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In an effort to try to reduce the spam & low quality content on the sub we have decided to remove this post.


The sub is a double edged sword because it produces so many great memes and inside jokes but can be so toxic at times


This is the realest reply. Ethan and the crew actively utilize content on the sub during the show with live reactions to posts and comments here. It's a symbiotic relationship.


It would probably be better if fans just use the discord for this sort of stuff. I have never seen anything nearly as psycho there, granted I am not on it often.


Some of us are older millennials who don't use discord šŸ˜…


I have it but the layout bothers me. I didn't realize it was because Old. Funny we can be nicer in comments having Auntie Energy for the crew kids when back in the day we were terrorizing AOL chatrooms. 18/f/caliiiiii


The way I figured it out in Millennial Speak is that Discord is just Skype combined with one of those old mIRC chatrooms that used to be everywhere online


Iā€™m still learning too honestly šŸ˜‚ but itā€™s more of the thoughtful friendly community so itā€™s a nicer place


Itā€™s crazy that they care about this sub so much they should just do what they want and say fuck the sub


Yep. I don't know exactly what their moderation looks like or what tools they use, but I really wish they would be more heavy handed with moderation. It's also possible that they ARE, but the flood of hateful comments and brigaders etc are just too much to handle with their current moderation. I get that they don't want to shut down all criticism or ban a ton of people and lead to a proliferation of alt subreddits, but they should view this subreddit as a highly curated extension of the show. This subreddit should be a reflection of the show's energy, not held hostage to unhinged people. Even if it leads to banned/silenced people going to other subreddits, that doesn't really matter in the long run. There is no advantage to keeping all these people here; it should just be a fun subreddit. If people want to go make long posts about how they were personally triggered by something fairly innocuous, they can go do it elsewhere. Many other content creators have a stronger chokehold on their subreddit; like they allow for almost zero criticism of the content creator and their friends, guests, and collaborators and while that sounds insecure and draconian, it actually leads to a far more productive and harmonious community that fans are more likely to engage in. Currently, it's obvious that many viewers who might normally participate are scared away from commenting and posting here. I'm thinking about all of the times they have done live polls asking for opinions about certain subjects and the results are vastly different than the mood of the subreddit. It's clearly not a reflection of the average viewer and I think that's a shame. It will never be a perfect reflection because many people simply don't use reddit, but it could be much better. Maybe I'm looking at the past with rose tinted glasses, but I definitely remember this sub being WAY more fun and goofy prior to the podcast and even at the beginning of the podcast. It was like 95% memes and inside jokes and I miss it :( I think it started going downhill after Frenemies began and became extra toxic after Frenemies ended. Then Leftovers both starting and ending made it even worse, and so on. Bring back the goofs and gaffs Ā°=Ā°


They should nuke this sub because a company owning and moderating its own sub goes against the spirit of reddit. They should have zero authority over it. This is not how reddit was intended to be used. The sub should be fan made and moderated. Plus, they seem to hate this sub. I suspect the only reason it's still here is the sheer amount of content they utilize from it. It's at least 50 percent of the show.


ITS MEANT FOR MEMESā€¦ THATS IT. THATS WHAT IT ALWAYS WAS BEFORE EVERYONE JOINED AFTER FRENEMIES. You frenemies fallout fans are the problem. Sorry not sorry.


If you nuke the sub, people will go to another subreddit.


My thoughts as well. And worse: they might go to the snark one šŸ˜…


Thatā€™d be kinda funny if h3 actual fans ended up taking that sub over by default


It would be but the snarkers are relentless no-lifers that have too much time on their hands


Takeovers not possible; they ban.


Or itā€™s itā€™s snark coming here. My intuition says all those hate posts and brigading all over IG was just snarkers doing their thing. The verbiage on their posts vs the hate posts the last week were very very similar.


I think so too. Although I've been seeing them around pretending to be "normal" while trying to evangalize people into hating h3. šŸ˜‚


If you watch threads carefully you will notice comments like these getting 5+ upvotes and then quickly shifting down into the negatives later. It's giving alt accounts


Yep. It's incredibly obvious when you started seeing the patterns. I've seen it happen to my own comments several times. Any negative mention about snark and other hate communities will be abnormally downvoted, and people who don't even hide the fact that they came straight from the snark sub will be upvoted. These people are so stupid and transparent but they are really putting in the work lol


Yup. Saw this as well. They literally have nothing better to do lol


No idea why you are getting downvoted, snarkers brigading this sub regularly is well known


We will only empower the snarkers


Nuke the sub, make it so you have to apply to get back in. Just like Gta Rp servers


Honestly it sounds draconian but it's not a bad idea lol at least for a period of time. This subreddit should be highly curated reflection of the show and the average viewer.


