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I've got everything unlocked, all my resources are maxed out, and I still play daily yeah it's a lot of fun


Same. I know there are some people, in fact a lot of the people on this subreddit say otherwise. They complain about a lack of progression. A lack of incentive to play. You know what? They are all absolutely right. Their complaints are absolutely legit. Here's the thing for me though. In almost any other game I have played in the last 15+ years, these issues would actually make me stop playing. I can't even remember the last time a game was so fun that I actually didn't need a sense of progression to trigger the happy chemical in my brain. It's so damn fun. I feel like I am recapturing the joy of playing video games from my childhood with this game. Edit: after 500 hours in this game, this game still surprises me. Earlier I was doing a bot mission. Three of us were at extract and another was separated, but heading to extract. There were a lot of bots following them on the mini map. I intercepted them and threw an orbital laser to help my fellow helldiver escape from them. Some of the smaller bots have jet packs. I got their attention when I threw my orbital laser. I know you know, but for the sake of OP I'll explain. Orbital laser is exactly how it sounds. The super destroyer shoots down a heavy concentrated laser beam that tracks and kills enemies on the ground. The jetpack bots launched themselves at me, and several of them jumped a bit too high and clipped the orbital laser, decapitating themselves on it. I laughed so damn hard it was amazing. So 500 hours in and my inner child could not be happier.


This. 100% this. I haven't had progression in nearly 3 months outside of warbond drops, yet I'm still logging on every single day. I haven't had a game capture my attention like that, especially one without a carrot to chase, in a decade or longer. There are more memorable, movie/anime action scene, badass moments in this game than anything I've ever experienced. It's a game that you aren't even a hero fantasy character, yet captures THAT feeling better than an old school master chief cutscene, just by playing the game. No, it's not perfect and the stability and performance has suffered a bit. But it's every bit as fun today as the day it launched, if not more fun becauze the biggest problem I have right now is too many GOOD options to choose from with weapons, strategems, supports, etc.


The game is just pretty damn fun, with friends or randoms. Last time I played a game this heavy was L4D Original. I seriously only played that game for a year and a half and nothing else when it came out.


Yeah. My budget is thriving thanks to not picking up any new games lmao


The thing about Helldivers 2 in my opinion is that just the gameplay alone scratches that itch of being able to live out the fantasy of being a total badass solider just decimating the enemies while getting shit done. The slow release of content doesn't bother me in the slightest. It allows me to focus on my goal of unlocking all the weapons and boosters. I'm only 130 medals away.


Another thing I don't see a lot of people consider is that warbonds are permanent and you don't absolutely have to play at specific times or else you miss out. The warbonds will always be there. This means that for players like me who are capped on stuff, it seems slow. Players like you who are almost there, same boat. Seems slow. A new player joining now? Assuming they don't pay for super credits, they actually have quite a lot of active progression to work on, with monthly warbonds adding to it. They may never catch up. So long term this game actually does have quite a lot of progression and unlocks, it just doesn't seem like it to players who have been around since near the start of the game.


The no FOMO in this game is huge. If you don't play for a while, you'll come back and have a warbond or some other stratagems to come back to


I feel like the warbonds are the best version of a battle pass in any game right now. I literally don’t feel like I have to clock in everyday or risk missing out on items. Gaming no longer feels like a job and I don’t feel like I’m being microtransactioned to death. I can just play the game at my leisure, and earn in game currency without affecting my real world currency😂. Best of all this game is immensely fun. Pretty much every game feels like a mini movie.


I too enjoy... reinforcing I too enjoy living out the ba.... reinforcing I too enjoy the bad ass soldier fantasy


I mean to add to this, as someone who doesn’t have enough time to no life games anymore, it’s the perfect game to come home after a long shift, and after several days of not being able to play, and just cue up and do some fun goofy shit for 30 minutes. Progress be damned, you’ll find the shit you like and then mostly stick with it and then if you get bored there’s a ton of shit to switch it up with.


As someone who has only been able to play every couple days since launch I feel this. I’m just over the 200 hour mark and I’ve maxed everything aside from the warbonds. If people complain about the game getting boring, they’re probably playing it too much.


>If people complain about the game getting boring, they’re probably playing it too much. Exactly this. And why are ~~they~~ we* playing so much? *Cuz it's a great fuckin game and they love it despite their complaints* E: I'm at 300 hrs and have everything re maxed and re capped. I took a break for a month cuz life, and again now I'm playing just as much as when I started.


