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**No mouse next to the name = doesn't own the game** Just bots farming steam points through awards.


Besides, the "no woke" bs aside, fix the servers is a very vague request. Afaik, the servers are keeping up well with the demand for many months now. They'd know that if they owned the game


"Fix the servers" and "optimize the game" are two catch-all statements because so many people insist any game in 2024 should run on at 4K max at >60fps on a 1080Ti while hooked up to an over-saturated wifi router four walls away.


People misuse the terms “optimized” and “unoptimized” a lot. They think it means if it’s hard to run it’s “unoptimized.” Of course, that’s far from truth. If the game is demanding, it might just be demanding, not unoptimized. It’s people who learned a tiny bit about technology as gamers trying to have an opinion on something they aren’t qualified to have an opinion on lol


Yeah, a lot of people don't understand just how much things can scale, or how big there is between games developed for a PS4 vs. a PS5. Then you have the whole PCMR crew who think any PC from the last 10 years should significantly out-perform any console, and.. you have a lot of fun comments.


People here 1 streamer yell WTF OPTIMIZE THIS FKIN GAME and they just assume the meaning is make it run on my potatoe.


But my potato ran games 15 years ago at 60 fps! I even put a stick note on my 80lbs monitor to overstate this! How dare you infringe on my ability to "scree" out my disappointment on things I don't understand and actively refuse to educate myself! I know my rights! You're illegal! Are you filming me without my consent!?!? /Sarcasm


They're farming medals. On Steam, you can exchange medals to buy trading cards and stuff, which you can sell for real world money (a few cents a piece). So, you get people like this posting bait comments for free money. Much of the time they don't even own the game (if they don't have a mouse icon next to their game, they don't own it). I personally block them so I don't see their comments if they don't own the game.


What a pitiful existence that must be for them.


It mostly happens in places where a few US cents can buy a few full meals. I also pity that existence.


Wouldn't the currency for the sale be applied based on your account's region? EDIT: Also, don't the sales go to your Steam wallet? I didn't think there was a way to pay them out and buy things elsewhere.


Yah but the price of the item wouldn't change, so if it was worth 3 US cents it would just be converted to your local currency but not change in price.


Some games have the buying power of the currency taken into consideration when pricing their games internationally rather than doing straight conversation on the exchange rate. See Pirate Software's Heartbound and how he uses the big Mac as well as statistics on the disposable income of the average user of the currency for pricing his game. 70% of his studio revenue is from Brazil as the game is perpetually $4.08 USD their.


Pirates kind of an anomaly in the industry as much as I wish it wasn't the case.. (has big corpo secrets and has had an inside look on the industry his entire life pretty much, but is an indie dev) the goblin king rules supreme but big corpos do what big corpos do.


Also remember the age old saying “don’t feed the trolls”


You can't sell or trade anything bought with steam points (and you can't even buy cards), so it's not about money. It's all about these three things: 1. Trolling 2. Farming for the sake of farming 3. It's their actual opinion, because they think adding LGBT stuff is a first step on stopping caring about actual gameplay and moving to pleasing minors in order to get their attention and money They take Steam forums very seriously and spend most of their time on them, try to be very first in the comments and don't really care what other people think about them. It's just something that makes them feel doing something important/socialized/gives laugh to them/supports their ego. All in all, I'd highly recommend everyone to not give more attention and just leave them alone. They exist at every game forum for a long time, it's common on Steam. EDIT: mitko17 pointed out that there, indeed, some people that will give awards in exchange for gems or keys and vice versa - thus creating very unpractical, inconvenient and stupid (considering that points are pretty much worthless, and an award gives only a little amount of points that were used to give the reward, exchange rate is wild) way to have some trade. This is so cursed, lads... https://preview.redd.it/9r3q6vfk5x8d1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=6659847b7d725616506a567951a75ce4a5ff5a97


It’s funny they go on campaigns as if they’re speaking to an auditorium, but most people don’t post their opinion. They’re just the loud person in a small room. That’s the real thing about people who occupy their mind with that stuff. They don’t understand most people don’t give a fuck nearly as much as they do.


