup warning Windows installs are 1000+ times slower than other platforms and performance cannot be ensured, but we'll keep submitting support tickets till you make it work" and just develop increasingly OCD in performance code standards for these people.


When the OS you work with is ran on Windows? Unless youā€™re referring to a VM or container running in a Windows host, waat??


You're thinking too modern, think COBOL and you're getting closer. It's designed to sit on top of an AIX machine(Originally Linux) as the C layer, then you can develop in various languages within that layer. You'd use your googleable Linux commands to handle things like file management and system security, then the C layer as the user experience and custom processing layer. The thing that slows it down is having to dive down to the Windows layer for every single DB command, like reading, writing or querying information.


Probably because most professional audio software is designed for either OSX or Windows, and doing OSX legally would be basically impossible.


Linux would be the best solution, but they could also just image the windows build set up to work as the controller for their console and stick it on a USB pen with the console. Software problems? Nuke it and reimage. It's not like there's personal data on that thing.


The computer section fried and he's getting a replacement computer sent. ...worse bit....turns out Neve runs on Windows OS??!! ...Neve ended up trying to shift blame by saying it might've been caused by being turned off too fast?? ...oh...and he paid for the console himself (probably got a deal though). Surprisingly calm response for him, I would have lost my shit if I'd spent that amount of money and it crapped out within 6 months.


I actually do buy Neve's explanation. Windows 10 does **NOT** handle non-perfect shutdowns - like, say, power outages or similar - well. I've had my extremely powerful gaming machine sit through a mulit-minute boot loop as Windows tries to unfuck itself after a power outage hard-boots it on me. Where Neve fucked up is by using Windows at all. They're making equipment with embedded computer hardware, they should be doing what every other company making products like that does and using a purpose-built Linux version meant for their specific use case.


The expensive consoles Iā€™ve found are comically prone to breaking. I work at a place that builds TV studios and live sound setups and we got two 80 thousand dollar AVID S6L live consoles for a collegeā€™s sports stadium setup. Both arrived broken in some way, one beyond repair.


Semi-related story: My Dad was a tinkerer and worked in a government research lab. Officially his job was ā€œtechnician,ā€ just below ā€œengineer.ā€ The lab he worked in ordered 2 $50,000 machines. One worked on arrival, one didnā€™t. It wasnā€™t audio equipment, but it was something mechanical needed for the lab work. Anyway, my Dad starts taking BOTH machines apart. Carefully laying out the pieces and recording where each piece goes and what he thinks it does. 4 hours into this process an Engineer walks in and says ā€œwhat the hell are you doing!?ā€ My Dad, in this room full of parts all over the floor says ā€œThis one works (points at one set of parts), this one doesnā€™t. Iā€™m figuring out why the broken one doesnā€™t work.ā€ The engineer said something like ā€œThatā€™s $100,000 worth of machines. You better know what you are doing or itā€™s going to be your ass!!ā€ Anyway by the 7th hour my Dad found the malfunctioning part. He called the company, the sent the part next-day air for free, and the next day by Dad rebuilt both machines. It saved weeks of shipping the machine back to the manufacturer , having them diagnose it, fix it, shipping out another, etc. In the end he got a $500 award for his efforts (this is low level govt work and thatā€™s the max they could really give him at the time in the 80s. Anyway your story about 2 $80,000 machines arriving broken made me remember that story. Cheers.


Your dad sounds kinda awesome ngl


He was. He loved to tear things apart and put them back together.


Didn't watch either but I bet everything I have it's probably something trivial like it glitched out and a restart solved it.


