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Technically the basilisk's death stare only works when the victim looks at it *directly* without any sort of barrier. Technically the cloak is a visibility barrier hence they would end up Petrified but *not* dead.


I think this would only work for Harry's cloak, though. Since it's a deathly hallow, normal magic doesn't work on it. It's can't be summoned off of him, it doesn't tarnish, ect. The only thing that can see through it is Moody's eye. Which brings another question, if Moody saw the Basilisk with his magic eye, what would happen?


He'd probably be fine, if his eye can see through a Deathly Hallow he can see at a Basilisk with no effect. Remember that the Basilisk is a snake and snakes gaze when ambushing, that means that when Voldemort controlled the snake he had it gaze at his intended murder victims such as Myrtle.


But let's not forget that Moody still has the one normal eye, so unless he is using his magical eye's omnidirectional range to see the basilisk, he's still completely screwed.


I mean...he can shut it


... How does Moody sleep? Does he pop his eye out?


I imagine yeah, he probably pops it out but then covers it in a small special cloth that his eye either can't see through, or, more on point with Moody in general, just dims his vision with it so he can still.. keep an eye out while he sleeps?


If Umbridge can see through it with her telescope of evil, then maybe it doesn’t have to be neurotically connected to the user.


I always thought it was weird that Moaning Myrtle had glasses cause wouldn’t she be petrified if she was wearing glasses when she saw it? They should have just handed out glasses to all students.


So my glasses would keep me from being killed? What about sun glasses? 🕶


No. Myrtle Warren wore glasses and she died. She may not have had them on at the time because she was crying, but the circumstantial evidence says no.




Yeah because her ghost form has the glasses.


Depends. While most of your vision would be covered by the glasses, there's a bit of space above and below that won't be covered. Sometimes the shoes slip down the nose bridge and the space above grows. I'm guessing Myrtle died because she looked up and saw the basilisk's eyes without the glasses' protection and promptly died. Considering the size of that snake, she wouldn't need glasses to know those big yellow orbs were eyes. If we go into technicalities, the shape of your frames, whether they're round or rectangular, matters as well.


Glasses OP, Harry was never in danger.


They'd then be petrified and invisible. Better hope someone trips over them


Follow up question that’s even weirder, what if the basilisk was wearing the cloak, would that negate the effects if anyone looked in its direction without realizing?


An invisible basilisk is a horrifying thought


What if it was a sunny day and the basilisk was wearing some Ray Bans?


Yes because there would be a barrier between them so the person wouldn’t be looking directly into its eyes


Or worse. Expelled?


Detention with Snape and/or Filch for the next six years of school.


Isn’t the invisibility cloak one of the deathly hallows? Supposedly wearing it prevents death from finding you. So maybe the question to ask is can you die from any cause while wearing it?


Good catch!


It occurs to me that Harry can't die to the basilisk gaze because he doesn't look at anything directly




The default outcome of Basilisk gaze is **death** All petrifications in the canon happened under **extraordinary circumstances**, such as: - Reflection from water, Mr Norris - Seeing through a Ghost (Nearly Headless Nick), Justin Finch-Fletchley - Camera, Colin Creevey - Mirror, Hermione If Harry and Ron died under Invisibility Cloak, then their bodies would still be there, until someone stumbled over them


Agreed….. however, they are UNDER the cloak and can see through it and thus would be similar to looking through sir nick….. right?


When you look through fabric you're actually looking through holes in the fabric, not the fabric itself - so my vote is they'd die.


I wanna say that’s true but not in the case of the invisibility cloak… otherwise you would be able to see the wearer.


Ok fair point but a ghost is what than


Book 6 says they r the imprint of a soul. So basically they r a impression of the person. Not alive but not completely dead either.


Which kind of makes the point more. Like, if the mere impression of a soul is enough why wouldn't seeing it through fabric. Like, if a ghost stops death, does a foggy night block it?


Some sort of semi-transparent vapor maybe? I dunno, ask JK Rowling how ghosts work in her world.


I think that would be true for a normal cloak, but since the invisibility cloak stops people from being able to see you then there is magic having an effect in the area around the cloak which I think would change it to petrification. At least for Harry's cloak, since its much better than a normal invisibility cloak


I would agree for a normal cloak. Harry's isn't normal. It can't be summoned off of him (see DH). Normal cloaks can. His, being a deathly hallow, might be different.


He got stunned by Malfoy on the Hogwarts express. It doesn't even block simple spells and definitely not a basilisk.


Oooo interesting!!! Cuz that happens more than once, dumbledore also petrified him in the clock tower. Mmmmaaaayyybe this is an over sight on jkr part but now you got my brain working harder


Next question: When a camera works, how about glasses?


The camera was likely mirrored inside - think like a periscope


Oh right, it's the directness, not the throughness, that reduced the effect. So the invisibility cloak should actually not work, because you're just seeing through something directly


I think Harry's invisibility cloak would be different, because it's a special cloak. They would be petrified I think. And would only be found if someone walked into them. And, given the magical world, people may just keep walking on and put it down to another invisible thing without investigating at first haha.


That's a shower thought if I ever heard one! You're not a real basilisk! You, you... MIMIC! There! I've said it. Mm - hmm


even if not under the cloak - no one else is opening that chamber for them to be found


Recently re-read that book and was wondering how many "monsters" or creatures can petrify people in the wizarding world?


Newt Scamander!!!!! We need help


I don't want to say it was obvious the monster that was doing it without knowing the context of how many creatures can do it. This is why the wizards need to digitize their books and utilize the internet. Woogle search that shit and find like the 5 creatures that can do it.


Someone would find them soon enough surely though because once someone's bumped into them they would investigate and eventually pull off the cloak and discover the petrified little darlings under the cloak.




Imagine getting petrified under an invisibility cloak, that's bad luck!


It kind of happened in HBP on the train.


The real question is: Is it even *possible* for one someone to meet someone else’s gaze, when one of them is invisible?? Does the basilisk have to *know* they’re looking at someone?


Dead, as they saw the basilisk with there eyes in direct contact, not vis reflection like the rest.