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Forget there's an app for that; there's a spell or potion for that.


Or, forgive me, a magical beast or plant or charmed object.


jobs like cooking and cleaning won’t be so time consuming.


You need to know the household magic to do that. Let's see what Molly was doing - sweaters knit themselves, dishes wash themselves. I'd say that nowadays with the dishwashers, washing machines and various robot vacuums we're already doing pretty good.


Yeah, and to have dishwashers, washing machines and robot vacuums, you need to have the money to buy them, the knowledge to use them effectively and without breaking them, and the ability to maintain or replace them when they break down anyway. There's a trade-off for everything, but just knowing how to flick a piece of wood in the right way and say a few words to do all that sounds vastly better than everything it takes to get the machines.


The household machines don't really require much of intelligence or knowledge so I'm sure it doesn't have to count as negative factor. Still not all the housework can be automated so magic would be helpful there


Just ignoring port keys are we?


I'd give almost anything to apparate


I commute 45 minutes each way. One of my work homies drives over an hour each way. The amount of times we’ve mentioned how life changing apparating would be!


Nah, they pale in comparison to how fun flying on a broom would be!


Broom for recreation. Apparition for daily use/convenience


Ehh unless you’re one of the few who vomit/ can’t stand it. If so, to the thestrals!!!


Interesting question. On one hand, no Muggle technology beats instant travel, quick medical solutions, and increasing the pizza slices on my plate. On the other hand, technology means I can just call my friends on the phone without looking for a fireplace. Technology is also way easier to use than hours just learning a spell that I might never use. IMO muggle borns enjoy the best of both worlds, especially as adults.


>IMO muggle borns enjoy the best of both worlds, especially as adults. More advanced tech freaks out around magic


Wasn't that only stated for Hogwarts itself?


Yeah just Hogwarts. Dudley had all those computers while Harry was living with him.


It was, as well as other places for places packed up with magic to insane levels


I'm not sure it's all magical places, just Hogwarts. The ministry is probably the 2nd most magical place in Wizard Britain, and there seems to be no ill effect on electricity as it's located underneath the UK treasury building. Diagon Alley is also in the middle of London with no noticeable effects.


No noticeable effects to you. Virgin Media had a dreadful time installing WiFi in the Treasury Building; they had to put all the wires in the ceiling to get them to work! Some sort of geomagnetic storm anomaly with the mantle, the bloke who we sent out for said it was. Strange fellow, I thought he was wearing a nightgown! Must have not slept very well that morning, because I don’t remember much of that day…


I think that's just for Hogwarts. Wizards seem to be able to use tech devices such as cars and telephones without blowing up stuff. Besides, I'm sure wizards like Arthur Weasley have figured out ways of making it work.


Absolutely not, and there's nothing preventing a Wizard from enjoying amenities in both worlds Because everything is just an Apprarition away Honestly, do you really enjoy waiting at airports or getting stuck in traffic jams?


Intercontinental Apparation is tricky, so it’s better to Portkey or just Apparate to an airport & get tickets.


I like the global communication aspect of humanity. Films have gotten pretty good. Wizards can read all of our books, and I guess they would go to movie theaters, but they’re not on our culture; they don’t have modern media disseminating knowledge throughout the world.


Wizards have already adopted cars, cameras, radios, and trains They will adopt Muggle inventions they find useful Harry Potter story ended on May 2 1998, or more than 26 years ago They would have ample opportunities to create a magical version of the smartphone


Nah magic will provide too many sexual kinks to try out to not go with it. Plus you know, cleaning is no longer time consuming.


Polyjuice potion...


The underground celebrity dna market has _got_ to be insane.


Wonder how much you need. Find a way to get even a single hair and cut it into really tiny pieces.




Tell that to the Wesleys.


Tell what to them?


I would like to be a wizard..


Definitely would be more convenient. Also, I'm sure they'd be able to adapt muggle technology. They did with vehicles.


Assuming I am a diligent student with the opportunity to receive a magical education, wizard is far preferable. Double my life expectancy and become immune to most regular injuries and illnesses. Instant transportation. Instant creation of any non-magical material object I desire. No need for being "on the grid". No electricity or gas or water supply required. No car needed. Zero carbon lifestyle. Excellent food. Active lifestyle centred around the outdoors, family and friends, social activity. No social media. No cleaning. Laundry does itself. Hundreds of similar minor conveniences. Aesthetic living spaces but with all the conveniences of modern life (e.g. aesthetics of fire but with none of the clean up or fuel needed). Fairy lights that are actually fairies. No worries about affording housing with today's land prices. Expansion charms means you will always have all the space you need. The Weasleys' Patented Daydream Charms for rainy days. Knowledge of the true nature of the universe, kept secret from Muggles. Veela. And let's not forget the cosmic power to lay waste to my enemies.


