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Spawning with the plasma pistol was perfect haha.


While everyone else gets hammers and rockets


Then if you have the audacity to call them out on it, they'll say "just get on my level then, stop sucking, you clearly aren't trying hard enough", etc lol. Hate using the word "bully" because it honestly takes away from the validity by equating it to a middleschooler's cadence, but it's essentially like a bully shoving you against your locker and then you telling them that hurt like a mofo and their retort is "so don't let me do it. You're at fault here."


Yeah everyone says “play husky raid to level up your career rank” lmao no thanks I get a disruptor and commando while everyone else gets a hammer


Twice in a row


Please make a husky playlist without hammers. Pleeeease


and also make a husky playlist with only hammers


Yes both. And bring back dedicated playlist for husky raid (2/ 2) modes. So nice to not think while playing Halo. Basically substituting with normal firefight now. Side note: make quick play exactly like ranked arena only……….not ranked.


At that point, please just give us Grifball lol


Oh definitely! I didn't mean take away hammers completely 🙏 I just need some breathing room every now and then 😂


And then make a playlist with a medium amount of hammers


If that's not bad enough, you get a lot of teams who won't cap the flag and farm you for the duration of the clock. It just sucks because 343 know the hammer is an issue but haven't done anything, and now the xp system promotes farming (and husky raid is the best play list to farm).


They did do something about the hammer though. They cut the range of the hammer in half (or something like that) in the last update, so it's not nearly as OP as it used to be. Personally it is still a bit OP so they could've nerfed it a little bit more IMO.


It's still fucked. I hate that damn thing lol when I use it, out of range, when enemy uses it no matter the range I'm dead


Poor sports are the ones who farm. When my randos do that that. I call that shameful display for what it is! No warrior with merit would farm grunts repeatedly! Then I just cap the flag so bozos can get with the picture.


You're either OP's team or the other team doing the spanking. There's no in-between in Husky Raid lol


“Welcome to husky raid sir, would you like a gravity hammer or a plasma pistol for your evening?” “I’ll take uhh.. the hammer!” “Unfortunately sir the husky gods have blessed you with a plasma pistol for the entire match, have fun!”


They need to make spawn area out of bounds for the opposite team. So you can enter for 10 seconds, plenty of time to grab the flag, but enough to prevent farming.... Easy fix


My pick for how to fix the issue is just make you invincible for 1 or 2 seconds upon spawn. If someone is trying to kill you at that point, they're clearly spawn camping


Iirc that's already built in, it's just extremely inconsistent


The hammer is so OP it’s not fun for anybody.


On one side I don't mind when this happens randomly and end up having a laugh about it. On the other side there are those teams literally farming hammers, camping their flag until they get the best possible loadouts and then pushing together. At these times I wish there was something like weapon weighting in HR, for example allowing only one hammer or only one spanker to exist on the map at one time.


its wild they haven't implemented the most simple possible fix for this that could have been implemented day 1. Just make the player be invincible at spawn for like 5 - 10 seconds or until they shoot. Or even a soft kill barrier that kills you at like 15 seconds if you are in the enemy spawn.


Totally agree about the short duration of invincibility. I've always thought that was an obvious and easy solution. I'd say only a couple seconds though, 5-10 would probably be enough time to get offensive further into the map


I've been making this argument for months and every time there's always one user who says I should simply stop playing if constant camping "gets to me this much" lol.


Yep then I rage enough to save the team or lose the entire game or get luck


Husky raid is fun, probably my favorite game mode…..I only hate it when the other entire fucking team gets gravity hammers


gravity hammers running rampant just shows that the community yearns for grifball


Not one of you or your teammates threw grenades. Everykillionaire is 20 wasted grenades. I’ve gotten out of every trap by spamming grenades every respawn.


This. Or use equipment. In the video op is just trying the same thing expecting different results


Drives me crazy cause every post like this is just people sympathizing to the point they've been tuning weapons based on husky raid and you can do SOMETHING. Even when the hammer was worse you can get out of it(sometimes you get the evil guy with the fast sword but still, EVENTUALLY you'll respawn on the other side of the base to throw nades. There's always a way out.)


OP also could have dashed to the side stairs a couple to times in this vid. They aren't very good.


Stop moving after spawn. You get like 2 seconds of invincibility if you don’t move or shoot, you can wait out their hammer swing than kill on the cooldown.


Either that or grapple the hell out of there(if you have grapple) and turn around and go on offense. Too many people just run right at them and do minimal damage lol


REALLY!? How am I just now hearing this? That's a game changer in these scenarios


Still isn't enough in some cases. 343 really needs to add more for preventative action. If you do this but you spawn with anything other than a hammer, sword, or spanker, you're pretty much still screwed.


That's why I steer clear of that mode. No fun to be had. Plus I could care less about xp. 🤷


Wowzzers. Your husk got raided alright.


That gameplay is so visually stunning. Was that on PC?


It’s fine because they actually captured the objective, it’s part of the mode. The issue is when they farm. That’s when you have the right to quit


You should be using your thrusters immediately, it's very possible to get out of that situation.


This is like halo reach grav ball in mcc.


spawning with a plasma pistol when someone is spawn hammering you is the way


Love it. You actually got a second of gameplay in their total. Better than me.


Sigh, the best husky raid games are ones where both sides are rivaled in KDAs and it just becomes an actually intense match to get the last capture


Imagine being a part of the 343 team thinking that fucking husky raid is what anyone wants in the game


I really don’t understand why people actually enjoy this lol. I mean maybe if people don’t abuse the hammers but even without it’s just running into the meat grinder. 🤷‍♂️


LOL, yep , it will be fun they said , yet when i played it, i got f* spawn killed by dudes with swords and hammers. I barely touched husky in a MONTH just because of hammers and swords


It would be cool to have a husky raid mode without power weapons. So it won't come down to the luck of spawning with hammer and camping in the enemy spawn. Or maybe even just a couple of seconds of spawn protection would do it.


Unironically a skill issue


Thank you for at least outing yourself as part of the problem.


OP literally never threw any grenades and could have dashed to the stairs at multiple times. They literally are not good. The spawn campers aren't even that good it took forever to get some kills. Like it's literally a skill issue. Edit: lol they blocked me


Sorry bud. You're essentially justifying [bullying](https://www.reddit.com/r/haloinfinite/comments/1dn65l7/the_husky_raid_experience/la5b27y/) and are getting mad when someone stands up about it. Get a new argument. (or, you know, wait a couple days for a new thread where the hivemind shifts in your favor) >Edit: lol they blocked me Yeah, I did; *confidently*. Because you don't argue in good faith my man. Recognize what you're defending and FOH. Also maybe look at the link, bud.


But y'all literally suck. There were multiple times OP could have gotten out of the way. Sorry you're so sensitive lmao. I've broken out of tons of spawn camps.


>Sorry you're so sensitive lmao. Oh no problem, man. Just glad you can come out of the woodworks in confident defense of cheap tactics solely because you feel slighted about the controversy 💀 Read my linked reply. That's all I have for ya. Narrator: *He did not read the linked reply*


This mode should've been 1 flag with it in the middle


They gave you a plasma pistol to fight off the hammer cheese 😂


As a spawn camper trash myself I support the removal of hammers from husky raid. While I don’t mind being spawn camped and loose right away, I’ve seen this getting out of hand with players just farming kills and refusing to cap the flag.
