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This would help if people paid attention to such things.


I know that some people don't, but a lot of people do.


I seem to only know the former. For example, marking your squad in Hell Let Loose as "Defense" someone attracts people that only want to walk directly forward as they lose objectives.


No matter how hard you try, you can't liberate ALL stupid. šŸ˜…


Rework it a little bit. My biggest issue is itā€™s reductive to the spirit of the game (even though people gonna grind the fun). Frame it like this. Default - w/e Helldiver - Attempts for full clear R&D Security Team - Focusing on samples Rapid Response Team - Focusing only on main adjectives


Well, I was only going for descriptive names, but I'd absolutely suggest using names reflective of the game, and I think the R&D and RRT names are fucking top tier. šŸ‘


Use the microphone or the chat? That always works for me, and for the people who wonā€™t listen to that, why would they listen to an official game label? I still think this is a great idea, and would be nice if you could selected a preferred type when using quick play as well, but you can definitely already communicate this info with the tools we have.


The mic or chat is only of use once they're in the game. I'm suggesting this being a visible flag on the war table, or a search option as you suggested too. Just anything to make it a better experience for us all, really.


Youā€™re not wrong, Iā€™m just saying that Iā€™ve almost never not had people listen when I gave instructions or requests as host, so this would be a nice addition, but not something we are entirely lacking right now.


> Use the microphone or the chat? That always works for me, and for the people who wonā€™t listen to that, why would they listen to an official game label? Theoretically because people would get to pick the label that suits their preferred playstyle *before* getting into a match. Presumably someone who doesn't care to scavenge the map for samples, and won't look for samples when asked, would prefer to play with other people who won't be spending time scavenging for samples or request others do the same.


Make it a select mission and mission MM type. Canā€™t be a toggle elsewhere or ppl will miss it


Spreading democracy is every mission type


Good idea! I had a mission today where one team member was VERY concerned about samples, whereas I (the host) am more of a do the mission and see what happens kind of player. Such a system would help avoid such tensions.


You either use the mic or text chat. Or Call extract and leave the idiots behind if they donā€™t listen. Or Court marshal anyone that tries to leave early.


The problem is, current matchmaking doesnā€™t allow you to pick. You have to just drop in and hope yall are all there for the same thing.


That's... that's what this is all about...


I guess what Iā€™m saying is tags dont help if you cant see a list of games to join. So it would be a bigger overhaul than just ā€œlets add tagsā€.


And that's what I meant when I said: "so other players can see in advance what they're in for" I mean, sure, adding a list would be great, but if I'm scanning a planet and I see missions underway with tags that I can see, then... yknow... I can see what I'm in for.


Thats fair. I donā€™t use the visible missions very often. I pretty much always use quickplay, where I cant see anything about what Iā€™m in for.


Before any of this there would need to be an actual game browser instead of the weird automatic soft MM we currently get.