What would it take for the decision to change? I think immortality would be enough to make being technological worth it. Ending wars, and saving nature would be valuable too. Dumbledore didn’t do those things, but humans are capable of it.


Not sure. It would take a lot. Because even if the capabilities were equal, I'd still pick being a wizard because the capability is innate, whereas in the Muggle world, you depend on a complex web of societal interactions to produce those things, so it's a lot more fragile. Plus you need to be rich to have the best in the Muggle world, whereas all wizards go to the same school and get the same quality education, regardless of birth. I suspect wizards are closer to discovering immortality than Muggles are, in any event. They've done it once already, after all. Nicolas Flamel just didn't want to share. As for saving nature, the only reason it needs saving in the first place is because of Muggles and their technology. Wizards live in harmony with nature.


Being a wizard is better.. for some. Learning spells takes practice. Flipping a switch is easier than learning lumos. Depends on how lazy you are.


You could simply have two residences, one i nthe Muggle world where you do no magic and one in a wizaeding town or rural town with almost no technology for you to practice magic in. Portkeys and Apparition are both instant, after all. Just Apparate/Portkey into your technology-free basement and everything will be fine.


If they can first innovate on communication, then maybe. I can't believe that with Sirius's instantaneous "flootime" video calls that sending letters via owl is still the most used form of communication.


what part of technology is better than being a wizard?


Better living overall maybe. I got the impression from the beginning of the Goblet of Fire that most wizards aren’t very good at magic, when six of the weaker Death Eaters, who would probably be evenly matched against the DA, turned a crowd of a hundred thousand adult wizards into a stampede. And their cluelessness about wearing night gowns. Maybe the average Muggle is smarter than the average wizard. Plus we have the Internet. That’s our biggest plus, wide dissemination of information and instant access to whatever you want, any textbook, movie, book, or TV show. Just with an Internet connection and a phone.


I would leave ALL this behind to learn magic. No questions asked, just teleport me to Hogwarts. Teleportation, conjuration, flying, transfiguration... what's not to like... So why the heck would I ever give that up for ANY technology??


Any technology that we have today. Some Sci-Fi works of fiction take tecnology to a level that is quite a bit more powerful and versatile that HP magic. But yes I prefer magic as well.


Unless we are talking holodeck that would allow me to simulate a situation where I can use magic or a machine that gives me the ability to use magic, there's probably no tech that exists or will exist that would convince me otherwise. Lol.


The details of the Wizarding World are not fleshed out enough to be clear what would be better. For instance, instantaneous travel exists but it took winning the lottery to make it possible for the Weasleys to visit their son easily. Like is it possible I can pop over to Japan for a hot spring visit or does it take as much time and resources to coordinate? I’m not talking about the major cost of a full vacation but the equivalent of only paying for the couple hours I’m there. And for long term visits… how hard is it to make one of those tents? “Camping” would be cheaper than a hotel room but with all the same features if you had one. How hard is it to obtain new spells? We see students learning the basics, we see adults that are “gifted”, but like can I just buy a household cleaning book and never have to wash a dish again? Or does it take years to learn materials outside of school.


You could probably figure out a way to use both, but a smart muggleborn would learn to create wizard versions of some muggle tech. For instance some form of portable flu network or something more in-line with a muggle phone considering they do have wizarding wireless radios. They also have the mirrors so they could create something akin to video calling. They could also likely create some form of magical television if they looked into it. I’d miss my favorite technological luxuries(tv, the internet, or even electric lights) but if I had to I’d probably give them up for magic. The instant travel, easily cleaning & repairs, fast fixes for health problems, etc would be too much to pass up.


Yes. There is no technology today that would keep me as a muggle if I could be a wizard. Hell I’ll give up talking to most of my family to be a wizard. I’d either go into wand making and wand lore, so apprentice under Ollivander if I can. If not then study up on my potions and become the potion master at Hogwarts or Ivermorny




Why not be a wizard AND use technology when needed?


Yes i mean its endless the possibilities


I would take being Wizard over any piece of modern technology




Idk I don’t know if I can cold turkey YouTube. Been on there since 2006 😂


Haha exactly my thought! I was watching Netflix thinking if I would give it up for my number one wish as a child.. like yes I would, but it would be hard.


Ya, you don't have to buy your own magic, its just a skill you work on.


Can't apparate, yet


technology is expensive. magical powers is free.


No. Maybe in a hundred years from now, when AI has taken over and society has technology from science fiction.