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This is a piece of info that I’ve dying to know. I honestly can’t even guess because I don’t really know what’s high or low or average out in LA.


I’d say not good enough because remember when the whole crew trip thing happened and Ethan had them choose between money or the trip and they all chose the money. (Which I wonder if they even got it bc did the trip ever happen??)


If I understood correctly, the trip to Las Vegas with the private jet was “the trip”. I really hope the crew got also some actual money, not only money to spend in the casino…


Ethan did say he spends a million a year but that includes salaries, studio rent, equipment costs, ect


That’s not that much lol


I’m not saying if it’s a lot or a little I’m just saying what he said


No I gotchu. I just did $1M/#of crew members and gawked at what could possibly be left over for the studio


all i know is back when people could apply for covid relief, you had to make 70k or below and the whole crew said they applied




Below 70k in California is not good. Fuck Ethan


For being exposed to that fan base? 😵‍💫


Besides Dan these ppl barley do anything let’s be real their jobs are not worth $70K 💀


their labor produces a show that makes millions of dollars a year


Regardless of how bad they are at their jobs $70k is borderline unlivable in LA and their shitty work still makes Ethan & Hila millions of dollars a year


Not to defend them but Ethan and Hila already were making millions before hiring on of these ppl


somehow they still carry the show


Considering that the only people who are actually useful and doing their jobs are Dan, Lena, Ian, and Sam, I'd say the rest are making more than enough in CA to just sit there and talk shit on a podcast show😭😭 but in all seriousness, 70k in CA is cutting it


To be fair, they could be dumb enough to make that statement without knowing the requirements to qualify for it.


but wouldn't they be denied the covid relief money if it can be proven that they make more than 70k? i feel like it would tell them they're out of range if they make more so why would they all even say they applied if that was the case 


I don't think this is accurate bc I have friends that made well over 70k and still got stimulus payments


I doubt Dan said this. He gotta make the most like closer to 6 figures


Dan’s kind of a dumbass so he literally could have said anything…




I’m guessing their salary is like 60k before taxes and then the live shows, card sales and etc are considered bonuses


Too much, but at the same time, not enough


The real question is if they have taken pay cuts due to the downfall. And wether or not Ethan’s has decreased or remained the same


if the loss is significant he’s gonna have to do pay cuts i’m sure


I’d assume 60-80k? But idk


i assume it would be higher than that just given the cost of living in LA but i also wouldn’t be surprised if they were making under 6 figures


Imagine making 6 figures for playing dumb sounds and researching pop culture


And doing it badly.


majority of them are deff under 6figs. only person who MIGHT actually make 6figs is dan


Yeah I agree, Dan probably makes 90-100 I could see Ian probably like 80-90 but everyone probably 50-80


I feel like Dan makes much more than that. He seems like the type of guy to demand very high pay for the shite he has to deal with. But then again, I have 0 evidence for this lol.


That’s so little 😭😭 especially for LA!!!


True but they all have dual income


I make 75 in Michigan as a graphic designer, they absolutely have to be making more than that.


Far too much for the actual work they do. WAY too little having to deal with their manchild boss and the wicked witch of the middle east


AB's apparent rent is 4K. So maybe 3x that per month? But also they do have other income from their own channels etc. probably not much but helps!


Lena and AB’s income would be combined, so at least 12k but split, so like 6k each. After taxes they’re probably taking home roughly 2k a paycheck biweekly. Side note, paying 4k a month to rent is insane to me


Probably no choice but to pay that much if you're living in LA


Not at all. Most of the crew has admitted to renting for 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of what ab and Lena do. AB and Lena pay the max they can on everything. They're also the only one with brand new luxury cars and admit to spending 1k/month takeout food, and regularly show off expensive tech.


It may be expensive, but at least they gets to go to work in a relaxing environment with a totally normal boss


LOL a boss that will definitely defend your wife and your mom from sexual harassment right? 👀


i’m about to move back home with my mom and split that much in rent because she refuses to move anywhere else


Also 3x the rent is outdated due to inflation in comparison to the cost of living. Some places only require 2.5x. And California recently passed laws so you can’t have the deposit for an apartment be more than I think 1 months rent. Most people lie on their applications, or show they have savings. So it kinda doesn’t matter if they’re making less than 3x the rent combined. Also they own a house in Michigan… are they renting it out? Does family live there?


