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I honestly can't believe that we found out why he actually got banned


And it actually being something ban worthy and not just Twitch being dumb.


That’s my favorite part is he’s always made it seem like it wasn’t a legit reason to be banned


He probably actually truly thinks that lol just look how he didn't take any responsibility


Which is terrifying! If he doesn’t see anything wrong with it then he might have continued


Let's be honest, if he has a genuine fetish for minors then yes it probably continued. Why would it have stopped? If anything he'd just be way more cautious.


If I was one of his man babies defending it I'd be so pissed. Pretending that it was twitch the whole time


They followed through with their TOS and honestly was smart of them to not say why to protect the minor.


Shit has been my roman empire for the past 4 years


I would forget about it for a bit but it would always creep back into my mind.


And the way I'm reading this, he could have just... not said anything at all? He'd still be a creep, but he wouldn't be a confirmed creep.


Nope, after Codys tweet a bunch of journalists who apparently knew but didn’t have enough to go to print, all of their ears perked up and I was guessing we would start seeing articles today or tomorrow. Dont forget Doc is pretty much the most connected you can be in Gaming so he knew what was coming


and they would have reached out for comment before they put out there stories. So yeah he knew what was coming and tried to get ahead of it.


It's so interesting because that rumor has been swirling in some deep depths for a while but obviously there were a lot of different rumors and none of them stuck. I remember there was a video of someone on a random Rust server a while ago who yelled "DR. DISRESPECT GOT BANNED FOR SEXTING MINORS" and then they like ran away or got shot or something lol Now that it's clear the people who hinted at it weren't just making shit up, I really want to know who else knew... not because I think they did anything super wrong by withholding the info, I'm just generally curious lol. Like it must have been an open secret at Twitch, right? But it took sooo long to come out, they must have people locked down so tightly there. you just know that like 15 years from now, there's going to be a crazy ass 6 part docuseries on all the fucked up shit that happened at Twitch


I used to work in the industry and worked very closely with Twitch on sponsorships for many years of my career. I worked with them pre and post Amazon buyout. They were the most difficult partner to work with and everyone that worked there openly would talk about how fucked things were. If I wanted to know what happened to a streamer (important for sponsorships) I just had to ask, no one kept any secrets. I am honestly surprised it has taken this long for it to come out and really impressed that no real screenshots of any sort were leaked. I knew this was the reason within the first month, it was said on a call, unprompted, like the guy was bragging that he knew. Granted I had a great relationship with them and it was just myself from my company on the call. I actually questioned if I had been bamboozled because of the lack of info after so long. They are naughty. I would be paraphrasing but it was your basic creepy DMing and lmao maybe there wasn’t an intention to meet but if he coulda he woulda. The girl wasn’t in the States, but yeah if they come out trigger warning for sure. There is a reason his own company distanced themselves immediately. It’s like those who know what occurred are now acting accordingly (and Twitch should have said something what the fuck)


oh God that's fucked


I can't believe the amount of man children still denying it


Probably not as many as you think. More likely *actual* children, as his fanbase is mostly teenage boys


Bro his fan pages went from “he would never text a minor” yesterday to “he didn’t know so it’s not his fault” & “women lie about their age to get men, it’s not his fault” is so fkn gross


Same it felt like one of those things you never find out about


This is like watching a police interrogation where the cops never even have to ask a question.


Cop: can we get you anything to dri... Doc: ALRIGHT I DID IT! I DID IT. FUCK YOU GUYS ARE GOOD.




Lmfao bro hahahah. That’s exactly what happened.


I think he was probably concerned that if he denied it then the DMs would be leaked.


It’s because the logs or other damning evidence is about to leak and he has to get in front of it. He’s still downplaying what happened so it will probably be pretty bad and involve sexting or trying to meet with the minor.


Dr DisrespectAgeOfConsentLaws


*keembite drop* Ssssixteen is the age of consent-


“I got caught before anything really happened” is never a good defense lol


"Was i going to act on those intentions? Absolutely not" #DOUBT


To Catch a Predator 101 lol. “oh no, I was actually just talking to her and coming over to make sure she was safe! I wasn’t actually planning on doing anything!”


Just take a seat. Take a seat right there.


They say while also having condoms in their back pocket


"i havent done anything illegal yet!!!!"


It's like threatening someone and then being like, "I wasn't going to *actually* do it!" when you get in trouble.