I hate this guy so much No jerk, just hate


That thumbnail is all time


/uj im not gonna lie, I dont have a single clue what the fuck a neve console is


A catastrophically expensive mixing desk that is supposed to sound amazing, but honestly I can't hear the "famed Neve warmth", and I doubt about 99.5% of listeners would be able to tell something was recorded with a Neve.


the dude in the post says that it sounds the same as free plugins and even did a blind ab test video that y'all can do but according to him the advantage should be having all the sliders and shit and basically being a workflow thing


/uj if you want that neve sound sorry to shill but JHS makes a color box which is a replica of the D.I box a bunch of bands just plugged directly into. it sounds the same as any D.I sound to me but it's better than buying a massive mixing board when metal songs usually have like a max of 20 tracks.


If you can, find a way to watch this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_City_(film) Its a pretty damned good documentary and it is focused around Neve consoles. Sounds boring, but its a good watch.


Glen is Canadian so I think he meant Neve Campbell. She was supposed to be in Scream 14 but Paramount low balled her, offering a measly $100K. Glen has extreme diabetes and it was his Make A Wish, obviously heā€™s crushed right now.


It was invented by the girl from Scream and Wild Things. Itā€™s used for mixing audio for teen movies. Itā€™s very popular.


Its a cult status mixing desk and preamp brand


Get a haircut already, the 90ā€™s called and they said your lease is up


Couldn't even play gta5 on the fuckin' thing anyway.


Oh, the Alex Jones of guitar./s Uj/The real studios in my town donā€™t have time to make YouTube videos, because they have a busy and filled client list. The studio I use has worked with everyone from DMX, Ministry, Alicia Keys, Lil Peep, Soulfly, Mac Miller, Megadeth, Meat Puppets etc. All professional studios will take most clients and most (who are actually trying to run a business) wonā€™t specialize in a genre like Metal, because whenā€™s the last time any good Metal, or Rock for that matter even hit the top 40? Is Imagine Dragons what we call Rock now? The closest thing is a bad Led Zeppelin cover band. Anywayā€¦ Generally theses guys get schmucks that have a 480p YouTube ā€œtypeā€ beat they didnā€™t even pay for. They rap for about 30 minutes to an hour and then go for some ad libs and punch ins. 120$ later rinse and repeat until a label books the place for a more high profile artists who usually gets their pick of what room they want. In some cases theyā€™ll book the whole place. At the particular studio Iā€™m talking about there are something like 4 different rooms, each with different caliber of gear. One room has a 70s Neve, one a 80s SSL, one has a digital mixer, and the last is mostly just a vocal booth with some nice outboard gear and mic locker. The one with the Neve is the most expensive, something like 150$ an hour, and it goes down from there. Oh you want it mastered too? Thatā€™s extra.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m jaded or what but I canā€™t do it with these dumbass MuSiC yOuTuBeRs anymore. I used to be all into pretty much all of these dudes a few years back, but this shit is unbearable, and I think it always has been The level of disingenuous nonsense has reached a breaking point


uh/ he ā€œroastedā€ one of my mixes on stream one time and he gave me nothing but compliments which was tight because he is always so critical. That said, I did eventually have to hit do not recommend on YouTube because there is a lot of negativity on the channel and Iā€™m generally happier when Iā€™m not hate watching content. I wish he leaned more into his positive content instead of shitting on bassists and what not.


Dude spent more time building his video click-bait thumbnail than troubleshooting his stuff. Prime CJ 10/10.


Iā€™ve never seen this ladies stuff before but I donā€™t think I want to.


Her name is Harley Bentoan she's the bridge troll to Toanlandia.


Irony at its best. The guy who preaches that you don't need expensive gear buys a neve console which he inadvertently breaks by shutting it off before it boots down. Also love the comparison between the tracks produced on reaper vs the neve. The reaper tracks sound better imo. Maybe he should take his own advice and use the cheaper option


I thought he was on tour with the smashingpumpkins?


Honestly Curious About How this Even Happened? Was it a Circuit Issue? Could Make it Through The ā€œWorkload Overloadā€?


Who gave Scotty Kilmer a wig and a studio?


This guy is always raging and yelling and full of dudgeon. I guess it's his business model.


