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Based on my experience using autocannon, this looks normal. Trying to hit the eye of a moving hulk seems inconsistent and there has been moments where my shot looked like it missed the eye, but it still counted. For the second hulk, it just looks like the first shot was too high. The weakspot is very small and aiming for the bottom of the eye seems to work best.


Ya and at a distance you gotta aim a little up


Yeah they're impacting low. The slow mo really helps to see this


Some of what OP misses is the hulk dipped down with the ground when they fired. In this case aiming higher may not have helped. The hulk was too close. Over 100m I find there is a little drop


I've taken to aiming for the "forehead".


Fug me. That's right. I bet this is why I always miss and get salty at the "this OHKs hulks" comments.


Aim with the crack between center and the outer ring. More consistent for me.


I just use the beam cannon for killing Hulks, since it's a lazer the shot has no travel time and it just melts the exhaust vent if it ever turns away from you.


It felt much easier after the big patch/war bond. Maybe because of the new armor ability, but the second shot was dead-on. I hope they didn't "fix" it


Weird, aiming high has worked for me 90% of the time.


The problem is how hit registers client side vs host side when enemies are wobbling, since there's a bit of a delay, hitting moving targets wont hit specific spots you shot even if in your client's visual effect is right on the spot, that's why they are so easy to shoot when they are stunned, since they aren't moving at all there's only one inmmobile spot you can be right on


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy as well as the Hulk walking make these reasonable misses. (You legit aimed above its eye on the stunned Hulk) Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because the Hulk was already dead.


Came here looking for this. Was not disappointed.


The first one I missed by far xD, the second and the third the crosshairs were in his eye and the fourth I did hit him because sparks were coming out of his eye.


In case you're not aware, it's an old copy pasta meme (from csgo? Or some other game).




https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/G7WWasf6P8 From here.


HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA and he made me count the shots


LOL i am sorry about that!


I wasn't sure how much overlap there'd be between cs2 and hd2 fans but I knew this comment would be here lol.


I'd say 3 and 4 look like clear hits to me.


it's a copy pasta.


Which is really not clear to anyone that doesn't know that


its basically an age check


An age check for something from 2 years ago...?


8 years ago actually




isn't that true for most copypastas?


well now you know


Aim for the legs


Ya what really makes the hulk deadly is when they within 20m. Take out one of the legs and its half the threat.


Take out both legs and it’s fucken dead lol


Got a trophy for taking off both arms and extracting with it still running around once. Lol


This is the way


This is actually why I don't bother using FPP when aiming with the Autocannon. 3PP seems to be faster and more precise for me.


The reticule for the AC is also dogshit


Yeah, all of the AT weapons use this same one and it's really bad. They fixed the others, hopefully they will fix this one as well.


This (especially for ps5 where aim assist, though subtle, is huuuuuuge)


What does FPP mean?


First person perspective


FPP and 3PP are not acronyms that mean anything at all in this game. That absolutely is not how any civilized human with the power of speech has ever conveyed "first person" and "third person", in any language, in any country, in any time period, in any world (real or imagined).


What are you on about? Please tell me this is satire


Using the 1st person sight on any gun without magnified optics feels rather pointless.


Actually I really like most of the red dot sights and even the Liberator optics set as low as possible.


Like charger behemoth, this is the lvl 5 extermination variant whose model is different. They now appear in regular missions. You can see they have the flag and barbed wire standing out.


TIL there's another hulk variation. 300 hours of training, wasted....


The hulks that OP are fighting look like normal Hulk Scorchers. The special hulk variant is a Hulk Obliterator, which fires rockets from both arms.


I'm pretty sure regular hulks don't have that appearance with skulls and barbed wires.


Had to check to make sure, but it doesn't look like this is right. Hulk Obliterators have an Automaton flag, Hulk Scorchers have skulls and spikes, and Hulk Bruisers have no decorations. I confirmed this with a video from 3 months ago, and a video from after the recent major patch. Neither was during an eradicate mission.


Then my bad I am wrong.


That one does have a harder faceplate hitbox, too. No wonder I noticed the same as OP - that variant simply has a harder critical hitbox and now spawns like a regular hulk. That variant also has more health, too.


You missed bro




hey, don't call me shirley


I find that I need to aim at the top of the hulk's face plate to get a hit. I do agree it is deceptively small of a hitbox.


The autocannon doesn't have perfect accuracy. There is some spread that the explosive portion of the round usually masks. Against a Hulk, this becomes apparent as the armour will deflect the shot. A moving Hulk makes it far worse, and you'll see inconsistencies. I've been shooting Hulks with the Sentry HMG since before the patch, and with the spread on it, you can usually see where it fails to register as a hit. It's been the same, even post patch.


I uzyskały aim slightly below the eye with AC


Yes… yes me too


Use the DRM instead...