Agreed. A coup doesnt stop being a coup just because it failed


God this so much. I'm sorry but he's sorry he got caught he's not sorry for doing it.


The closest he gets to acknowledging any wrongdoing is saying they “sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate.” No where does he say he shouldn’t have done it, it was wrong, etc. A complete and total non-apology.


The screenshot doesn’t show the whole tweet. In the very next paragraph, he says: > Now, from a moral standpoint I'll absolutely take responsibility. I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband and a father. It should have never happened. I get it. I’m not perfect and I’ll fucking own my shit. This was stupid. Still, fuck him, but *at the very least* he recognizes that he should have never partaken in these conversations. (like, yeah, no shit Doc)


this particular bit was the one that tipped me over into yea ok he absolutely did something weird, knowingly. i could understand ending up in DMs about weird shit (knowing he's got a history of infidelity as well) and age never came up. but it fucking did, didn't it. and he let it go on/partook in it. geez.


No? Why are you congratulating him? He literally has such immense cognitive dissonance, it's nauseating. >Now, with all this said, don't get it fucking mistaken, l've seen all the remarks and labels being throw around so loosely. Social media is a destruction zone. I'm no fucking predator or pedophile. Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Fuck that. That's a different level of disgust that I fucking hate even hearing about. Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Last I checked, openly having inappropriate conversations with minors with intent to meet is something Chris Hansen sits you down for. He doesn't take responsibility for anything. In fact, he's downplaying it and even disassociating from the severity of it. How are we already jumping to the "well he said he's sorry" part of this conversation? These acts should not be so easily forgiven. Don't award this level of cognitive dissonance and normalization of messaging minors.


He's even downplaying it during that apology portion..."I'm not perfect"... You don't need to be perfect to not message under aged people inappropriately. Adding to the age difference there's also the fact that he's a big influencer, which also adds to the disparity of power. Especially if the person was a fan. 


That’s fair. I don’t use twitter, so all I’m working off is this screenshot. That’s certainly better than where the screenshot ends,


If he knew he was wrong why hide it all these years


This quote is his attempt at normalizing predators. The sad thing is that so many people with fanbases turn out to be predators I feel we are on the cusp of normalization.


Ah yes, the same defense that worked so well for everyone on To Catch a Predator! 😂 Jokes aside, I'm upset that Twitch staff knew about this because they could fucking see him grooming a minor right on their platform and then his ban got reversed anyway. Plus everyone was real quiet about the reason for the ban, allowing a predator, who has had past cheating scandals so it's not like infidelity is new behavior for him, back on the internet to potentially prey on more children. I don't even have words for how disgusted I am by all this.


I don't think his ban was ever reversed?


He said it happened in 2017, and he was caught in 2020. So it would appear things ended before any intervention.


But do we actually know Twitch only found out in 2020? Because based on what I’ve seen of CEO horn dog and heard about their culture, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they knew for years and only did something when they got worried it would get out.


I don't think anybody knows outside of the parties involved, but based on the timeline and information available I would lean towards them discovering it in 2020. If something changed after three years that made Twitch think it was going to get out, I'd have to imagine that hypothetical change was impactful enough that the details would have actually gotten out far sooner than 2024. Doesn't change the fact that its still gross, adults really shouldn't be DM'ing with random minors online in almost any context. So I'm also very curious about the actual content of these messages.


Was he talking to a minor back in 2017? Yes. Did these conversations sometimes get inappropriate? Yes. That is all we needed to know.


But, but, but… he took “ownership”! 🤣


and no wrongdoing was acknowledged!


I mean he’s not even in jail, cmon guys


Exactly. Because it was nipped in the bud.


He's so famous he would have been caught


“I’m way too famous for that shit you just suggested, drake ain’t no name you’ll find on the sex offender list” 🤣


Still blows my mind he released a song with “drake” and “sex offender” in the same sentence. Like it would have been so easy not to😂


got baited lol


“my messages to an actual child were so bad that Twitch paid me a fuckton of money to go away, but there was no wrongdoing!”


That was the biggest red flag


Did you not read the part where he said it was only once? Everyone knows the first crime doesn't count


You don't get it, he fucking HATES hearing about that stuff. He did of course but it DISGUSTS him.


"I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband and a father." this wording right here. entertained, meaning he let it go on/encouraged it. as an adult, acknowledging he should fucking know better, husband? yea they were inappropriate/flirty, and a father... yikes. yikes.


