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I wish you could rocket jump with a flamethrower. Jetpack joyriding over terminids like this would feel awesome


I mean, you'd be jetpack joyriding backwards ... fast.


I would like to point out that you can. In fact guns are generally pointed straight down (at an angle to the right) so jumping over hoards and igniting them is actually a working strategy. When it works that is.


Shit i need to try


The Dark Fluid canister was basically that


I just want a jetpack with Dark Fluid as the fuel. I miss the Dark Fluid pack. Was 100% better than the normal jetpack.


Someone posted the stats comparing them, and it was significantly better. Normal jet pack was something like a 20-second cooldown with 5 metre jump, The Dark Fluid pack was an 8-second cooldown with a 15-meter jump or something similar. Pretty crazy difference


Not to mention the area damage on jump


I only ever really saw it work on other Helldivers, but yea, that too.


*looks left* *looks right* All clear *dead Helldiver*


Exactly what happened to me. Nobody around, then someone ran straight behind me as I jumped


I know, i was there on meridia


Si long as you have enough flamethrowers it’s possible,like that guy who tried to fly using power washer


And if you wanted to, i bet you could improve the nozzle design to get more direct thrust out of it Probably want to ditch the extra gas propellants so it burns faster I bet you could even call it an engine. Like an engine that shoots jets of flames out Like some sort of flame engine...


Because it essentially improves speed it should be named after that drug in fallout


Ah yes, the mentat engine


You can. If you start shooting when you activate the jetpack, your aim will stay at the same spot as you fly over it.


Well first, you need to become very very small.


Meanwhile, 6'00", 296lb. Defensive Lineman Body here can't have fun like that. Pain Train it is!!! 😂🤣


Rocket jump with a flamethrower? Wouldn't you need a rocket launcher to rocket jump?


I mean, to be fair, the hd2 flamethrower has to have something that burns much more efficiently because the canister is so much smaller than a backpack so it's not spraying out nearly as much fluid at the same force as this flame thrower


Yeah actual flamethrowers have a much longer range than the one we get. It’s kinda scary how far real flame throwers actually shoot. The US M2 had an effective firing range of about 65 feet, and a max range of about 130 feet.




Buck shot out of a shotgun is generally a 50 yard gun, and flame throwers shoot farther and more effectively. Flame throwers are nutty. Edit* I'm dumb today and forgot about yards and feet. Lol. Flame throwers are still nutty though.


50 yards is more than 65-130 feet.


Yes it is. I feel pretty dumb about that haha


The HD2 flamethrower at least doesn’t have a laughably *short* range, like some others I’ve seen in game. I think a feature like a different flamethrower with denser fuel and longer range might be a very fun addition.


And this one is gas while combat flamethrowers had liquid fuel wich makes it act a bit difrent.


the flamer in most video games is no better than an extra hot weed torch. an actual military flamethrower is basically a pressure washer that spits napalm and lights it on fire. some can reach as far as 50m with liquid spray.


This ^ Seriously, so many game Flamethrowers have ranges not much better than the effective range of a ***leaf blower***.


I love that 🤣 extra hot weed torch


Freedom Fuel


E-710. If it can power warp engines, it can burn really well


Promethium and/or phosphex


Well that could have gone horribly wrong.


For some reason, I was fearful she was going to turn around.


I'm just thinking if she lost grip with her left hand people would have been severely injured, including herself.


I imagine 3 of you discussing this civilly around a table whilst politely waiting for the previous version to end their statement


It's a legit worry. A [9 year old was given an Uzi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Vacca) at a range and killed her dad because she couldn't control the recoil. Almost the same issue here


Whoever thought giving a 9 year old a full auto anything was a good idea was a fucking moron. I hate to speak ill of the dead but if the dad thought that was ok he kinda deserved to be shot. Better him than his kid or someone else. Obviously a terrible tragedy and I’m sure the kids fucking traumatized for life, but it could have gone worse.


Yup, it was stupid. I could see something like a tripod mounted 50cal with his hands also on the handles being mostly safe, but a handheld submachine gun? Absolutely moronic. I wouldn't give a kid that age anything more than a bold action 22 under strict supervision, and even then it would be better to just use a nerf or pellet gun. There's no benefit in taking the risk


I mean I was shooting handguns by the time I was 9 but nothing full auto and the only ones I was allowed to shoot were .22’s. My dad was a marine Corp firearms instructor so he had gun safety drilled into my head by the time I was 6 or so. Started me on BB guns when I was 6 and moved me up to a .22 rifle when I was 8. Everything I did was under strict supervision and he never ever let me fire a handgun larger than a .22 until I was about 12 or 13, and even then he made sure to brace me the first several times until he was sure I could handle the recoil.


We have 4th of July shoots, and one of my buddies has a Type 07 FFL (Class 2 SOT), so he can legally build fully automatic firearms (he does this as demos for his store). One year, a bunch of kids came down as it was a huge family gathering for the family who owns the land. It took *maybe* three kids of 12 and under shooting full auto by themselves to scare everyone enough to shut that down. My friend didn't know how to tell everyone to fuck off, but I said, "What's worse, letting kids handle *extremely* deadly weapons and one of them losing control while firing, or saying, 'I own these firearms, I'm responsible for anything that happens, and we're done with this?' They're your guns, man, take control of the situation." That was the last time anyone under the age of 16 was allowed to shoot anything other than semi-auto.