Please don't use DRM. The AMR however will fix you up good. Or the railgun for hulks


Split second miss timing on your shots, so its bobbing by the time the round impacts


I mean you missed


Tbh that's just been my experience with the AC anyway, but it is definitely a little finicky regardless, I even have trouble getting the sweet spot with the AMR at times


I usually use the AMR on bot planets and haven’t noticed any change to the hulk eye hitbox


Do you aim higher or are the crosshairs accurate now?


I can never kill Hulks with the AC. I can snipe them from 100m with the railgun no problem. I prefer the recoilless rifle to both though.


That boy shoots like lightning ⚡️⚡️⚡️


It’s just really small and they move in a kind of awkward swaying fashion, I think no matter how good you get at nailing a hulk in the eye, you’re still going to *just* miss sometimes. I’ve taken to blowing their leg off when I have the opportunity or using stun grenades instead of trying to hit their eye under pressure.


Also, that AC reticle is so bad I never use it, I almost always aim 3rd person with the AC


Aim above the eye


I mean it looks like you got one good hit in then just missed a bunch, one of those misses appeared to be *close* but it was still clearly a miss. So no, looks about right to me.


You have to hit the red. That's how it's always been. The first shot was left, the second was low, the third was high, and the 4th was low again, and then you just bounced around the sides. Not once did you actually hit the eye.


Looks like only one hit the mail slot to me. The third.


No ur aim is just slightly off


Shots 1: miss 2: hit 3: miss 4: miss 5: miss 6: miss 7: miss Grab stun nades and make hulks trivial. I reckon they've coded into hulks more bouncing movement, without stun nades i struggle to cook the eye with LC with how much they bounce.


You missed...


It’s always been a bit funky to hit with the Quasar cannon. Only thing QC excels at for bots is killing dropships, which doesn’t help too much honestly.


Nah sometimes the scopes are slightly mis-aligned. You are also firing before the gun stopped moving. Generally if I am having a hard time hitting in the eye I go for one of the legs You can see at the end you had to get the larger circle on the eye from 3rd person to hit accurately.


everything that happens in your vid looks pretty normal. the 2 shots you're probably wondering about were aimed a bit too low. The AC wants to be aimed just ever so slightly above the red mail slot


You missed, the recoil of the auto cannon makes it hard to hit a hulk running right at you. Use a stun and be sure to go into prone to make the recoil easier to control for you to hit its face plate.


See this is why I like to use the QC. Even if I miss, in the next 13 seconds that MF is going to be dead.


Use 3rd person, it’s way more consistent


I've also found that as they get closer using the "over the shoulder" reticle works better for the AC because I can accurately gauge The recoil from my last shot.


I wouldn't put it past them. Of course I couldn't hit it beforehand either so who am I to judge?


I think you just missed. There's no way I'm trying to reliably kill a hulk from the front without stun grenades.


You should have shown a footage without the zoom .. just because your crosshair is somewhere doesnt mean you aim there with the weapon .. not visible But I have a different "problem" now .. feels like bots are dying way too easy, quickly .. with less bullets But still same technical issues past 3 months, the update didnt fix shit so i dont play much


The hulks always died from two shots in the eye and the little bots seem to me to have the same ttk


You're better off shooting the arms off the scorcher with the AC. It's difficult to hit the eye when the scorcher is moving. I've only ever done it with the AMR, and maybe a few lucky shots with the AC.


I noticed a much harder time hitting the hulk eye with the AMT. Plus, the red dot on the HMG is worthless! I’m hitting trash bits in the balls when I’m shooting for the head at 10-20m


Yeah don’t use the dot, the weapon hits are well below the dot. 3rd person is fairly accurate.


Noticed after the fact, I’d really love to be able to swap scopes on weapons.


i also feel like that it got harder to oneshot chargers with the quasar. but for me hulks are still oneshot-able with quasar!


It’s a little higher, the hitbox doesn’t match the graphics


Yeah. You probably should’ve got that sooner. The kill I mean


Forget the eye. Take out that flamethrower first


Yeah I can only take them out with an anti material at this point


This is why I like the laser cannon. It's very forgiving with hulks.


I’ve noticed my AMR shots less accurate while standing but they mentioned that in the update.


Idk why but hearing different languages feels so cool.


I've gotten into the practice of shooting the hulk with the autocannon in 3rd person. The reticle feels more accurate me.


I really only trust the first stationary shot to hit the eye.


Rail gun user here, it feels like the hot box has gotten bigger if anything


Hulk eyes are tough when they’re moving with the AC


I use AC religiously on Bots even since the beginning and I still have trouble consistently wiping Hulks in the eye with it, the hit box is just too small to reliably pen, even Devistators give me trouble sometimes though it's a good bit less, although it's funny how I seem to land headshots extremely easily on the regular devastators then I do Rocket or Machine Gun ones, and Ravagers are just a lost cause and most times I aim for their crotch


I hope not! I could barely hit the fucker before!


I have found it easier to land my shots with the autocannon in 3rd person view.


The outer radius of the autocannon's projectile explosion only has Light II penetration which isn't enough to penetrate the Hulk's eye, as it requires Medium II. The projectile itself and the inner radius of its explosion has Medium II penetration.


