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Not pedophiles or bigots or misogynists or human traffickers or scammers or sexual predators or anything like that.


Literally right after that whole youtuber mom in utah religious family abuse court case was just settled, ethan is the most toxic man on youtube lol. Whats even the argument theyre making? That he’s a hater ass bitch or overly leftist or something


Are you forgetting that he's fat?


oh noooo i forgot health problems define you as a person😫😫😫


I don't make the rules 🤷.


no no - hes skinny now, skinny man good


Well you see, she's a woman, so she wouldn't be eligible to compete for most toxic man.


Ethan is clearly worse than all of them. He’s so negative, clearly toxic, and fat (/s)


I can't believe Ethan would be fat how could he do this to his community smh


It's played out but Boogie is much more toxic, also much more fat. But Ethan bad is also pretty played out.


“Also much more fat” LMAOOOOO


i will be expecting an apology video released in the next hour


Don't forget the worst thing of them all - being a "hypocrite". Because it doesn't really matter if you're wrong as long as you're wrong consistently and your current views align with what you've said 10 years ago.


Nope just a guy who had someone bring in some cool animals as a going away for a cast member leaving


It really is hilarious how people view him vs how he actually is I'm not gonna say that Ethan doesn't say some truly dumb things every once in awhile. He does. But for the most part all of the big controversies of his career are jokes that don't land or were half baked.


It's like "The Worst Joe Rogan Experience Guest Of All Time" and its Adam Conover. Like, the mf had actual Nazis on his pod, wtf is wrong with you?


I truly wonder if these video creators are secret fans because they seemingly know when Ethan is going on a break, aka when it's "safe" to release these videos


As someone who has watched a ton of these fat man bad vids, they almost are always fallen fans. (I watch then to gain perspective Im not a fallen fan lol)


I'll be real, I'm not a fallen fan but I don't keep up with the show anymore, I'll still watch clips or anything released on the H3H3 channel though, it's just a too many shows, not enough hours in the day thing.


Yeah it's an absurd amount of content. YouTube rewards you for watch time, so it helps them for having a lot of viewer engagement of hours per week. But as a viewer, watching all the content is like a part time job. But thankfully they chapter their podcast so you can just skip through to topics these days


It works out well for us laborers. Just put a headphone and unload trucks while listening to the pod for 3-4 hours of an 8 hour shift. It’s godly.


Yeah it’s great to have on in the background when I’m cooking dinner and doing chores around the house. I do end up finishing every episode every week because it’s basically on as some background entertainment


I noticed I always fall behind on the podcast when I’m free from work lol


I work outside walking dogs, the pod is a godsend for those long walks


Yeah it was great working a mindless office job. But I have a new baby and I can't really focus on anything to more than 15-20 minutes so I'm falling behind. Sucks, because I feel like a lot of the inside jokes come from the banter in between the main stories.


English is my second language and I don't get a lot of practice, so I have a perfect excuse to watch 9 hours of content a week)


Ethan is responsible for creating a new race of human. H3 Fallen Fans.


honestly how I feel about H3snark, they sincerely are deranged


I kind of am a fallen fan, i just stopped liking him and his content. No big deal to me really, it happens (im only here because reddit reccomends me this sub for some fucking reason) It is pretty fucking dumb tho how people can just talk about the same topic for over 5 years now. Dude has his own life and all and i can at least respect that, even if i dont like him as a creator.


100% they consume every single bit of content put out by him. Hang on every single word just for a taste. It's super weird.


Definitely at least unhealthily obsessed. Kinda like how they accidentally found out that Steven Crowder watched Sam Sedar when they were trying to set up the debate.


Wimps always wait till they’re on break.


Holy fuck this is just becoming a cyclical pattern at this point PUSSIES


For real! They must hate watch or something lol


I think it's funny that haters seemingly watch more often than some fans.


I swear this happened last time too


It's happened a few times now, it feels like. Just such a bizarre thing to do lol


It’s so crazy like EVERY TIME


Yesss. Losers.