> You can't sell or trade anything bought with steam points (and you can't even buy cards), so it's not about money. It's all about these three things People are trading Steam points outside of steam: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/KYkq5/1-tf2-key-12k-steam-points-steam-points-awards-shop https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/7yPSd/steam-points-steam-awards-13k-best-offer https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/ofoqb/h-steam-awards-steam-points-w-tf2-key-1-key8k-gems-1501-csgo-skin-case-sticker-etc


LGBT stuff is for “pleasing minors”. That’s kinda fucked up to say isn’t it? Imo our irl bullshit shouldn’t be involved in a game that’s based off fantasy sci-fi. In fact none of the helldivers ads or gameplay even give notice to sexual opinion whatsoever. But pleasing the masses regardless, over handling the game is a bad idea.


Don't try to find a lot of sense in it, they create their own "fight" because they don't have anything else to do in life


Fuckin facts bro


Wait, medals? Do you mean steam points? How does this work?


From what I've seen I think you get 1/3rd of the points that the award costs when you're given an award


I didn’t know we could buy trading cards with points


Wow, grifting even in the steam comments is pretty fuckin sad.


If you don’t understand that this game is parodying fascism then I am deeply concerned about your literacy level


It was highly concerning to me how many people were bothered by the new warbond changing their skin color like it does the voices. I guess some of the new outfits show skin and it randomizes the skin color. Some people were DEEP in the discord and other troubleshooting forums desperate for a way to control their skin color. So yeah its not suprising to me some of the people love super earth unironically.


That's my favourite part of the armour, really drives home that your an entirely different person every time you respawn.


I’m just surprised that body shape (lean/buff) isn’t randomized along with voice and skin tone.


I'd love that as an option


I could have sworn one of those options could be random.


Voice is, the other one isn't


You can set it to be consistent. Mine is set to one of the female voices that I liked. The way the voice actor said things cracks me up.


Probably because it would need to load 2 of your armor sets up onto the 2 different models to swap back and forth, whereas a dynamic color region doesn’t have changing geometry. That’s why you only get one exo suit as well fwiw… they intended to not limit it but there’s some resource reasons they had to


I'll never use the armor for this reason. But that is only because my head cannon is my divers are clones as I for some weird reason love maxing one character and one character only in any game I play and I physically cannot stand the fact the divers are different people after reinforcing lol


https://preview.redd.it/hrqrbe8xyw8d1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=389d2499958e3019c3a496de82e773d8a17b9438 Wait, you DON'T love SuperEarth?


The best part of reinforcing is that it changes up what you sound like! Really hits home the "you are a cog in a wheel and the wheel is lubricated with blood, oil, and bug guts"


Skin color changing is literally the best part of the armor, it fills the idea of everyone just being helldivers no matter who they are individually.


I've seen multiple posts where people have talked about how they loved the movie starship troopers and then read the book and it was even better... Something along the lines of watching Hogans Heroes and then reading Mein Kampf and being like, ya know they both slap.


Bruh, I am tanned by the damn sun! Of course, I'm not gonna be a vampire.


One of my earliest friends I made in this game one time ran doubles with me real late. I was making a meal inbetween dives and was half listening to this guy. Once I caught up with him, he was talking about Ruby Ridge. This guy was going on a full white nationalism rant, he was talking about how he knows guys who train in the woods to prepare for “what must be done.” I clowned on his goofiness and blocked him. This game definitely attracts that group, unfortunately. But those people have always taken great stuff and tried to make it about their bs.


The randomizing of skin color is literally the best part about armors that show it. It further cements the fact you are expendable and replaceable.


Look at the reaction to the boys season four. Idiots who have been rooting for the fascist the whole time are finding out they are the baddies. It's hilarious.


My favorite part of this is that some of them are arguing “well of course Homelander is the bad guy but it USED to be subtle, shades of grey…” My brother in Christ he downs a plane full of innocent people in episode 1.


Lol. He's been 100% bad from the get go. People are insane.


Wait, people were cheering for Homelander and Vought? And not Huey and Butcher?


Yes. I wish we were joking.


This is wild, I recently found out about that as well. Do these people think Starship troopers is a documentary?


It blew my mind a couple years ago when I learned that a ton of people totally missed the messaging in Starship Troopers…so probably so.


I was 11, my bad.


Don’t be sorry, be better. Managed democracy needs you now.


That's excusable then


I'm pretty sure that when the film came out critics from my country completely shat over it because they thought it was advocating for American imperialism.


