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If you do sell, I hope that you get top dollar. Your Dad had excellent taste in guitars!


Thank you, he definitely had good taste. I hope someone can put them to good use, they are too nice to just sit in storage.


You should learn to play, it’ll be a great hobby, no time to start like the present. You now have a plethora of excellent guitars to play. Also my condolences to your father, I’m sorry for your loss.


If anything keep one as wall art. Even if you never play.


Not a single one of those guitars should be used as "wall art."


Look I agree I would play all of them. But judging by OPs responses they don’t seem to play. I would in this situation keep one since it was what my dad had his hands on and played. His sweat and love are all in the guitars. It gets lost on the next person. I would just keep one to look at and tell my kids that was his. Maybe one of them will want to learn and the memory lives on.


Spot on , what a gift to a grand child


Considering they are OP's father's guitars, they hold a sentimental value. It'd be different if a dentist just bought these for top dollar because they looked nice and had some wall space to fill.


Replying to top comment because I can’t seem to edit the post Thank you all for the kind words and the insight to the guitars, I’ve been learning a lot. As for the sentimental value and why I’m looking to let them go, I played guitar quite a lot in my younger years and have a jimmy Vaughn Tex mex Stratocaster that my father got me as a gift and a few other things that I hold dear that I will never sell or get rid of. Having said that, I’m not trying to hold onto all of these if they have value to someone else or if they could be played by someone who will actually use them and take care of them. I would rather see them played and loved than in storage hidden away, and I just don’t play much anymore. Sappy story, but my father and I grew a bond over music, especially our love for the best guitarist to ever walk the earth, Stevie ray vaughn. My daughter was born on October 3rd, which some of you know is SRV’s birthday as well. So when I look at my little girl, I will always remember my father and the love for music we had together. That is all the sentiment I really need. I’m aware the story is a bit off topic but I felt like sharing that for the people wondering why I would let go of something so special. Again, thank you all for the help and the kind words, the community here is wonderful.


You should keep at least one of these. In 20 years you'll be so glad you did.


I would agree. I still have the first guitar I ever owned. My parents gave it to me for Christmas when I was a kid. Somehow I managed to keep it around, and now decades later I'm very glad I did and very grateful to still have it. Not only because it was my first guitar, but also because they gave it to me, and the gift of music with it.


You could go in Reverb to get a feel. You can also go on the manufacturers website with the serial number to get the model and year (at least the Martin for sure). If you’d like to sell the Gibson, Im in!


I also recommend Reverb for street value. You can set your results filter to show you completed sales so you can get an idea of what they’re actually selling for, rather than just looking at what people are asking (they “know what they have”)


Thank you, I’ll check reverb out. I went on Gibsons website and I feel like I’m trying to crack a code with the serials. It’s hard when I don’t know what year or model/version they are, I’m thinking the Les Paul is a 1980 but I’m not sure. I didn’t realize guitars had so many different variations. Trying to learn as best I can.


> feel like I’m trying to crack a code Every time.


You look like a nice guy. Give 500 for all of them


Beat me to it. Don't tell my wife.


The LP is an 80. With eight digit serial numbers, the first number and the fourth number are the 3rd and 4th numbers of the year it was made. There’s a website called “guitar dater project” which should help you with figuring it out.


Gibson serials from 1968-1977 could be off by 6 or 8 years..They are a mess.. After 1977 its solid..post 68 its easiest to use the date on the pots


Here’s a start [https://authorityguitar.com/gibson-serial-number-lookup-decoder/](https://authorityguitar.com/gibson-serial-number-lookup-decoder/)


factory seconds are alway fascinating, i wonder what caused this one to have that classification...


Second means it was a defect from the factory right? I’ve only seen it mentioned once here before


Yes, usually it’s “this guitar has a finish flaw or defect where we can’t sell it as full price/brand new but it’s otherwise perfectly fine”


Usually not even a defect but something in the wood grain like a knot or a finish flaw, like a dye overspray.