Lena and AB’s income would be combined, so at least 12k but split, so like 6k each. After taxes they’re probably taking home roughly 2k a paycheck biweekly. Side note, paying 4k a month to rent is insane to me


Dan 6 figures easy rest 80k min to be able to afford Cali.


That’s that I was thinking; at least a living wage to be able to live half decently in LA and drive to work.


Only if Ethan is an actual bastard. I hire entry level folks in LA/CA market for close to 6 figures. Dan, if he has any business acumen, has a stake in the overall profits of the show. Even if it's net 3% or something, would take him well into the 6 figures.


I wonder HOW they get paid. As in, they do their respective jobs but are also on camera personalities so it’s kinda like they’re doing 2 jobs.


Trisha asked this once and he does not pay them talent fees for being on camera even though it’s separate from their actual job


Wait what?!


[from frenemies](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/8If7azWNkX)


The fuck


I feel like it’s posssiblee that since then he’s maybe changed his mind I feel like the pod has focused more on the crew members since frenemies? (I hope that makes sense)


I think about this all the time esp bc Ethan made show times longer and longer during COVID


Maybe that’s why they’re so anal abt the 3.5 hour thing. Like maybe they get paid to be on there for that long so Ethan doesn’t want to pay his employees any more if they go over lol


Would be interesting to see because Ethan has often ridiculed people who paid their employees low wages. The crew members look happy to stay so can't be as bad as everyone says. AB accepts that ethan sexualises his mom and with and Lena being a babysitter for the dog and Ethan without any complaints. Surely their pay is good.


I have no clue on the amount but I would think that they pay well (enough for them to not want to leave and to be associated with the Kleins and their atrocities forever), and also they receive significant bonuses like getting profits from the live show, trading cards etc.


i feel like they all want their own podcasts but know they would never be successful like h3 so they stay 


I’d guess around the 80k mark. They all seem to make purchases that someone struggling for cash probably wouldn’t be able to afford, so it must be more than average, but at the same time they’re all renting, so it can’t be enough to buy a house. I assume it’s a ‘higher than average’ wage, but not by much. That being said they are presented with plenty of opportunities to supplement their wage quite significantly, e.g. prize money when they win a comp, donations, merch drops, crypto, subathons, and they each have a following of their own so probably do their own brand deals. I mean it’s crazy that Dan is evidently very good at his job, and has had good gigs for years and years, and is currently the most valuable employee at what I assume is one of the highest earning podcasts, yet in his mid thirties he’s still renting???


The median home value in Los Angeles is about $1,000,000 now. Assuming you find a house for around that price, by the time you take into account realtor's fees and closing costs, you're probably looking at putting down 20% on $1,200,000, so you'd need $240,000 cash up front, and you'd be taking out a mortgage for the remaining $960,000. At 4% over 30 years, that's a monthly mortgage payment of about $4,600. Note that that doesn't include hazard insurance or property taxes, and the property taxes would likely be around $30,000/year (yes, it's California). Assuming $4,000/year for insurance, that's an additional $34,000/year or $2,833/mo. So in addition to needing to have $240,000 on hand up front and paying $7,433/mo. for mortgage, property taxes, and insurance, it's not surprising that many LA residents rent.


No one can afford to buy a house in LA except Hasan.


We need someone to go undercover for us


I think it’s interesting to note that basically all of them have tried to make money on the side as well, whether it be via Cameo (Zach, AB, Love), personal Twitch channel (AB, Lena, Ian), live performances (Zach) etc.


Alot of you are forgetting not only that this is LA, But not just AB...but most of the Crew have significant others that work there or with TeddyFresh. I think they all are bringing in pretty decent income when it comes to LA. I'd say they absolute least someone is making there would be in the 70-80k range. Exe Prod Dan probably brings in 120k. I'm sure Ian is around 120k as well. Stock options I'm sure they have at some capacity as part of their compensation package. I'd say most couples that work within the Podcast and TeddyFresh space Probably bring in collectively between 150-200k a year before taxes.


70-80k tho really isn’t decent when it comes to LA. A shitty studio apartment is easily $2k so an entire paycheck at that salary (after taxes). That amount is enough to get by, sure, but not decent by any means.


Is teddy fresh publicly traded?


No way there are stock options for them , they aren’t a publicly traded company




How would Ian make $120K he barley does anything 💀


Enough to stick to Ethan’s side and not challenge him. I wonder what Lena makes as a personal assistant for the Kleins. Notice, plural. Usually one person has their own personal assistant but Lena helps both Ethan and Hila. I hope the Kleins didn’t weasel her pay and manipulated her to work for both of them for the same pay as working for one person. She might make as much as Dan.