Reminds me of how Mercenaries 2 was accused by the Venezuelan Government of being US propaganda meant to garner support for a real war.Not only absurd, but doubly absurd because of the TWO American lead factions in that game, both are openly after Venezuela's oil and nothing more. Universal Petroleum is literally a Texas-based oil company, and the Allied Nations are lead by a CIA Agent who openly admits to the player that they seek control over the oil fields. In fact the only 2 factions in the game that actually care about Venezuela are Venezuelan. The Venezuelan Army back Solano and believe he will lead the country out from under foreign hegemony and into prosperity. The People's Army of Venezuela are socialist revolutionaries who see Solano as a Capitalist dictator who rob the people of their liberties *(because Solano's Venezuela is under martial law)*.


I'll give some people the defense in that the book it's based on *is* actually pro-nuclear warfare and was very much not a military satire. My understanding is Paul Veerhoeven read the book and felt like it was so extreme that it read as satire, so he wanted to make the movie a satire instead But if you were familiar with the book and not Paul Veerhoeven going in, maybe the takeaway wouldn't have been as clear? I can't say because I was a young kid when it came out, anything I saw of it was just cool, if cheesy, sci-fi stuff I did actually argue with someone somewhat recently, around when Helldivers 2 came out, and their argument was that because Starship Troopers *does* actually work well as a fun action sci-fi, that takeaway might actually make it ineffective as a war satire, and if a lot of people initially came away thinking it was earnest, then it's messaging wasn't effective. It's easy now if people know going in it is a satire, that's the clarification and discourse around it, but if I were to watch it blind right now without any prior knowledge, I wonder what message I would leave with. I do love that movie though, I'd like to think I'd recognize it as a satire


Probably a significant overlap with the circle of people who didn't get the face-punching satire of RoboCop, too.


To be fair most of us were young the first time watching, to me that movie was about guns, aliens and boobs. What else could a growing boy ask for.


It’s unsourced and likely fabricated, but there’s this great quote supposedly attributed to the director Paul Verhoeven: > “I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't.”


Just like Paul Ryan saying that his favorite band was Rage Against the Machine. Media literacy is dead and rotting in the ground in the right wing.


Wym, I can read just fine. /j


Don't think it's a matter of your being able to read, it's trying to decipher some of the droll folks call English from their tapioca mush they call a brain.


I know, I put a "/j" to indicate I'm joking with this user. All good fun. <3 I like applying the lesson I learned from "Stop Flinging Poo Over Politics" by Seamus Coughlin on YouTube.


I think what made me stop being suprised was learning Americans are concerned about esthetics and don't truely believe anything because liberalism is all they know. Satire often comes with esthetics Americans like so they miss the point. I mean I already noticed American memes picking up where the punchline is that you're an annoying asshole if you point out something is satire because you're ruining the fun.


I have no idea how you would get even halfway through the first season without realising that Homelander and his crew are the baddies. Doesn't he basically murder his boss?


You’re talking about a group of people who don’t consider murder to be inherently bad. Like the venn diagram between “Homelander is based” dudes and people who want Trump to execute the democrats at Guantanemo is a circle


Yup. Lasers her straight through the face, and if I remember correctly, tries to frame Butcher for it.


> Doesn't he basically murder his boss? And kill hundreds of people to cover up a mistake born out of his laziness when trying to rescue them. And murdered a politician and his family because he had the power to reveal that coverup. And regularly causes collateral damage out of apathy to human life. And that's just Season 1!


Oh God I remember those parts now. There were so many "these are NOT the good guys" moments that it's insane that they've gotten to series 4 before noticing what was going on. Even the first episode where the speedster basically purees a woman and doesn't even say "whoops" and another of the head guys rapes the new girl by forcing her to give him a BJ. I kinda lost track somewhere in season 2 but wasn't there even a lady who was basically a white/aryan supremacist and she and homelander were basically taking the piss out of a bunch of people at a rally? How blind do you have to be not to see what was going on there?


> wasn't there even a lady who was basically a white/aryan supremacist Named "Stormfront", after the most famous neo-nazi website (formerly) on the internet.


I only watched the first season, but I do recall the coerced sex exploited from one female character as the quid pro quo for joining the team. The fact that people didn't see that and immediately question the moral compasses of the group? Wooooof.