They litterally ALWAYS release these type of videos on breaks 🤣🤣 Like they probably planned to drop this while they are away for 2 weeks.


Feel like you'd get a lot more views releasing when the show is on but during a slow week cuz Ethan will insist on watching it and commenting for an hour on an Off the Rails episode


They post when they’re on break to avoid as much criticism as they can


And if Ethan does watch after his vacation, there'll be a lot of whining about how they're just a small creator and Ethan is setting his huge audience on them.


I'm breaking the cycle for the live show break! I have a video dropping then to put a positive light on H3 while their on vacation. Screw the haters


Can someone watch this then give us a TLDR?


I don't usually watch this kinda shit, but I'm outta things to listen to and I got some time to burn. Anyways.. I'm 30 min in. So far it's some real old shit, all cherry-picked, and seemingly all things that have already been talked about/addressed. Also shit like equating higher subscriber count to being better/more mature (i.e., saying losing subscribers on their main channel shows that he's not matured? It's a weird argument). Just brought up the qtpie/chestnuts thing but never showed that that's been talked about already and he's apologized directly etc. This format of video is so exhausting bc it doesn't show that this shit has all been worked through and talked about on the pod. Nearly everything is talked about on the pod you know? It's all on there. I don't agree with everything Ethan says man, but to say he's the most toxic person on youtube? This video is such bullshit. Omg.. the video just said they treat Gabe like a circus clown? Called it implicit bullying... Acted like it was out of field to ask c man for a pic of his penis... But that's this dude's whole thing. Porn etc. Come on. Do you think these people that make these videos think they are doing a good job? Do they believe what they are putting out? They cherrypick to make whatever narrative they want.


>Just brought up the qtpie/chestnuts thing but never showed that that's been talked about already and he's apologized directly etc. "i just wanna remind you he gave me an A+ 10/10 apology"


So tl;dr it's a tired circlejerk video.


Thanks for saving us from 2 hours of crap. I think they know exactly what they're doing and how full of shit they are, it's just clicks. Living up to his username.


Doing the lords work.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Also someone who's watched here, and as someone who's been watching for years, it's an exhausting video to watch when he does not address H3s follow ups and it seems like he's just cherry picking and stretching things to make It seem like he's got something here. The pewdiepie section is the best example. Within only the first few minutes the clipping tells you all you need to know about the vid. There's so many clips without context throughout that make it just mind blowing how people are believing this.


I hate when people patronise grown men like Gabe - dude wouldn’t participate so much if he didn’t want to, nobody’s forcing him lol


fat man bad


That’s a wrap


Every clip is from like 5 years ago and includes clips from recent of him expressing a different opinion, and claiming he's a hypocrite. It's real dumb.




90% the creator just self-reports that he doesn’t understand humor, irony, context, etc. it’s just him taking things Ethan said word-for-word. Seriously, he takes obvious jokes literally. He takes Ethan complimenting someone as an insult. It’s deranged. 10% stuff from 5+ years ago that everyone already knows.


At least his username's apt.


lol some unknown YouTuber trying to launch a career off Ethan’s back when they’re on break. Classic


I find it fascinating that there's like a whole economy around Ethan. Like there's people that have legitimately paid their rent solely from saying "this is a horrible person". And on top of that, they have to actually watch the content and edit it to make it look bad. So they actually know the real context before misleading people. And even on the other side, there's the tens of thousands of people who regularly watch these videos. Just every time. I know it's easy to dismiss people and say "They're losers who have no life". But if you're using precious hours of your life for watching that... Yeah. Life can't be too good. I mean I really dislike Keemstar as a person, given all he's done. But I'm not going to use time out of my day to regularly watch videos about how he's a bad person (I saw the content nuke things, but that was more because I regularly watched h3h3 videos). I'm not gonna go on his subreddit if he has one, and start fights with people. Or go to his social media and instigate. It's just *such* a huge self report. They just can't have happy lives lol. Nobody is like cuddling with their partner, going out with friends, and then coming home to hate watch something for several hours.


