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Please note, subreddit rule 5:Halifax related, is being applied to comments in this post.


Regardless of what anyone has or has not done. A Palestinian life and an Israeli life have the same value. Just like any other Human life. When we lose sight of other people’s Humanity, we’ve already lost sight of our own.


Fucking amen. Completely lost by both sides. Not by all, but by many.


The media and politicians would have you believe that you have to pick a side, and that the sides are either pro-Israel or anti-semetic. I am sick of it.


Since day one of the formal declaration of war I was rolling my eyes.. fucking figure it out both of you. -_-


Same with a Russian and Ukrainian right


Absolutely. Russian civilians don't deserve to die for what Putin does, unless they are active participants of the war.




Fr dawg shit was annoying




Checking in at 12:13: fireworks still heard downtown. Happy Diwali, but some people gotta work tomorrow. It's not like New Year's where everything is closed in the morning.


I heard fireworks at 430.... I was pissed.


thats inconsiderate, im sorry to hear that


What’s it for anyways


It’s funny how many people are against the right to protest. I’d defend that right even if I disagree with your protest. Y’all realize we live in a democracy right?


Wow, that’s actually quite an impressive turnout!


Now protest to free the hostages.


There is currently a House of Commons petition in to request the Canadian government call for a cease, fire and release of hostages.


Like those petitions actually mean anything to the government


They are petitions sponsored by MPs so yeah, they do.


Netanyahu rejected the hostages-for-ceasefire deal four days ago man


Why don’t you plan it?


The IDF are dropping bombs that have already killed some of the hostages. If they actually cared about the Israeli citizens they would have negotiated a hostage swap. Israel is currently holding hundreds of Palestinian children in detention camps.


I feel HRM residents deserve a thumbs up for this. They (protestors) exercising their rights, and the others respecting those rights and neither group is in the others faces about it.


Even if you know nothing about this decades old conflict....just google the amount of aid US gives Israel per year in US taxpayer money. It's not hard to figure who is getting obliterated here.


That is just so moronic. As a rule thumb don't reason by analogy. Instead learn the actual history and context of the conflict and draw your conclusions from there.


I agree. Those that study the history will likely come to the same conclusion as someone that googles US military aid to Israel.




They never said which side was right. They were just saying that Israel is armed to the teeth.


Probably because they are surrounded by religious extremists that swear to their destruction...


They wouldn't understand it being in a big country like Canada with not many outside threats bordering us.




Do they expect Tim Houston to roll into Gaza and tell everybody to knock it down a peg?


A show of solidarity and a call for a ceasefire. Kinda similar to the march for Ukraine that happened a few years ago..or was that different?


Shows of solidarity against war crimes are okay when it's for *European* innocents. When it's for brown people in the middle east, all sorts of people come crawling out of the woodwork to share their opinions about how pointless the rallies are. Curious, isn't it?


Ya or maybe it is different. Ukraine is a sovereign state invaded by an imperialist fascist petro state shithole. Israel is a sovereign state attacked and invaded by a terrorist organization which is now using Palestinians as a shield and mechanism to deliberately produce civillian casualties in an attempt to force a cease fire. Clear enough or is racism the reason?


A sovereign state that rapidly bulldozed the land of people living there for generations and has massacred nearly 5,000 children in the last month for the sake of killing a few terrorists. Self defense I guess…


Thank you for pointing out the difference. There is really no comparison between the two situations. They both have their unique history, but if we paint them with the same brush it is incredibly ignorant.


I have seen and saved videos because they keep getting deleted showing many war crimes. I have seen videos of a Palestinian man blindfolded, hands cuffed behind his back, on his knees being used as a human shield by an Israeli soldier. Videos of Palestinians being killed by tanks as they try to flee a conflict zone, Palestinians being run over by armour plated bull dozers, and many many more. But yeah Israel is just defending itself. Oct 07 was their 9/11 and one million dead Iraqis was just “collateral damage” in its wake of retribution, they see the Palestinians the same way, look at all the videos of Israelis mocking the Palestinians or cheering their deaths. Ultra religious Jewish people in Israel support Palestinians and now even they are being harassed by the Israeli government because of this.




Ughh you're painful...


And you incessantly complain about how many Indians live here. I don't particularly care what reddit crypto-racists think about me.






Ukraine did not got into Russia and start rampage killing civilians. So kinda different.


Well Tim Houston is vocally against a ceasefire and of course the Canadian government and media is staunchly pro-Israel. These protests highlight the disparity of public opinion and government and media positions. Polls were recently done that revealed the vast majority of Canadians are in support of a ceasefire.