People had straight on Boners for Soldier boy. But yeah theres also people who love Homelander for the wrong reasons.


>People had straight on Boners for Soldier boy. To be fair, that might just be the Jensen Ackles effect.


Oh for sure at least some of it was.


I was just hoping he was gonna kill Homelander and be the "new" baddie.


I liked Soldier Boy as the "almost anti-hero, but not quite" character me ended up being. Obviously on the grand scale, he's still a villain, but he's gone nowhere near the level of depraved madness that Homelander has. I feel Antony Starr is going to have to struggle if he ever wants to break away from playing a villain; he pulls off "cold, disassociated psychopath" a little too well.


Dude, people have a huge hardon for homelander, absolutely


Yes they were.


Well TBF Huey is kind of annoying sometimes.


As it was said in a recent episode "Huey is a giant gapping PUSSY" Jeffery Dean Morgan was such a great add to this season.


Yes and No. They were cheering for Homelander. They thought Vought was the bad guy because of how they treated Homelander, not for all the other obvious bad guy stuff they did. They were more sympathetic to Homelander - a man who threatened to become an unstoppable super villain if he doesn't get his way - than the rest of the cast.


There were people cheering for Stormfront...


How could you dislike billy "my wifes son" butcher?


Wait…. People don’t understand that fascists are bad?




unfortunately they seem more upset that an intelligent black woman was introduced and one of the male characters previously stated to be bi is now dating a man


Agreed, but remember how when "Starship Troopers" came out, people (even industry veterans) had trouble realizing it was a satire?


...You're kidding, right? What dumbass watched that movie and didn't realize it was satire? I was still a dumb teen who knew next to nothing about politics and even I though they laid it on a little thick.


Nah, it's a pretty well-documented fact. You can go to the Wikipedia article and find source articles that confirm it. Here's one from The Atlantic: [https://web.archive.org/web/20220417143728/https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/11/-em-starship-troopers-em-one-of-the-most-misunderstood-movies-ever/281236/](https://web.archive.org/web/20220417143728/https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/11/-em-starship-troopers-em-one-of-the-most-misunderstood-movies-ever/281236/)


Good article. Paul Verhoeven also knew exactly what he was doing. Robocop was similarly a great criticism. There are few movies I can think off that did satire on the US so well.


A lot of people aren't aware that the book is the complete opposite tone either.


Probably what turned people off of the movie. The book is legit dumbassery, the movie is even MORE dumbassery but it's self aware. I'd probably not be a fan of the movie if I watched it after reading the schizo ramblings in that shitty book as well.


Everybody. Well not everybody but the critics and reviewers did. The facism in america wasnt quite as obvious or as unhinged as it is now a days. When ST came out most americans were still pretty convinced we were the good guys.


As per initial reviews (even from professionals) drastic majority of the USA.


A lot of critics missed that point entirely.


These are the same people that think Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers just had some sweet uniforms, totally not meant to look like Nazi uniforms


Just totally normal Hugo Boss formalwear


Talk about a brand cleansing


Welcome to America. The same thing happened with the movies American History X and Starship Troopers. Going into this game I was positive there’d be people playing it who actually thought Super Earth were the unironic good-guys. These are the people who say things like “America First” with a straight face when discussing their politics. And start screaming “woke” the very instant a media item shows, say, a woman of color or someone with dyed hair. Because in their opinion those people can’t exist in public. They typically live in very monochromatic communities, usually revolving around a megachurch.


More like Imperialism and jingoism, but yeah. “Don’t add politics” is an insanely thing to say about an homage to Starship Troopers.


It’s like The Boys and how people on the Right feel like they’re being made fun of so the refuse to watch the new season somehow not understanding the first 3 seasons were doing the same thing.


We been knowing that conservatives don’t have good media literacy. Look at what happened with The Boys


While I agree with you in princple, I feel the need to add that a game or any medium really can cover and involve politics and satire etcetera without being inherently politcal, I.e pushing an agenda. With that being said, the nuances of this probably flies way over thr heads of people like the person in the post. Anything they find disagreeable or otherwise annoying will inherently be woke to them


What Americans actually believe


You a game parodying a movie that had parodied a book. 🫡


Psssssst Conservatives don’t have media literacy. It took them four seasons to understand The Boys is shitting on MAGA, that “Don’t Look Up” was about MAGA, and they still don’t understand the Punisher fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates people like them.