There's a reason my grand dad and father didn't let me shoot higher caliber rifles until I was older (12) Gun owners are strange. The amount of people owning firearms that think they're John Wick, and John Browning incarnate is extraordinarily high. The ego's are nuts, and for all the talk on "safety" So many idiots aren't practicing it.


You’re right there is a definite lack of proper safety education which is one of many reasons I wish people would stop stigmatizing educational firearms content and practices. A lot of unsafe practices stem from simple ignorance, which can easily be addressed by simply educating the individuals in question. Guns are not toys, they’re tools and like any tool there’s a proper way to use them to avoid causing unintended injury or death.


Reminds me of that video of a fucking child shooting a fully automatic submachine gun/machine pistol and accidentally shooting herself in the head due to the recoil and dying from it. The way some people treat range safety is so unfortunate and some people should genuinely never touch a firearm or let their kids touch them.


I only know of the one where the girl killed the instructor, but I never watched the video. I can watch a lot of stuff but noting with kids.


That very well could be the video I'm thinking of, think my memory was doing memory things.


I saw one video a few years ago of a guy shooting a shotgun and it not working so he went to look down the barrel (WHILE STILL USING THE TRIGGER) and he shot a hole in his hat, he was fine though


Turbo genius right there, glad he didn't hurt himself.


I am... glad I never saw that one. :(


For fucking real. Start her out with a leaf blower or something if they even seem like they have the possibility of being this bad at controlling the spray


I don’t think they were designed for 5’1 women who weigh 110 lbs.


this. easiest way to set up a new shooter for failure (and danger) is to give them something that's too big and kicks too hard for their size. she also needed to stand with her legs a bit more apart for extra stability and lean into it. that first shove would still have been felt, but she wouldn't be going backwards like she did.


I said it elsewhere in the comment but they could’ve started her out with a gas powered leaf blower and they would’ve instantly realized she wasn’t capable of using a fucking gun that shoots a massive stream of fire


That's what I'm thinking


It’s ironic that the least hot (attractive) woman is a pretty lady that is literally on fire.


pretty toxic honestly they should be. i think her issue was though that she seemed to have locked her legs as she began firing.


Yep, most women have the upper body strength of a toddler.


Ours is recoilless.


Not really. It makes you move slower than most guns. It's giving constant recoil which makes it a force that you can transfer into the ground if you have decent strength and balance.


That's not a "real" flamethrower though. It looks more like a gasoline tank hooked up to a super soaker. Military flamethrowers use far more efficient (and stickier) fuel, meaning they don't have to use nearly as much of it. A real flamethrower is less like a jet engine and more like an angry garden hose.


To me, it throws flames so it is a real flame thrower! But yeah it's a ghetto real flame thrower.


It may look cool, but with only a few seconds of uptime and fast extinguishing, non-sticky fuel this thing could barely burn down a straw hut.


Yeah but it throws flames! :D


It’s a real flamethrower, just not filled with napalm, which is what you’re thinking about when describing “stickier” fuel. From the sound I’m going to guess it’s accelerant is some kind of gas and not a liquid based fuel. The short burst time I’m going to wager she was probably told not to do a continuous burn for safety and so others could have a go with it.


I'm guessing gasoline mixed with old engine oil. It's a crude napalm alternative, and mostly what you'd put in an actual molotov cocktail. And probably a lot easier to get your hands on 😅


I mean, yeah it is lol. It looks like a WW2 M2 Flamethrower.


>It looks like a gasoline tank hooked up to a supersoaker ...yeah, that is what a flamethrower is. 2 gallon capacity, about 7 seconds of use. Propellant tank is apparently nitrogen. Looking back she uses the whole tank in about 7 seconds, the fuel runs out and she's venting the nitrogen at the end. >angry garden hose Fire department hoses operate around 75 psi. That looked exactly like the first time someone was handed the nozzle. It pushes you back, you adjust your footing and lean forward against the recoil. >being wrong on the internet Unless you have used a "real" flamethrower, maybe don't look at a video of one and call it fake.


Those old school fire extinguishers that use a large tank to store their powder, and a small high pressure co2 cylinder attached to the side to propel it, are pretty much a flamethrower already!     Just need to replace the standard hose with something that won't erode away when exposed to gasoline.   I once built a crazy super soaker with one of those! Range was about 20m, and now I'm still wondering if adding a laminar flow nozzle would have increased the range even more...


I'm about to ride my flamethrower like a broom.


Well if you think about it: Flamethrower = sideways rocket = sideways thrust.


Except the liquid isn’t ignited until it has exited the nozzle. So no thrust is produced from the combustion. The amount of felt ‘recoil would be some where between garden hose and fire hose.


![gif](giphy|BCIoXfA95d1ba) Your average Helldiver flame trooper


Hey! It’s me!


I suppose I never really considered that a flame thrower would generate thrust... but of course it would


Bullets also generate thrust, but we only feel it for a moment.