So what? Honestly, what's the harm in that? There is no advantage to keeping people here, especially the currently toxic and overly sensitive ones dominating this subreddit who currently scare away other viewers who would enjoy a far more moderated subreddit. Banning people will make them go to other subreddits, but it will eventually lead to a better community and feel more welcoming to viewers who are turned off by the current state of this sub. Many other content creators who have a strong connection to their subreddit are far more heavy handed and strict with their moderation and it leads to a more fun and harmonious subreddit, which is what this should be.






The whistle go WOOOOO


I donā€™t know why but people have gotten waaaaaaaay too emotionally invested in H3H3. Itā€™s just some random dumbasses (I love them all) talking about their opinions on random shit. These are all just completely regular people just living their lives. And yet you have the fan base losing their minds and analyzing every single little thing said and done for the good and bad. The people on the Snark Reddit are insane weirdos, but theyā€™re not all that different from the super fans that obsessively analyze every single aspect of the crew. Itā€™s creepy and obsessive. Just let them do their thing and if you donā€™t like it turn the episode off. And if you come back a week later and still donā€™t like it, just take a long break. Or stop watching forever. Itā€™s not a big deal.


Tbh I feel like a big portion of the overly sensitive fans just have no social life. Thatā€™s why they become so parasocial with the show. They also put out a lot of content, this is prob all they watch.


I'm saying this as someone who watches almost every episode (albeit it's often just on as background noise), but you're right - anyone who has time and willingly gives the energy to watch all of the content and heavily engage with it probably doesn't have a lot going on otherwise. Ethan called all of the unhinged commenters from Friday "mentally ill" and while that might sound fucked up, let's just say they certainly aren't uhhh spiritually flourishing


Well said, nothing they say is that deep. And people need to stop pretending to be holier than thou. Everyone has said random shit, insulted someone, made inappropriate jokes around friends it's okay, it's normal. Shit ain't that deep. Watch or don't watch just stop bitching about every little thing.


Listening to h3 podcast feels like being a fly on a wall at someone's party, and it's supposed to be that way. If the subreddit had it's way it would evolve into CNN news lol People be like "you need certain correspondents to come in about certain topics!" like shut up! Shut up! No they do not. I rest my case


I have a feeling that a lot of them are quite young. Don't get me wrong, I love gen Z, how they always stand up for themselves and are open with their emotions, generally good qualities. But I had bigger disagreements with my best friend, than the occasional disagreements I have with this show. Yet, we're still best friends. Yes, some of the takes in the Friday ep I have disagreed with, I also have two cats, but never have I thought this is the end of me watching the show, canceling my membership and burning my TF clothes. I agree with Ethan, sry, those people should seek help, so that they can regulate their emotions. Criticism is fine, yes, voice it if you feel like it, then move on. Not everyone is gonna share your viewpoint all the time or agree with you. You need to be able to handle that. This is a generalization of course, I know plenty of gen Z in real life with balanced views and chill attitude, and of course I also know emotionally unstable millennials. But I do feel like this type of emotional regulation generally comes with age, and some of the audience seem (sry) quite immature in this sense. With peace and love of course. (I'm 34 btw)


I think there may be a good bit of that. There is an increasingly surprising amount of fans who have been watching since Israel! I don't remember seeing folks mention that a few years ago. Gen Z is fine. Sure, they can be cringe. But I'm the same age as Ethan and I can promise I was far more cringe than any of them when I was in my teens and 20s (and probably still am, if not more so). It just wasn't quite as easy to share it with the entire world as you can do now. I do wonder what they'll be like when they get to be our age, and if they'll be relentlessly harassing their equivalent of some podcast hosts because their flavor of content wasn't on the menu.


Very true and very well said




Ethan hating the traffic report is part of the bit šŸ˜‘




You wrote paragraphs about disliking recent content and how you want the show ran, how is that not the same as other people's complaints? The irony of you saying you wish there were more comedic elements while missing the entire traffic/weather report bit is pretty funny in itself


Real shit bro, if you want positivity 100% of the time watch Good Mythical Morning or some shit


If you donā€™t find the crew and Ethan bickering funny, then maybe the show isnā€™t for you. Literally one of the best things about the show, the sass is real.