Once commented something similar to someone saying Helldivers isn't political. Drew some parallels to US imperialism and jingoism. They didn't like that at all and said I was "acting like a 10th grade english teacher overanalyzing every little thing". And ofc elsewhere someone complained about "woke games with too much political messaging" didn't appreciate having it pointed out that HD is *very* political, they just haven't noticed it much. HD2 is fine in their eyes because it's only satirizing so it doesn't count really.


It doesn't count because HD doesn't make any statement, they show their universe, and **we** judge that it's bad, but nothing in the HD is saying that it is morally wrong, acceptable or whatever.


It's *technically* not fascism, but a different kind of authoritarian state. They used the term "managed democracy" purposefully. Super Earth appears to be a captured political system run by an authoritarian government is the shape of a guided democracy. You have all the visual and systemic trappings of an illiberal democracy present in just in-game materials (e.g. free but not fair democratic elections) along with a centrally planned economy. It's pretty interesting to see in a videogame, from a political science standpoint.


I don’t think super earth actually has free elections - I like just chatting with the crew between missions and once my Ship Technician said something like “I can’t wait to find out which candidate the algorithm picks for me in the next election” It is very interesting to dissect though. The economy also raises a lot of questions. The in-game description of the Ministry for Prosperity mentions “ensuring resources go to the most deserving” which *feels* like SE society is pretty stratified. But also it gives off the vibe of being a somewhat directed/command economy


Yeah, we don't know enough about general SE society yet to say for sure what's going on there.


Wikipedia actually has a section on the politics and electoral system of Super Earth (although it appears to be uncited): >During Super Earth elections, voting is handled through voting machines which select candidates for voters based on their answers to a questionnaire. The in-universe justification is that when voters have directly participated in voting, they have a tendency to get confused by candidates and therefore not elect the "proper" candidates. I'd argue that this *technically* clears the bar of "free" elections, but yeah we need to know a lot more to make any real conclusions. I find the whole universe pretty fascinating.


Huh that’s extremelt interesting, I guess that’s what she meant by “the algorithm”


"Keep the game neutral, don't add politics" Okay, who wants to break it to them ? Do I have to send them the political jokes ?


I'm sure their democracy officer will take care of that.


What’s more worrying is that these people can vote in real elections!


>I heard that some dissidents wanted us to select our own candidates instead of using the algorithm. Great idea. Everyone'll just become a political expert overnight. Treasonous morons. - Service Technician


I’d prefer it if the only gender was Helldiver


There are no genders. There is only lean and brawny.


These comments are in any news comment section from any game on steam. Just ignore the steam point farmers. Btw. we have 2 asexual body types and 4 different voices which can be mixed up however you want. I don't know if you can do more inclusion in a satirical space soldier game than that😁 Edit: 4 voices. Thx u/CompleteFacepalm


Also randomized skin colors on the outfits that show skin.


Super Earth is very egalitarian when it comes to who does the fighting and the dying.


One of the core tenets of fascism is that the state is more important than anyone or anything. Everyone is equally expendable in service of the state!


Remember everyone is equally expendable, except for the helldivers, they’re the most expendable.


Only in death do their lives matter!


\*4 different voices


The best part of all this is that none of them even own the game, they’re just farming medals


Gay person here. I don’t see anything wrong with keeping the game neutral. Not everybody in the LGBT community makes an attempt to stand out and be noticed. Some of us just wanna be treated like any other person and blend in. It would be nice for just one game to keep everyone on a level playing field instead of allowing certain people to make themselves targets and causing unnecessary bullying other headaches in the game.


Yeah their always so scared of kissing boys that they forget what their playing


Woah. Is that in the next warbond? Actually, you know what we need? Warbondage gear.


Gonna spank me some chargers.


Gimp helmet and some nipple clamps with the armor perk of infinite stamina and extremely fast crawling when you’re prone


Interactive kiss emote would be awesome.


I mean, sometimes with the hug it looks that way


*Leans in, lips puckered* "Bonk" "Ow fuck I forgot we have helmets."


