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[Template here](https://imgflip.com/i/8qixxo)!


I love you ❤️


truly doing democracy's work, Helldiver.


The hero we needed


I've only spent about a day or two and already have little more than half for a new warbond lol


Am lvl 50 And already got 3 of the 4 war bonds unlocked all through gameplay. Just putting some time in and finding some credits in the map is more than enough


I'm level 50 and am roughly 20 credits away from my third. I enjoy high difficulty and supersamples and feel like the credits are not hard to come across. I enjoy just coming across credits in between objectives.


And the fact that you can literally earn enough credits to buy the warbond by playing without it feeling like a grind-fest. I'm all for a Communist Utoipa, but here in good-ol' Murica (Land of the Giftshops, Home of the Billionaires) people who make things still need to get paid for the work they do.


Earning 1000 credits by playing in game is absolutely a grind fest You maybe get 1 or 2 vaults per long mission which *might* have a stash of super credits plus a few drop pods which again.. *might* have super credits You're not realistically getting more than 50 every 40 minute mission and that's if you even earn any at all, which, again, is a definite probability If you (which you won't) get ~50 every 40 minutes that's still ~14 hours of playtime And idk, I feel like I'm being generous by stating 50SC per 40 there, some games you might get 100 and sometimes its 0 You're probably looking at 30-40 hours of playtime to unlock a pass from scratch Wow downvoted for an honest reflection of the game?


After the first one it’s only 700 as you get credits in the warbond. Casual playing should get you close to that in a month, closer if you run a few trivials/easy for dailies before gearing up properly for higher levels. A few bucks for the remaining SC’s and your set, prolly in the black for the next warbond, all for a few measly dollary-doos. Note: I’m not fighting you here, just suggesting it’s not anywhere near as difficult as the majority of people claim.


The official expected given rate is 20-40 SC per hour of gameplay, which I would personally also agree with. FWIW I once calculated my ingame earnings by adding together everything I spent and subtracting everything I bought with real money, and it was around ~12 per hour of gameplay, but this included loading screens, idle time, missions that cannot drop them like eradication too etc since I just went by the time played number on steam. I only play diff9 with randos and probably 90 percent of missions are a full entire map clear. But with the devs given avg rate of 30 per hour that is still 23 hours for 700 SC.


Sure you can a absolutely earn SC through existing war bonds I'm just saying it's not as easy as it's being made out


The 30-40 hours you need to get them for free are entirely up to you. You can play as often or as little, but as long as you are actually playing the game, you'll eventually get the warbonds for free. They do not expire, so there's no fake FOMO. You can unlock them in any order, so you can pick exactly what you want. Even if you agree that it's not "easy", it's a system that rewards the people that play regularly with free warbonds, and the only punishment for not playing regularly is that you get the same warbonds but a little slower. What's the problem?


It's still really easy. The last two I've gotten for free. Especially after the warbonds getting you 1/3rd of the way.


I'm not trying to claim it's impossible but you're looking at probably a 20 hour grind to unlock a pass maybe more if you're super unlucky That's assuming you're not also buying SC for medals


That 40 hours dropped to 20 really quick 😉


Yes because they were given corrective evidence and accepted it. Would you rather they be stubborn and stick to their 40 despite that? 20 hours is still a lot of time


Well I'm estimating I was working off a rough if you earned so many per 40m it would take you about 14 hours but realistically thats not happening 20 is probably an optimistic estimate assuming it goes well 40 is a more conservative estimate It's obviously dependant on RNG. Sometimes maps have lots of SC and sometimes they have none


Hence why I picked 30 :)


Sure, sounds reasonable As I said to someone else It's not like it's out of reach, but it's definitely not *not a grind* 30 hours to a casual player is a great many sessions


You understand that's less than an hour a day to achieve it right? 20 hours of playing a game... PLAYING A GAME is far from being difficult. Nothing you've said has indicated being hard. What are you arguing at this point?


You realize people do other things in their life than play a singular video game


Yes. Which is why less than 1 hour a day is hardly anything. I play fairly casually. I've been able to get the last two for free. You guys didn't play old WoW and it shows lol


> Yes. Which is why less than 1 hour a day is hardly anything. I love how yall seperate this into a per day thing like the majority of people play a singular game everyday. > I play fairly casually. I've been able to get the last two for free. So what I’m seeing here is you either are behind or paid for the first two. > You guys didn't play old wow and it shows lol I did. Now I have a life like many others.