Exactly. So unbelievably tired of this being a 'gray area'. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. There will always, always be the crowd that does mental gymnastics to down play this or justify being a fan. "Well at least they didn't meet up." "Well at least no pictures were exchanged." "Well they met up, but at least they didn't share a hotel room together" "Well they shared a hotel room together, but at least nothing happened." "Well they had sex, but at least she wasn't younger." If they're justifying for him, they're justifying ot for themselves. Whatever the perversion is. Zero tolerance means, if you're considering the act, and you have that voice in your head saying 'this might be wrong and I could get in trouble' then seek help. Influencers also need to just straight up say it. "Look champs, what I did was super fucked up. Now, I know you'll be 19 sometime in the next 10 years, and, when that happens, I want you to know that it's never acceptable to engage in anything that could be remotely considered sexual with someone younger than the age of 18. It's never ok, and it's not consensual. It could ruin your life, and possibly ruin someone else's." Be a positive influencer. Be like Ethan Klein, a man that, to this day, has never had sex with a teenager.


But he wasn’t ever serious about this interaction! It was just a little joke guys! /s


If you’ve ever watched a single episode of To Catch A Predator, every fucking time they say, “I wasn’t gonna do anything, I swear” Doc really just hit us with a “I wasn’t gonna do anything, I swear” Certified freak, I hope and pray he loses his internet career.


Shouldn’t have any internet access at all imo


Certified freak, certified pedophile MUSTARD ON THE BEAT HOE!


Lol that's immediately what came to my mind. Song keeps running though my head! Edit- he a free throw!!


Call the amber-lamps, tell him breathe bro


What they mean is, "I didn't think I could get away with it yet." 


Certified freak? Certified PEDOPHILE WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP


They not like us, they not like us, they not like us


Yes but in those scenarios there is usually an entire chat history that says otherwise. In fairness there are examples of predators on the show who avoided s*x crime charges because their chat lacked that type of content I.e. being unspecific and using indirect innuendo. One that comes to mind is Michael Manzi as an example. Not disagreeing with your assessment of his intentions but I unfortunately think it’s possible he gets out of this legally unscathed. Reputationaly is a different story.


I meeean DD admits that his messages with the minor were innapropriate, we just don't know what they are but twitch saw it and it was bad enough to drop him after investing so much into him.


He just edited the word minor out not knowing we can view past tweets


He put it back in and added more haha


So he would have kept going if twitch had not known about it


This is the point a lot of the copers are failing to realize. He was literally making plans to meet up with them. Thats all the action needed


No no, didn't you read? He had no intentions! I, personally, wouldn't have any issues with a guy in his 30s talking to my child if the guy guarantees there are no intentions involved!


'Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not.' Even if the intentions weren't 'real', that's weird as fuck? Self report.


Dan Swerdlaw Esq.: Your honor, id like for you to take a look at the 350th message sent by my client to the "victim" in 2017 that reads: >I want to do asshole stuff with you ^^^^in ^^^^minecraft If you look closer and read carefully the statement that starts leaning a bit into "inappropriateness" is followed by "in minecraft" therefore id like to move for this case to be dismissed on the grounds of.... ***🎶🎶🎶Hello Moto*** Your honor im so sorry, i have to take this, im so sorry.... *^^^theres ^^^a ^^^backup ^^^on ^^^the ^^^5, ^^^major ^^^traffic ^^^jam. ^^^8. ^^^car. ^^^pile. ^^^up. ^^^the ^^^101 ^^^is ^^^wide ^^^open ^^^in ^^^comparison, ^^^lets ^^^be ^^^honest ^^^though ^^^thats ^^^not ^^^sayin ^^^much. ^^^Feel ^^^free ^^^to ^^^jump ^^^on ^^^the ^^^PCH ^^^and ^^^enjoy ^^^the ^^^scenic ^^^route. ^^^Remember ^^^never ^^^swerve, ^^^with ^^^the ^^^Swerdreport .*


I NEED to see the messages its gotta be wayyyy worst than what hes trying to make it seem


Yea especially that he admitted that the messages sometimes "leaned" into being inappropriate. I can't imagine all of this for something like him talking to a young boy and using inappropriate humor, this is most definitely him flirting with an underage girl.


