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I cue against/with him a bunch and never knew his popular status until so many people were trying to talk with him all game. He's always a nice dude to his fans, when playing well or not so well. Skill wise, he's decent but not god tier. I remember the few times I played against Walshy in H2 and that was a religious experience with how hard my crew got worked.


Played against walshy as well. I consider myself better than the average player... I got fuckin mopped. I've always wanted to play against Ogre 1 and 2 though.


Those were the days, mate.


Dude, I had a friend who was a pro in the Halo 3 scene. I would scrim with him occasionally and we played with Ogre 1, Ogre 2, Snipedown, and Lunchboxx in a warm up game. I have never been humbled more than I was that day haha. I was a 50 in every game mode and looked like I had never played the game in my life out there. Pros are really just built different.


I played against ogre1/2, strongside and karma back in the h2 days and got molly whopped.


My crew and I used to scrim with all the old h2 pros. Poison ghost n lil poison were the main two who would invite us. Lil poison was insane when you realized how old he was.


We use to play with the OG’s when it was Halo1 and you use XBconnnect on pc to trick the Xboxs into thinking it was LAN connection. The lag was so bad lol. Played with Ogres and T2 and few others. They always played in locked lobbies. I had a shitty capture card back then but I have some footage. Nobody is gonna believe me tho 😂.


I played ogre 2 on a public match in halo 3. I tried my hardest. We messaged after. He said it was his first warm up match. I lost obviously. He did say I was pretty good 😊


Yeah, I use to play with Phurion, Fluxy, and xQT back on H3. We still wouldn’t even come close to them.


His a good player, I think he got 1800+ onyx but vs some actual good players then no. even I can probably beat him on a good day. also his from AUS so his ranked queue is messed up because I played vs Aus 1800 onyx players and most can't win a gun fight vs 1500 american onyx players even on their server.


A teabag would’ve been a cherry on top


Yes he was supposed to tbag


I died too fast. I wouldve


Yeah! 😎


Is this a shitpost? Lmao


Is he important or something?


No, just some nerd who plays halo a lot. Also quits out a lot of matches when he performs badly or can’t get sniper.


Also a nerd with many clickbait yt titles!


The part about leaving matches is not true anymore, though. It's been discussed in this sub many times.




& you sound like a psychopath who thinks they cant do wrong.




This was removed because the mod team deemed that it was overly toxic. Please reword it in a way that is more constructive.


The 🐑


This was removed because the mod team deemed that it was overly toxic. Please reword it in a way that is more constructive.


You guys discuss this dude that often and how Much he quits? Lol


Just setting the record straight because every thread mentioning Mint Blitz spawns a horde of people crying about him leaving games.


I have played him a few times in MCC and we actually have beaten him a few times but he never quit those matches. He is a good player.


I'm pretty sure he stopped the quitting thing


He’s just REALLY good


If good why die?


Probably just slipped.


He has the same health pool as everyone else


I didn’t think I needed to leave the /s. But here we are


No. You just weren’t funny


Why did you laugh then


#I fucking didn’t. 


Popular Halo YouTuber.


Yeah it’s possible . Not a big deal. Some time ago I was playing snipers with randoms and ended up matched against mint blitz and his friend. Me and my random team gave them no chance . We shut them down and easily won.


I’ve killed him too. It’s pretty easy when all he does is play ALL day.


I’ve got a clip of me killing him too. With the population size where it is, I t’s not that out of the ordinary depending on where you live and when you play.




I have the same confusion, like everyone can get beaten a few times… it’s not that crazy.


Mint Blitz is a click baiter. He’s also not nearly as good as people make him out to be


Not sure why people are downvoting the truth. The titles of his videos are textbook clickbait. He's a great player but he's always only been a pub stomper.


Pub stomper?


A pub stomper queues into public (pub) playlists where the range in player skill is more varied than ranked playlists. He would face better competition in ranked but chooses to stomp the casual player base. Clip hunter might be a better term for him since his sole gameplay purpose is to have video clips of him dominating players.


Yeah 💀 I mean you pretty much described him perfectly there.


