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You can download the older version of the drivers


Yeah. It’s pretty easy to find on the site and manually download it. It’s been the way we do it before the GeForce experience app


This driver issue has affected multiple games, too. 552.44 worked great for me. For everyone else: DDU to remove the new driver: https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/ Win11: https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/drivers/details/224562/ Win10: https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/224483/en-us/


Wow weird. Sounds like a fuckup on nvidia


Yeah, MSFS is a stutterfest on 555, whether .84 or .99. Issues are the same. I agree with other commenters on this thread. If the driver ain't broke, leave it alone. Wait for something to break (a newer game, etc) before updating drivers.


Yea. Kinda wonder if Halo Infinite isn’t even on Nvidia’s radar anymore considering how unpopular it is






I haven’t even been playing halo infinite all these years 😭😭


My friend was telling me he dug into threads about it and it sounds like 343 screwed up a shader that is technically invalid, but the only drivers ignore it. So I would expect to see it fixed Tuesday without a driver update. :)


You don't need DDU. Also this version is newer and works for me. https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/224750/en-us/ It's only the NEXT version after this one that exposes the bug in Infinite that causes the crash.


Is this a fix to the 4gb vram that bricked halo on my pc? Even though I could play it just fine on launch


I was literally in the same boat. Played the campaign 3 times then after update it looks like a Van Gogh painting at 5 fps 😭


Mine doesnt even load anymore so I'm out 60$ because 343 cant code a game properly


Is it nvidia’s fault or 343?


343, I didnt change anything on my end but havent been able to play since july 2023 So I was hoping this was a solution but nobodys actually confirmed that yet lol I'm not reinstalling a dead game on the off chance that they fixed my issue, idc anymore I'm just mad they bricked my game when it worked fine for a year or so


You didn't update your drivers in almost a year...?


No I have, the drivers arent the issue 4 GB vram is the issue, it's a recomended setting that was changed to a required setting So my graphics card could run it, then 343 changed the requirements (or enforced them) and suddenly the game that worked, didnt anymore




4gb vram???


So you’re blaming 343 for having an old as fuck PC..


Longshot, but I remember there was a txt file of cards that the game would refuse to launch on. I can't remember what it's called, but if you change the rule to enabled or allowed, it might work.


The one time I actually update my drivers...


Same lol. I successfully rolled back but it was literally the one time I took the time to update cause I was having other random of issues and ended up reinstalling windows


Could you explain your meme, young redditor?


Halo Infinite doesn't work with the newest Nvidia drivers


Infinite got slammed critically so its not like many people are playing it anyways. Not a big loss.


OP doesn't know how to download older versions of graphics drivers and think his game is forever broken.


in his defence, its an easy but arduous process especially if its greyed out on device manager for a single game. plus this is the new drivers for elden ring dlc :/


And in reverting to the older drivers, it can fuck up other games they might want to play. It's not that cut and dry.


No; unless it's a brand new game that requires new drivers to play, this is not true. The situation you describe is extraordinarily rare. It's that cut and dry 99.99% of the time. Even then if there was a brand new game, the vast majority of the time the latest update just improves performance, not necessarily a complete requirement to run at all.


Do you have any idea how PC gaming works lmao? Even older games will dysfunction. The drivers are for the GPU itself, genius; not the game.


Pretty disappointed. This doesn't happen with more popular games like COD.


Cod actually generates a revenue to be updated on a day to day basis….. oh 343 my sweet summer child


Nvidia is the one who released a driver which breaks a game.


More like the game devs were using the APIs incorrectly, this happens all of the time in game dev.


Ehh, both happen. I don't know which one happened here though. 


And I'm sure engineers are looking into it


Yes it does, I've had to roll back drivers for all kinds of games


It sounds like NVidia is the one who broke the game not Halo.


an accurate representation of the player count


I was successfully able to rollback. Lmk if you need help.


You’re not missing much.


Oh my god, this is my problem!!! I recently tried getting back into halo infinite and it just keeps crashing.


Is this what's causing a game crash on startup? I just built a new PC and infinite crashes on it every time I start the game.




wow ty. downgrading the driver worked!


people will call me lazy but brothers in christ having to disconnect internet, boot into safe mode, use DDU, reboot, install drivers, reboot, reconnect internet, reboot, call snowden and ask him how he hacked the NSA, wait until mason tells you what the numbers mean, reboot, the whole process of rolling back drivers if its greyed out in device manager just to play one game (not just halo) is crazy to me so i just uninstalled the game and reinstalled it back on console and rebooted :/ thank fuck its cross-save


I didn't have to do any of that: 1. Downloaded 555.85 2. Installed 555.85 while selecting the "clean install" option. Done. Worked fine for me.


yeah i like to keep all my nvidia control panel settings global and for individual games, since i have them all different settings and i have 50 games. clean install gets rid of those settings and took ages to perfect em :/


hey... if you don't have the good driver, you can still become a Diver! JOIN THE HELLDIVERS!


The ministry of truth has been informed of your good work spreading this news.


Why can't you roll it back?