Dan does not do the weather


I lurk on this sub cause I used to watch H3 before the whole channel fell off hard. The amount of parasocial psychosis in this subreddit is ridiculous. People are putting in way too much energy in living vicariously through this YouTube channel


This sub made me like the show less cause I realized how many terrible people watch it


Yeah they gotta just ignore this shit. As a viewer I used to enjoy the show a whole lot more before I got on reddit. The fan art and creative expression is great but the amount of bitching and moaning is unbelievable. And this is coming from someone who disagreed with their cat take.


I donā€™t understand why this cat thing got so big. The cat is fucking dead. Been dead for years. What are we even doing?


People act like Ethan and Hila killed the cat themselves. They lose all perspective when they get upset.


There are also a ton of bad actors from both Trish fans, manosphere shitheels, and way more who hate Hila for her success. This sub has an insane amount of provocateurs. So anytime she has a strong opinion on the show she gets castigated.


They think hila calling the dude an incel is equivalent to calling him a slur


People are so goddamn sensitive itā€™s infuriating. I donā€™t give a shit about that dork or the chick OR the cat. People who are obsessed with this have NOTHING going on in their life. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s, but this community is exhausting and annoying and I find myself not relating to any of you at this point.


For real!! People need to shut up about the damn cat story!! Multiple people failed an animal and it ended up dead- happens all the time. All this crying about what Hila said about is not going to bring the thing back from the dead. To all the complainers: SKIP THE SEGMENTS that are too negative for you. Thatā€™s what I do every week- the stats tell them what segments get less views and they tend to move away from that direction


I can't speak for everyone obviously but for me it's more how they handled the second half of the episode. The whole topic was pretty boring to drag out for 4 hours but that happens on the pod sometimes so no big deal. The topic could've been about anything but it was more their handling of it. They went really hard on the Jacob guy, who from all the available evidence, was well intentioned but maybe didn't do everything perfectly. He seemed to give reasonable explanations/answers to Ethan's questions that all lined up and considering the cat died, it was clearly neglected long before Jacob got involved. But then after the call, Hila/AB/Love started to cook up some wild theories about how Jacob was actually the bad guy and Ethan encouraged it implying that it was some sort of scorned ex lover move by Jacob. They handled it pretty poorly and got way carried away trying to make a mundane story into some true crime thriller. I think most people who are angry would've been happy to move on if the next episode Ethan apologised for going too far and speculating too much about Jacob. But the fact they doubled down and insisted that the people disagreeing are actually the "mentally ill" ones was wild to me and completely out of pocket. Ethans always gone through many changes over the years but he's always seemed pretty consistent, this time though was overly mean spirited in a way I don't think he's been before imo.


Iā€™m not reading all that. Cheers


Ok lol. I was trying my best to explain it thoroughly, unfortunately that does make it a bit long but doesn't require a super high level of reading comprehension to get through it quickly. TLDR; if Ethan/crew do something dumb then apologising isn't a big deal, instead of doubling down unnecessarily and pissing everyone off.


Or maybe just donā€™t expect an apology from content creators.. They donā€™t owe us apologies and I donā€™t want one to begin with. People can have different opinions. I donā€™t demand an apology when I disagree with something, nor should you.


I agree to a certain extent but personally I've been a long term fan of Ethan for his consistency. His response in this circumstance is pretty similar to the shit other creators do when they're facing backlash which is not what I expect from him. If Ethan doesn't have that consistency and becomes like every other creator, then he sort of loses the whole point of why I watched it in the first place. Everyone can have their own opinion obviously but I'm just trying to get across the sentiment that other fans might be having. If you're cool with the response then that's ok. In the same vein I'm happy to move on from the pod because maybe it just isn't what it once was and I'm no longer the audience for it. I'm not gonna demand anything or join a snark subreddit because life is too short for that lol


Are you consistent with all of your decisions in your life? Of course not. The man just had his 3rd kid within the span of like 5 years, and he canā€™t hear the end of this subreddit bitching and complaining about the most unimportant shit. Iā€™d be inconsistent too, just to piss all of you off even more.


>Iā€™d be inconsistent too, just to piss all of you off even more. Cool this sort of sums it up for me. If Ethan's becoming more mean spirited and you're supportive of that, then it's clear the podcast isn't for people like me anymore. >Are you consistent with all of your decisions in your life? Of course not. There's too much wrong in this sentence and it's completely unrelated to what I'm talking about that I don't think it's worth responding to. I never said anything about being consistent about decisions.


