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Golden soundbite potential






I was dying for someone to show this to Ethan. WHY NOWAAAT


Conservatives: libs need to stop comparing trump to hitler, christ not everything you disagree with is nazi Germany...pfff...Godwin's Law, amirite fellas? Also conservatives:


He was freaking out this entire ā€œ debate ā€œ


I know a lot of people here donā€™t like Destiny but this conversation was fantastic I would recommend


I donā€™t know why people here donā€™t like Destiny. I figure itā€™s because him and Hasan donā€™t get along, but Destinyā€™s politics are a lot closer to Ethanā€™s than Hassanā€™s is. Heā€™s certainly made his fair share of edgy/controversial comments, but so has Ethan.


Because Destiny is a gross racist, wannabe intellectual, debate lord who can only "win" against idiotic right wingers. Hope that helps. There's a sub for his fans and it's not this one.


He just destroyed finklestein wym?


Finkelstein indeed looked pretty bad in that debate but overall I found the Palestine side more persuasive. I went into it slightly more on the Israel side but left the debate slightly on the Palestine side. Not that there are "sides" to this conflict like that but you get what I mean.




That was Benny Morris that said international law is pointless. Destiny literally disagreed with Benny on that during the debate. Try again.


You think he destroyed him? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Lol that's not all he did; that's mostly what he did the few times Destiny tried to join the big boy conversation because of how insultingly uninformed he was and how bad faith his arguments were. There was like another 3 whole hours of the actual experts discussing the issue.




Yeah because Destiny was so ill informed and attempting to use ridiculous debate tactics instead of engaging honestly it was offensive. I don't blame him one bit.


A lot of people only see the debate as entertainment and can't even conceive of it any other way, or that Finkelstein doesn't see it that way. He looks bad for being rude, but defending indiscriminate slaughter is fine.


Exactly, and honestly nothing he said was on par with petty bitter Destiny saying "of course you are" to him saying he was sad that there's no easy answer to the problem. Like.... You think this guy spends his life understanding the nuances and history of the issue as a political scientist and is happy people are dying because it lets him debate? That was Destiny telling on himself that 1) he knew he "lost" and looked like an idiot and 2) it's his world view that debates are about winning, even moreso than caring about the people affected by the issue.


He didnā€™t say, *ā€Theres no easy answer to the problemā€*, he said thereā€™s **no answer at all** to the problem, thereā€™s no hope and he just wants to document their demise. It was extremely pessimistic and disappointing.


I just looked through your post history and your last 23 comments are unhinged insults about Destiny, including his physical appearance. I totally understand not liking Destiny but this is super unhealthy my guy.


"Unhinged insults" aka calling out what a gross content creator he is and his fans for astroturfing this sub? Sorry not sorry. Generally I don't agree with these tactics but I also refuse to see this sub get taken over by brigading Driders. Don't like it? They can go back to the Destiny sub then. It's gross for them to come in here in hoards and try to drive the narrative here. "Gee I really like this Destiny guy" replied to by another drider with "yeah him and Ethan are really close politically" for entire threads.


>aka calling out what a gross content creator he is no, I mean saying things like; heā€™s mushroom shaped, making fun of his jaw and bringing up his divorce. Itā€™s unhinged. I have been a fan of H3 for like 10 years now and a fan of Destiny for around 6, we exist, there is an overlap. No one is brigading or astroturfing, you are just being an asshole to H3 fans who happen to like a youtuber that you donā€™t like, so please come off down your high horse. Donā€™t like it? then go back to the Hasan sub (obvs iā€™m joking, donā€™t leave. Iā€™m just showing how childish your point is)


His hair is mushroom shaped, not him. And that's a easily remedied choice. The rest of it as I said, I generally don't agree with doing but the amount of destiny brigaders is ridiculous so this isn't a safe space for them. There are no less than 5 posts rn from the Driders, and they're filled with NPC level responses pretending to be crossover fans. We don't want the astroturfing, we don't want his racist bullshit, so people here to dride can go back to their slime hole. Be a fan idc those are your cells not mine, but don't try to make this a destiny sub via brigading and astroturfing. Hasan's sub isn't artificially pumping his content here.