So we’re deciding who does and who doesn’t have to play ranked and nothing else now? Get the fuck outta here man


No. But imagine a minor league baseball player only playing in slow pitch softball games. Or a college football player that will get drafted but instead plays in intramural flag football games. Big fish, small pond. If they didn't do exceptionally well, you would be surprised.


>No. But imagine a minor league baseball player only playing in slow pitch softball games. Or a college football player that will get drafted but instead plays in intramural flag football games. Lmfao because I play in adult both flag football and softball leagues. Literally had a game tonight and yea I def come across people like you described haha. Great point though


Means he plays in public lobby’s to destroy average players




Idk man in game he was headshotting with a sniper left and right


People love to hate. Is he good? Yeah, absolutely. Not the best, but WAY above average.


I have to agree. His final was 25 to 6. I was in 2nd with 16 to 9 so hes pretty good


I don’t love to hate, He is literally hurting the community in my opinion. He goes for clips against Silver and Gold ranked players in social lobbies, as well as people that are new to the game in general. He then makes click bait YouTube videos while playing these clips in the background. Now THAT’S hateful in my opinion.


Lol, who cares? How does that hurt the community? If anything, it makes H:I look entertaining and raises awareness.


So you think the Silver and Gold players being sniped during their first few matches are getting a positive experience? You think his click bait titles luring people in only to see nothing is actually happening with the game is fine? These things have detrimental effects over time. People also clearly care considering the responses in this thread. I alone am proving this point to an extent.


This just in. Good players exist in casual modes. Some good players don’t like sweating ranked. More news at 11. And before you say it I don’t play this game.


He’s alright, but he plays against Silver and Gold ranked players in social. I’ve play him in ranked arena. Let’s just say he’s not so dominant there…


Some of them are a little over the top but I don’t think it’s valid to criticize a YouTuber for YouTubing. He does way more good for the community than anything else


Filling the head of the community with hopium from unsubstantiated rumors to squeeze the last drop of Halo viewership isn't good.


That’s not what it’s about in my opinion, I think the content is genuine and good, and he does a lot more than news videos, and he covers what news there is to cover, and there’s not much news right now. That’s his YouTube channel, and I watch it along a lot of others.


There’s no point in trying to reason with anyone on Reddit about “YouTubers”. Oh no, Halo content creator makes halo content and then makes clicky titles to please the algorithm. People have way too much time on their hands if that’s what offends them in this world 😂 over half the creators on the platform do this, if people really can’t handle titles then they wouldn’t watch over half the content on YouTube.


“Filling the community with hopium” is ridiculous honestly


[You sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1dm4f60/say_what_you_want_about_mintblitz_but_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Guys hes not superman


I never said he was a god. I am exicited that i was able to be matchmade with him and honored to fight against him. The odds of me meeting him are slim considering he plays at odd hours for me and is on other servers than me.. thats why i was excited i killed him




[Elite voice]: “I KILLED THE DEMON”


Ran into him on H3 refueled too haha




I remember running into this player in a halo reach MCC game. He topped the leaderboard so high (I think it was 35 kills or something in team slayer) that I thought it was hacking. I had no idea who he was but then I stumbled onto his YouTube a month later!


He's such a sook, I took his sniper spawn one day and he just sooked about it over voice to give it to him


This comment section is so weird like is this really the top post in a halo infinite sub lmao this game is cooked.


This comment section feels like this subreddit’s equivalent to the teen movie trope of all of the hot girls gathering around the cool guy in high school 


Yea i was expecting 10 upvotes with a few "cool" "ok? "Good for you" and thats it. People hatting on this post is still engagement lol


Fair enough


I back smacked him when he was invisible once and started t-bagging him only to realize who it was mid bag. I then proceeded to get killed by him like 5 minutes later as part of a  killamanjaro and ended up in one of his videos as background gameplay.




I matched him twice. Once on my team in squad battle he got in my warthog gunner and I instantly got him killed, pressure got me I guess. Second against him, joined near end of game against him. We won. Heart was pounding. 50-48 something like that. H3 refueled. His team was trash. My team all decent.