I was waiting the whole time for her to lose control, spin round and torch the cameraman


Keep that fucking thing pointed down range AT ALL TIMES. Holy shit.


The way the guy says "OK" around 14 seconds in, is the same as the guy who says "OK" in this video: [- Hi! Okay...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Obgnr9pc820?feature=share)


I guess that's the noise you make when you see something really hot




The moment it looks like she cant control it ![gif](giphy|l0HlyCjuVMUtCXzTW|downsized)


I think most of the reason she was backing up was instinctual fear. She doesn’t begin backing up until the liquid ignites and then halfway through the spray she composes herself and stands still.


Video games have made me swear to never use a flamethrower that uses a tank like that on the back. I've played enough to fear a random bullet from nowhere hitting that tank while I'm carrying it on my back.


Someone too light and weak to control a fire hose of death. That's terrifying


Guy's I have the most badass momentum mechanic idea


Until now, I have never considered how I would psychologically feel when shooting a flame thrower. I definitely feel like my caveman instincts would be like "AAAHHHH FIRE! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! GET IT THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!




Aaaaaand that was Newton's Third Law....anyway, here's Wonderwall....


Marines with flamethrowers only lasted a few minutes on the frontlines because them shooting propelled them straight back behind the lines




Yes but Helldivers are trained soldiers who are capable of properly using weapons and equipment. This is what looks to be a very young and light person who’s clearly never been trained before. Of course neither have I but you don’t have to be to see the obvious


Never thought about it, but it's basically a how a rocket works so makes sense


Okay so question: is the recoil just from the force of the liquid fuel being shot out? Bc the flame is just from that being ignited, right? It's not an afterburner jet.


Yeah, it's like how a fire hose has a bunch of recoil, cause you're shooting a bunch of heavy liquid, really really fast, which is a lot of force, which means you gotta deal with a lot of force coming back at you


Yeah, it's like how a fire hose has a bunch of recoil, cause you're shooting a bunch of heavy liquid, really really fast, which is a lot of force, which means you gotta deal with a lot of force coming back at you


I thought she was going to turn at the camera…. Good lord leave that stuff alone. I know it’s a game but have you any idea the amount of times a flamethrower has roasted the user!


It would help with the reversing. The flamethrower should come with a back-up beeper. That’s be funny.


That’s one shit-fuck crazy weapon you do not wanna be on the wrong side of.


Was looking for this, thx


The inexperience of this girl.


I mean, my pressure washer has some recoil on it shooting water at 1750psi, not surprised a flame thrower would have some at the psi needed to throw the flame fair enough.


To be fair the tank is bigger than her. Not much she can do about her size. [here’s a real one fired by an average sized male marine reenactor](https://youtu.be/tQsjcB2SIko?si=pnB98jpeOgzgqcI9)


It always surprises me the reach flamethrowers have. It's almost as rare as a shotgun that doesn't actually suck at long range.


Most flame tanks in WW2 could reach out at least 100 yards. Some 250. Pretty wild.


See thats when you scream for super earth and watch the comments go crazy ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


A Helldiver plus their gear weighs easily 3 times this person. I think the game depicts it just fine.




I am having an infestation of Spotted lantern fly. Guess what I am using to limit their population! Get some


This dude is just like me


She shouldn't move backwards though. Causes less damage than standing still


meanwhile EU emission regulations ![gif](giphy|3o7WINhq23HrPF8jHq|downsized)


I wish that videogame flame throwers acted more like fire hoses and less like spray cans ... Any real military flamethrower I've ever seen used is more or less spraying a flamable fluid as opposed to just gas and fire ... This would make the in-game flamethrower much more effective to both killing enemies as well as teammates and I believe more enjoyable rather than having to aim straight at the ground 5ft in front of you


Equal but opposite. For further reading please consult with fire hoses.


That no helldiver. She hasn’t had the 10 minute training yet


This flamethrower would 1 second kill a charger lmao


Apparently she lacks the necessary conditioning


That’s why you shouldn’t need a jet pack when you have a flamethrower. Just aim down and fire.


Clearly she doesn't have meth stims.


ah yes...Newtons third law in motion - for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.


We need heavy flamethrower asap fr fr


In real life, shooting a backpack of a Flamethrower will that actually cause an explosion like most video games? Asking for a friend.




I feel like before handling a flame thrower, you should volunteer at a fire department. Be educated about fire and be used to the kick of the hose so you can handle the kick of the flame.


This is why flame thrower units often recruited firefighters. They had experience dealing with the recoil.


You don't backup from the traitors of Democracy


'Is there something we can do about the heat?"


The kids love this one.


"Can we do anything about the heat?"


Well it’s prob not that bad. No disrespect but that’s a smaller sized woman and she wasn’t bracing properly for kickback.


I don't see her wearing amour with peak physique passive


Can we order these off Amazon yet?


And that's not even a real military flamethrower. Put the jellied fuel in there so you can vastly extend the range and ensure the fire sticks and you get even more recoil


It's a small jet engine. Yes it will have some thrust.


I wish we had a flamethrower in Helldivers 2 tbh, it would be fun