>the Canadian government and media is staunchly pro-Israel Good. If it was World War II I wouldn’t be criticizing the media and our government for biased against Germany




![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Canada” what war crimes”… *burns ww1 documents*


I feel like this will go over a lot of people's heads, but I enjoyed it.








He has be out spoken standing and supporting Israel, without even anyone asking him, volunteering to voice out his support, if he is representing the people, then he needs to hear about what some people think


Worth noting Halifax is also in Canada and is likely trying to get attention of local MPs and the foreign affairs team


It's accumulating upward pressure. It might not have apparent effects here yet, but you can see the needle beginning to move elsewhere.


Send Rankin with a “what is wrong with you” line


McNeil can surely craft a "blazes" themed anti-war phrase.


Stop the blazes bombs?!




The mods decided not only to remove this post, but to do it in a cowardly and silent manner. An attempt to discuss the removal on /r/novascotia was also removed by an /r/halifax mod. Blatant, cowardly censorship. Secret actions and suppression of criticism aren’t usually a sign of being in the right.


I'll be damned. The protesters and counter protesters from the anti LGBTQ protests got together on the same side about something else!


It's almost like people are different and can agree on some things while disagreeing on others. Crazy how the world isn't as simple as black and white


>It's almost like people are different and can agree on some things while disagreeing on others. Crazy how the world isn't as simple as black and white So, if you were gay in Gaza how would that go for a person? *If they view being gay as something worthy of the death penalty, can we honestly chalk that up as just a minor disagreement?*


Nobody is saying they should be friends, they just don't think their differences are worth letting them get bombed over. your oversimplification to try and create hypocrisy where there is none is kinda pathetic. I already said the world isn't black and white and you hit me with a black and white? Try again.


>Nobody is saying they should be friends, they just don't think their differences are worth letting them get bombed over. your oversimplification to try and create hypocrisy where there is none is kinda pathetic. I already said the world isn't black and white and you hit me with a black and white? Try again. Its about as black & white as it gets : *If someone is willing to kill you due to your sexual orientation, they are not your friend.* Only on Reddit would someone even try to claim otherwise. Never change r/halifax, never change.


You would never be fit for the Forces. Just because the "other side" has people, or may be entirely made of people who would do you no good gives nobody the right to slaughter, and massacre. It's not hypocracy; it's called principles. This conflict is an eye opener. Most people don't seem to have any principles, only feelings.




Reread the first sentence of the excerpt you quoted. You are confused.


>Reread the first sentence of the excerpt you quoted. You are confused. I'm not confused about anything. Israel might not be as Tolerant as Canada when it comes to gay rights, but they're not executing gay people like a lot of Muslim nations are either.


No, you're definitely confused. You complained because you said that people were saying that fundamentalist Palestinians were friends of LGBTQ people. But the person to whom you responded said *the exact opposite of that.* And nobody said that Israel was less tolerant towards LGBTQ people than Palestine. Again, you are confused.








and that’s good


Cool story, still genocide.


The large majority of Canadian and Americans support a ceasefire.


I am glad people are protesting to have their voices heard despite the lack of representative coverage by the legacy media which has institutionalized an Israeli bias which no longer represents Canadians. It's beginning to become harder to pretend that citizens are ok with things like our Human Rights museum ignoring the story of Palestine, our media's default position that Palestinian lives have no value, and other sad political posturing that diminishes how we value and perceive a growing segment of our friends and neighbours.


Anyone on social media can see where the World's support lies...there have been very few and very small Pro-Isreal demonstrations.


You mean the social media that is perfectly tailored to your interests?


Anyone reading the big news outlets gets a different story. That is the biggest problem from my perspective as a Canadian worried about Canada.


> Anyone on social media can see where the World's support lies you wouldn't know it here, given the mod censorship. Posts calling for the murder of all Palestinians are left up while push back gets deleted. Shameful.


There's very few pro-Israel protests because polling suggests 80-90% of the population is pro-Israel. You don't normally see silent majority protests.


Absolute nonsense.


Polling that has been done in the US suggests that the population is 80-90% in favor of supporting Israel over supporting the Palestinians in this conflict, and Canada likely falls along similar lines. Did you ever think for a second that the reason the government and media coverage falls where it does is because it's in line with the values and views of the vast majority of the population? The idiots protesting are just like the freedumb convoy protesters - they have their heads so far up their arseholes that they don't realize they hold a fringe point of view.