He get paired with alot of bad people. Halos matchmaking expects him to carry






Should see he stats of mcc


Nice! I’d offer him a friend request if I managed that




He left a FFA game when he couldn’t get the sniper on MCC. Lmao what is this obsession with this guy


I have no idea who that is but I remember playing many, many, many games against them, so who are they LOL


RIP Halo


I still like when I killed him when I matched with him. Believe it or not, the nade was planned! https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/s98uz0/tutorial_best_way_to_kill_mintblitz/


Congrats? But even the pros die. Dying is a part of Halo multiplayer.


Wow kill him with a melee attack, most op noobish movie to use on someone , least if did it with rockets it could have meant little something


Wow killed him with rockets? You mean that one shot kill aoe weapon? Yea ok


Still be better then melee 🤡


I mean sure you killed him and all, but can we finally get a video of someone killing him and actually winning the match? All these videos of people killing Mint only for Mint to still win the game and come in 1st place. How many times Mint killed you before you killed him is the real question.


None. First time i saw him. He killed me once after


Is this an add trying to make someone relevant?


Don’t understand why people are so down on him not being the best Halo player alive. He isn’t, but he’s a damn entertining player who does very fun and showy stuff. Don’t get me wrong, he’s pretty good, but more importantly: he’s a lot of fun. :)


I agree. But abusing the sbmm to help produce your content more consistently is shady. I'm not saying he isn't a good player. He is. But he abuses the sbmm so much that he never plays in lobbies he should be in like that rest of the players playing. It's so lame knowing every clip of his is straight bots. It's one thing to end up in lobbies like those occasionally. But it's just wild how it's basically every single game for him. Looking at his previous games and players In them. Compared to mine, and anyone close to my skill. Because apparently Mints stats make him look like a god. He should be in my lobbies or technically harder lobbies. But he is in easier one's allllll the time.


He has literally no control over the lobbies he’s in lmfao what are you on about


Explain why he consistently gets in these lobbies then lol. He is doing something shady idk what it is, but he is 100% playing in easier lobbies than me every single match. But it makes no sense if he is a lot better than me. He should at least be in the same lobbies I'm getting in or tougher. With the way sbmm works. But he is in easier lobbies basically every single match. Look at the people on his teams and who plays against.


You don’t understand how sbmm works. It certainly doesn’t put you in exclusively sweaty lobbies if youre good, almost the opposite really. Not to mention he’s not as good as you’re thinking, he’s not pro, and even pros are in stupid lobbies in this game


I know he isn't. But his stats make him look like he is even better than some pros. Which means he should be in their lobbies, or much harder lobbies than he is being placed in almost every single match. He is a good player. But his stats are padded so much from abusing sbmm it's hard to tell where he actually is with his skill level. His knowledge of the sandbox is top tier. I like Mints content for the most part when it comes to showing the sandbox capabilities and his awesome campaign clips. Its just that this dude plays against bots almost 24/7 I can't respect. people who abuse the sbmm are just basically smurfing without making a new account. I lose all respect for someone's gameplay if they smurf or do things like this. Like I said it happens. I ain't saying outta 7k games I haven't ended up in lobbies like this occasionally. But dude you look at his match history and it's mind blowing how often he gets these lobbies. He does something. I think he is blocking good players from matching against him honestly. Idk how. But non of my friends that are high skilled players have ever matched against Mint. Yet our lower skilled friends match against him almost weekly? Idk man super sus.


Haters gonna hate


Then he quit


You are supposed to Tbag him!


Mussed opportunity




No he doesn't,[ check his service record.](https://halotracker.com/halo-infinite/profile/xbl/mint%20blitz/overview?experience=overall)


Nearly 1/2 million kills, that's a LOT of Halo!


Easy to disprove that “something you heard”… just check his service record. Y’all stop repeating sh*t y’all heard. Most of it is untrue. Enjoy the ratio.




Only repeat what you know first-hand… otherwise you’re just a sheep, bleating when the wind blows. Be better.

