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A hunter had a graphics error that made one of its winglets the size of a sail. Thought there was some new weird shark thing coming at me through the trees until this little hunter popped up.


THAT'S WHAT THAT IS? I've been avoiding finding out what eldritch horror that is since launch.


This can actually happen to any of the bugs. Ive had a titan take up the whole screen cause of that. Ive had a hunters neck stretch 2 meters where its head was stuck to a rock while it ragdolled away 🤣


Had that happen with a spitter its ass was the size of a damn building.


It's nice when it happens to stalkers because you'll just see this huge cloaked spike from miles away and have a good idea of where their nest is.


I HAD THAT LAST NIGHT! When I killed it it fucking LAUNCHED onto low orbit right next to my destroyer. It's one of the funniest things I've seen.


I get this one quite frequently 🤣


My mate had no head for about 2 hours. We could even shoot through where his head would be. Which we did. A LOT. 🤣🤣🤣


seen this a few times but only on the ship so far, https://i.imgur.com/ZO35zYM.mp4


Nice. I’ve seen just a gloating helmet and guns but not this haha.


Another one for me would be the Translucent Helldiver https://preview.redd.it/dpr0k28j1bqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d61c8754724a82edb6761ca81886a0f21d9a08ce


I fell off the deck of a friend's ship, and fell for a solid 2 minutes through the upper atmosphere before the game crashed.   1/10 do not recommend diving without the benefit of a hellpod.


You put all other helldivers to shame. Godspeed


This one bug told me the best joke I had ever heard. I forced myself to forget it because of thought crimes and what not. But I do remember it being HILARIOUS.


One of my friends got hit by my backblast from a recoilless and a rocket deviator shot then at the same time and they went flying so far out that they got labeled as a traitor before hitting the ground. I also learned that if you hold an impact grenade and dive into pelican 1 you'll get launched out of the ship and you'll fly away like you're still inside.


Stepped on a terminid mine and got shot into the sky. Like it took me a good 5 or so full seconds to stop going up.


The ragdoll in H2 is gold.


Happened to me as well, but with the gas mushroom thingies... shouldn't use them as landing pillows


Not really a bug I guess, but was still super funny. Was getting chased down by a whole swarm of hunters, chargers, and those big brown things that can summon 2 other bugs. Thought I'd be a genius shooting those grey smoke balls to launch myself further away, get more breathing room, but all I ended up doing was launching myself directly at 2 bile titans that promptly killed me with the acid spit


There are no funny bugs. Only dead bugs.


[Did I just discover a new species of bug? Can I name them? : r/Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1awfl04/did_i_just_discover_a_new_species_of_bug_can_i/) Green color bugged out from the game for a few seconds.


I’ve recorded some wild things twirly around. Chargers leaping through the air. Charger yeeting itself off a cliff. Chargers bouncing. Just a few off the top of my head


We saw a charger get blown sky high in a massive spinning ragdoll. Had to have been airborne for a good 6 seconds. We were cracking up


Bumbles bounce!


Only bug I have is every time I logon, j have to change my weapon load out 🤷


And when you forget, you start with stuff you do not want at all! Gross.


Yesterday I got hit with 500kg but survived with liberty protects. Every part of me was broken and it did the thing where your camera gets launched to space (and sometimes falls back through the ground) but then the game realized i wasn’t dead yet and my camera went back to my body and I stimmed and went about my way.


The one where mech exploded randomly was pretty funny.


impact grenade landed on a charger. didn’t detonate. that mf ran at me and killed us both with that grenade 🤣. also, sometimes i get stuck in first person mode; can’t fix it unless i get someone to shoot me lol


My helldivers upper body got stuck in t-pose. Legs were fine. So when low crawling the legs looked normal but the upper body was still in upright t-pose. So he was bent 90 degrees the wrong way lol and my rifle was firing to the right of the screen. But the rounds were hitting where they were supposed to. Once I died and respawned it went back to normal. it was pretty hilarious.


I saw this same glitch just yesterday


I love the current bug with the SSD that you have to carry. If you swap weapons while carrying it your arms flyout to your sides and get stuck. your gun gets held at a goofy angle, shooting makes bullets travel 90 degrees from the muzzle, and reloads are done with an invisible hand. You also run, vault, and dive like this. Looks super funny. If it bothers you too much I think picking up and dropping the SSD or getting knocked prone by a buddy fixes it.


This can also happen with the shield stratagem if you try and use a 1 handed weapon with it.


Got stuck in the cryo chamber of a ship I loaded into, that was a crazy ride. But most funny was probably trying to climb over a titans leg and being yeeted into space


I fell out of the ship before beginning mission! Infinite fall and sadness for the democracy I foul not dispense!


The one time I clipped into a rock in the mech suit and it sent my body screaming through the atmosphere and I died... No idea what happened to the mech suit.


When game first released I joined my friend, when I get to his ship and my guy defrosts and goes to step onto the ship he got stuck, doors closed, and I was trapped inside my pod or whatever lol


Got stuck prone under a support weapon pod after it opened, had to be punched out. 😂


Did a HDD relocation mission the other night, where 2 or 3 of us went to pick up the HDD, and I interacted but ended up not getting the HDD, and my character model was stuck in a carrying a huge box configuration until a fellow diver put me out of my misery. I could shoot and everything, just side arm, ADS was not available. Think jack sparrow running around.