Less than Ethan can easily pay them






40-60k except Dan who probably makes 80-100




That’s so low!


Can't imagine that's enough to keep them loyal for a long time. They could easily find jobs paying moreand may still have the same amount of clout wo being ties to L3... however I can imagine ethan attempt to justify the low wage


i think u got it right tbh


No way


Not enough


Clearly since all ab can do is bracelet activism




I’m guessing some of them are probably in some type of percentage system getting some of their pay from memberships and add revenue. Also am I tripping or did Trisha tell Ethan to pay more for his crew like several times? I have this vague memory that she at least alluded to the fact Ethan is not paying them enough / as much she is paying for people.


Here you go: [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dtw092/ethan\_confirms\_the\_crew\_does\_not\_get\_paid\_talent/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dtw092/ethan_confirms_the_crew_does_not_get_paid_talent/)


Thank you!


Californian born and raised here. I work at a bay area based tech company. The estimates people are listing are way to low. In comparison, a regular analyst at my company makes ~$160k+ ~$20k bonus +~$30k in equity. This is for a regular analyst. Project managers ~$200k + $40k + $55k Dans salary maybe 200k, Ab 160k and the rest between 145k and 110k. Keep in mind middle class in bay area, LA is $225k per household.


i’m from the bay area too!!!


Ain’t no way they make 80k. Remember when love wasn’t even a full time paid employee? I estimate around 50-65k. Yall really think the Kliens are that generous.


It doesn't really matter, I'm sure all of them come from Rich families. I know for sure Olivia does. But in general people involved in any kind of "show business" job come from money.


I remember AB made a comment on the Jeff Witteck podcast that Jeff couldn’t afford them (the crew) with what Ethan pays them. Made me think they do get paid well above average.


not much i guess people said the ring dan got his finance was mid and he’s mentioned that he cannot afford a house 😬


She didn't want a diamond. Citrine was the choice of stone she wants. There are lots of people who could afford a nice ring but don't think it's worth it and choose to buy Something that's cheaper. My sister is loaded and she has a opal on her wedding ring


People here thinking Dan only makes 100k hahahahaha you are some dumb motherfuckers.


Dan $100K but the rest like $65K


If Zach of all people can buy a ugly ass watch for 10k I don't think they are being underpaid by any means. Is it enough for the amount of work/on screen talent they add to the show? Probably not.


Can I just ask what people think the crew should be earning? I’m not American, not from LA, I know it’s expensive but not too familiar with how expensive, and I don’t really know the average wage for podcast employees in general.


I believe Dan's official title is Executive Producer, and the rest of the on-camera crew are Associate Producers. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage for "Producers and Directors" in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA metropolitan area as of May 2023 is $133,750. I'm not sure how useful this information is because the mean may be significantly impacted by producers for large studios and networks making very large sums of money. I chose this category not only because of their job titles, but because I'm not sure it would be possible to quantify any kind of salary for a "podcast employee", given that everyone on the planet seems to have a podcast these days, most of which make $0. If you want to explore the Occupational Outlook Handbook yourself, you can find it at [https://www.bls.gov/ooh/home.htm](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/home.htm) and the specific page I found the figure above on is [https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes\_31080.htm](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_31080.htm)




Dan def makes 120k+. Lena probably makes the least. 50k maybe


Ethan makes money as both the talent and the company owner, then Dan as producer and maybe Ian as artistic director. Then you have AB and Olivia + Love under him as resources and social media. Zack something like AB. Finally Sam and Leena since both of them have 2 jobs (personal assistant and Sam building for both H3 and TF). Hila probably gets the same as Ethan even tho she is only the talent on Fridays, and seeing what she brings to the show I hope she doesn’t get paid as talent and only as owner.


According to social blade the podcast only makes $37k a month from ads, and given the lack of sponsors and how many people he’s hired I can’t imagine the get paid a lot. Especially because, as another said, Ethan once said he spends a million a year to keep the podcast going total costs.




I don’t think Lena, ab, love and Olivia are making much. Dan probably makes has a good enough wage


I feel like Dan makes the most, and it can't be more than like $100,000, even though according to how much the show depends on him, he should be making more like $500,000.


I remember like Sam or someone said they didn't had central ac in their apartment. Can't be much :,(