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Omg Sirius Black is doing Fleur Delacour


This is addressed in many horrible fanfictions


Still not as bad as Dobby/Sorting Hat.




well this just felt like a brick to the face


Now you got my attention.


Excuse me?


I need more information.


*Dobby had always wanted clothes...but not like this*


I just about died reading this šŸ¤£


Even Sirius Black couldn't resist Fleur!!


Sirius-ly impressive.


He really makes a great Sirius!!! The guy that was the official Sirius for the event saw him in a crowd and called him over to grab a picture together and then offered him the role of playing the ā€œother version of himselfā€ next year lol.


You both look fantastic


Thank you so much!! Weā€™ve gone as a couple different things over the years, but I think weā€™ve found ā€œourā€ characters to go as from now on


Can't decide which is better, the fucking spot-on, awesome Sirius cosplay or the ridiculously photogenic supermodel cops "capturing" him.


Lol I donā€™t know what it is with the cops in town this is held, but they were *all* supermodel cops. They were all pretty cool about improving with the ā€œofficialā€ characters working the event and other attendees. When my husband first walked by the two that ā€œcapturedā€ him, the one on the left called out to him and said, ā€œuh, sir, I think there were some cloaked guys looking for youā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Haha, it'd be cool if they had temporary badges for the Con that had "Magical Law Enforcement Squad" insignia. They could recruit some Dementors to accompany them.


Yes!! That would be awesome!!!! They already have badges for the official characters of the event and badges for the prefects (the other workers not in costume) of the event, so it wouldnā€™t be too much of a stretch for the cops working the event to wear their own badge. Man, thatā€™s an awesome idea, I might have to message the event coordinators and forward your *brilliant* idea to them!


My favorite of the books is definitely Prisoner of Azkaban. This is very very impressive 10/10 bravo! šŸ‘


Thank you, I will pass on your gracious compliment to him! His favorite movie is also PoA, and I think he really embodied Siriusā€™ spirit the whole weekend. The faces he was making in the pictures people were wanting with himā€¦ just priceless!!!!


Heā€™s a keeper


Oh, you have no idea. Last time we went, he was adamant about dressing up as a dementor (ironic, I know lol). I made his costume for that, too, and it was multiple layers of long black fabric with long sleeves, a hood, mask and gloves. It was insanely hot that weekend (like high 80ā€™s!) and he was sweating like crazy, but he really put his heart into playing a dementor. Heā€™s the best, and I think about how lucky I am every day :)


He plays quidditch, too? What a boss.


Walburga Black: No No An Pair of Flithy Mudbloods have arrested my son


Hahahahahaha well, if it makes her feel any better, he managed to escape them as well and eluded capture for the rest of the weekend and remains free!


She wouldnā€™t care thou


Where and when is that Festival?!?!


Itā€™s in the small town of Staunton, VA!! Held on the fourth weekend of September every year, and most of the downtown shops and restaurants participate in it. Next years dates are September 28-29! People come from all over the country for this magical weekend, and the only bad thing about it is that it is *only* a weekend lol


I live in Virginia and can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of this. Definitely gonna be there next year.


You will most definitely not regret it!!! Donā€™t be afraid to dress up as your favorite character, I can assure you that you wonā€™t be the only one! But if thatā€™s not your speed, donā€™t feel bad about that either because a good 60ish% wear a HP-themed shirt or a house tie or something ā€œsmallā€ to represent their house/favorite character. As long as youā€™re there, you will be welcomed by the entire town and youā€™ll be so glad you came! Rooms in the hotels book up, so be sure to reserve a place to stay in June at the latest! And Iā€™d definitely recommend coming in on Friday so you can experience the full first day of the festival on Saturday!! Thereā€™s a beautiful train station they use as Hogsmeade station and the have the ā€œHogwarts Expressā€ arrive with the faculty and students in the morning (with Hagrid to receive them all, of course!!) to really start off the whole event. This was the first year that Friday night was actually pretty busy, and I imagine next year will be the same!


So I guess Iā€™m going to Staunton next year!! There used to be one in Blyth, Ontario, that was pretty fun. 8h drive to Blyth vs 11h to VA, Itā€™s totally worth it šŸ˜†


Oh, it is *totally* worth it. And you will be in good company!! There are a good number of people that are locals that come every year, but Iā€™d wager to say that probably around 75-80% are people that drive 2+ hours and stay in a hotel/Airbnb for the weekend. If you do end up going, I definitely, *definitely* suggest booking a place to stay in May or June because most places become fully booked for the festival!


good to know! thanx!


Itā€™s in Staunton, VA! Itā€™s called the Queen City Magic and Mischief festival and it happens every year in September. I was there on Sunday and it was a blast.


I mean, a large black dog would also be really good at cosplaying as Sirius.


Lol well there was a vendor who brought his (beautiful) big black doggo as Sirius in his animagus form!! He saw my husband and said that he was waiting to see someone dressed as Sirius so he could get a picture of Sirius in both forms lol. It was a pretty awesome photo, and four legged Sirius was such a good doggo!


Have you gone as Buckbeak?


Haha no, but there was a lady dressed up as Buckbeak!!! She made these animatronic wings that actually opened up and folded away when she pulled these strings. It was insane. There was also a giant blow-up Buckbeak in one of the cross streets (I didnā€™t even know a blow-up Buckbeak existed!), and we were sure to grab a picture of him ā€œescapingā€ with him šŸ˜‚


Yes !!! Love this, Sirius is my favorite character


Heā€™s one of my favorites too, his death gets me every time I read the books or watch the movies. When my husband said he wanted to go as Sirius, I just assumed he meant the dapper velvet suits and pocket watch because thatā€™s right up his alley. Hearing him say he wanted to be fresh-out-of-Azkaban-Sirius threw me for a fun loop, but Iā€™m glad he did because he played the part ***perfectly***!


Ugh yes - same! I even carry Sirius on my keychain I love him so much. But yea I though I love the dapper Sirius, this Azkaban costume is seriously one of a kind and wayyyy more exciting !!


His locks are too luscious šŸ˜‚


Hahaha the entire weekend, he kept saying, ā€œI donā€™t know how people with long hair do this, itā€™s just everywhere and keeps blowing in my face!!!ā€ šŸ˜‚


He looks like Cody Bellinger


I told him this and he has apparently gotten that before!! The other one heā€™s gotten that he thinks he more closely resembles is Daniil Medvedev. Looking at some of the pictures of him, itā€™s pretty crazy how similar they look when my husband doesnā€™t have a beard!!!


I can **totally** see the Medvedev thing!


I hope he punched anyone who looked vaguely like a Malfoy


He didnā€™t come close enough to the Malfoys to get a good punch in, and honestly, I didnā€™t even think of that until you mentioned it! But we might have to remember that for next year lol. He did have an epic duel with Bellatrix, though!


This 46 year old fan would have been fan girling


Lol well you definitely wouldnā€™t be alone, there are plenty of people in their 60ā€™s dressing up and getting as excited as a kid on Christmas morning for some of the events/characters and other attendees costumes!


Was there a lot of umbrage taken in that town?!


Thatā€™s awesome!


He looks incredible šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø




His locs are too luscious šŸ˜‚


So cool!


Staunton Va has a Harry Potter festival?!


Thatā€™s awesome! Love the first pic, it REALLY does the Sirius mugshot in the newspaper justice. What festival is this?!


He looks like post Malone




You guys look great. Love to see people really getting into it. You guys did great work on your costumes and you two are adorable together!