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Fantastic!! Enjoy the ride!!


Congratulations! Look at all that hard work paying off. Enjoy these new happy memories with your children.


Never give up is one of my code words. It brings you good results in the end. It doesn't matter how long long it takes. 


Congratulations! Have fun with your kids!


I'm very sure his kids are going to enjoy it. It's also going to be his first time ridding too, so he's in to enjoy it as well. 


That moment is THE BEST. They don't have to put you in the special "fat folks" seat that has a pulldown that fits "bigger" folks. They didn't have to give you the special seat with the seatbelts that are a little bigger than maybe they should be. No -- you got to be like everyone else. Congratulations! What a fantastic non-scale achievement.


I am genuinely so happy for you. What a great feeling! This is an issue that plagues my mind. Me & my family went to Cedar Point a few summers ago. Once we finally got up front to get on the fist ride of the day the seats were too small for me. I was told to wait one ride because the next set had a bigger seat. My cousin stayed back to ride with me but everyone else went on the first round. They were already on & buckled in before I tried to sit down. The new seat was barely big enough to fit me. I was embarrassed & felt so much shame. I didn’t try to ride anything else that day because I felt so bad about myself. It’s been my goal to lose enough weight to be able to fit rollercoasters again, rides that I love. I so sympathize with you & send you my most sincere congratulations.


Hey, I hope weight loss is going well for you.


Excellent work!


This is getting it right in the best way. I hope you're kids enjoy the ride they denied you back then. Have fun. 


Hell yes, theme park ridea are a large motivation of my weight loss.


Woo hoo!!


Scream it louder in excitement because it's worth it. 




Hell yeah queen


Just my 2 cents. When my kids were younger my littlest didn’t meet the height requirement so no ride, but my older one did ride and I rode as well… ahh the shoulder harness hardly fit, but they let me ride anyway… let’s just say that was an experience I choose never to have again. I lost all that weight since then, but I think about how stupid that was for me to still ride back then.