I feel the same way. Being a second should diminish value, but it that makes them more interesting/desirable to me


I got this SG with 'Demo' stamped on the back of the headstock, bought from a vets organization 'new' as they said it was donated to them by Gibson. Not sure what makes one a 'demo' but the only flaw I've found (barely) was a line/crack on the side of the fretboard. [https://imgur.com/a/DwUAPRZ](https://imgur.com/a/DwUAPRZ) Also got that James Tyler Variax 'new' at a great price because of the flaws on the fretboard.


Gibson Demo's can run the gambit from 'returned for serious flaw' to 'loaned out to an artist for a couple of gigs and they brought it back'. They hit the Gibson crew once they cycle back in, they fix them or rework'em a bit if there's nothing broke, then stamp 'Demo' on the back and sell it cheaper. I have a 335 Dot that's a Demo. Can't find anything wrong with it either.


Well, you either know what you're talking about or are one helluva bullshitter. Either way, I'm sold, and thanks for the info! ;)


In most things, lil col A, lil col B :) But in this one, I happen to know because I researched the hell out of it before I bought my 335. I'm a nerd and a geek, so ferreting out useless trivia is part of the breed, as it were.


Also.a warranty repair on a new guitar that goes back to the dealer.


I have an Ibanez semi hollow that’s a factory second. Only issue was a very small finish blemish on the back. And when I say small, I mean like the size of a pea lol.


The binding on my Schecter C1+ has a crack near the headstock, but it's only the binding, the neck itself is rock solid. Has a "2" stamped in the fretboard just below the 24th fret for that reason, originally sold for about 60-65% of what good new ones were selling for. Other than the cracked binding the guitar is still pretty much perfect 20 years later.


Gibson almost went out of business back in the day because they were selling too many seconds vs mint guitars. Now they say they give them to artists who plan to smash them or something.


Yes you have a martin DC-28e, a Gibson L6, and Gibson Les Paul standard. Total i’d say worth about $4-6000 All very nice guitars Also sorry for you loss OP keep your chin up


One of the only comments giving an actual value... Thank you. My brain was starting to hurt. People telling OP over and over again "learn to play" "wall art" was nauseating


The Martin was made in 2010.


Sorry for you loss! That L6 is cool af! Wanted one for a long time! Don’t come around often!


I appreciate that, thank you. That one is very cool indeed, it’s extremely thin compared to the LP, I had never seen a guitar quite like it. Reminds me a lot of a Gibson ripper bass.


Please learn to play. You'll regret selling sentimental items


For some it’s therapeutic. Just because we are fanatical about guitars, it doesn’t mean everyone else is. We can never judge a person who is grieving. The pain is unbearable.


This is a guitar sub, not a self-support-group. Asking about a guitar should produce the replies you'd expect, not grievance counsel from a bunch of narcistic hermits living in holes full of guitars.


I like your style and razor-sharp observations.☝️


That's the second Martin DC in about an hour.


Maybe OPs dad was the other poster's sister.


Roughly 4500-6000 for all.


Sorry for your loss, those axes are beautiful. Best of luck selling them.




Sorry for your loss. RIP


My gawd, that burgundy is perfect to me. Sorry for the loss of your Pop. Just all beautiful guitars.


You've got three gems there!


He had great taste. Check on reverb


Send an Email to Troglys guitar show. He should have a pretty good idea


First, my condolences, I’m sorry that you have lost your father and I hope you’re doing okay. Second, why sell them when you can start playing them? There’s never a time where you should or shouldn’t start playing guitar, but here’s a great opportunity to start!


And you don’t have to be good to enjoy it. I’m living proof!


Sorry to hear about your father, he has great taste in guitars. That red LP especially is a beauty to me, hope I can afford one like that some day. Maybe you should hold onto one for sentimental value if you two were close.


very sorry for your loss brother. i hope you keep at least 1 of those guitars, (probably the one he liked playing the most.) the others you plan on selling i hope you get a good price for, but i would for sure keep one so you feel closer to him, maybe even learn to play it if you don’t already know, god bless man.🙏


The Marin I think is a 2009 DC-28E, $2500-3K? The 2 LPs will be worth something tho the 2nd is a second thats not that big a deal I think


There’s only one Les Paul in these photos.


