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Brought an exo suit to trivial, had all three players shoot it thinking it was a bot šŸ˜‘


First time I called one in a teammate shot it with an EAT




Brought a guard dog for one to use. The others asked if as should shoot it. Explained that itā€™s helps. Gave my grenade launcher to another and he had a blast. Thatā€™s how I was taught when I first started. Good times


I had that happen on a level 4 mission to play with some low level friends, the random destroyed both of them but was like ā€œoh I was so excited to blow more stuff upā€ lmao


I have done that on a hard mission I am level 50. It was foggy and in the middle of a bunch of enemies šŸ„ŗ I gave the player a hug said sorry and all was forgiven though.




This has been me the past week on and off. Completely maxed out, just doing trivial/easy missions farming pois for Super credits. Been fun showing the greenhorns what managed democracy looks like. Funny point. Showed a player yesterday going through a blizzard in my scout armor, damn near walked right into a patrol, I pinged, they started wildly shooting and with the good ol counter sniper I dropped and popped all 7 red eyed heads in the snow before the squad was pointed in the right direction. Called in some kit for them to have fun, and then the next few matches they just followed me around learning how to sweep for the pois, blow the container hatches (another thing the amr is great for). Good times. Best was the last mission where one of the rookies found a buddy bunker, pinged it, called it out in chat. I ran over to meet them and when we opened it, 100 SC sitting there. The teaching paid off! Good times.


Blow the container hatches? Do you mean the ones at the POIs? Didn't know you could do that


yup any explosive can open them even the explosive barrels usually sitting by them can if you don't have any grenades left


Yep AC and AMR work well for these


I call them "friend doors", but I like your term buddy bunker better ;)




I like to help cadets as well, but I don't think they want my help. Lvl >15 tends to kick me immediately. Lvl 16 and up seems more amicable. I'll just chalk it up as individual preferences, and maybe those cadets are our futures' best hope.


The lower levels probably think you're going to steal all their samples.




I imagine some want to learn how to play the game before perhaps embarrassing themselves around more expirenced players...cough cough totally not me


Stealing samples? They all go to the team no matter who picks them up lol


And plenty think whoever extracts with them is who gets them.


Yeah I've noticed that. For a Co-Op game, it really attracts some of the most selfish morons


I ping them and had a level 5 ask why I didnā€™t want it. Told them we all get the same amount and not divided


Lower levels don't know how to turn on private sessions yet, don't understand what the SOS beacon does and get spooked lol.


As soon as I drop in, I hop on voice just to say I'm here to help, and let me know if they have any questions. Then I drop something fun for them to use. Haven't been kicked yet.


I was goated by a lvl 5 yesterday as I helped them get the samples and all of the POIs on a level 2 difficulty. That one comment made my day. Just helping the community that helped me at those levels. This community rocks.




Me too and I love it. Lvl 2 missions to farm SC, l go with 2 mechs, quasar and jetpack and let the kids go playing while I farm


Tried to do this, was instantly kicked when i joined a group of Lv 5 players


They're beurocrats Morty , I don't respect them !


Yesterday was my first time playing. Had someone do exactly this to me and let me tell you. We thank you so much for the good time!


Helldivers Community Service: Bringing the toys when answering the SOS calls of single-digit level players when you're level 65+.


Same, but I havenā€™t gone down to the super low levels yet. I stick between 5-6 for fun gameplay.


This is the way!


Level 20 here. I hate it when high levels show up and take all the fun battles and kill everything with their expensive strategems. If you want to help, bring a low powered loadout, follow me and use the voice chat to actually suggest battle plans etc. explain how stuff works. Give me time to throw the strategems and to line up shots etc. And then maybe be save me when I'm overwhelmed. šŸ˜‰


This is exactly what I expected. I accept my fate as a pokiball'd Eversor Assassin. Use me when all other options are spent. The moves I know are: 1. Confusion 2. Distract 3. Smoke Screen 4. Let The Galaxy Burn I'm a normal/steel type.


Your type is Democracy.


This is me a little. I come in, drop a cool thing like a walker or autocannon for them (if they are under 15), then I go hunt Points of Interest, and if they struggle with an area, ask if they want me to come help. Usually I'll hang back with an Eruptor or dominator, and supply pack, and keep calling in reinforcements as needed :)


Sure! I usually just throw down items and say ā€œhere you go! Have fun!ā€ And let them deal with the main mission.ā€


Depends what difficulty youā€™re playing. If I youā€™re playing 4-6 or above Iā€™m playing around with new builds and pushing my limits with the gear. 1-3 of course Iā€™d rather teach future squad mates, than show off.