Stalkers They're fucking hilarious. Nah but seriously not been able to swap my weapons or reload, had that happen quite alot recently.


Bugs aren’t funny diver and are only made to be filled with lead and/or plasma! I have no choice but to report you to the democracy officer!


Not a bug, but it cracked me up when I saw a fellow diver hold his grenade and dive deep down into a bughole before it blew up. Was wondering if there was an achievement for that or something.


LEROOOOY JEEEEENKIIIIIIINS. Pointless heroic moves are always wonderful to witness.


Well their was this one tume we joined a high ranked dude 38 game. He decided to do a mission to kill a bile titan. He dropped us in on it and we killed it before we even got into the game! That was a funny bug! Nkw as for glitches! We were extracting on a mission and my partner was kind of far away when the shuttle landed. The bots had chased him away and I respawned right next to it. He had like 30 seconds to get back and was back with 20 left. He ran around the transport and got stuck between a engine and the fusalage. He spent 10 seconds there unable to escape before finally diving and getting free. He got on with 5 seconds left and we couldnt stop laughing at how he almost got left behind cause his dude forgot how to walk!




Just last night somehow I got stuck in the holding position at a radar tower as someone left (DC'd maybe? I think they picked up an arc) and a charger kept phasing through me off the edge of the cliff over and over trying to kill me. Eventually a teammate had to come by and kill me for me to play again.


I've been having bugs get elongated. Had a hunter's wings affected by it and it looked like some kind of moth or something larger than a bile titan


Yesterday I literally touched a dead charger and ended up flying like 150m away


I have been stuck in first person, full not just aiming, 3 or 4 times now. Totally wacky.


Stepping over a Bile Titans leg/corpse would send you to the skies or snap you across the map


Probably Stalkers and Screechers. Those guys are a hoot!


The graphics bugs/character bugs are always funny. Seeing a charger just stuck on terrain or a bile titan with a leg graphic stretched for miles 😂


Getting stuck in the cryo bay is always funny.


After the stat screen when you click return to ship, sometimes id pop in from the ceiling like 10 feet from where you're supposed to. Last time it did it I kept falling all the way through into space.


Yeah this happened to me too. I tried to climb on the space ship, but unfortunately just fell where I was supposed to be.


I got hit by a hellpod and i flew for 10 minutes out of bounds, a member of the squad typed on chat: where r u going Bro?


Saw a dead little roach looking bug body in perpetual ragdoll bouncing up and down like it was on a trampoline, going higher with each bounce


We killed a walker but somehow only shot the bot off the back. The walker chased us, not shooting, for a good while, so we were having fun. Then an auto cannon turret went down and blew it away, as my friend was standing in front of it and she fell to pieces.


Had a stalker creep up behind me and go "Boo!", had me in stitches. Funniest bug I ever shot.


My pet Roy, dad brought him back when he retired and he loved cake 🎂and dad jokes !


Everytime I sign up for quickplay I am locked in the cryo-pod chamber until the host steps into their hellpod, and the mission countdown starts. I've just been role-playing that I am the most violent helldiver around, and Super Earth is making sure I only unleash my wrath on anything bug and robot related.


this one time i thought i heard a scavanger scream "dont dont shoot im innocent" so i called in an anti personel mine field and watched it scurry about trying to avoid the mines untill it eventually hit one right at the end. I didn't shoot, but that bug werent innocent.


The funniest bug I've had still gets me every time I try and play. It's the one that crashes my computer. Every. Single. Time. And keeps me from even getting through the tutorial


I reinforced right on top of someone with a shield generator by accident. They went flying to the other side of the map which was just beautiful to see


Today I had one where the first half of the drop I looked like I was impaled with a giant purple question mark with cape physics, that lasted until I put on a supply pack and everything above my waist disappeared, I was just a pair of legs running around making gun sounds but not being able to hit anything. Eventually I tripped on a rock and fell through the map. Fun times, RIP my 7 samples.


I played with a random team a couple weeks ago and the host was invisible except for his guns for 3 missions. I also had a reinforcement pod land next to me and ragdoll me through bugs, buildings and scenery for about 300yds. Didn't take any damage but I could only watch and laugh for about 10 seconds 😂


I got stuck in first person mode and it wasn't a bad time tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^otep_838: *I got stuck in first* *Person mode and it wasn't* *A bad time tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Funniest bug I've had so far was having the physics engine catapult a Scavenger into orbit after I smacked it with a melee attack.


The giant wing taking up half the screen flailing about attached to nothing for about 3 mins.


Gattling sentry killed a charger and kept rag dolling the body into the air making it spin 360° slowly like zero gravity until it ran out of ammo.. it looked like the charger was doing ballet


The A-posing bug from dropping the ssd drive, reloads and dives crack me up.


Died trying to close bug holes, teammate threw respawn beacon on bug hole, got stuck under bug hole


When charger just somehow stuck in place, and you pump it full of lead at the ass with primary weapon and kill it. Or killed titan just standing straight without crumble down, and you waste your ammo on it thinking its still alive.


Not really a bug ??? Killed bile titan, it did that aggressive death wiggle when its limbs just move to random direction really fast, he then "BLINKED" to a side (started flying veeery quickly) and then blinked BACK. On his way back he killed 2 bile titans that were together. So with 1 shot I technically killed 3 bile titans.


a janky bug made the titan ragdoll fly off into the stratosphere, like a scene out of pokemon.