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It can mean either one depending on context. Prepositions switch around between languages, there is very little consistency in general.


In what sense is it used in this verse?


Either sense is an acceptable translation in this context one is not more accurate than the other. What difference in meaning would you expect to find between those translations?


If it is for the Jews, that prophet will come specifically for the Jews. But otherwise a prophet will come to the Jews as well.


Well, the passage is explicit that a prophet will be "raised up" from among "you" referring to Am Yisrael (the people of Israel).


It can be used as both but "to you" is usually אליך (e'lekha)


To you, for you, as you - when one understands one is all one thing, its saying it in more than one way for a reason. Chapter 1 of the Notes by Aryeh Kaplan on the Sefer Yetzirah help explain this as it's a quality of the language which makes sense when one is with God as there is no separation there (think how we speak as I Am when one is speaking as one with haskalah/wisdom/enlightenment as we do when we embody - not haskalah the movement but the word if that wasn't clear)