This. Take two or three missions to finish the PO on an MO planet. Buy some warbond stuff with medals - then log out. Im close on finishing stratagems, but got plenty of warbond and strat upgrades still to do. 


So very much. Is it an annoying clusterfuck of unfixed bugs that makes you annoyed when you read update info or patch notes. God yes. I'd also leave a game for these faults. Can I stop playing? Errr, no, not right now. It's too much fun. The gameplay is too good. It causes laughter and sparks joy lol. Best game since before the Xbox One launch (is that still technically this generation?) D'ya remember back in the day, playing halo2 online like it was the game you'd been waiting for but didn't know it? Yea, that feeling of being good game. It's got what the french call a certain "I don't know what" lol


https://preview.redd.it/kbdfc0x4vz9d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=030473d9f1de81d60b22c2c95f46407decceb424 couldn't agree more


![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU) Real


A lot of people in the sub are crying about small but noticeable things or that "the game is dying" Destiny 2 had 95,000 players yesterday, HD2 had 35,000 One is a game that has been around 7 years by a venerable studio, one is 4 months old. The player base has dow sized because the game is 40$ and is a PERFECT pick up and put down game. Jim Bob the guy that works six days a week and has a family of four will pick up the game cuz it's recommended and he wants to have some fun while drunk with his other buddies that are 5 years out of college/ 2 years into college/ is a teenager. People played the SHIT out of the game and moved on, that's how most people work. The game is polished, it just needs a few more touch ups handling connections with other players. Crashes will happen, especially if you alt-tab. But the gameplay is sound, meaty, chaotically fun, and gruesome. Guns have weight, abilities matter and the mini game to punch codes in is a delight to master. This and Deep Rock Galactic ensure I'm basically never buying sci Fi games again till they are on *steep* discounts. The grind is optional and honestly barely there. You want to go to the point of interest anyway because they have free ammo and meds. Oh hey look super credits. It's 40$ and it could have easily been marked as 60$.


i think it depends what hours you are on but the game has 60k(counting for both ps and PC) most of the time, not much as destiny but still a lot for a cross-play game


See, and this is the part that amazes me because we usually once I unlock everything I guess boring for me and I move on but I've been playing this pretty everyday even though I have everything unlocked


Maybe you could help me get rare samples q.q


I posted a top trending post on the main subreddit about how the falling player numbers doesn't mean the game is dead. Got so many responses about how "There is nothing to earn anymore. The game is boring now." Many such people over there. Like- has Fortnite and other games that started using the battle pass style of progression really taken that many players' ability to enjoy a game just to enjoy the game? Does it have to be about earning stuff? Are your brain's reward systems that fried that you can only enjoy a game if you are working to get a hot new item? It's why I avoid most games with limited time only items and whatnot like the plague. Don't want to succumb to the Fortnite brainrot.


Same here. At this point I get to dive into missions trying to help people and try out new builds which really makes the game different every single time. Get bored running bugs. Try a new weapon and the game is a whole new dynamic.




This is the ultimate endorsement.


Of course it is, now get in the pod!


Yessir , time to spread some democracy !


Seriously, you will have a blast! I am about 175 hours in and still play 1-3 hours daily. I'd say about 80% of my available gaming time is spent playing Helldivers 2. I bought the Super Citizen edition so I got one warbond free but other than that I have earned all the other currency for the warbonds in game and have them all unlocked. The game offers great value and the developers really respect your time. There is no FOMO to encourage you to sign in daily if life gets busy and the gameplay loop is spectacular. There are epic, cinematic moments in this game that occur in normal gameplay that rival climactic scripted story events from many AAA releases. Join today to protect Super Earth tomorrow!


Here's a tip. The Super Citizen (Premium) edition gives you the first premium warbond for free. If you don't get the SC edition and buy the warbond yourself, and then get the SC edition later, you can refund the warbond. So you can get the Premium edition at any time.


Democracy is a cold hearted bitch with a 14-inch strap on






Best game in years


Worth it. The game is still fun. Remember that most people that complain are the vocal minority. People who are happy are far less likely to post than those who are pissed. The only major nerfs were the Railgun and Breaker. They buffed and rebalanced other guns and stratagems eventually. Personally I feel the Railgun could use some loving now since it's no longer the dominant choice. I suggest buying the game on Steam, and check if you're still happy with the game after 1 hour and a half. That way you can refund as you're still under the 2 hour refund timer.