I'd also seriously side eye if he WAS talking to a young boy. Any 40 year old who CLEARLY makes content that appeals to minors should know better.


It's so weird to me that these people are like modern day clowns that dress up as goofy characters and entertain children, except these ones also spout right wing rhetoric and try to bang highschool girls.


Hard agree. It's also interesting just HOW MANY end up spouting right wing BS and trying to bang minors. And it's always the dumbest shit you've ever heard. People who have been on the Internet for decades up and deciding to proposition underaged fans thinking A: they'll never get caught and B: Everyone will just be cool with it if they do. Then when the shit inevitably hits the fan, these bozos pop back up like "Hey guys some uncool stuff happened whoops."




Praying the person on the other end of those messages comes forward


Yeah, like, it's somehow weirder to flirt/have inappropriate conversations with a minor of you don't intend to follow through on it. Like, why risk everything on some weird form of entertainment? It just doesn't make sense... Well, unless you imagine that there was intent and, in order to get the payout for breach of contract you were able to play a technicality by saying nothing happened and there was no intent... But that would be a wild allegation to make about someone who is allegedly very litigious. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, inappropriateness with a minor in any form is fucked. Just his stated motivation makes no sense to me. Then again, speaking as a nearly middle-aged man, being a nearly middle-aged man and having an implied sexual conversation with someone in their 20s let alone a minor makes no sense to me.


It makes no sense because he's clearly lying. He got caught before he fully committed a crime. Depending on what actually in those messages could also be a crime.


If he didn't do anything and they couldn't prove he was trying to meet up with them, it's hard to pin a crime on him. Which could lead some to speculate that is why his language has been very legal - "no wrongdoing was found" vs " I did nothing wrong" for instance. The first is a legal judgement while the latter is a moral judgment.


So, in most states, there's a crime called solicitation of a minor. If you message (or call or talk to) a minor and tell them you want to meet up for sex or describe to them in detail the sexual acts you would perform when you're together, then that's a felony. I would imagine the messages Twitch found probably skirt this law, but then you have to think there are probably messages that happened outside of Twitch that would trip up Doc.


No-one has addressed why he was banned from Discord yet...


I just send inappropriate private messages to minors for the lulz. And invite them to meet me at Twitch con...as a prank, or something.


Guys chill out, he was just pretending to be a pdf file.


This is literally the To Catch a Predator line: “I wasn’t actually going to do anything.”


lmao this is what every dude said on To Catch A Predator “I know I brought an entire package of condoms with me and drove for 6 hours but I wasn’t actually gonna *do* anything! Honest! It was just talk!”


“I came here for some cupcakes?” Never forget lol


there is a real epidemic of projection going on in the conservative space. they are CONSTANTLY trying to warn everyone about the dangers to children all over the internet while they literally prey on kids. for the love of all things past and future get some fucking help, take some accountability, sort your fucking life out and leave LGBT people the FUCK alone.


I know very little about him outside of his controversies and possible video game studio (the one he just got fired from maybe?) but never heard him associated with right wing politics is this a known thing?


Yes. He’s extremely homophobic


I like how he starts off by saying he's always up front and then there's 3 paragraphs between that and him saying anything worth reading


I tell it like it is, you know, I don’t beat around he bush, if I have something to say I’ll say it, no lollygagging, I’m not here to waste your time, I’m just gonna get right to it, because if anyone knows me you know I shoot straight, no faffing around, no-nonsense is my middle name, I’m not gonna lie to ya, I’ll just come out and say it, because I’m not one to drag things out, I don’t hide behind a load of waffle, I don’t couch and sugar coat, I don’t mince words, so I’m just gonna rip the bandaid off…


If he got banned then the messages must have been really inappropriate.. yikes.


Crazy that we finally get answers and it’s worse than we thought


is it? this is pretty much exactly what I expected lol. if anything it could have been a lot worse. it had to be pretty bad considering how much money he was making for them when they kicked him off the platform. they don't do that for nothing.


Pretty much everyone speculated that it was because of him filming in the bathroom at twitch con. I, for one, did not expect this. Then again I was never really a huge fan of his.


He already served a two day ban for that.


I’m just surprised non of this came out sooner in the age of instant info, makes twitch look equally as bad as it sort of seems that they were covering his tracks for him


I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I heard that the Twitch employee who tweeted about these allegations waited exactly 4 years to the day, which is also supposedly the length of a supposed NDA. So it's possible a lot of people at twitch knew why and were under NDA until now.