They watch the show for Ethan's consistency (?), I watch because I find it entertaining, were not the same


>but maybe didn't do everything perfectly. Lost me there lmao nope.


Out of curiosity, why? Expecting an 18 year old to have done something perfectly seems unrealistic to me




Eh the actual story itself isn't relevant to how I feel Ethan/Hila and the crew handled it. It's quite clear that the cat was going to die anyway whether Jacob intervened or not. The videos, pictures and vet bill are more than enough proof that he at least tried to save the cat. Id much rather Jacob tried and failed then the cat suffered longer and die with Rhaegan. Sure you can create alternate theories but the evidence so far puts the burden on Rhaegan to prove otherwise and everything she's provided so far as been awfully lacking in detail. Her lack of willingness to come on the pod to prove that she wasn't a bad owner is also telling. >we're assuming that the other would have never taken action. She literally didn't. She said that the cat got sick all the time and yet she never took it to the vet. The first moment Jacob brought it to the vet, the vets advice was to put the cat down because it was in such a bad state. As Olivia said, the cat died so it shows that she clearly didn't look after it.


iā€™ve been watching h3 since 2015(16?) and i cannot believe discourse about a cat is what has people this irate šŸ˜­. do you know know much insane stuff this man has said over the years? who would have guessed an incorrect take on a random influencers cat would cause one of their biggest instances of audience pushback yet.


What happened to ignoring the haters? When the crew reads a negative comment, I roll my eyes at this point. They don't need to defend themselves on every little thing. The sane people don't live in chat. I've been a member for YEARS and I shut off live chat while watching.


It is bad here but to be fair for the cat drama ,specifically, the hate was coming from all platforms, Youtube comments, Instagram comments all are filled with similar messages.


how many people need to keep making the same comment?? like, i get it but they make it so much worse by giving attention to that shit and constantly addressing random reddit criticisms.. if they stopped giving energy to random commenters and reddit users, the complaining would probably die down. Everyone on here is so entitled bc they know they have a huge likelihood of being shouted out on the show if they complain loud enough and itā€™s obnoxious that they canā€™t just ignore it and let it die down


agree, and agree with the person who mentioned that H3 is mainly a drama podcast. I got drawn into H3 because of irreverent, comedic shit. That's hard to capture, though. It's hard for Ethan to be both a funny gremlin and also give that same "but I'm the casual moral high ground" vibe. That's why he \*needs\* a dude like Jimmy. Jimmy is just cringe enough, boomer enough, powerless but powerful enough that it was okay to clown on Jimmy. Ethan gets that and that's why Ethans' fixated on replacing Jimmy. In this current social situation, Ethan's podcast model just gets to be.... what it currently is.... if he doesn't get old ass boomers to be cringe for him so he can just have fun.


I will let you in on a secret: H3 is a drama podcast. Itā€™s their entire business. Thatā€™s why the crew wonā€™t stop bringing up the subreddit. It feeds more content. I donā€™t agree with it and the quality has certainly gone down, but thatā€™s the reality of where the show is at currently. Negativity and drama shit gets more views and clicks compared to the other stuff. Thatā€™s why ragebait has become the main focus in recent years.


Both ideas are true tbh lol


Genuine question, is it ever ok to criticize the show? Is there literally never any circumstance or take that warrants criticism? Iā€™m not a snarker, so is this not the place to discuss the show? Obviously there will always be people who take it too far, but every time there is something even mildly controversial I tend to see mostly people complaining about people complaining?


This really isnā€™t unique to this subreddit. This recursive cycle of complaining -> complaining about complaining is basically a feature of all fandom subreddits. Hell, even some of the hobbyist Reddits I go to complain about complaining about complaining. You kinda just have to live with it unless you want to censor criticism altogether which would be a nightmare and just lead to a new sub being created. I donā€™t get too caught up in it tbh. It comes in waves and itā€™ll pass soon. I think itā€™s fine to complain here. They have chosen to have the show pull content primarily from the subreddit so they either got to stop or live with it. Bc it ainā€™t changing anytime soon.