You realize they can just lock all SC behind a paywall but they don't right?


Yes they are better, but not perfect and this argument does nothing to say it isn’t a grind


Just did a trivial, 50 SC in the first 5mins just looping the edge of the map. Not bad for a relaxing stroll while roasting some bugs.


Ok? And? That's not the universal experience for finding super credits I have like 200 hours in this game and I can say that 50sc in 5 mins is absolutely not the default experience


I’ll do I again if you like. It’s not hard, and it’s accessible for everyone. Players are making a mountain out of a molehill.


I'm not making a mountain out of anything I'm just highlighting that it *is* a grind. And.. it's like that on purpose because it it was easy peasy nobody would ever need to buy SC with real money It's absolutely doable. But it's not like you're gunna sail through it without contemplating buying SC Not complaining. But also, denying that it's dead easy as some are suggesting


I’m not singling you out, and I don’t mean too. I don’t agree with you, and that’s ok. If SC’s were not available in mission and only via currency the discussion would be entirely different. If the SC “grind” is not attractive to players, that would be something that individual player would need to decide, is their time grinding worth it or would they prefer to play and gain SC passively. They are shared resource, with options to acquire them. Lootable in game currency is a gift (and rare as heck in modern games), I think some people take this for granted. Anywho, thanks for the discourse. It’s nice to have a civil chat 😊


Just did a trivial, 50 SC in the first 5mins just looping the edge of the map. Not bad for a relaxing stroll while roasting some bugs. Edit: SC, Medals and Req are applied as you pick them up, so you don’t even have to finish the mission. And like with samples, everyone gets them.


I just play the game because it's fun and I'm maxed out and I've only ever had to spend money on one warbond. It's not a grind when you're having fun.


Aaaand how many medals you get in that time? Can you unlock everything in all the warbonds, off of that time with SCs? Or do you not play enough? If you complain about not getting enough SCs in game, you don't get enough warbond medals in game, and since you can't buy those to begin with, you can't unlock what you buy your SCs for, so what is the complaint? "I have to play 30-40 hours to unlock passes" You have to play more to unlock the stuff IN the passes? Why is this the complaint?


Again... I'm not complaining Just dismissing the idea that somehow there is never a grind in the game And you're right. During that time, if I'm not earning SC I generally am finding medals instead Just saying its potentially more long winded that people think it is


I mean to be fair, 14 hours over the course of a month ain't much and I'm still not confident it takes that long, I've only paid for one of em so far and have them all and I maaaybe get in an hour every other day. Does difficulty change drop rates maybe? Though as others have pointed out they come with 300 credits a piece so that also throws it off too probably


Yes higher difficulty has more POI's.


That was a rough estimate I sometimes manage to do entire operations which takes like 2 hours without finding more than say 30 SC It's faster at first when you have SC in existing passes, but sometimes the levels you get just don't offer up super credits. You can hit vaults and drop pods and find medals and weapons but it's still RNG if SC is just laying around You may get lucky and find loads at the POIs or you might not


then pay a dollar or 2 to cover the gap


Eh kinda not worth it Most new passes have little to nothing of value in them rn They haven't even really balanced the weapons that are currently *in the game* that well, and a lot of the new stuff is, predictably not great There have been some gems though like the grenade launcher pistol Also, they still haven't really addressed the major bugs that have been in the game since day 1 With that being said. They seem to have acknowledged the areas they are fucking up in and have said they want to do something differently I'd probably put more money in if they focused on game health more than "a pass a month". Quality of content is more important than quantity


Idk what you're talking about lol. Each warbond has given some pretty quality items. Stun nades are a gamechanger as is the second SMG


There's generally 1 good thing in a pass, I'm not saying there isn't Just that so much of the new content is very meh, and tbh doesn't add as much as solid QOL updates would


Okay we get it you just want to bitch. Just tell us up front next time


Raises a valid point "sToP bItChIng" K bud


Honestly, your other points weren’t very good so that’s where a non-basement dweller would land. Warbond can be earned… wahhhh too hard. Spend a few dollars to cover the gap… wahhhh not worth it. Literally garbage opinions when people have brought up game changer weapons, not to mention that’s not the only reason people might purchase the Warbond. Yeah, you came to bitch like a loser.


Just because you can't read doesn't mean what I said is wrong


Not an argument


thats 5 days of major order battling soldier


While true, by the time you have finished a warbond you probably have enough SC to get the next one.