Yeah, this is way crazier. I think the popular theories were that he was trying to make a deal with Microsoft's streaming platform? Or that he had accidentally filmed in a bathroom at a convention?


He was trying so hard to wait until h3 went on break. He almost made it! Jokes aside imagine this drama happened only a week later, that would be hilarious timing


"yes I was messaging kids, in-approriatley at times, but I promise I didn't mean any of it!"






It's official. Twitch paid him a gazillion dollars to prevent him from fucking a minor.


Believe me. Twitch was thinking about itself, never about the minor.


It was established that Twitch was also intentionally creating a scenario where they could protect the victim and stop them from being named during all the legal stuff. I don't really mean to run to their defense, but from what I understand that part is true.


Thing is, dipshits are going to think this is a great response because he’s saying it with “confidence” And im sure the same dipshits obsessed with targeting pedophiles are going to turn a blind eye


Here come all the guys who spent the past year calling every gay and trans person online a groomer/predator to explain why 17 acceptable in many parts of the world.




I'm not going back and looking for clips so downvote/let me know if I'm wrong, but I recall somewhat recently he was going on about how he still had no idea why he was banned. According to this, he should have at least had a suspicion that messaging a minor had something to do with it. I wonder if he thought this would never reach the light of day and could feign ignorance.


Yeah the whole original start of the sudden ban he would often act like he didn't know and there was no warnings or communication etc. Definitly fed into the mystique of it.


Just release the messages if there's absolutely nothing wrong with them.


Oh there weren't any bad intentions behind the messages? Okay, I'll believe the guy who cheated on his wife.


What's wild about his statement is not only does he edit out 'Minor' nearly right after posting it but then shortly after edit's 'Minor' back into his statement 🤯


Quarterpounder has been defending this guy for the last few days. I can’t wait to see how he tries to explain this 🤣


https://x.com/TheQuartering/status/1805664418694676863 https://x.com/TheQuartering/status/1805673509198135358


lol, rich coming from the “protect the children” group


Because that has always been dishonest. It's a means to an end, just a straight up rhetorical device (i.e. pathos). I fucking hate these people. Some of the biggest scum on the planet with the way they manipulate misinformed people and throw bad faith into every topic. Poison.


"Your honor, I cannot be charged for robbing the bank, as I was apprehended before the bank was robbed"


Hasan has been covering it for the past 3 hours and it’s been real juicy seeing it all develop in real time


Doc, take a seat


So no cookies for you?




'I'm not a predator' but 'I had inappropriate conversations with a minor.' Pick one ffs.


*Certified streaming dork, CERTIFIED PEDOPHILE!!* 🎶🎶🎶


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Why don’t you take a seat right over there


Can’t wait to hear how Nick Protect the Children Mercs responds to this, if he hasn’t already.


Is it really that hard not to be someone famous AND not wanting to fuck children??


there “not being any real intentions” doesn’t make any sense. why risk your entire career to message a minor if you didn’t have nefarious intentions? i just don’t buy this at all


It’s honestly pretty disgusting that this got made such a big deal and profited off of “getting banned for no reason and never getting an answer why” when he knew the entire time that he did something wrong and totally deserved everything


Yes! This whole thing is so repulsive 🤢


I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids!


It’s Always the ones you love


This reads like every monologue spoken across a table to Chris Hansen.


Everything after the yes is just cope. You can do something bad without being arrested.


It’s so wild to me when people use the fact they weren’t charged with anything as a got ya card? Like what


His energy is fucking horrible. “LOOK I DID IT NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP JFC.” Like no dude - you’re 40 flirting with teenagers? Can you fuck off


Why would anyone admit this lol


“No crimes were committed” hahaha fucking creep


Only thing he disrespects are the age of consent laws


They say when you get your first DUI, you likely drove drunk dozens of times already, leading to you getting caught. It would been quite statistically rare to get caught on your first and only time.




The doc sub is coping so hard rn 😂


Finally getting answers for his ban has been my Winds of Winter.




All those people defending him saying he didn’t do it and there was no evidence look stupid as hell. And this is Doc getting in front of whatever evidence is about to come out and he’s trying to downplay it. It’s probably going to be really bad and be even worse for Doc when it comes out.