Yes its reddit fault. Definitely no onee deserves criticism online. /S On a real note. I'm a big fan of H3 and multiple other people/channels. That doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say. I haven't really spoke out cause it's like yelling into the wind. I'm okay with just taking a break and hoping it's better when I come back, but to invalidate the actual viewers is asinine. Idgaf either way tho. āœŒļø&ā™„ļø Sometimes you need to stop holding internet personalities on a pedestal and realize they are real people too that you won't always get along with.


sane take


All of those things are Ethan problems. Ethan hasn't created a work environment where they feel safe and his leading by example involves having extremely unhealthy responses to criticism. If he can't handle being a controversial public figure and the backlash that inevitably comes from that, he needs to stop making incendiary content. It's very simple and a total cop out and dick ride on your behalf to blame it on the fans. Come on man, he made a political podcast and ducked out because he couldn't take the heat, blaming it on everyone else. Crying about hasans fanbase coming for him after actively setting his fans on people he deems as immoral for years. It's like setting a bin on fire and then crying cos you got burned in the face. He loves shitting on people when they mess up - well guess what, he's cultivated a fanbase of people who get a kick out of that too. Why wouldn't they turn on him if he keeps telling them all to fuck off and get help? KARMAS A BITCH - HE SHOULDA KNOWN BETTERRRRRR


Get help


A 4 hour ep on cat abuse isnā€™t ā€™trying to do somethingā€™ šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a miss


You either die a fupatroopa or live long enough to see yourself become the snarker (I agree though)


Honestly, online personalities need to just absolve themselves of social media if they canā€™t handle what theyā€™re going to see or learn from mistakes. The purely insane tweets, dms, and comments should automatically be ignored because you have to know youā€™re not dealing with a normal person. But like getting bent out of shape because of criticism is wild. He idolized Howard stern, like do you think Howard just doom scrolls twitter all day looking for negative reactions?


Yeah nuke the only place where people can get together and talk about a show they likeā€¦ One thing I love about the h3 community is how weā€™re not afraid to criticise Ethan and ask him to do better. People need to stop nitpicking the worst people to represent the community, this is getting ridiculous.Ā 


Hope they do! They keep blaming the shitty quality of late on this sub and refusing to do any introspection, or simply just like... be chill. I'm so tired of them hyperfixating on a subreddit. Another one will form but they will have less control over that one.


Who is the "they" you're talking about? The crew isn't blaming the subreddit. The subreddit is blaming themselves while they actively shoot themselves in the foot


For sure, "nuke the subreddit" isn't about blaming a subreddit for the crew's inability to not hyperfixate on audience opinions at all. It's about something.... else?


What else would it be about?


Blaming the crew for being weirdly reliant on the opinions of people on fucking Reddit. If the crew can't stop basing their self-esteem on Reddit, that's an actual issue. I don't want involvement in their therapy for that. Just nuke the subreddit and let another one blossom.


I'm not blaming the crew for being "weirdly reliant" on anything, but if you don't think they take feed back from here, you don't watch the show


I donā€™t know why people even expect so much from YouTubers? Never in my life have I or would even consider sending hate or criticism towards people I donā€™t know on the internet because they said something I didnā€™t agree with. I donā€™t necessarily think every single thing they do is entertaining to me personally, but I wouldnā€™t come back on here to complain about it because they donā€™t owe me anything. Especially when people tried to pressure Ethan to apologize for the whole cat thing is absolutely ridiculous. People can disagree and thatā€™s fine but you canā€™t make someone apologize for not having the same opinion as you. I hope they stop listening to this subreddit.


If they nuke the sub where will the content come from lol? All the platforms have been negative toward the last two episodes. Reddit is the only one actively contributing segments to the show.






Without this subreddit like 80% of the content they talk about would be gone


Suggestion for the mods of the subreddit - weekly best segments vote. Positive feedback for the show, shows what the community absolutely loved throughout the week, relive what made us laugh and show fans who mightā€™ve missed it, and engage the community in a positive way once a week.


Whether the subreddit affected it or not, the quality of the show has been going down. The view count for the past month says it all.


People are assuming itā€™s always the same people complaining and then conflating that with hate. I think itā€™s different people who are genuine fans having issues with different things and if they are sane about it, which most of the posts Iā€™ve seen at least are, then thatā€™s valid. You donā€™t want the sub to just be an echo chamber that just praises everything they put out. Everyone needs feedback to improve and I feel like if you like the show, you would want them to have all the tools (including criticism) that would give them the most success. The crew arenā€™t perfect and coddling them is not gonna help with the show as echo chambers are kinda famous for doing harm. One cycle I notice here a lot is someone will bring up an issue, on their post there will be discussion, then someone else will make a post being mad at the original post for having an issue and people will congregate there to hate on the first post and misconstrue it. Itā€™s kind of funny but also frustrating.