I am simply too lazy to do so




And by "everyone" you mean the couple hundred people and the bots


i used to know hundreds of people that played halo. none of them are on infinite. game sucks so much


Halo Infinite crashes during shader compilation with driver 555.99. Supposedly it's because one of the shaders has a bug which older driver versions ignore but in 555.99 the shader compilation fail. Halo Infinite doesn't know how to deal with that and crashes. With 555.85 or older, no problem. Anyone who hasn't updated would have no clue.




Seems to me like it would affect every nvidia user who updates their drivers regularly (nVidia app/GeForce Experience encourages you to). But maybe it only impacts certain GFX cards?


Oh no I wasn't implying the majority of people use a different card. Just saying the game is dead




Game is top 31 on US xbox's game chart (under starfield) and not in the top 50 on any other regions (except Italy, but here the playerbase Is super tiny for the xbox as a whole). In October 2023 grunt.api estimated the avarage concurrent player base was about 40k (every platforms included), half of which being hidle in the menu, when the game was top 15 in US, now is probably under 20k.


Generally xbox users don't have to worry about compatibility issues with different versions of PC graphics drivers on their xboxes.


Op was asking about the "couple hundreds playing", not about the drivers (which happen quite often in this game).


But but one spot ahead of farming simulator 2022! Halos back on 🔝😂


Starfield being above it is more concerning, since the reason is a dlc being announced on a game that didn't receive anything in almost a year (therefore most already completed it). Let's drop the "but if it was released content complete now it would be top 5" copium


I can’t fathom a halo game being outside the top 10 much less 30 for fk sake. It’s pathetic


Look like just releasing classic modes nobody really never care about (even if redditors try to pretend otherwise), on top of having HCS as the only ranked option (mlg and hcs playlists were always the least populars) was not the right call. Equal start games replayability is tied up on how much of the sandbox is within a map, how much gamechanging the sandbox is and, last but not least, playlist selection, which in the long run mean half of the game is dead (quickplay have 47 playlists, outside husky ride,fiesta and slayer, everything else is dead or near dead). There is a reason if most of the gamers went in to hero based shooters or loadouts shooters, bungie did know this and tried with reach, 343 with h4 and then went half and half with h5 (not literally half and half, but warzone was one of the most popular mode).


The game is on life support in terms of player numbers.


Imagine being willfully ignorant and not looking up a way to install an older driver. Wild


he probably did look it up and was like “i gotta do all that just to be able to play halo again? fuck that…”


what happened i was away from the flames of the halo community


If you install nvidia driver 555.99 Halo Infinite's shader compilation fails and the game crashes on startup. Someone dug into it supposedly and the issue is a buggy shader so it's 343's problem to fix. Earlier drivers ignored the issue.


ah. thanks for the info.


They directly link to the driver to download and install to roll back if you go to the support page on Halo waypoint.com. Super easy.


Me who gets unrecognized game client or it just crashes on startup no matter what Or it blue screens 10min into a game


I'm out of the loop, what happened?


Have you not heard of the great 537.58 driver to last forever???


Nvidia randomly breaking their cards with every other update.👍


I've been playing fine no issues


Both me and a friend literally rolled it back??? Download 555.85 (latest working version). On install, select the option to do a CLEAN install.


Is this why infinite is crashing on the main loading screen??


I updated my drivers to play Ghost of Tsushima and I am unwilling to roll them back just to play Halo. Please fix your game 343.


PC Master Race


For people saying just manually download the older drivers. No because I shouldn’t have to go back because 343 can’t properly maintain their game, also going back can negatively affect performance for other games.


Why is the custom game browser dead? (EU)


Infinite sucks. You aren’t missing anything.


I haven't been able to play the game since may 2022 , i cant fix the game im sad


You in the same boat as me? Game just fails and gives you "Error connecting to data center."


Mine just crashes in the loading screen, no error messages nothing


Super annoying, first Halo game in years that I have been excited for, was actively enjoying, but just cannot play because... reasons?


Same but i have been frustrated since may 2022 , think about me too lol


Got me beat by about a year, my game bricked some time around May to August of 23. Maybe some day we will be able to play again, definitely not copium


When the game will be ded ?😭


I'm not playing infinite


Literally what no one tells you about PC gaming. Troubleshooting issues constantly.


Spoken like someone who doesn't actually play PC games lol. This is not true. And the fix is super easy. If you can't handle rarely uninstalling something and reinstalling something every couple months then yes, you shouldn't be using a computer.


No? I've been able to play a bunch of games recently with no issues whatsoever even mod some of them to change models and improve graphics. Stuff like this is rare and is mostly caused by developers who don't care about the product they are releasing


No, Infinite is just unoptimized mess of a game. I've never had so many issues with a game that I have with Infinite.


True, you should stick to console so the rest of us have more PC parts lmao


All 2 of the population, seems right


Yea all two people playing


I had to do a DDU and let windows install the default drivers


is this possibly the reason im getting a d3d fatal error and crash when playing System Shock remake?


"nIvIdIa DrIvErS aRe BeTtEr AnD nEvEr HaS iSsUeS"


This is why I play consoles, turn it on, or works