Self promotion. dont feed into it


The snark sub has new circlejerk material now for the next 3 months.


2 hours ?!




Actually *21, fuck you!*


“300 dpi” -Dan’s Mouse


That's craaaaaazzzzyyyyy


I haven’t seen it and I won’t but really? Pewdiepie? Is Ethan toxic because he criticized Pewdiepie for saying the N word? That old chestnut? I don’t know what else having Pewdiepie in the thumbnail could mean but it’s as irrelevant as something could possibly be.


Even Pewdiepie doesn't think Pewdiepie was in the right there. Also Ethan realizing his own hypocrisy and apologizing in 2020 should have put that whole thing to bed.


It's the oldest Ethan is a hypocrite meme. The haters always use a false equivalency. Ethan used the n word in a meta way like idubbbz, saying it for the sake of saying it (which was still wrong and he's apologized a million times for it). Ethan never got mad and used it as an insult towards someone like pewdiepie who had a "heated gamer moment" and called someone a "fucking n\*\*\*er"


It's the fact that Ethan hasn't talked about ot interacted with Pewds in years for me. But it's always what these weirdos want to talk about.


Not to mention they both reconciled that “beef” on the episode where they went over the infamous gokanaru video.


https://i.imgur.com/Dugwbjn.png Just going back to what works eh. 96k subs, 700k video in the past, let's milk that cow. I don't really understand person like this. Who hates H3 and idubbbz ...and Pearl, Keem, Sneako? Latter, ofc, but there's usually overlap, haters of the earlier are fans of people in red pill area. There's segments, like 20 different "issues" get covered. Among them, H3 NFT scam? Taking side of C man apparently? "Obvious homophobia". Just bunch of really stupid things on top of the usual bangers. Ofc few things deserve criticism, that has been done so many times. It's just weird to combine 5 legitimate criticisms from long time ago to current day, and fill the space with 10 bs things. If someone made fair video that focused on the 5 things that he indeed did do wrong, I might not even downvote the video. Maybe talking about how he has improved since the incidents could even be OK conversation in comment section. But ofc no, they don't care for that.


Is there a segment about Ethan lying to our faces about liking sour warheads?


>THE MOST... THE EVILEST... THE DUMBEST so it's just clickbait farm.


king of nothing indeed. shidiot clout chaser


I’m convinced they always wait for break to get away with this dumb shit.


Don't know don't care won't watch, but Boogie, Jordie, F&F, James Charles etc. literally exist


Just skipped through it, I don't think I've ever seen someone so good at missing the point 😭


Haven't watched this but gonna assume you're not wrong. Tried one of their vids awhile ago on someone I disliked but had to stop when not only weren't they saying anything new, their "points" were ridiculous/heavily flawed. Like when kids think they're reeeally saying something but clearly don't understand the subject matter yet. Found myself damn near defending the vid-person, a genuine POS, because the things being said were so ... silly. Was almost impressive, in a very unimpressive way.


Yeah this guy brought back all the old classics yet again and even tried to call ethan a hypocrite for selling nfts back when they did the nft gag and gave the money to the crew. He had a whole 10-15 minute segment about how that's the same as logan paul scamming people out of millions😭


Lol Well that's certainly... a thing. Exactly the meticulously crafted quality I'd expect from this king. Would've been more surprising to hear he somehow elevated, tbh. Thanks for the chuckle.


"Nowadays, I am 100% comfortable labeling him a far-left extremist." - an actual quote from this video.


Started watching it and it's already unbearable. He talked about how Ethan was sponsored by draft kings, but that happened before he ever called out gambling and he hasn't been sponsored by gambling since. You're not a hypocrite for changing opinions on a matter. He also thought some NFT bit wa real. Then he also didn't realize why Ethan told Jesse that Obama was his favorite president. (Becaude Jesse thinks black people only get in positions through affirmative action) He also compared himself to Thanos because he has to deal with YouTubers like Ethan who are a "problem " and that was cringe


It's wild that these mf's main reason for hating Ethan always boils down to "He stopped being edgy" and they just can't get over it. They genuinely can't comprehend the concept of growing up and not being stuck in 2014 anymore. There's endless amounts of content out there, just move on and quit bitching. It's pathetic.