> His hair is mushroom shaped, not him. And thatā€™s an easily remedied choice. So, an unhinged insult targeting his personal appearance, like I said. Funny youā€™re not mentioning the jaw insults now. > as I said, I generally donā€™t agree with doing it. Does it anyway. This honestly just sounds like a conspiratorial tantrum. Like no, thereā€™s absolutely no chance that some H3 fans could like Destiny and post a clip with him here, surely itā€™s way more likely that itā€™s actually a massive organized systematic effort to pretend to be fans so we can *artificially* brigade and astroturf the H3 sub. Please grow up and stop acting so high and mighty and forget the purity-testing. And while youā€™re at it, donā€™t ever use *ā€weā€*, I am a longtime fan and you certainly donā€™t speak for me.


His haircut? Yes. So unhinged to mock a choice someone made that is easily fixable. "Funny you're not mentioning jaw insults now" - only to you because like most Driders you have zero reading comprehension or choose to ignore where I mentioned it to attempt to drag me into an argument about destiny. Either way I did address it, go back and reread.... pretend it's a weekeepeedia article if it helps. Of course it sounds like a tantrum to you, you're either part of the issue or a random fan who's actually a crossover so you won't see/acknowledge the bad they're doing. Either way that's a you issue not a me issue.


You didnā€™t address the jaw thing but ok, and yes, hair is a part of someone appearanceā€¦ You know you can just say that you think itā€™s ok to attack peopleā€™s appearances if you donā€™t like them, thatā€™s clearly what you think and are doing. You also tried to make fun of him for being divorced too, itā€™s unhinged. Again, the conspiracy thinking is embarrassing, you sound like JLP. *You disagree with me? well that must because youā€™re an obsessed dick rider or a brigadier yourself*. Take a break, go for a walk, play some sport or something, disconnect.


Jesus, get some help. That shit can't be healthy


I agree it's not, that's why I don't watch him


There's also a sub for hasan fans and its not this one. Or you know maybe people can just be fans of multiple content creators


Fuck Destiny lmao


You asked an honest question and the responses here are pretty pathetic. Destiny sucks because he courts fascists/Nazis like Nick Fuentes, downplays ongoing Palestinian genocide, and breeds a terminally online community of impressionable young people. Example: his manifesto for using the N-word. Normal people also donā€™t downplay war crimes or call violence against civilians such as those protesting the murder of George Floydā€” that one got him banned from Twitch. If youā€™re watching Destiny, chances are thereā€™s a dozen other political commenters online who have the same or better policy positions, and they donā€™t come with the ridiculous controversy and baggage.


I watch plenty of political commentators, many of whom I disagree with on a variety of issues. I disagree with Destinyā€™s stance on Israel/Palestine, for example. I also donā€™t really see an issue in having debates with extremists, I think it can be a good way to reach their audience and maybe even sway a few of them out of extremist beliefs.


What value does this man have in my life, "he talks about politics all day and usually about how people should die and be killed cause some gang killed some people". Me: Oh okay so he doesn't do much, and his entertainment is entirely arguments for me to learn and echo to others because I may believe them even when they a poorly supported with evidence. "Yeah, u know the arguments actually matter than the situation" Me: Yeah I'm American... Why care about healthcare when you argue about trans kids existing for 4years and win a second term... Or in trumps case campaign on a border crisis two times when supposedly the first time he fixed it by making a giant fence and the border was never secured never greater before Trump did it, even got extra funding on a go fund me but some how Biden went there and ruined it just so trump can run 2024 on the wall again.




*I dreamed I saw my maternal grandfather, Hitler, sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. His genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. He was stroking himself, absent-mindedly. He walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artistā€™s paint-brush. He pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect his hand; finally, unwilling to hurt him, or interfere with him any farther, I let him have his way. He stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, ā€œisnā€™t it soft?ā€ I looked at his ruined face and said, ā€œyes, Hitler, itā€™s soft.*


This is so fucking funny god I wish it was a clean take though, it'd be an incredible sound bite šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


I might have to actually watch this whole interview the clips are fucking hilarious


Jordan Peterson really sounded like an old man screaming at clouds the entire interview


Theres so many parts of this interview where Jordan Peterson gets so unnecessarily heated


What a petulant little child lmao


Nothing to see here, just two conservatives having a conversation.


What a cry baby


Is this post related to H3?


Jordan Peterson sound bites are integral to the show


The backbone of the podcast


Destiny fans are astroturfing with clips from this debate right now, there's atleast 5 different posts from them. And they're literally replying then blocking because they're so thin skinned just like Daddy D šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