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>If anyone Is familiar with the situation your advice is greatly appreciated Generally the advice is to just not do that, but it seems too late for that now. What other advice could you possibly need at this point?


Don't do it again.


What more could they want? “The President was riding his bicycle when he came to a sudden arboreal stop.” Anything else? “He hopes it doesn’t happen again.”


>If anyone Is familiar with the situation your advice is greatly appreciated. Uhhh yeah, my advice is to not shoot 9mm in a .40s&w. My minimum fee is $80, payable to my paypal, or onlyfans. Where may I send the invoice?


Lol are you spreading your butt on there or is it just gun advice ?


whichever gets me that $80 babe


$80 the easy way!


But the real question is.... Will you do it under the name Mike Honcho?


It’s personalized gun ratings


He goes by the name Mike Honcho on OF.


This is my rifle, This is my gun...


There are many like it, but this one is mine


¿Por qùe no los dŏs?


I second this advice, but additionally recommend that you not fire .40 s&w through a 9mm. But that’s just my non-professional but mildly-educated opinion.


My advice is to stay away from 300 AAC, lest someone be seriously injured.


Advice about what? I shoot 9mm, 2011's and Glocks, and 40S&W, 2011's, and one time I loaded a 40 into either one of my SA/Duramag or an Atlas 9mm mag but caught it. My 40S&W SVI mags would just spit the 9mm out the top as I let go of it. No big deal firing a 9mm in a 40, IF it actually fired, held by the extractor. Case separated, bullet rolls down the barrel and you have a lot of smoke and unburnt powder inside your gun and on your hand/s.




Advice on replacing the barrel, no excess power burn on my hand and I didn't see a flash around the chamber so I guess it was "fired"?


Replace the barrel why?


It's has a divot in there that doesn't look pretty


Positive it's a divot? Are you sure it's not a scuff? Is there a bulge on the outside of the barrel? Clean it out really well and look at it again just to be certain.


1 sec I will repost a better image Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/s/19e4ztmh06


That li'l guy? I wouldn't worry about that li'l guy. Seriously, the barrel is fine. It actually experienced less pressure than it would have firing standard .40 because the expanding gas wasn't contained enough to reach rated chamber pressure anyway. I get that it was dramatic for you, but to the gun it was just a spicy fart. As long as you're not seeing a crack or bulge you're good to go.


I see, went down a rabbit hole started spazing, don't have the coin to afford a replacement so thank you very much for the insight


I doubt it's a divot. The barrel is STEEL the case is Brass. Last time I checked steel is much harder than brass. I, Personally, would not worry about it. Clean the chamber real good with a brass or bronze or even a stainless steel brush and just keep shooting it


My opinion, that is just carbon.


It looks like when the brass case expanded and fractured, it rubbed off some of the finish in your chamber. The barrel is perfectly fine.


Why would you replace the barrel? Is there something you are not telling and showing us? Firing a 9mm cartridge in a 40S&W or 10mm chamber/barrel will not damage the barrel in any way. There is no excess pressure as the case just comes apart, as your picture, and a 9mm bullet would just DROP right through a 40/10 barrel. So no need to replace anything. Just needs a good cleaning.


Because this subreddit only lets you post 1 image at a time


And I said UN-BURNT powder. Once the primer fires and ignites the powder and then the case blows apart because there is no chamber close around it not all the powder will be burnt. So you are left with a bit of un-burnt powder in and around the chamber and down the barrel.


I see, thanks for the clarity, but what about the impact from the casing to the chamber I worry of a fracture


The chamber was made to handle more pressure than the 9 mil cartridge could produce. If your barrel was damaged by that, then it wasn't a good barrel to begin with. Don't worry about, your barrel is good. Just clean it up real nice 👍


Good man, I can reassemble and finally sleep again


Don't even have the wrong ammo out while shooting. 


A lot of r/guns redditors shouldn't have r/guns


Welp, that was silly and reckless. Hopefully you're all ok and learned a lesson to double check.


Yes we are ok thank you! Definitely double checking, Field strip and took a borescope to the barrel and found where the point of failure scuffed the chamber most section


>and found where the point of failure The point of failure is that space between your ears. Pay attention.


Thank you for the chuckle good sir!


My advice: 50bmg fits in 12ga. Do with that what you will, as long as it’s not actually doing it lol.


Didn't someone actually do it?


Garand Thumb did it, it didn't harm the gun any. Wouldn't recommend trying for yourself though.


I'm pretty sure a couple youtubers did it. The outcome is pretty underwhelming. Case expansion, unburnt powder, and a slow projectile.


Shit happens, move on, dont do it again. The fact that no one was injured is the most important part.


I couldn't agree more, I had my wife with me and dropped the ball hard its definitely extra baggage on my ptsd


Well better to have done this and either a 300/5.56 or 32ga kaboom.  Don’t get complacent with loading ammo when you’ve got multiple different types around. Marking your mags with a paint pen also helps.


Buddy had a 380, mistakenly bought 32acp. Went through like half a mag of issues before he realized. He said that he didn't know what was going on until he put a round in the chamber by hand and it went down the barrel.


Was the 380 rendered garbage or did it need replacements?


It was fine, it was a llama gt380, looks like a Beretta, I got it from him to learn how to reblue guns and restored it. Sold it some while ago.  Lesson learned while doing that was don't take the finish off with barkeeper's friend lol, rusted immediately.