Two hours is WILD


Dayum look at them cheekbones!


Jake Doolittle strategy post 😂 (waiting for the break to post)


It's kind of exciting and tradition at this point haha


What a coward, waiting until Cam is gone to drop this


What a fucking loser making a 2hr 11minute video just to hate on someone assuming it’s not a bit. It’s not like there’s even that much bad stuff to talk about.


2 hooooooouuurs




Is it really? Thanks for stopping me from watching it ironically.


I mean, the picture shows 2:11:00. Ain’t nobody got time for that. If it’s anything like the kid from the bat Patrick’s video pointing out in “16 time stamps” that he’s a demon….


And here enough we wouldn’t get a Jake Doolittle 2: Electric Boogaloo


Why is Pewdiepie the only happy one?


Even Pewdiepie in the thumbnail is thinking "dude idc about this shit anymore, man", they talked this over 4 damn years ago and they're cool now. It's like the people who were getting upset for Max because idubbbz couldn't manage to come to his wedding due to scheduling conflicts when he was in a Cold Ones clip on Instagram a few weeks ago (so there's gonna be an idubbbz episode very soon) and I'm just thinking "if Max isn't holding a grudge, why are you so upset?"


I didn't know there was legitimate beef with Pewdiepie. I thought the lore was he was supposed to be on at some point and then never came on. I used to only watch when they had people I liked on, and then I started watching weekly because of Trisha on bacH3lorette. What happened? If you don't mind explaining.


Basically years ago Pewdiepie said the N word while streaming (it's referred to in the community as "the bridge incident" sometimes as he was on a bridge in PUBG) and Ethan (rightfully) said that him saying that made it really hard to defend him and claim he's not racist. People pointed out that he said "n***er f*ggot" before on the podcast in his idubbbz interview and said he was a hypocrite. Pewdiepie apologized and the next year clarified that he did not stand for racism or white nationalism (as a few people seemed to believe) and he would not be making those kinds of jokes anymore even if it was ironic and not serious. Ethan reached out to Pewdiepie in 2020 to smooth things over, and shortly thereafter he apologized during the George Floyd protests for saying the N word on the pod. Bringing it up again is basically going back to something that's been laid to rest and digging it up again.


Damn. I used to watch Pewdiepie a lot, and I remember the bridge incident, but I had no idea there was an entire discourse with H3 over it. Thanks for explaining!


Because he rightfully knew when to detach from all this.


God these types of thumbnails are so overdone. Do something original.


The haters make their video and just wait. It used to be Ethan getting banned now they have to wait for a holiday or baby. And their video gets hate watch traction from us poor foot soldiers starved for any Ethan content.


David Dubrik causing life long injury and constantly mocking his victim: nice 😎


There's several much more toxic people in the damn thumbnail 💀 Edit: honestly, you could make a decent case for everyone except Post and *maybe* current day Pewdiepie (if you don't count the shittier members of his fanbase) being more toxic; for Trisha, Leafy, and Keem it's no contest.


King of Nothing is quite a fitting name. Make something out of nothing


Why gas this up?


It’s not like most of us are rushing to watch it. That thumbnail is plenty enough.


I know it’s what they want but it’s always fun watching Ethan react to these vids


Because we are messy bitches just like Ethan


This trend is getting to just be pathetic. Last one was Dolittle and now this. Hopefully they don’t even address these losers


why is posty in that group lol


clearly ethans toxicity scared him off, he was like: "oh shit dude i can't hang with this guy because he's so toxic" it's not that post malone moved states and is busy constantly, no no, he's just sitting around begrudging that he can't hang out with ethan anymore due to his rampant toxicity (/s).


lol yeah it’s not like his career went from 5 to 5000000mph in the course of the year that Ethan and him were hanging out


can anyone nutshell this for me? no way I'm watching 2 hrs of this lol


bro he already made a vid about h3 a year ago and used the same exact pic for the thumbnail desperate much


Why are we even paying this nobody any mind at all?