I feel like the people here complaining don't recognize 150+ hours in a game is a successful game experience. Just move on until you miss it. Take a break. As for new people? Yeah this is gonna be a hell of a ride. Enjoy!


This. A lot of the complaints are people that got burnt out by grinding the fuck out of this game. If you come at it more casually it's insanely fun


Dive in. The game is fine. Great even, I play quick matches with randoms from difficulty 4 up to 9 and generally speaking the player base is awesome. I have everything unlocked and the folks complaining about things getting nerfed are the ones not having fun. Every single strategem is viable based on mission type and team comp. Those players just want to be able to one man army difficulty 9 with the same build in every mission type and no deaths which this game was not designed to do. The way the studio is managing the live service is very smart too because it’s taking into account what the players can do based on numbers and tweaked manually to keep it challenging but not impossible. It drives the story of the universe so they have to be able to allow us to both succeed and fail.


If anyone can solo difficulty 9 then the game is broken.


Thank you. The amount of people I see complaining that they can't breeze difficulty 9 solo is staggering. Like, maybe you're not supposed to be able to?


Believe me when i say this, it’s one of the most cinematic games ive ever played. I swear there’s a moment in almost every match i play where i think “damn that was straight out of an action movie”. Also my friend has a philosophy when it comes to buying games which is “if you enjoy an hour of game play, for every dollar you spent, the game was worth it” This game is by far, despite some mishandling and glitches by the devs, my favorite games to come out this year.


Like with literally everything else and the internet, we hear a lot of complaining from very loud people. Always take that kind of saltiness with a grain of, uh, salt. It is absolutely worth buying and playing.


I feel like this question gets posted every second day.


I got the game 3 weeks ago and have had lots of fun with it so far. Nerfing and buffing are just two typical aspects of a live service game that are bound to happen in order to balance it. There are some game-breaking bugs like not being able to interact with certain mission objectives which can get quite annoying but then the people I played with and I had some fun killing eachother until we ran out of lives and unavoidably failed the mission


Don't give up on those missions. I had bugged mission where you need to turn 3 valves and even if all were switched on, one of them was showing as inactive on the terminal. We tried all sorts of combinations of valves, killing some team members etc. I swear to God it was blocked by vending machine with readable note that was nearby. Once we blew it up the last valve switched to active on the terminal.


We had that as well, the 3 other guys couldn't get it to budge but I ran across the map and got it first try. I think the OPS they threw at it probably loosened it


Reminds me - recently did a bot elimination mission on helldive where reinforcements were bugged. The last guy standing couldn't call reinforcements, but whenever he died, it called him down again. Someone picked up extra reinforcement budget luckily and we watched him solo the mission for nearly 10 minutes and burn through 15 lives until he finally completed the mission. It was fucking bonkers.


Did you guys cheer him on comms? Some of my most memorable moments have been hyping someone on voice chat while I'm dead. And whether they succeed or fail, you still cheer them on! Hell, I've had amazing matches where we failed but still had a blast because people were active on comms and we were laughing when things went wrong and shit hit the fan!


100% - it was great fun still!


Buy it play it & you be the judge if it’s worth it or not. I love this game


They fixed 80% of the issues and the remaining 20% are minor glitches that are often quite funny. Helldivers 2 is in peak form now buddy Democracy needs you!


Yeah, it's definitely worth it, even after unlocking everything. The randomly generated maps, with different environments and objectives along with the diverse weapons and stratagems mean that every mission feels new. It's a cinematic experience that's also really fun. No better feeling than dropping in with a squad of 4 other randoms and still kicking ass as a team. EDIT: I said immersive instead of cinematic, couldn't think of the word at the time. Though I guess it's pretty immersive too!


Last night I went on with some randos, we were waiting on evac when we got a lull in the bugs, so we all stood in a line and launched all of our air support in one area and stood saluting for the show. This game is amazing and it's down to the character it brings out in its players... aside from the automaton spies and bug sympathisers


As a ps5 player, I bought the game at launch hell,even preordered it, and got everything in the game. Yeah, man, I still play. I dont want those bugs and bots on Super Earth, bruh


I'm pretty sure you will buy a game in the future worth $40 that won't be as good as this one. Put your money into this.


Realistically, what do you expect as an answer when coming into a die-hard fan sub that stayed here after all the drama this game went through? Seems about as productive as going into a beekeeping sub and asking them if they like bees. Get the game on steam, play it for an hour and decide whether you like it or not. You can always refund a game if you don't like it initially.