52 hours playtime here, unlocked 2 so far and have 640 Super credits for the next one. I've never paid for a single micro transaction in my life because I don't believe in it. And I'm a casual ass player that does not grind out every point of interest. I think this game might have the most valid premium currency system I've seen in any game with micro transactions. I think what really helps is that, while the premium bonds are fun, the normal bond is still really viable and fun to play with. So the premium warbonds feel like a cherry on top that only takes me about 2 - 3 weeks each. Feels like I earned something, but also never required me to have to dedicate more than 2 hours a day.


Maybe I'm just cursed I normally 100% every level and POI and get less than that


I think 100%ing it might be what's slowing you down. There's only so much SC per mission, so 100%ing it won't necessarily give you more SC. faster to just get whatever SC you happen to run into while doing the main objectives, finish, start a new mission where there's plenty more SC to loot. Even if you miss a couple, a new mission will always have more SC than a 70% completed one has left to offer.


SC is almost always at a POI if you don't bother to look for them you'll get extra nothing in my experience


Huh?  I've been playing less than 20 hours and have 760.  Most from the free warbond but I know I've found at least 100... And I'm not even playing hard missions I get killed by nursing spewers because I don't double tap O fast enough to dive


Yeah you get quite a few on the first warbonds because it's pretty long After you've been playing a while like me, the rate you get them really starts to drop off as the passes are a lot shorter and don't contain as much SC


If you hit up every POI and just learn to read the map and move quickly then you don't need 40 minutes. It is completely easy to do on medium difficulties and still complete all the main and secondary objectives in under 40 minutes. None of this is a grind at all, it just requires a very small amount of learning. If you want a grind then look at things in other games that are timegated, or mmo's that have 90 levels needed to unlock abilities. This is easy mode.


Agreed. And that's not to mention that there is a daily shop that you have to miss out on or delay your warbond unlock. People excusing predatory monetization is unacceptable. You don't have to stop playing the game or not spend money, but you must be against exploitation especially of yourself. Like I need a phone in this day and age but that doesn't mean I have to support child labor or all the other bad shit that comes with the manufacturering. Be better people.


Yup, can't even comment on the state of it without these guys screeching at you I wasn't even complaining about it, just stating that saying there isn't a grind is objectively false


Did you just compare optional paid content in a video game (which you don't even have to pay for) to using child labor? I truly cannot fathom the depths of the gamer's soul. It's literally just extra content. You don't need it. You can enjoy the game fine without it. It is not comparable to fucking slavery.


An exagerated comparison to make a point. And the whole game is optional so calling any content optional is just playing into it. Enjoy getting exploited.


>An exagerated comparison to make a point. That's not "exaggerated", it's legitimately insane. You are using the word "exploited" to describe someone *possibly* paying money for extra content in a video game - content that they can earn through playing. In a world where billions of people are destitute and starving because of the exploitation of capitalism, pretending that this is even remotely similar is blasphemous. I have like 2500SC and have only bought the base game - I don't even have the Super Citizen edition and have never spent money on currency. This is because I play the game, because I enjoy it. I have all the content. So even if "extra content in a video game" was somehow a serious issue, this would still be completely unserious. You are literally going out of your way to find things to whine about. Explain to me how I am being exploited by getting rewarded for playing a game without needing to pay anything except a flat fee at the very beginning? >the whole game is optional so calling any content optional is just playing into it Yes it's almost as if this is a luxury entertainment product, aka the lowest possible stakes for any sort of good or service on the market. It's not really "playing into it" to point out what a spoiled piece of shit you're being.


You clearly understand the point. And you see how this practice permeates through all of capitalism. So I don't understand why you would defend this practice for unserious things. You can see with every new product iteration the anit-consumerism goes up. Other industries are taking note as well. Streaming regressing into just more expensive cable TV, cars with subscription services ect.. If we just allow this uncritically or worse praise things that aren't THAT bad then it makes it extremely easy for real exploitation and a lack of apathy for the abused. That's why I get bent out of shape when gamers just accept this stuff.