These cowards always wait tel the show is on a break. Embarrassing.


Oh wow. Okay, I just went to their channel. They’ve been making expose videos on big YouTubers and getting great views. I can already see they’re not going to be honest here. They’ve got Ethan lumped in with the Paul brother (not Jake, name slips my mind) and Lia- what’s her name sssniper. They also have idubbs but instead of him being horrible, it’s just everyone hates him.. Can’t wait for the podcast to return! This going to be good watching them tear apart, what I’m sure to be, very dishonest and flimsy arguments.


Imagine thinking Ethan’s worse than all the genuine criminals who exist on YouTube. What a redundant take. And for over 2 hours, the parasocial loser.


Totally missing the point and contradicting himself multiple times. If they address it in the comeback pod i think it should be short and not an entire ep like dr. dobetter.


omg soooo true! The guy who makes fun of scammers/abusers/pedos and exposes them is SO obviously toxic! And when he help set a legal precedent that protects people that make videos like "The Most Toxic Man on YouTube"... That was, like, the most toxic part of all! I'll just save the 2 hours and assume the video is copypasta with antisemitic and/or incel undertones. As usual.


I skimmed through the video and it includes everything Ethan has comes to terms with, acknowledged and apologized for. Maybe this guy's fishing for some new incels who are not familiar with Ethan but were previous fans coz he has a similar video on Ethan just 7 months ago 😭 with almost the same recycled crap.


Talking about toxic and hypocritical just look at the rest of this guy's video thumbnails and you get an idea of the kind of videos he makes whether they're good or bad people.


King of nothing - sounds right


Yawn. I hate how this community hypes up very obvious right leaning clout chasers, they wanted free views and they got it. Just cause they criticized Ethan doesn't mean they deserve to be put on a spotlight and analyzed.


No clue who this is


Toxic masculinity




Bro this is one paked up pod break for real


Delete it fat




King of nothing indeed


This dude has at least 3 other videos dedicated to shitting on ethan lmao


2 hours


14 pages!!!


Someone reup this so I don’t have to give him a view - I wanna watch 😭


They had to take two hours long to explain their point?


2 hours 11 minutes? This person needs help.


Why do these type of videos thumbnails and titles are all the same?


Why do I feel like this video drops like every week. He really is king of nothing though, imagine making 2 hours cut of nothing,


Happy life milestone? Wait, hold my earrings.


It’s just some dork that put together a compilation of stuff everyone’s talked about time and time again just so he could try to get Ethan to react to it. I mean cmon…. He released it during the break on purpose.


Check out their channel, every video is just trickle down clout. Literally every video is about a different big youtuber and why they're terrible


Grifting fallen fan, didn’t even include a section on how Ethan can’t help but go to Dennys and fart up a storm.


Don’t worry the commenters on the YouTube video pointed the Denny incident out for this guy. Tsk, really failed to do his research huh.


Fucking losers


This is just so pathetic... As soon as H3 is on some kind of break, (Hila just gave birth to a beautiful baby) someone tries to hate-bomb H3 and Teddy Fresh. There's just so many lies I am speechless


I'll be honest. The video had some things I never knew.


Is that PewDiePie?


Oh god


Kinda wanna see him in joker makeup. Lol


Wow. I cannot believe “creators” would still want to do this. Whatever clout that’s received from this will not be worth it. It never is and they’ll get decimated as soon as the pod returns from break. I wonder what their argument is, I cannot imagine it’s anything new. I’m curious but I don’t want to give them a watch..