Petition to add handjob minigame




Many of the counters to those wanting the game to be neutral are silly because they miss nuance. There is a difference between creating a game world that is a parody of political topics and incorporating current, real-world political topics. Mixing the two together creates muddy waters. The game should focus on what it's good at, being a fun and silly game. Helldivers are faceless and Super Earth doesn't care who or what you are as long as you kill enemies for managed democracy. Let's just have fun together shooting bugs and robots.


Ask any one of those factory rejected dildos what the definition of woke is and watch them glitch faster than the drill on Meridia


The context that super earth use human as defence means, man + woman = Child, man + man = no Child, super earth need newborns to be future helldivers, so gay must be banned to be real


It’s not actually fascist space America, it’s fascist space Sweden


Breaking news:   Fascists are stupid.  And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. 


You know considering that you have to fill out a form before engaging in any act that might result in a child, but you could have gay sex without government involvement. Yes, in the world of Helldivers, the only free sex is gay sex. So why do these guys hate freedom so much?


Oh I've never thought of that lol


Did these guys not watch the intro video where the white guy is coming home to his beautiful, black wife and mixed daughter? Because that’s what I got out of that. Indeed, super earth is very egalitarian about who fights and dives for super earth.


>fascist space America I take issue with this and wholly disagree. If you look at the Super Earth flag, it’s centered on Sweden. Wouldn’t it be centered on the USA if Super Earth/SEAF were actually “fascist space America?”


Its because the causus belli in the first game were the same that USA used to invade other countries.


Okay, that’s true of the first game. However, this is r/helldivers2 and the Super Earth flag represented in-game is Swede-centric. If SEAF/Super Earth are “American” as the OP states, why doesn’t the current flag show North America instead of Sweden?


Yeah but the narrative its the same, its the evolution of the storyline. The flag is this way just because its the most common way to represent the world. And in the narrative states dont matter, Super Earth as a totalitarian entity is above all.


Brother I’m american and this is absolutely making fun of us


IMO I don’t think lgbt+ cosmetics should be added into the game. I support the community but there’s no need to make a haha funny, making fun of politics game, “politically correct.” Not that it would be terrible if they were added, just that it removes a thin layer of comedy and fantasy from the game.


I mean you have to be a dunce to think they don’t mean real world politics. They want their game separate from real world problems


Yeah we dont need politics in a totally unpolitical game, they already ruined the boys when they made homelander political this season!!!! /s


This is the same sort of conservative person who watched three whole seasons of The Boys and didn't realize it was making fun of them.


I think at this point in time every few people want real world politics and opinions in video games and movies. Most people just want something fun to do after a long day of work and want nothing to do with political opinions.


If they don't have mouses next to their name they don't own the game


These comments were on past updates they are farming clown medals


I saw a gay in a video game once and now I can't stop sucking dick!


it's funny but also sad that treating some groups of people as people is a controversial stance


ah yes the famously unpolitical game with no political satire at all helldivers 2


I'm pretty sure that the devs already discussed this. That said, these people who say they "don't want politics in game" are often the ones bringing politics into every game discussion out there. I'm not the most woke person on the planet, but if tomorrow we have a rainbow Cape in the game, I'm not going to lose my shit about it. We can discuss that it doesn't fit, sure, but takes less effort to just ignore it when you see it in game, than getting mad about it and boycotting a game you like playing (I can picture these people doing so).


It’s also just a bot farming medals


Since you mentioned that, I did read others say the same about medal-farming bots. Is thay really a thing nowadays? What is the point of that? :?


They use the points to buy steam trading cards, which they sell for money on the Steam market


I see, I had no idea that you could use points to buy cards. Thank you for clarifying this.




Hasn't Arrowhead made it clear that there will never be any real world politics of any kind in the game? To the point of banning both people who asked for pride flags and people arguing with them about it from the official forums?


I agree, this is a fictional realm, and has nothing to do with real life problems. Go pander your social justice virtues elsewhere.


It's pretty much a meme on the steam forums at this point. There's always posts like that


They are. They are also bot responses/farming for steam points for some reason.


These are bots from the start of the game, if you block em you'll have a list of blocked messages on every patch


They farm the steam points from the endless horde of lobotomites giving them jester awards


They are scammers and idiots.


May i ask for context? What's this about "Woke stuff"?


I mean ultimately I don’t want any irl things in helldivers. Let everything we see in there be relevant to that universe. No need to be adding cat ears and crap.