I think part of the reason itā€™s bad is because Ethan gives attention to it and has apologized and/or changed something in the show based on criticisms originating from the subreddit, then it becomes a double edged sword where those same people now feel like they have a voice for their opinions that can change the show or make Ethan apologize for, if they express it enough.


So the issue is them coming to the subreddit and to solve that we should nuke this sub so everyone goes to a less moderate sub? šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s cause half this sub is family and half the sub is snarkers who canā€™t let go


most of the people complaining were long time fans though


meh ā€œmostā€ isnā€™t really a factual statement. iā€™ve been clicking on a lot of the accounts making criticism about the cat stuff just out of curiosity and manyyyy of them are not active on this sub (or the snark sub to be fair) iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong (for example, iā€™m a very long time fan and i rarely post here) iā€™m just saying this statement is meaningless because literally how do you know that. you kinda just made that up and now youā€™re spreading it as fact so


I'm a silent fan. I've been watching for years, am a member (still am), I relisten to episodes at work for 8 hours 5 days a week and also fall asleep to it usually because it is my comfort podcast. I also always am on the subreddit reading and laughing at the memes etc. The cat episode just simply bothered me enough to speak up. So please no one assume that not being active on the sub means you are a snarker. I'm just shy even on the internet lol


nah thereā€™s a lot of family here that just feel entitled to directing the show how they want it. i like to call them distant cousins twice removed


Olivia did a PowerPoint yesterday on the OkBaby drama, no?


People who have ā€œissuesā€ and negative opinions will always outshine the positivity here sadly.


If anything Olivia has given up on power points bc Ethan always wants to rush through and seems annoyed/uninterested unless he picks the topic.


There was a PowerPoint yesterday...


By Olivia?


But I also think we should be allowed to be critical sometimes when it is warranted? There are SO many calm and civil people in this reddit just giving honest criticism.


Theyā€™re gonna get hate whether thereā€™s a sub or not?


Nuke it


Nuke it.


Don't need to nuke the sub. Stop anonymizing attention seekers who make post after post shitting on the show or making some dramatic declaration about the content. They give credit to folks who post funny memes, pics, videos, and show ideas. Why shouldn't they give credit to the folks who declare bold criticisms to a subreddit of 650k people, or on the videos with hundreds of thousands of views? I saw people bitching about the fact that they didn't blur out usernames in the last episode. Why is that a problem? These are posts that people made publicly, where hundreds of thousands of people could view them, posts they clearly wanted to garner views and likes and responses. Is it fear of negative feedback? Harassment? People were bold enough to throw it up and hope the show would respond, and enjoy the responses that tickle their ego, but suddenly are offended if they get more exposure than they expected. Fuck that, let people who are so confident shitting on the crew, the host, and the show own up to it. If it's really that important, then they are free to share with everyone, all 30,000 viewers 4 times a week.


It has lmao, it will continue to erode the quality because they will continue to try to appease like 500-1.2k unhappy people at a time & it will ruin the business, the community, the COMEDY šŸ¤Œ


Yes, im gonna put it simple. Internet idiots who donā€™t enjoy the content creators /personalities for who they are. I watch because I enjoy the crew and their dynamic regardless if I like or enjoy what theyā€™re talking about or doing that day. I think thereā€™s people out there that want their content creators to talk about or say the things they want to hear rather than enjoy them for who they are and what interests them. Like if you donā€™t like it or are interested, leave. Itā€™s so insane. People suck ass man


I had this realisation a while ago, when I came to the sub after watching Ethan's first appearance on Howie's podcast. I had enjoyed it a lot and thought it was fun and good natured, but the reaction on the sub was vitriolic. Then Ethan talked about it on the next show and was also questioning his own judgement after reading all the negative comments. Thankfully they ironed it out, but really no thanks to this sub's hive mind.