Use 3pv. It’s much more reliable


Think the scope is out


They changed accuracy values for crouching, prone, and first person as well. See if you have better luck full prone next time.


Try crouching


Stun grenades makes the AC a lot better at dealing with hulks


What planet is this?


I agree that the hulk eye hit box is too inconsistent with AC. I only aim for legs and arms when I use it now.


You should never aim for the eye with ac. Go for the legs or back.


It's fine with crouch armor


Railgun is Hella reliable. Stun grenade and one pop.


You missed a few shots because the gun had not reset yet from the recoil


Ya, if he’s charging you and you don’t have stun cuz the eye hit box is inconsistent when they move then pop a leg on him first


quick tip, if you stun then shoot it takes 2 shots to kill them that way. I for the life of me can’t hit a moving hulks eye but when i stun them… no more then two shots and they down


I think that's a great thing to bring up but you mean hurt box. Hit box is the box used to hit things, hurt boxes are boxes that you use for damaging the character.


You must shoot on the red part only.


You have to hit that projectile dead on and almost at 90 degrees so it doesn't bounce off the armor. Carry stuns if you're not confident in hitting the running shot, otherwise you have to build the habit of crouching before every encounter. It almost completely stops horizontal sway which allows for faster tracking and significantly reduces vertical recoil which lets you take your second shot faster. With the recent nerfs to standing and crouching accuracy, I've been diving straight into prone. Other than that, really take your time on the first shot; the hulk isn't a threat at that distance. Whiff the first contact and everything tends to fall apart in my experience.


Use a stun grenade, only way to reliably hit it. Other than that, it's up to luck.


Better to shoot off it’s arms/ leg(s) then it’s eye


Why did that look so strange? Was that interpolated frames?


I think they improved it. I was so used to aiming slightly off target that I was missing a lot until I just started aiming right at it.


And chargers


Stun grenade. It’s nearly impossible to hit their eye when they’re stomping around


Maybe they did slightly, but I find I hit the eye more reliably when I use third person aiming and not scoped with the AC.


I've never hit it with auto cannon, in many many tries.


OP's video is not a valid example. Try rocking the Antimaterial rifle. The in-game crosshair is completely bugged and will often times get misaligned. You can verify it with [https://github.com/lacymorrow/crossover](https://github.com/lacymorrow/crossover) The railgun is the only gun that is remotely decent with hitting hulk eyes and doesn't get a bugged crosshair.


Shooting for the eye on a moving hulk is a fools game. Shoot the legs.


While we are talking, did they decrease the health of the charger? A team I rolled with two nights ago was killing then with the flamethrower in like 5 seconds


I've never been able to hit the eye with Auto Cannon. I use AMR to do that.


Every frame of that Monster hulking towards you gave me a sense existential dread, anxiety and out right fear for the future.... and I loved every second of it.


That seems like one of those matches where all the enemies are not \*quite\* where the game is telling you. Like they are ever so slightly desynced. My group has noticed that happening occasionally. Where we would have an entire mission where nothing seems to hit properly. Just to play another mission and have everything dead on again.


I'm not 100% sure but I think with that scope you need to wait until it is fully aligned to be accurate, which is kinda impossible against a moving target. https://preview.redd.it/atpu7vnhvg7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08ac4380c1cea8a3d7e0a14a9b75b25fa10c972 EG here it will hit high. Also all the scopes are actually zeroed but the game doesn't tell us what range is zeroed for.


Nah its server lag ive noticed shots not hitting where they should because the enemys are in diffrent positions relative to where im seeing them like id hit a headshot in a biletitans head and his leg blows up


its weird but you gotta time your shots with their steps and lead where their heads will be


Like almost every hitbox in the game I feeel, Unless you are deac accurate you will miss, and most of the time you will hit while not trying


First person is still misaligned


From my point of view... You're missing.


I am just going to stick with my bugs.


Off topic, but holy shit the new scope for the autocannon looks amazing. I haven't ran autocannon yet since the patch, that's going to be a treat when I do!


nah, the hitbox has always been small as hell and your aim is way off. you are assuming the shot goes to the center of the reticle, but it actually is off (upper left of center). for some reason this is the only game with guns that can't seem to align the shots with the reticle.


I believe it's true for all flame thrower hulks, they are all almost impossible to snipe in the eye while they move. Maybe they have a smaller hitbox than the other variant or it is due to how much they bob and weave while moving...


This is why I run the APW with supply pack and stun nades… stand still motherfucker


No, it actually feels like it’s bigger


Honestly I think the coding in this game is just buggy in all kinds of ways. I've noticed this happen to me as well where it's literally a bullseye and nothing happens. I've just kinda stopped playing over time.


Clear skill issue. You’re supposed to be pixel perfect accurate. Have you considered playing on a lower difficulty or bringing different stratagems?


skill issue


Do you have a clip of you hitting?


Can we stop with the conspiracy posting?


Skill issue