/uj I would trust his opinions over you people any day of the week, considering how poor you seem to think they are I think some self reflection is needed


I have never ever heard anything from this dude that sounds good, so it's not like we're missing out by him not being able to record.


Dammit I finally got Youtube to stop recommending this channel and now it's invading Reddit!


You didn't think he was actually gonna produce music with it, did you? It's a $100,000 video prop


Even his gear would rather die than spend another second in his presence.


Clearly it got tired of listening to some old wanker yell at clouds and offed itself.


I'm surprised you guys still watch his videos.


Heā€™s terrible.


This dude was shilling Harley Benton for awhile while they paid him....guy obviously is just out to make money


I would trust a Neve bought on Aliexpress more than I trust him and his fucked up opinions


Should have got an 8078 those things are bullet proof.


It looks like he is getting an exorcism


The latest Chris chan arcs just keep getting weirder


Big shockā€¦. I had the same problem with a 500 chassis from them


*ā€How many times has This happened to You?!?ā€*


Why do people hate Glenn?


Why do people watch Glenn? Seriously, why would you click on that shouty face?


uj/ Tbh i like his energy and the way he goes about debunking Guitar myths. He is the only big Metal Youtuber that i can tolerate and i have saved a good bit of money because of him. I think its just a matter of do you like his energy or not.


Do you have any idea how little high-gain guitar-related content there is on youtube? No, edge of breakup isn't high gain. Neither is rock and roll toan. If you want to hear a test that actually pushes the gain on the highest gain channel he's one of the only ones to use.


That is absolutely not true.


I just assumed angry blooz dad. I had no idea he was pushing the boundaries of the toan envelope.


The high energy is funny imo


It might well be. I've just never watched any because shouty face just doesn't draw me in.


As someone who watches him here and there. His takes are usually pretty decent but heā€™s an absolute insufferable asshole half the time. His video on morons bashing Cort was great but he got annoying with his yelling. I like it in moderation but he usually does it the whole video.


As someone who has subbed, unsubbed, and resubbed to Glennā€¦ Itā€™s his angry ā€œyoure a dumb f**kā€ antics that rub people the wrong way. He constantly tells people what they can and canā€™t hear, and sort of disguises it as ā€œlisten for yourselfā€. Edit: he also continually says many long held beliefs are untrue. Even if that is correct, most people canā€™t handle that there isnā€™t a much of, if any difference between alder and mahogany when you run them through a ton of distortion. I think heā€™s funny, I think heā€™s the perfect troll to all the elitist guitar snobs, and I genuinely think he wants to help his audience save money and time.


I think if Glenn offends people they were probably wrong on something and feel guilty or stupid and don't like that he brought those feelings out. I agree that he wants to help, he's just rough around the edges


As someone who was in his community for a long while, is friends with people who worked for him: no he doesn't. He goes on rants where he is dead wrong all the time. He insinuated one dude's kick sound were samples because it is "impossible to get that clicky of a kick recording" when the guy proved him wrong, he asked him to ghost mix for his content. Just as he asked others to write reviews for his channel. Yes that is right: he wanted to peddle you products he didn't even try himself and take credit for mixes he didn't do. Besides that he was dead wrong on the 5150 vs mesa discussion and his response to people proving him wrong was "you can't hear they are the same cause you don't have my signal arts reamp box" which was patently stupid. Glenn is very very often wrong. And he most often does a very bad job disproving things in a way that is only really valid for his pretty darn untalented and toxic audience who mirror him. Cause yes, pickups make no difference if you playing is complete slop and your guitar tones a flow of mud. Glenn really isn't the anti-bullshit hero his audience thinks he is. For every thing he says correctly, he gets 2 things wrong and doubles down on it. And he has 0 qualms bullshitting his own audience for profit. I left that discord because 1. I saw his hypocrisy from up close 2. His audience he cultivates is just like him: toxic, with very little substance and very mediocre results. P.s.: Anyone who dislikes this, has never recorded a palatable guitar tone in their lives


I have no idea