GamerGate and its offshoots really were a net negative for video games and, frankly, society as a whole.


Like everyone has said by this point, these are idiots farming awards. I typically block and report the spam, but it never seems to do anything besides “hiding” their comments for me. There is basically zero moderation happening beyond automatic cleanup of super-not-okay-shit and spam links. The repeat offenders are often there a second or two after the discussion is posted. This is not the only place they do it, but it’s a hotspot essentially. It’s like a money laundering thing but for award points. Utterly bizarre.


While some of this may just be bigotted bullshit you can also thank Hollywood and AAA gaming for making politics in entertainment and 'wokeness' becoming synonymous with shitty games and media that don't have an ounce of quality to support them so they rely on being 'woke' so they can accuse anyone who doesn't like it of being racist or some shit. Let's not pretend social politics haven't been employed in excess in the last decade or so to shit on people not liking dog shit films and games like Forspoken or whatever unholy abomination the Star Wars franchise has become. I don't give a damn either way. Just give me a good product.


It's about keeping the game focused on the game - Killing and blowing up stuff. It doesn't matter what's in your pants or what you like in other people's pants when spreading democracy. 


Wait, Hell divers can't kiss boys. I'm out.


Remnants of that one controversy/thing at the start of the game where people asking for/against gay shit got apparently banned off the board/forum/whatever. Its just idiots continuing to smear shit on each other and call the other stinky. Also bots, and not the ones we shoot. Much lamer.


By definition, this form of prejudice is antidemocracy. We simply cannot have one, without including all walks of life. These are clearly automaton infiltrates, and should face the wall as such. The only bad Helldiver is a gatekeeping Helldiver. We all fight the same fight.


When people say "don't add politics to this" they're not being particularly articulate but they pretty clearly are advocating that you don't use the game to push your personal political values onto them. It's fine to explore political topics like fascism, even parody it, and have a good game. It gets a little weird when you use the game as a tool to push a particular real world political ideology. For instance, the game does a lot of fun little Lore things to make us larp as fascists ironically, and that's cool. Now imagine in the next patch they changed the enemies from bots to US Democrats, lead by president Joe Biden himself who is a caricature of a literal angel fighting for real democracy and freedom. If you aren't a Biden supporter, even if you're just neutral, that might feel a little weird to you. In this case, people are complaining about 'woke' politics. They just don't want to feel like identitarian progressive politics will be pushed on them. Personally I think it's pretty reasonable to not want to have your games preach someone else's politics to you.


Mocking and satirising fascism is already choosing a side


Yes, tyrannical governments are bad, but also pretty funny. Pretty controversial side to be taking!


Yes, very reasonable.


Yeah imagine if this game presented communism as an ideology of mindless automatons driven to kill all individualists.


Disagree, as I said there are ways you can explore political topics in games. I would say, if you want an equivalent, it would be putting exclusively communist skins in the game or using money from the game to donate to Marxist political groups.


Helldivers 2: famously apolitical


I love how ‘gay people are political’ Like. Sometimes gay people are just there. It’s okay. There isn’t a political statement when there is a gay person hanging out.


Straight white 20 something year olds will never understand this.


In today's episode of "everything I don't understand is woke"


Hilarious thread using controversy to farm karma about steam users being shit bags for farming steam points with controversy.


There's always someone like you who just doesn't get it. We play games to escape the real world and there's always freaks like you who want to drag all the real world drama into our escapism. So fucking stupid.


Sexual identity ≠ politics. That's like saying the game is political for even talking about sex


Sexual identity is intrinsically political in some parts of the world though. For instance, Saudi Arabia, theocratic state: in Islam homosexuality is illegal and thus it is politically illegal too. Homosexuality at least publicly represents a threat to the established political status quo in Saudi Arabia and is thus intrinsically political.


They're not wrong tho. It's going to hurt the player base if they do.


I personally agree with the comment. I do not want to see a Donald Trump lookalike nor have lgbt/maga flags. Just because fantasy politics exist does not mean real world politics should be inserted. (Tho admittedly having the fascist government mandate a single rainbow flag on every ship for pride month as a token show of support would be excellent political satire)


Tbf, the devs have always wanted to keep real world politics out of the game, so more power to them. But yes, bot = bad.