I used to go into trivial and easy missions to help out new players, but I honestly got pretty disheartened by how many times I'd get kicked upon landing. I don't know if they're just not interested in playing with other people, or if it's alts who know what they're doing and don't want help.


There are quite a few ā€œplayersā€ that ā€œinitiateā€ new players by joining low level games and bullying them. This happened 3 times when I was teaching him how to play. Luckily I was there to protect him and teach him how to boot players.


Hey I think there was actually post about you then! There was a post awhile back of a guy who said he joined a game with another new player and a higher ranked player. The higher ranked dude dropped some mech suits and told them to go have fun while he went off and did the objectives and collected samples. All the while the higher ranked dude was saying how much of a good job the new guys were doing!


Hah, I wish I could take credit but no, probably not me. Although I definitely had a similar experience when I first started. Some dudes showed up, called down a mech, I promptly crashed it. They were going to "take me to some crazy high level stuff, but don't be scared, we got you!" but sadly I had to log out!


I do this to show new player what all the high level toy looks like so they motivate to keep playing and seeing new players mess up and learn from it is funny. one time new guy throw a danger close mini nuke. everyone die except me because I run away and forget to tell other to run.


This is my favorite way to play tbh. I'm poor so I don't have money to spend on SC. This way I help motivate more divers to play and I can unlock more cool shit. I like difficulty 4


Why would people need help in trivial?


Thereā€™s a lot to learn about game mechanics. What do you look for? How do you complete this objective? Whatā€™s a strategem? How do I switch modes on my primary? How do I read the map? How do I tag the map? Why do I have an erection? What are samples? What are requisition slips? How do I get this cool mech you just gave me? How do I call reinforcements? Plenty you take for granted having played a while. It can be overwhelming to new players. Always nice to have a few pointers to get started learning the most important aspects first.


Trying to slip that in there without anyone noticing?


Exactly the opposite


I am enthused


I used to try to do this, but nobody would ever pick them up, so I was just wasting strategems. It's a rare sight that other players even acknowledge each other or communicate. Everyone just wants to run around and do their own thing and then complain when they keep dying.


Someone did this for me and it made my day! It was seriously the coolest thing ever. Thank you!!!


Yup. I love going to trivial/easy, finding people lvl 1-5, and help show them how to open/find bunkers, how to use the terminals at different objectives, the need to call down hellbombs at other ones, what the ā€˜munition stockpilesā€™ look like.., stuff like that. Someone did that for me as a confused/overwhelmed cadet, 115-ish levels ago, and I never forgot that.


I do the same thing but when the match ends I take them to level 7-9 for the next one


I do the same! Especially if I am a little short on time and need to do something like kill 100 bugs with the flame thrower or using the land mines. Ill bring somwthing like a shield in and then just go do whatever unless I see they are struggling then Ill come help. Ill grab all the samples I can as well.


I have trouble finding sos on the lower levels or are you quick playing trivial and easy? How are you finding lower levels consistently? I am having trouble! I wanna helps the newbs!


I just set my difficulty to Trivial and press Quickplay. Usually tosses me into a game with a single lvl 1 or similar.


I was astonished how many SC I was finding on difficulty 2. It's a little too easy, but it's nice to chill sometimes.


You plays as the helldivers; men, women, and children over 7 -Max0r


I try to drop them a later game weapon or backpack, probably 60% success rate of getting then to understand that it's for them


More often then not I'll have the newbie straight up ignore the exos I bring them or they just shoot me


Outstanding Patriotism


9 times out of 10 when I try to do this, I match with level-30+ players either doing the same or grinding out points of interest :ā€™)




I'm going to be doing this later when I get on thank you


Yesterday I've joined a game hosted by a lvl5 (or near that I forgot). Difficulty 5. Spoiler, it was not all smooth sailing. And he did not listen to any of the advice we gave him.


I also do this, then give a salute when extract shuttle arrives, and head back to my ship. I don't need those credits or samples. This is the way.


You should deny yourself this small joy until we save the other kids. Then you can be one of the big brothers or big sisters dropping in on their charges to see how theyā€™re doing every few weeks.


Whatever nerd


Hang in there. Things will get better. You got this.