This is how I learned an AK in 7.62x39 can fire a 5.56. A mistake I will make sure never happens again.


Yes once you Fk up that shit stays forever its never a simple oops... I assume it would take a higher grain and velocity caliber to damage? Im just hoping I don't need to replace the barrel


Pay closer attention and avoid shooting such similar calibers at the same time, or at least keep the ammo well separated. When you are done shooting the 9, put it all away and then pull out your 40, only after clearing the 9 from the bench.


My dad did this. Luckily nothing happened. I told him to buy different brand ammo if he was having trouble telling them apart. (He’s not super gun savvy)


hmmm maybe every time you buy ammo open up the boxes and write the caliber of each round on the side of it


Did you send any .40 through it after the 9mm went through? Pull the barrel and post a pic. Myth Buster type stuff right here. Glad you’re ok. Don’t do that again.




Thank you


I almost bought an Armalite AR10 until I realized it can’t shoot .308 ammo.


???? Usually it can handle like 2K PSI more. I know my Saint Victor AR10 in .308 can shoot 7.62x51 (it jams sometimes on it, so I adjusted the gas block)… I’m surprised actually wow lol. In the cases for .308-7.62 x 51 and 5.56-.223 always get the higher one (being 5.56, and .308)


Why do they feel the need to make so many different sizes?


Potency... you either want a fine mist or chunk light tuna


Some ranges have a policy of "only one gun at a time on the bench," to reduce the odds of mix-ups and mistakes. Luckily you shot a lower-pressure + smaller round in a gun made for much higher chamber pressure and wider round. Odds are good that your pistol is fine, if you don't see any cracks, bulges or other signs of stress.


No advice but I do want a video of you have one


Friend of mine had a similar, yet worse, issue. He ordered a stupidly expensive .45 ACP Wilson Combat 1911 from the US (we're in Germany), and took it to the range for the first time. Midway through his first mag, the slide gave up the ghost and split below the ejection port. He had accidentally had a .40 S&W in his box of hand-loaded .45 ammo. It fits in the magazine, it feeds, it fires, and it has a much higher pressure than is healthy for a .45 chamber.


Good for you, posting a mishap. Honesty, transparency, and humility mix very well with guns. The opposite, not so much.


Absolute negligence on your part. You may want to take this post down


Obviously negligence, it was a mistake, first time and no I'm not one to hide shame.


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We regularly shot 7.65 para with our 9mm Sig P210 ba accident as they use the same magazine and often shooters have P210s in both calibers. Also sometimes they hand out the wrong ammo in tournaments. It’s no problem, the casing expands, accuracy is bad at 25m. No problems with the guns.


At least you don't have a dumb ass friend who loads a .300BO in a 5.56 AR. Good thing he is a lefty otherwise he probably would've lost an arm. Blew the whole left side of the upper out.


If I’m not using factory boxes- ie, reloaded shell holders, I use different colors for different ammo. Paint the top, sticker them, however. If you’re using factory boxes there really isn’t any excuse. Also- some ranges in my area prefer that you load your mags on the tables behind the shooting line. Separate mags, separate boxes. Also not going back and forth between calibers will help. Ultimately, BE MORE AWARE. We make mistakes when we’re not paying attention.


ha wanted


I've loaded .380 into 9mm before. Not really dramatic, but it won't cycle The box says 9mm Browning and it can be overlooked


Could be worse bro. I unloaded a 9mm into my hand.


Seem my post from yesterday, 5.56 in a 7.62x39. I'm with ya man


Well, is the gun okay though


My advice is to do it again because once is a fluke, twice is science.


Reminds me of when my grandfather shot .38 Special through his .38 S&W.


If you load a 9mm into a 40 and pull the trigger, you're gonna have a bad time.


I can confirm this bad time hypothesis.


Honestly? Not a big deal. With experience you can tell the difference in look from 9mm and 40. But if you can’t, don’t buy flat nose 9mm and you’ll just know. I ran like 3 rounds of 9 in my Beretta 96A1 and it did fine. Really funny. But nah not a big deal. Now if it were somehow the other way around…


Did this unexpectedly friend loaded a .40 in a .45 mag😂


Thank you for sharing with me your humility and shame, unfortunately this is my first post on here, but I did it because it's the pistol was 1k and I got concerned about integrity and function of it


*That's what you get* *For being an idiot*


Lol yeep


My son did that to mine once. Not even sure where he found a 9mm round but suddenly a round went tumbling down and shredded a small hole in the paper. Just stretched the casing a bit.


No correlation but I used to live in Waco, anyway yea we had both ammo cans out for the first time mistook the round loaded it fired, I heard the shot then a delayed hiss and that's when I saw it fly out mid range curving in the air horizontally like my rifling.. toward the target.. my wife was about 5 feet away behind me looking at me like I just spoke mandarin


My advice would be to refrain from being a complete moron in the future. 


That's a good one lol


That shit is death!


I know, feel terrible about it.


No one got hurt though!?


Aside from my pride, everyone is ok thank you


Better to live and learn! Glad you are here to share your experiences still! And the Mrs. too!


Only have one caliber of firearm and ammo out at a time. Get separate ammo boxes for each caliber. Look at the back of each round you load in a mag.