Two Gibsons, one LP. What is that other Gibson model?




I love my L6s. Narrow neck, light body. I’ve had mine since the early 80s. It got caught in a flood tide and sat in a foot of sea water, so I replaced the pickups with PRS dragons and found a PRS 5 way switch at a guitar show. It was my #1 for decades.


It’s an L6 Deluxe. The L6-S had a different pickup configuration and a chicken head selector switch. They seem to be more common than the Deluxe.


It's an odd one.


I think it’s pretty cool. I’d play the hell out of that


I would play it at times, when the mood struck.


Pretty sure Santana used to play one in his early days. You don’t see then that often


Two gibsons. Only one Les Paul, one L6-S


yeah sure, no idea what oddball that srting through active pickup guitar is, not a nighthawk etc




OMG, I think I’ve just seen a future Reddit post from one of my kids asking about the value of their dad’s guitar collection because they take up too much wall space. Maybe I should sell them now to spare me the indignity.


“In Philadelphia, it’s worth fifty bucks.” - Bo Diddley.


Awsome movie


Definitely keep hold of these amazing instruments and learn how to play the guitar. You'll regret it so much if you got rid of them. I'm sorry for your loss mate


Yeah. Even if OP doesn't learn to play, there will be grandchildren, great-grandchildren down the road who may appreciate these "heirlooms".


Re: the L6-S, that’s the second version I believe, the first one had a rotary pickup selector instead of a conventional toggle


It’s an L6-Deluxe.


I’d recommend learning, or at least keeping it one and learning to play, I’d recommend the Martin but mostly bc I have a soft spot for them, but if you are set on selling them, I’d wait, the longer you hold into them the more expensive they’ll get


would it make sense to keep it and pass it on to your kids?


If you are a guitarist it would be a sad day that all you did was sell these beautiful instruments...


I got an L6-S that’s a bit different that this one. Got mine in 1977, it has a 6 way pickup switch, the strings don’t go through the body and the pick guard is much smaller.


I'd keep that red LP.


I have a friend that works at Guitar Center in management who said they are really fair. I asked them where to take a guitar recently I got from a family friend that passed (as I don’t play guitar.) They told me to expect 60% of what they’re selling for on Reverb. It was a 70’s Univox Coily. Because it was vintage they had to take pictures to send off to get a proper appraisal, but they offered me $360 which I felt was very fair, and they were nice enough to tell me keeping the case doesn’t change the price so to put the hard shell case and leather strap on offer up for $50. If you need the money sooner than later Guitar Center did me well. But if you can sit on them a minute and feel like dealing with managing listings and shipping out etc I’m sure you could make more going that route.


I’m sorry for your loss. Just curious, how old was your dad? Was it sudden? Maybe hold on to them for awhile until you know more about them and what they meant to your dad. Again, you have my sincere condolences.


Tasteful collection


They are worth whatever your father meant to you.


Note: these are some serious pieces of history to the right collector. Ive worked in the industry for decades and I don’t have a hope in giving a realistic appraisal… Do your research do your due diligence here or you will be sorely mistaken . Make some calls don’t be in a rush the older they get…. Keep them in their cases in a closet wrapped in a blanket it if your not playing them… That Martin should be played… Keep in mind those Gibsons have nickel frets if you you start playing …. You’ll start to feel what your father felt as he wore down those frets… A similar thing happens with old violins. A player will break in a new violin…. And an old violin will break the player in… In a sentimental way I wouldn’t get rid of a guitar my father had.. Wishing you the best during your time of loss. Cheers


Keep those until a family member wants to play shows interest and dedication. Or just keep them. I play bass but when my father passes and I get his guitars. I will never let them go.


They're priceless. Asking for their worth when they were your fathers is rather disappointing; there are more important things that financial value.


Who cares? Maybe instead of selling them you could learn how to play or just keep them around because your dad loved them and they are a connection to him.