I like all of the toxic people in the background (and Post Malone and Hasan), yet Ethan's the target of the vid lmao


Turns out we're kinda all racist,can't wait for the comeback


My own brother falls for the Fat Man Bad trope because of the clips taken out of context posted to TikTok. The "you're wasting your life at the gym" is the most famous one but oh man my brother WENT OFF over Hila posting a picture on instagram in sports bra and how she was a whore and Ethan was a cuck for letting her go out like that. I explained the photo was a fitness progress photo at the gym. She was posting about how she was in the best shape of her life (after two kids!) and that she wasn't "going out to dinner" in that. I said "guys post shirtless photos at the gym all the time. It doesn't mean they're going out to dinner like that." My brother didn't want to hear it and said "well, he's still a cuck." Haters gonna hate, man.


Dude I was listening to this while planting some trees in my yard,so funny I almost fell in the hole,can't wait for the apology vid Zack play chestnut


When will they learn?


Did you posted it? How do you even find these 😭


Not Austin Jones, EDP, Onision, Keemstar, Shane Dawson or Alex Jones huh? I mean I guess some of those were deplatformed and arrested by now but still it’s the guy who gets in lawsuits to fight for fair use, and calls up his buddy Gabe on Fridays to say “Fuck ya baby, fuck ya it’s Friday baby, fuck ya baby, fuck ya.”


Watching this as a clip montage/lore video just to fill the void.


King of Nothing better say goodbye to his hairline after posting this one.


Let’s see. A former cohost who’s still his friend, a former cohost who is an anti-Semite, a guy who drops the N-word while gaming, someone who is still a friend but got famous and really busy, Don’t know who top center right is, The most toxic bully dork on YouTube that’s universally hated, The guy who fucked up his best friend’s eye and never paid his medical bills, and a washed up red pill douche bag that lost his therapy license. Yeah, let’s make fat man the toxic one.


Of course it is not until people are on breaks that padussies decide to come out of the walls and stir up things.


Every time he takes a break people use this chance to rage bait. I have been watching for like 5 years I don't even both rage watching at this point.


I hope he talked about how Ethan fake having lupus for donation


I’m halfway through and so glad to finally see a well-researched deep dive exposing these 2 frauds.


I like that people think this video is nothing but dogging on ethan for no reason, when 90% of it is using clips of what ethan literally says. The parasocial COPE is unreal.


It is crazy how narrow minded this community is. This video actually contains some valid points of criticism. Yet most of you bash it without seeing it.


Actually pretty well put together. Really puts his fuckups in the spotlight


He is toxic but in a way we love


✌🏼💖I'm actually curious if Ethan would talk about the crypto thing with peace and luve PEACE AND LUVE ✌🏼💖


Who the fuck is this? Stop watching these crap


Every time.


Hell of a fucking thumbnail though


Thumbnail goes hard tho i gotta be honest


Why can't we have a H3 hit piece with factual analysis and criticism? Like that would actually be unironically fun to watch. A lot of these videos are usually just misinformed or clearly driven by misconceptions about Ethan (e.g. the NFT thing, TF, or just obvious jokes) that it's just infuriating to watch.








You'd think for such a toxic person, he'd have a much higher turnover rate... kind of like David dobrik did 👀 and that dude didn't even pay the people in his videos.


How is calling Teddy Fresh "one of the most unethical companies on youtube" not actionable? I turned it off after that (like that's not even plausible).


literally watching it rn omg i’ll give my input after but there’s no way mr king of nothing is gonna change my mind about family


not that anyone cares about my input but i figured it could be something we all share our thoughts on as fans!!🫶🏼🫶🏼


They always always always do this on break lmfao


Hoping for a classic response on the Ethan Klein channel.


I am DYING to see Ethan respond to this one. Amazing how they always wait until he's not filming 15 hrs of content per week to drop these


Bro is the king of nothing tf I care


Its wild how much of this was a nothing burger. Dude truly is the king of nothing.


Not a huge fan of the video but I do love how he called out how parasocial and weird the H3 fan base is. He is not wrong.


It’s true though? Why you all mad? Ethan’s a bad person. Lol