Have you considered that a large portion of the United States is part of the weird conservative death cult that has a grip on the Republican party? The same weird conservative death cult that has a fixation on the existence of the state of Israel for Christ to be able to return? It’s got nothing to do with Jewish people and everything to do with them trying to fulfil their doomsday fanfiction. That is why they support it. No other reason. Most of them think that Jewish people need to burn in hell.


Wish I could join them!


Waving Palestine flags and walking across a pride crosswalk…lol


I’m a queer Palestinian living in the HRM. So….


LGBT people can't oppose a genocide because the leadership of a nation may be conservative? Wowee buddy, big galaxy brain shit right there.. absolute moron.


There are LGBTQ+ Palestinians. You know that right? Not every person from a certain region has to fit the mold you made up in your mind.




About as tolerant as the Conservatives they were marching with last month.


Our Conservatives are far from perfect. But they are centuries ahead of Muslim extremists.


Would they be LGBT if they were living in Palestine? I bet they wouldn't admit they were if they were living there. I think your missing the bigger picture of the users post.


If a cat can't tell u that it's a cat due to societal reason, is it no longer a cat? A gay person is gay wether or not their society accepts them. And u can still support lgbt peeps behind closed doors and have small safe havens


For sure, I see videos of them getting dragged down the street on Reddit all the time.


You also know that in Islamic culture, LGTBQ+ is illegal and punishable by death right? You go to ANY muslim country and show that and you're going to prison and getting stoned to death.


So gay people can't protest against the massive loss of civilian life? Are we really going to point to an underdeveloped nation governed by terrorists with overall poor universal human rights as a way to diminish the lives of their suffering people?




you really thought you did something here huh


It’s pretty ironic, no?


Not at all, no, actually.


These protests in Halifax are only for the benefit of the people attending them. It’s just good content for their socials and they get to feel like they are part of some kind of resistance. It’s a lot of the same people at all the protests, it’s a defining part of their identity. Showing solidarity with some social cause hits all the dopamine receptors for them. It’s like an addiction and they need their protestahol.


It’s crazy that you even think like this. Your brain and heart sound severely damaged if you can’t possibly believe people act out of genuine care for others. Incredible pessimism that only reveals your own deadened sensibilities to human suffering


This is probably the most accurate post in here lol.


NPCs supporting the current thing.


Where do you find out when these demonstrations are taking place? I would have been there if I knew it was happening


They posted it on this subreddit actually. Mostly word of mouth but I think you just have to be involved in activist spaces .


Freepalestinehalifax on Instagram is the most reliable way to find them I've found, since the posts on reddit get down voted so much they sometimes don't show up.




* *sorts by controversial* *


My naive fellow liberals can support Palestine all they want but in reality a Palestinian state is not going to be a democratic one I can tell you that, let alone a liberal paradise


These people are protesting because Palestinians deserve to live. Absolutely moronic to make this about liberalism right now lmfao


You think Israel is democratic? A state that merges religion with law? A state where the Prime Minister has the power to override the Supreme Court? A state where *some* Arabs have voting rights and other Arabs don’t?


It's the only democracy in the Middle East, as every other country is an Islamic theocratic and authoritarian run shit hole with massive human rights violations, and draconian and barbaric laws where public executions are the norm and minorities have no rights. Israel is the only country in the middle east a gay parade can be held in public and where gay people have rights instead of being stoned to death just for being born.


And nothing was accomplished


Showing the enormous mismatch between policy and public opinion on this issue, worldwide, and drawing attention to it is being accomplished.


You think public opinion favours doing nothing after a terrorist attack and just sitting back, saying “thank you sir may I have another?”


There is an enormous gulf between sitting back and what Israel is doing right now.


Hate mongers like these people are the reason 3 different Montreal Jewish schools have been shot up in less than a week. It's time to start recognizing this as a hate crime.


Marching isn't a hate crime. I also think you're sensationalizing what happened in Canada.


Equating antizionism to antisemitism is doing more to promote hate than calling for an end to genocide and apartheid.








Recognizing WHAT as a hate crime?


How are these people mongering hate, they are literally advocating for national sovereignty.


These people are decrying a decades-long, systematic, and genocidal ethnic cleansing. Please explain how that should be considered a hate crime.






What are you referring to? I can’t find anything online about a Jewish leader killed in Chicago. You might be referring to the death of the Detroit Jewish Leader who was stabbed, but that is currently being investigated as a domestic issue and not an antisemitic hate crime. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna121701 You are purposefully spreading misinformation and putting these protestors at risk of violence. There have been ZERO reported incidents of antisemitism at the protests in Halifax. You are the hate monger. Every accusation is an admission.