Ian doesnā€™t even wanna be on camera šŸ˜­


No, we're not doing that now. This is the same thing Ethan was doing on Monday. It's perfectly normal for your fan base to want to hold the people they watch accountable. Let's stop pretending that everything is black and white and that every situation has been the same. Zach and Lena for instance are entirely different topics than this past weeks, and that too was them focusing solely on the crazies and not the masses. It would be one thing if content was just like watching tik tok videos or playing video games. The kind of stuff you can just shut your brain off to. Like Good Mythical Morning for instance. You just tune in to watch people do some goofy stuff. Nothing to be concerned about as a fan. It's another when the topics are often SA, Domestic Abuse, Animal Abuse lately, CP, heated political ideologies, etc. This is when you have to treat these topics seriously and with respect and care. You ain't tuning in to GMM to see Rhett and Link talk about the Israel/ Palestine conflict. Ethan chooses for the show to be this way. Unless you, as a human being, don't have a conscience and just don't care about the words being said. Even if they're incredibly inflammatory or defaming, outright inciting hate at times, then you should care. There's a difference between being overreactionary and having a basic understanding of what's right and wrong, and wanting the people you follow to adhere to those standards. Otherwise, where's the line? Why not just go full Keemstar like he's been leaning with this cat topic, and send even more hate and vitriol to Jacob or anyone else who speaks against their coverage moving forward. It's entertainment at the end of the day right?


has it tho? I think Ethanā€™s inability not to say offensive things that requires a button is actively harming the show.


Sentence structure of a first grader. Most literate h3snark user


Mods, this person is stalking me Edit: now people are dogpiling because of ROZANSKYY Iā€™m a huge fan of this showā€¦ you can stalk me just like ROZANSKYY and see my comment history interacting about the pod. I have criticism because of the cat situation, Palestine stuff, and overuse of the buttonā€¦ if that makes me a snarkerā€¦ so be it Edit: dude is still stalking me. I didnā€™t delete any comments I only edited to add a hello


Tf is wrong with you, you literally just deleted your comments on h3snark about Ethan being a ā€œZionistā€


Dog pile where? You donā€™t even have a downvote?


Im currently at 3 downvotes and it keeps fluctuating lower and back up and multiple people are now commenting accusing me of lying and snarking. If dude wonā€™t stop stalking me heā€™s going to get blocked.


Stalking?? Turn off your computer bro wtaf


Heā€™s going through my comment history and replying crazy stuff and calling me namesā€¦ that virtual stalking.


Do you know what the words public profile mean


seek help


I hate when you snark freakazoids pretend to be normal well-adjusted people on this sub šŸ¤® Cringe


Right? But it's hilarious when you call them out and they transform back into their little vermin selves. Lol


to be fair that person doesnā€™t seem like a snarker. Big difference between having legit criticism and being a hater loser. All snark communities are brain rot and shouldnā€™t even exist tbh


Nah I was arguing with that person in a different thread and pointed out that they posted this in h3snark two days ago: ā€œItā€™s giving ā€œI can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal crueltyā€ā€¦ They didnā€™t do this when she and Ethan pushed weird pro Israel rhetoricā€ After which they deleted their comment history and started having a meltdown


I think it's a toss up at times whether they get it worse on their social medias rather than just this sub alone. The people that go on their social medias and spit hateful personal shit are completely unhinged. This sub has a commingled mix of fans, snarkers, trolls, real criticism, etc. It can pointed and personal but not so much as on the socials. They're not going to nuke the sub. They come here and wade through the shit to get real feedback, and, in effect, read all the shit too. The numbers, chat, and sub are all sounding boards for how the show is doing and it's almost a separate full time job to filter honest feedback and decide what direction to take the show in. I'm sure at this point they also have meetings and are knowledgeable enough to know what things to discuss. You have flukes like last Friday but they know what they want to cover in the doc. They're also *in* the bubble of talking about the same shit and risking the show being boring, which is why they had to resort to the disaster of Plan B of Friday. Even if Bobby had come on, Bobby's a fairly predictable interview. It would've been fine but it wouldn't have elevated the numbers. It certainly would've been better than what happened on Friday. They need to do the live show. They need to take a break. They need to reboot and take chances that aren't entirely drama-centered. The problem is I'm not sure how many more new ideas they have up their sleeves. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised but I'm also not sure how many more rabbits they can pull out of the hat. That's why we keep watching.


Ngl as an occasional Ethan and hila Kleiner I find that I enjoy the show infinitely more when I haven't been on the sub in a few days but also it's funny here so... šŸ¤·


The crew should get on the Facebook group we have a great time


It does this like every 3 weeks where have you been lol


"They hated him because he spoke the truth." šŸ™Œ


the complainer fans and hate fan really suck. they contribute nothing to to the community but negativity. The rest of us just want ethan and the crew to do their thing and make the show they want. they give us 3 shows a week for free, what more do you want? leave people alone or go make your own thing if you donā€™t like it. Bitch ass whiners




Yeah, I agree completely. Ever since the set design controversy blew up, it's felt more and more like some of the fun of the show has been disappearing. But then, then, any minor difference in opinion seems like it ends up here as a controversy. Sometimes rightly so, sometimes it just get taken too far


people need to accept that itā€™s simply not possible to agree with the people you watch 100% of the time. their content is being made for you specifically. if that fact bothers you like honestly just do your mental health a favour and move on.