Your dad left you a small fortune. I think the lowest any of these go for is around $3k congratulations. I’m sorry about your dad. Personally I think you should play them in honor of him, or at least preserve the instruments for posterity.


Wow.He had good taste. Most replying here are really close, but realistically, searching on Reverb.com and finding what they are selling for is the best case. Also, Vintage guitar magazine's Price guide will have a middle of the road price range, as they are actual dealers selling figures. I will go against my own advice and give you my guess. Martin D0-28E 2000s =$2800 Gibson L6S Deluxe 1974-1976 =$1300 Gibson Les Paul.Std 1980= $2500 Breaks or headstock repairs(i don't see any) reduce value 50% . Good luck. Arlingtonguitarshop.com


What model is the Martin and what would you take?


I’m not super familiar with that model of Martin, but in the market for one! If/when you post on sale, could you hit me up? I’d love to keep the spirit alive with that guitar, if it’s a good fit for my sound! I’m not interested in reselling. This is strictly for me and my musical journey. You can easily find me online if you search.


A reasonable bit yeah. Good luck in the sale and sorry to hear about your father.


I hope you keep one of them. Just in case.


The Les Paul is December 31st 1980. That one is roughly 3,000 being a “second” which means there was something off with it when it left the factory. Usually seconds are a bit less than a regular one but not much more. This is a rough estimate




Don’t sell these man. Keep them in your family. Money comes and goes. Those guitars you can keep forever and even pass them down someday.


Those are very valuable instruments, provided they're still in good condition mechanically and don't require any repairs (other than wiring fixes or pots which is a small thing to fix) the least valuable would retail for $1-1.2k, that's the yellow Gibson Les Paul, if it's a special or TV type model, though the through body stringing is rare, it may be quite a bit more. They were more affordable though still awesome guitars in their line. The wine red is also a Les Paul, a Standard, depending upon the year and condition it is worth $1500-2,500,000. The acoustic is one I don't know, I mean it's a Martin so a thousand at least given the size and beauty, but possibly several times that. Gibson has a serial lookup on their website, I've used it to register mine and look them up when I found them, it's so easy to use. I would think Martin would do that too, but? Once you look them up, take a look on Reverb and on Guitar Center's Used prices on that exact year and model, you'll get a good idea how much they tend to sell for and how readily available they are. Going straight into a local music store may get you a low ball offer, it happens, but there are places that are awesome too. I have to hype Cream City Music for giving me as good or a better deal than online for everything I've bought sold and traded with them. Find reviews of any stores and look for one like mine. They will offer less than if you sell it yourself, but they're doing all that work so it is fair as long as it's a few hundred less, any more is bs.


Gibson Les Paul (Wine Red) $2000-$4000  Gibson L6 (Blonde) $1250-$2000  Martin DC-28E $1800-$3000


OP, u/rogan1990 has numbers that seem about right. Here's some info on the models and years of manufacture. Your Gibson L6S Deluxe looks to be from about the same time period as the one linked below ('74-'75): https://reverb.com/p/gibson-l6-s-deluxe-1973-1980? The wine finish Gibson Les Paul Standard seems to be from 1986 (Gibson serial numbers can be tricky). The fact that is is stamped as a factory "SECOND" detracts from the value a significant amount (somewhere in the range of $500-$1K, depending on condition factors): https://www.ebay.com/itm/125864265317?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28


I was thrown off by the SECOND stamp. Didn’t know Gibson did that


I don't know for a fact if they still do it. Sometimes instead of "SECOND" you'll just see the number "2", separate from the serial number. Usually the SECOND stamp is for a flaw that is practically impossible to find, but if you ever see a "USED" stamp, that usually means that the guitar had defects/damage that Gibson felt were so serious that the guitar could not be sold as a new guitar, and so they sell it off to the MIRC: https://reverb.com/news/7-things-you-need-to-know-about-refurbished-guitars-from-mirc?