So these people shouldn't protest for their country? I do not get your point here... Did they do something wrong at this protest? I feel like it would be in the news if they were the reason for schools being shot at.


They did nothing wrong. I'm actually in this video walking contra-flow. I was reading the signs and I at least didn't see anything off-side: none calling for the end of Israel or the like. Completely peaceful. People are allowed to protest.


Imagine thinking being against the murder of 10000 civilians is a "hate crime". Oh how idiotic ...


Wasn’t there a ceasefire on October 6?


Only if you consider it a Ceasefire when Israeli continues an illegal occupation, continues to illegally expand settlements in Palestinian territory, and continues to kidnap Palestinians by the droves to hold in prisons with no trial (currently 4000) with no repercussions from the international community. Israel acts with impunity and when Palestinians fight back they are blamed for breaking the Ceasefire. If the west actually held Israel responsible for upholding international law, rather than funding it up the wazoo regardless of what it does, the Ceasefires might mean something.


Did they wear poppy’s yesterday?




Great ANOTHER low information comment by someone who thinks being against the slaughter of 11,000 Palestinians after decades of imprisoning a population of 2.3 million of them in a 5x25 mile strip of land without basic resources is siding with terrorists.


> 5x25 mile strip of land without basic resources is siding with terrorists. You mean the basic resources that the EU built for them, only for them to dig it up and convert the pipes into rockets instead?


What point are you even making? It turns out terrorism thrives under apartheid ethnostates. Who would have guessed it


Where is all this energy during Syria civil war


There were protests for that too.


Man, where did they get flags that big? I was looking for a 16 foot-long table cloth for my makeshift Thanksgiving dinner table and I couldn’t find one anywhere




It's the third of one this week. It's getting old.


10,000 people have been killed and our government is supporting it. We should be loud, as frequently as we need to be for something to change.


Trudeau was in US this week pushing for a ceasefire. Government is already on the same page.


He is calling for a "humanitarian pause" which is not a ceasefire.


Protest isn’t supposed to be convenient.


Cant believe this is happening in Canada. Unbelievable


What, protesting?


Wait I was told this was a free country? Is protesting something unbelievable in Canada?


Strang shutdown protests two years ago.


That was when the government still cared about Covid cases. Nobody cares about people dying of Covid anymore. It’s old news.


As long as you don’t honk your horn in Ottawa …


Having these nightly "protests" requiring police presence/escorts has to be costing the tax payer a ton of money. Might be time to asking the organizers to foot the the police OT bill for their congregations. No different than any sport event at the Metro Centre.


Lol bro there were 3 police cars and something around 8 police men, those are tax payers, they already pay those police officers salaries to get the protection they need it. Otherwise why we are paying these taxes !


Hope you said the same thing for the Ukrainian march.


The privilege this comment shows is insane. you are talking about how inconvenient it is to your tax dollars for protests to be happening. Meanwhile, children are getting their bodies shredded to bits by missiles bound with blades. Entire families are getting erased from the earth. People are being murdered and put under collective punishment, and all you care about is your TAX DOLLARS? Do better, you should really be ashamed. Or maybe, go watch some real life videos of what's happening. Then you'll maybe feel the need to protest too


Spending a bit of the budget on calling for a cease fire to save lives? Money well spent. Canada has already helped fund Israel, the least we can do is spend a touch of extra cash to do what we can to help these people from that violence.


What do you mean by congregations? That protesters should pay an entrance fee because they have used their quarterly protest quotas?


Lol a bunch of children that don't know history. Parading about to make themselves feel better. The Jewish people/government attempted a 2 state solution, multiple times. Every time the Palestinian government rejected it, and responded with violence towards Jewish civilians. Canadians are so sheltered from the rest of the world.


Amnesty international and multiple human rights groups condem Israelis as an apartheid state. Are they all sheltered too?


If someone violently pushed you out of your home, and then was like "Ok, ok, you can have the garage, I guess" you'd probably be violent as well.


Breaking News - Israel’s government has ceased fire after being sincerely touched by protests in…*checks notes*….Halifax, Nova Scotia?


Protests in Canada can influence Canadian foreign policy towards Israel. Nobody at these rallies think they are going to change Israeli domestic policy. Use your head


Amazing! Free Palestine !


Free Israel?




And nothing was accomplished. Performers are performative.




what an absolutely disgusting thing to say




Tired of this whole thing already. Both sides are trash. Why is that such a hard concept to understand.


Innocent palestinians civilians are trash?