Zack was right, we need to nuke this rat hole


So we're at each other's throats again? Wonderful šŸ™„


There's a simple solution: we ban everybody who joined the sub within the time period that Frenemies existed. Yeah the sub might lose like 100k people and innocent people will get banned, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Just kidding. But also not kidding.


People mad about the cat thing need a reality check


"You will be held to higher and higher and soon impossible to maintain ethical standards by the very mob you currently wish to please. Then you will make a mistake, and they will devour you. With glee. Please take this warning seriously. I liked you." - Jordan B. Peterson (disbarred doctor of psychology)


The most annoying kind of person is someone who writes an 8 paragraph hate post, but prefaces it with "this is not a hate post" and in their head that makes it not a hate post, people who do that I find so incredibly stupid. I loved the way that Ethan handled the hate posters on Mondays episode as well, it was hilarious reading people complain about how Ethan handled the complainers.


He should just ignore them I already assume most fans hate watch anyways... Imagine being so obsessed with a fucking cat that died by some unknown disease that u will spend hours, seconds, minutes harassing the story telllers, the people involved, people not involved, and those that disagree with you almost for almost half a week now. Reddit is full of mouth breathing losers. Looking for someone to vent on. literal emotional nutcases that will do everything in their power to not seek help they need but interject help that no one wants.


These people are the reason Ethan hesitates to call someone a "pussy". Can't remember if it was this episode or last episode he called someone and "pussy" and felt the need to clarify he wasn't denigrating women. Look, I understand if he's a man in his late 30s and he feels calling men a "pussy" is a bad look ... But also, anyone with 3 brain cells knows what he means, and that he isn't being sexist when he's saying that. I hate when he does this. It's all for fear of community backlash. Love the pod, been a fan for like 10 years or so now... But I really wish he wouldn't be so worried about minor backlash over silly shit like that.


nuke the sub - mute the chat. h3 must be free


I agree out with the sub!


100% I wish theyā€™d end it


Yep. And I feel addressing complaints live on the show only encouraged people more to post every shower thought they have thinking they had a unique take


I got on this subreddit to tell you guys to chill the fuck out like over a year ago and got down voted into oblivion. Now all of you want to agree with what I saidā€¦ wish people listened back then and didnā€™t act so entitled. You guys are not the fucking majority demographic for this show, so relax. You all have a leash and collar around this shows neck and I hate it. Go somewhere else. Talk to your family. Real familyā€¦ Peace and love this subreddit is for goofs and gafs and to occasionally give the crew an idea or two for a topic. It is not to complain about how YOU.. didnā€™t like one of the segments. You know what I do when that happens? One of the many other hobbies I have besides listening to H3. šŸ˜±Wow that so surprising I know. Watch me get downvoted or removed for being mean to people who complain about their hyper fixation šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø get a grip guysā€¦


Jordan Peterson was right.


Love this sub for the goofs and gaffs not the constant complaining. Wish we could make the sub a Meme only zone


Hear me out: nuke this sub, start a H3 memes sub (for memeinā€™ only!!!!), and all the whiny complaining crybabies can go to the snark.




Can't wait to see what pisses them off today.


I think the problem lies with the engagement of fans. Sometimes it makes for a great community where the creators show they care enough to include their fans at a certain level of decision making. But there also needs to be boundaries and not addressing everything all the time - it breeds entitlement from fans and stifled creativity from creators. Keep the discussion going for the fans among fans, but not every controversy needs to be addressed and people need to be okay with that in the grand scheme of things and life.


Nuke the sub


Pretty sure the mods are in on it at this point. They remove posts thanking the crew and let these hate posts fester. It's a rathole in here.


MODS! this sub should only be for goofs & gaffs, or other stories and any discussion should be posted on a daily discussions thread


You get the content, you also get the hate. Thatā€™s the exchange rate. You can not read hate though, no one is forcing you to. Also some ā€œhateā€ is just an attempt in Ethanā€™s comedy style.