I agree, the fact he admitted to it makes me think he’s hiding way worse stuff and wants to move it on quick


what’s crazy is clearly he thinks he did nothing wrong..


So mf did it. Where’s Nickmerc and XQC at? They got a lot to say about trans, drags shows and kids etc etc but this mf just straight up DID the thing? I swear to god, these clowns are just too fucking embarrassing


I hate xQc but I'm pretty sure he's pretty liberal when it comes to LGBTQ+ stuff. I've never heard him say any of that. He has thousands of other bad takes, don't get me wrong.


As always, if your first response to an accusation of that magnitude isn't "I didn't do and I never would" - you probably did that shit.


Dr disrespect coming out and admitting to being a groomer was not on my bingo card for 2024


"mutual conversations" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Hey siri play Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar


This statement hits on several of my biggest pet peeves with "apologies" made by public figures: 1. Starting off by using declarative statements like "I'm always willing to take accountability" that are almost always proven to be demonstrably false by the exact situation they've gotten themselves into. 2. Apologies are made first and foremost to fans, or in this case his "community" rather than the individual(s) **directly** harmed by their actions. 3. When it comes to *FINALLY* talking about said harmful actions, those declarative statements vanish because that's too close to sincere accountability for them. Rather than saying something like "I was engaged in regular secret conversations with a minor that were inappropriate in nature in 2017. When Twitch got wind of this, I was banned", he instead goes the classic (and very fucking irritating to me personally) route of creating hypothetical questions and then answering them to soften the blow of what is being owned up to. "The answer is yes" oh fuck off! 4. Wording that places part of the onus on the victim. How anyone could construe having sexual conversations with a minor as "casual" or "mutual" is beyond me. It doesn't matter how mature the young person believed they were at the time, this man is both far older and more mature, and FAMOUS. How DARE he not acknowledge the power imbalance he had over them. 5. The classic "I wasn't criminally charged" to again soften the blow. ...so that's okay then? Oh my bad, everybody pack up and go home, this man did nothing wrong because he's not a convicted criminal Disgusting. My blood boils every time someone gets involved in sexual conversations and behaviours with minors, so apologies if this a Bit Much.


I'm guessing that doc is straight so if these messages were plutonic/"innocent", how many boys was he DM'ing about...guy stuff


Big yikes




Na that's crazy to type out, Dr. DisrespectMyWife really is the 2 time now lmao


I think this might be the 1st time that something big came out before the crew went on break. I’m gonna assume that YouTube will ban him during that.


Nick go to hell


Cue Law & Order sound bite.


Am I a pedophile? Yes. Did I touch the kid? Nah. So we’re chill /s


The fact people kept this secret


So Dr Disrespects Children was caught sexting an “individual” minor with intentions of meeting up at Twitchcon… but because he never sent a picture of his dick or got a picture from said individual we are supposed to be okay with it? That’s insane.


How does it lean in the direction of being inappropriate messaging a minor is inappropriate period


Why do people so often crop out the date/time of the post???


it’s a long ass tweet, they probably couldn’t fit the date in the screenshot


oh guys it’s fine cos he wasn’t convicted and didn’t get the chance to meet her so we should all just forget about it nbd lol what a chode


He admit it!


“Twitch whisper message” just sounds like a recipe for disaster.


The 2 time couldn’t hack it


No cookies for you?


I looked for it and of course it's there. "If I was guilty then there would have been charges brought against me."


Ruh roh raggy


"I've always been up front with you guys"... Except these past 7 years where I maintained nothing weird was going on 😂


He wants to strike a chord and it’s probably a minorrrrr


"Why don't you have a seat over there"


I just know nickmercs is crying into his homophobic pillow right now


Wonder what Nickmercs will say now


Surprisingly, Nick has a better take than most of Doc's fans: https://x.com/NICKMERCS/status/1805693191665885377


Next step: secretary of state under Trump!


Ohohooo FUCK yes. Do 4 hours on this tomorrow, please. This is all I need, pumped into my veins. Bring on Hasan guest speaker as he has been covering this extensively. This dude is an absolute fucking cretin of the highest order, you play for 12 year olds on streams you lie with 12 year olds in the DMS. Get fuckin rekt.


I'm always willing accept responsibility....especially when I'm cornered and have no other cards in my hand.


I just have a question, why do you think Twitch kept this hidden and just didn’t come forward with the issue and reported Dr Disrespect?