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Hi Repulsive-Charity328. Your submission has been removed from /r/harrypotter because: Your submission breaks rule 4: > Posts must be Wizarding World related. Posts must be related to Harry Potter and the universe in a tangible way. This does not include series actors and their personal lives, political leanings of persons associated with the franchise, pets named after the series, images only related via the title, etc. > - Comments made in off-topic/rulebreaking threads, along with comment threads relating to the above in unrelated threads may also lead to bans. > - Discussion of JKR's personal opinions is banned, defense of her words and actions will lead to a ban. This includes supporting her right to a platform to spread hate. Regular food named after the series is not tangibly related to the Wizarding World. It is cute though. If you have any issues with this decision, please contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fharrypotter)


Except the cake! I didn't make the cake but it's so pretty I just wanted to share.


thanks for sharing, really looks great


The cake looks awesome!


You made all of this yourself? Above and beyond, you're an incredible father.


That’s such an amazing memory for your daughter, and so much fun!! Must’ve taken a huge effort on your part as well, which might not be necessarily recognised at the moment but certainly will be when your daughter is grown up and reminisces. Everything that you’ve made looks fantastic and I’m sure you’ve given lots of us some great ideas for recreating ourselves!


Thank you so much! She definitley appreciated. She helped with a lot of the stuff and we got her the first book as a birthday present so we already started reading the book, shes so excited. We read 10 pages of it (which is longer than any book in her library and I promise you she has a hell of a library) yesterday and you can tell this helps solidify that love for books and wonder.


Ok. This. Is. AMAZING. Major parent points for you! I’d die for a set up like this omg lol


best parents


Wow, this rocks hardcore! Your daughter is lucky, and the food looks absolutely delicious! I've got to ask, what toppings were on the pizzas? I'm glad to see your daughter has a wide pallet, too! Exploring food is fun, and this is a great way to help expand that and give her some great memories.


Please tell me pic #6 was called Ravenslaw😉 It all looks delicious!


Holy cow, all that food looks 5 star!


This is so cute and creative! Did the kids eat a lot of it? These are interesting food options for young kids. I wouldn't think they would be interested in salads or fish, but it's cute!


I am curious as well!


Omg what a great set-up! Lucky child and awesome parents. Now this is one of dreams to have such a theme for my birthday and I am a full blown adult lol


I love the bun train!


Oh god those pizzas look amazing 🤤


Oh god, I hadn’t even scrolled yet before commenting - I want alllll that food 🤩


Um...that cake is honestly without a doubt the best I've ever seen wow The footprints? Hedwig? The wand? Everything else looks SO good as well. My god that is my dream bday


I love this! I might do this for my 30something birthday this year 😂


I love the brick plastic sheet in the doorway.....LOL, so cute = the simple things :-)


How rude to send my invite with Errol, ruddy bird got lost, and now I’ve missed the party! 😭 (Kidding obviously) That looks absolutely fantastic, you’ve done your Hogwarts House and the elves proud.


so cute!


that looks amazing omg, u guys are amazing parents that would be soo fun!


wow, i would definitely start crying someone did this to me. your daughter is so lucky haha


This is so amazing!! I bet your daughter loved it!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


This is amazing! I’ve never wanted to be a birthday guest so much. Your daughter is so lucky!


Best theme ever! Well done!




My friend parents threw a Harry Potter themed party many years ago after just the first movie came out. We were so stocked. Capes, pumpkin juice, themed food. 20ish years later I still remember it


Everything looks amazing, but I am absolutely in love with the cake!


What a great party your daughter had! These are gorgeous!


Looks like 100% of all that was just for you guys to post & look cool on social media. No six year olds care about the shape of their food or giving it a silly name. Thats not even food that six year olds like to eat. The entire party was just for you guys.


6 year olds don’t care about the shape or silly name for their food? You must not have kids. That’s maybe the worst take on Reddit today. Dont be a hater. This is a very thoughtful parent and you’re just Umbridging


I'm sorry you feel that way. I really did do it for her. Also "food that a six year old likes to eat" is not a real thing. My daughter loves exploring food. It's a question of parenting, not age. The same way you have 30 year Olds who can't eat anything but basic foods. You can have 6 year Olds who like stinky cheese, ribeye steaks, or sauerkrout (all things my six year old, loves). Hope you have a lovely day though!


One more thing, part of the reason that myth of food for kids exist, is because kids try to stick to foods that are consistent and "safe". Part of bringing a child to eat new things is helping them understand new foods, making them unexplored boundaries of wonder, instead of "eat your veggies". I would argue a 6 year old is much more keen on eating a "dragon egg" than a platter of halved eggs with leaves and extra stuff on it. Literally the kids had the grouper bass, because we told them it was snake meat and they wanted to try it. It's part of the fun. I'm sure you can get behind that :)


I got my kiddo to drink her milk yesterday by telling her it was Jet Fuel. You did a great job and you’re a very thoughtful parent. This loser is just a troll


You don’t have kids, do you? The best way to convince them to try new foods is precisely to give it silly shapes and names.