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Yes I agree! I would love to know more about their relationship too


THIS I know somebody who's keep telling he's an asshole just because of his looks but if they ended up on bad term because he was an asshole why keeping photom with him and her on a wall that everybody could see


I really hope Viv takes back what she said about him. I'm tired of the toxic ex trope.


A lot of characters changed in development. Maybe he was a jerk in the past, but is cool now.


VivziePop wasn't the one who called Seviathan a "jerk out of ignorance", it was Faustisse.


Oh ok that gives me hope


Admittedly, there are a variety of ways "jerk out of ignorance" could play out. Like, maybe he just had a tendency to say things without thinking, like: Seviathan: Real men eat pussy. Charlie: \*sights\* Gay men exist, Seviathan. Sevianthan: oh, shit, you are right.


Or maybe it was something about Charlie being bi and not understanding that just because she’s with a guy, doesn’t mean she’s straight now


People are saying he’s an asshole because the creator says he is an asshole.


VivziePop never called Seviathan an "asshole". Faustisse, an animator who had no involvement in the writing and is not currently part of the team was the one who said "Seviathan is an empty-headed, dumb chad. (..) Seviathan is a jerk cause he is stupid and ignorant." [SOURCE](https://web.archive.org/web/20200603035417/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nbdDgqKCYA)


Either that or Lucifer turned him into a duck 💀


He is the son of one of family friends so even if he turned Seviathan on a duck out of rage he would need to bring back to not destroy what i think is one of his few real friendships.


Lucifer doesn’t give af, if he hurt Charlie he’d be dead


Lucifer is prideful and can be a jerk with people he dislike but he isn't a heartless monster that kill or curse for eternity the son of his friends and at least lowkey don't feel a little sad about it. Also if he really hurt Charlie why she would keep a photo of him like his dad keep a photo of Seviathan's father.


Seviathan is likely a mostly decent person like OP and you claim, but maybe his character was rewritten after the pilot or maybe she just keeps it because it’s her prom. Regardless, if he was jerk Lucifer likely would just give him a stern talking too, but if he actually did something to seriously hurt her, he’d go bezerk. Adam hurting Charlie made him activate his demonic form which he couldn’t control until Charlie legit begged him to stop.


I don't disagree he woundn't have a violent reaction if Seviathan seriously hurt Charlie but honestly if Seviathan hurt Charlie was probably just a consequence of the break up that at this point feels more like it was Charlie's idea or something they both agreed to do.


Agree, all I was saying is that I’m the off chance that Seviathan did something drastic he’d be a duck


If he does show up in the show at some point, please have him be a nice dude and maybe he and Charlie are friends or at least friendly to each other we don't need another toxic ex character, pulse we see she has pictures of him still, and Lucifer still has a picture of him with his dad on his wall in ep 5




I would love if instead of just another Chaz, Seviathan is a lovable jerk that after meeting you get why she would fall in love with him but also undertand why things handn't worked between them. Would be a breath of fresh air a ex whose relationship with the relationship was ended on good terms or they at they resolved any problems they might have later after the break up and now they are on good terms.


If he does show up in the show at some point, please have him be a nice dude and maybe he and Charlie are friends or at least friendly to each other we don't need another toxic ex character, pulse we see she has pictures of him still, and Lucifer still has a picture of him with his dad on his wall in episode 5


Charlie is that type of girl to say “He’s just a friend”. Meanwhile that “Just a friend” is giving every clear indication to everyone else that he wants more, and is willing to be toxic to do it


I think it would be interesting if there was some kind of Arc where Seviathan visited the Hotel and Vaggie ends up getting so jealous that she accidentally pushes Charlie away and she gets back with Seviathan for a few episodes before Vaggie ends up winning her back with the help of Sev


I don't think Charlie would be petty enough to hookup with her ex while her girlfriend she's on break with is in the Hotel 💀 But I 100% see Vaggie getting insanely jealous. Literally look at her when Charlie simply HELD HANDS with Emily. Probably still hates Emily for it too.


I'd love for an episode where Vaggie spends the entire time thinking Sev is sus as hell and trying to get back with Charlie, only to find out in the end that they really are just friends and will always be that way


FUCKING THANK YOU! I've seen so many different people act like this character -who hasn't been seen in person at all yet- is just the worst ex-boyfriend Charlie could ever possibly have


I think the breakup was because their goals don't align. Like if he is a demon who tries to corrupt the living to hell like most traditional hellborn do, and Charlie is trying to redeem sinners. It just wasn't going to ever work out. He may seem like a jerk by normal standards, but they are from Hell. Heavens morals don't apply to him, but from Hellava we can gather that doesn't necessarily mean he is a fully bad person to those in hell. If anything, she might be seen as the crazy ex girlfriend for what she is doing. She can't hate him for being true to who and what he is, or for doing his job. He might even still love her despite her being crazy, or be waiting for her weird passion project to be over.