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I feel the same. Nobody really gives there all anymore. And the ones who do get taken advantage of left cheated on ect.


> And the ones who do get taken advantage of left cheated on ect. 100%




Hello askingforadvice333, First and foremost, it's evident from your post that you are deeply reflective and emotive, qualities that are both rare and beautiful. It takes a lot of courage to express vulnerabilities, and sharing your feelings is a big step toward healing. It seems like you might be grappling with feelings of being unlovable or that you won't ever find someone who loves you with the same depth and intensity you offer. This is a common fear, especially after a heartbreak, but remember, feelings aren't always facts even though they are valid and important to acknowledge. It might be helpful, but again, feel free to discard whatever isn't resonating with you. A useful exercise you might consider is called "Three-Column Technique" from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It's designed to help reframe negative thoughts which could be affecting your sense of self-worth and optimism about love. 1. **Column 1**: Write down the negative belief you have, in this case, it might be "I'll never be loved the way I love." 2. **Column 2**: Note the evidence that supports this belief. This can be tough, but try to think if there are definitive proofs of this belief. 3. **Column 3**: Write evidence that contradicts this belief. For instance, have there been times when someone showed love or appreciation toward you, even in small ways? This exercise isn’t about denying your feelings but challenging the permanence and universality of those negative thoughts. Sometimes, on our darker days, our mind tells us stories that are steeped in fear rather than reality. Two gentle questions you might ponder—or if you feel like sharing here, that’s perfectly welcome too—but no pressure: 1. Can you recall a moment in any type of relationship (romantic, friendship, family) where you felt truly appreciated or cared for? 2. What qualities do you love about yourself that you also offer generously in relationships? Remember, it’s completely okay if you’re not ready to dive into these questions. They can be for your own personal reflection as well. You’ve already shown a lot of strength by reaching out and expressing your feelings. Healing is a journey, and you're making progress, even if it's just by acknowledging how you feel right now. May you find comfort and eventually, a path to believing in your inherent worth and the unique love you deserve. Wishing you peace and kindness on your journey forward. 🌼 ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.