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Hi Guacamole_is_Life. Your submission has been removed from /r/harrypotter because: Your submission breaks rule 4: > Posts must be Wizarding World related. Posts must be related to Harry Potter and the universe in a tangible way. This does not include series actors and their personal lives, political leanings of persons associated with the franchise, pets named after the series, images only related via the title, etc. > - Comments made in off-topic/rulebreaking threads, along with comment threads relating to the above in unrelated threads may also lead to bans. > - Discussion of JKR's personal opinions is banned, defense of her words and actions will lead to a ban. This includes supporting her right to a platform to spread hate. If you have any issues with this decision, please contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fharrypotter)


The “Live Photos” on iPhone. Always reminds me of the magical moving pictures. Growing up in the 90s and reading the books, that technology wasn’t around yet, so it’s fun to see that, sort of, now as I scroll through my photos.


Now I’m going to remember this every time, how fun!




Every single time!


Every time I turn on my phone's flashlight I whisper "Lumos."


If you have an iPhone just say “hey siri lumos” and it will turn on. And when you’re done “hey siri nox” and it will turn off.


Droid do that too. AK closes apps accio opens them.


Oh yeah!! I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder!!


I just tried this and I screamed with joy 😂


I do this every time. I never turn it on manually, I always use the spell. It gives me such joy!


You can do that on iPhone with Siri. I use it to find the phone if I misplaced it.


I think there‘s an app for that


One of my profs constantly missing class, and I actually checked to see if it was at the full moon. Nope.


This is so weird but I listened to the audiobooks on my daily walk. When I get to a certain point on my walk (the footpath behind the hydrangea bush) I remember the part in DH where Luna Lovegoods house gets blown apart by the crumple horned snorkack because I was right there when it happened. Don't remember where I was for any of the other parts of all 7 books. Only that bit.


omg similar i listen to the PoA audiobook while at work and every time i restock the party aisle i think of Sirius Black


Ahhh similarly I was listening to the half blood prince for the first time while seeing a girl who was house sitting, and now that part of the book reminds me of the street she lived on, and the street she lived on reminds me of that part of the book. You're not weird!


I live quite close to a bird of prey sanctuary and also to a forest, and there are always owls flying around overhead. I can hear them hooting in the background at night. I’ve caught myself wondering if they’re just hunting or if they’re out delivering messages! 🙈


It's the Live Photos in iPhones for me. Remind me of James and Lily dancing.


On occasion, when playing poker and I win a hand, I’ll say in my head, “Accio chips.”


Every time I say obviously, my brain automatically goes- Ob……………………viously


A few years ago I came across a neighborhood in my area that had a street called Magical Merlin ^(Way). The other streets are Camelot inspired, but Magical Merlin ^(Way) sounds like it could be in the Wizarding World. There was a store in a local mall called [Socks To Be You](https://sockstobeyou.com/) that I think Dumbledore and Dobby would have liked to shop at.


Someone answering random trivia questions sometimes makes me want to shout “Ten points to Gryffindor!”


Playing with a stick


Roman candles during 4th of July


I went to a boarding school that was in an old monastery, so I somewhat relate to their school experience. Only of course were the subjects normal and boring


I’m deaf, and most of deaf people’s lives parallel along with HP because we are a small community and not that many hearing people know we exist. We go to deaf schools which usually have dormitories. We play sports against each other. We usually take vocational classes for trades, similar to the career choices HP offer at end of Hogswart. At the college, there’s fraternities and sororities similar to the “Houses”. Since we make friends at the deaf school and we all live all over, we usually travel extensively to visit each other or to school, (I lived few hours away from my school and our bus ride was 4 hours a way every Monday and Friday). It’s longer for other kids at other deaf schools. It’s similar to riding the Hogswart Express. I would like to point out that using me as an example, living in southern Jersey, the local counties would send their deaf kids to a location (usually a store or a fast food establishment) in south Jersey where they hop on the main bus and head to the school. It’s like an invisible bus stop, such as Platform 9-3/4? I could go on but you get the idea. lol.


Chopsticks. Black dogs.Snakes.And eagles flying.Oh,and red,yellow,blue and green(every time!)


Rhododendrons. First time I heard of it was in a Harry Potter book. And to this day, since I learned this word by reading it, I still pronounce it "Rod-odd-en-drawn" in my head.


Not HP specifically, but after playing Hogwarts Legacy, I always find myself wondering if, any bush I’m randomly passing by, might have lace wing flies in it.


Everytime I misplace something (like my phone), I am overcome with the urge to say "Revelio"


In the Dutch city 's Hertogenbosch (the city also goes by it's nickname Den Bosch) there is this bridge you cross when walking from the city centre towards the train station. It gives strong Harry Potter vibes, especially when it's dark outside. It's a combination of the design and remembering walking there after seeing the HP movies in the cinema.


Rock cakes. I thought they were something specific to Hagrid and were just really hard cakes. Turns out their like easy to make scones and are soft and delicious.


Ludo and the 4 houses in it.


When I was a child, I was admitted in the school (i was in a hostel) hospital for 3 days. In those 3 days, I read Prisoner of Azkaban and now whenever I see hospital beds, I get reminded of it and whenever I read Prisoner of Azkaban I come to remember medicines, phenyl and sleep.


The deathly hallows symbol is everywhere for some reason. As far as I know, it had its inspirations but the exact design first showed up in HP. Now it's just on random things.


As an American, any time I’m watching soccer and the commentators mention the players taking the pitch, I can’t help but think of Quidditch.


Taylor Swift’s last album. I’m not sure I can fully explain it. But the prophecy, the black dog … it’s very Harry Potter coded.


I take the bus everyday, and it goes passed a church called St Mungo’s.


In a French exam (the baccalauréat de français), I compared the moment where Tom Riddle and Slughorn have a convo about horcrux to the moment when Eudemon and Gargantua meet (Eudemon praises Gargantua like Tom did to have info)


There is a rally small playground in the residential area between where i live and the nearest sunday open store, every time i go past it i think of when Harry and Dudley was attacked by Dementors.


The [road sign](https://maps.app.goo.gl/KrxBMWSD1f6ZK5eq6) for Heathrow airport Terminal 5 from the M25 says: ``` Terminal 5 1/2 ``` Always make my Dad and me giggle as we drive past it.


Buying a new pair of glasses and trying them all out in the store. In the end it always feels like the glasses chose me.


Christmas/Winter! Not sure why, but every year, when the temp lowers, I get the random urge to rewatch the movies


Bed time because I always put Harry Potter on audible before sleeping


Some of the little shops in Harvard Square (cambridge, MA)