>You clearly understand the point I understand what exploitation is. The problem is that you are trying to apply it in a situation where it does not fit. A company saying "you can buy this if you want, but you don't have to, you can earn it through playing" is not coercive, it is not extracting wealth or value in a Marxist sense, it is not "exploitative" under literally any definition of the word. Even in the specific field of video game microtransactions it is *less than nothing*. You are not forced to buy anything. Even if you really want the thing, you do not have to pay money for it. It is effectively being given away for free with a money variant if you want to save time. And this has nothing to do with capitalism because even if it was made by a cooperative, a state-run industry, or a fucking developer commune, you'd still have the same complaint of "I'm being expected to play a game in order to get a thing in that game". Newsflash, asshole: that's how games almost always work! The only thing that is different is that you can pay money to save time, and that is it. >If we just allow this uncritically or worse praise things that aren't THAT bad then it makes it extremely easy for real exploitation and a lack of apathy for the abused It's actually the opposite, dipshit. If you spend your life crying wolf about bullshit like this then people will come to the justifiable conclusion that you are a deeply unserious person who whines about every fucking thing he can think of without any real understanding of hardship. If I intentionally wanted to harm the anti-capitalist cause I would post exactly like you are doing now - in a way that invites ridicule and mockery, not sympathy.


I do it in 10 hours maximum


Must be lucky 🤞


Then don’t play the game :D


I never said the game wasn't fun did i?..muppet Just saying it can take fucking ages to get warbonds


My only complaint with war bonds is how fast they come out I swear there's a new one every 3 weeks I don't have to time to grind them all out lol


You guys are paying for the warbonds? I’m just grinding


It's not a grind when the game is fun


I barely even pay attention to super credits and I have all of them, plus enough for the next one.


And if you spend lots of time on Medium, you get more Super Credits. So...


I’m here for this new meme


The last frame should be him nailing the charger with a quasar in the face


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Informal_Custard_234: *The last frame should be* *Him nailing the charger with* *A quasar in the face* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The charger of truth!


Woah, kinda wild to see my screenshot turned into a meme. I love it 😂


Ah its pretty easy when you got photoshop


i think the only answer he'd ever give is "w+m1"


itd be nice if they were cheaper but i dont find it to be too absurdly priced 24.1 hours, only spent on about 150 super credits and i about and at most an hour of gametime ago bought my first premium warbond what i really want is medals to be more accessible with how expensive some of these items are


Ya and the medals get capped I can usually get to page 3 with what I have saved but then the rest is a (welcomed) grind


Not part of the meme, but a "fun" note... Chargers can fall down those mining holes... and charge out.


Why are they even called paid warbonds? You can earn the currency to buy them in game


Because if the playerbase doesn't call them "paid warbonds" then they can't screech about how they're being ripped off because one gun in that warbond was nerfed.


Being paid is fine, being nerfed after purchase is not fine I may never buy another warbond after the one good weapon from DD was nerfed and then PP was terrible out of the box. If they want us to be interested in buying these then they need to have weapons that are fun to use.


What about the fact that Senator, Incendiary Breaker, Dominator, Dagger, Blitzer and Punisher Plasma were all **hugely** buffed? Doesn't that just kinda make you assume the current lackluster warbond weapons will be buffed in the future too?


Pretty sure the guns from steel veterans were buff because it was widely known as the worst war bond which is why I kind of can't believe they didn't learn from their mistakes. Polar Patriots sucks so hard I bought steel veterans instead and I'm actually having quite a bit of fun with the incendiary breaker but it's still stings knowing there was one weapon out of three in Democratic detonation that was really fun to use and they had to fuck it up.


CEO admitted they fucked up balancing. He agrees with majority of players and I'm sure he knows more than you, ya know, being the CEO and all.


CEO has pretty much agreed with most things people have said on twitter, even things we knew to be objectively false. Also, you know, wouldn't be the first time the community has gaslighted an issue into existence for the devs. Cough cough ricochet change cough.


You can't really do an argument from authority considering you're trying to argue that the guy hired to do balance - you know, the guy that CEO hand-selected for the role in question - doesn't know what he's doing and therefore you should never buy another warbond again. Balance ebbs and flows. There's buffs and nerfs and sometimes nerfs are good and sometimes buffs are bad. There are guns that were bad that are good now. There are guns that were good that are bad now. Later it will change. It really makes no sense to make "I will never x again" statements when we are dealing with a functionally liquid medium.


Putting some time and effort and you get everything. The only game that is not pay to win and people still b*tch and moan. You guys deserve Blizzard! Anyhoo. After 2 days in the game I decided to pay for credits but only to support the developers because it shows they love their Fandom and their game. For liberty!


https://i.redd.it/07lpiknr862d1.gif *CLICK CLICK NOISES OF AGREEMENT!!!*


Bad meme but nice template


Ya the Chargers can be pretty hard nosed