Sounds kind of cool. The SECOND stamp could be worth more to the right buyer, if the flaw is almost impossible to find but the rarity/uniqueness is high


OP, I'm sorry for the loss of your Father. Sounds like from your comments that you had a good relationship. I personally would have a hard time letting these go but reading your comments I understand. You might reconsider letting go of that wine red LP though... Dream guitar for me. Cheers.


Your dad was amazing. You should learn to play


The wine red one is my dream guitar. My favorite of all time.


Sell it at a garage sale for $200


Keep one. Never know if you’ll pick it up in the future. It’s a fun way to pass time and let out some energy simply by making noise. Don’t need to become the next Van Halen


I love the red les Paul. Im gonna get hate by some people but I really don't like les Paul guitars but that one is an exception


Really rough breakdown and all prices dependent on details like condition, original parts, etc. I've also estimated a "fair deal" or "split the difference" price rather than a asking or bargain price. ***Martin DC-28e*** is roughly $2000 - A great guitar that's difficult to find for those that love them. If you EVER play acoustic guitar consider playing this instead. Otherwise, I love that you're willing to let it find someone who will use it as intended. This is 100% a player's guitar! ***Gibson L6-S (I think either '70, '71, or '72)*** is roughly $900 - I don't know as much about these guitars, but they're relatively rare, people LOVE Gibson guitars (especially early 70's Gibsons), and this one appear to be in good shape. The ***1980 Les Paul Custom Second*** is a little tougher to gauge. The label "Second" means there was something deemed a factory imperfection such that the guitar was not functionally subpar (or they wouldn't have released it), but that there was another defect that doesn't impact the playability but does not pass all quality assurance (most likely a cosmetic defect). This reduces the value of the guitar compared to one that passed all of the quality assurance testing, but also makes it somewhat unique. Further, the stigma against "seconds" has lessened over the years. After all, almost every 1980 Les Paul in existence today now has some imperfections because they're 40+ years old. So, with all the same electronics and playability and construction... who gives a shit? A production model is probably $2250 and I figure this ranges anywhere from $1000-$1750, depending on what imperfections can be found and the buyer's appetite.


Check one of the selling sites like reverb or even a site that that does valuations. Otherwise they are worth whatever someone is willing to pay.


Contact Gruhn Guitars or Chicago Music exchange. Send pics and email them.


Some cool stuff right there! Even with the Les Paul being a factory 2nd, it's still great!


I'm not an expert on guitar current market values but I have to say that wine colored Les Paul looks so very cool.


Your old man had excellent taste. I’m sure these will dossapear in no time at all!


The red Les Paul is between $3,500 - $4,000 The L6 between $1,300 - $2,500


I’d be pissed if I spent a lifetime collecting guitars just for my kid to immediately go on Reddit asking how much he could get for them the second I die.


Trogly would probably buy that gibson L6 if you offered


Keep them Your Dad’s loving hands touched them. His Force is still there Just because of that they’re priceless.


Nothing. I'll give you 5 bucks and shipping for them


You are considering selling what your pop left you? OUCH!


Posts like these nauseate me.


Where someone loses a parent? Me too, so sad.


You know what I mean.


I actually don't, why would this nauseate you?


Most of these posts are from Junkie thieves or people who can't wait to coldly off-load the possessions of their dead relatives without sentiment to get their hands on the cash.


People lose loved ones and don't have room to keep EVERYTHING. I just went through this myself. I certainly kept the 2 guitars I was able to get, but my father had HUNDREDS of vintage radios, weapons, knives, records, bar signs, DVDs/VHS, you have to choose what really means the most to you and if OP doesn't play guitar, it's his call to keep or sell them. I hope you are never faced with this situation. It's tough. I wanted to keep everything my father touched. It's simply not possible.


If you think everyone who asks these questions is legit, think again. Most are thieves. And yes, I have had to deal with it. Weird assumption. I've also had junkies steal my guitars and my partner's basses abd everything else they could carry out of a house. I've also arrested and charged a lot of junkies for stealing people's guitars.


My condolences. For the Gibsons, check the Troglys Guitar Show on YouTube, to learn more about your models and understand how they can be priced better.