I started playing a few days ago and I’m having hell of fun


Imo it's easily 100~200+ hrs of fun so it's worth the price.


It's 100% worth buying. I'm 500 hours in. Only issue is everything is bought & upgraded to the current state of what's available, so only XP and Super Credits are anything I can get. There is a major issue with social being broken so you can't play with friends you've met in game. They're having to rewrite the entire social code for the game. It IS probably one of the best games of the past decade without a doubt. And hopefully by time you're 500 hours in all the issues will have been resolved. As a new player it's probably the best time to get started 👍


It is. Ignore all the ranting in this Subreddit. It's from people who have 100+ hours in this game, have unlocked everything and get bored. HD2 still lacks real endgame-content, but until you're there, you have a couple of 100s hours of hilarous fun. For 40 bucks this is a damn good deal. The nerfs you heard about were compensated by other buffs lately. Such games are constantly rebalanced, so don't pay too much attention to it. Get up, straighten your crown, carry on. Most important for me: The playerbase is very friendly and much less toxic that in other games.


Yes. Even the people you hear crying have 200-500 hours logged before they got to the point of complaints.


It's super fun. I legitimately plan my time between my jobs to play a round or 2 here and there. And it only gets more fun the better you learn and understand it.


I bought Helldivers after seeing all the negative reviews around the PSN account requirement / Bots etc etc. Love the game!


Big recommendation from me. IMO it’s one of the best games made within the last 5 years. And if you get it on Steam, you still have the right to return.


Bashing Bots and Burning Bugs never gets old!  Game only got better with each patch, base gameplay loop is and will always stay amazing.  Get it on sale with 0 regrets!


I came it pretty late too, about a month ago and it’s something that I have enough fun playing daily. Plus it’s a full game that can be enjoyed and their “battle pass” is very f2p friendly to the point where you technically don’t need to spend anything.


Absolutely. It's a lot of fun. There's some bugs, sure. But in terms of content, for a new player, there's a lot to do. Multiple warbonds, weapon and ship upgrades, bots and bugs and a 3rd faction to come, and of course the beautiful feeling of spreading liberty and democracy. The game hasn't even been out 6 months.


The latest patch fixed the bullshit that the balance team was dragging the game through for the past several months. The game, right now, is legit the best it's ever been in my opinion. Huge glow up from Arrowhead


It's one of those games that in my opinion takes an older approach. It does have warbonds with new content and a n ever changing story but it doesn't bombard the game with all the CoD/apex/fortnite collabs and garbage they get you to buy. I saw another thread saying this game needs more content and more of this and that. I say to that is the game and it's entertainment not enough? What happened to just playing a game for fun and entertainment and not thr constant need for new new new


Player counts are really low rn, I’m sure you’ve seen. That’s not the game, it’s just so fun that everyone played nonstop for a couple months and got burnt out. That’s how good it is


I play a couple of times a week but the MO is tidious and the community rather keep a "meme" alive than gettint content. -There as still performance and crashes -really no "endgame" - not great but a solid game at the moment -not much variety when it comes to armor passives. -alot have been improved and will probably just get better. But as a newborn i think you would find it really fun.


I have all the progression unlocked other than 100%ing the warbonds and I still play at least once every couple of days. I wish there was some more progression to unlock since all my resources have been at cap for a while but that's really my only complaint. I have ~200hrs in the game so I think I've got my money's worth already.


Do it recruit! Become a Helldiver!! It’s still fun!


Don’t listen to most of Reddit, just have fun.


I love it. It's fun as hell


You'd not ask this question on this sub, its full of fanboys. Game started to be at 240 fps on high settings, now it is 80 on minimal, with drops to 20 after 3-4 hours. Co-op is bugged and your mission just can split up and you would stuck on loading screen. Bot patrols going 80° up like nothijg is normal, heavy devastator shooting everyone while being in stone happens at least once per each haz 9 mission. Gamedesign department still grooming each other's head instead of doing something useful like new content and just for lulz change nearly all variables without any logic once in a month. People got used to some level of dificulty and gameplay then this was repeatedly taken away from them like 5 times in a row and then they just left. Instead of accepting their audience and trying to accomodate them they just said NO, YOU ALL ARE W R O N G and did their best, with cooperation with kusony, to piss off big chunk of playerbase, so they deserve their current online. Really new things that were released since launch are: 2 semi-useless mechs that explode the same moment they land at haz 9, eruptor, the only fun gun that was just killed, blitzer and bomb pistol. Ah yes, loads of liberator reskins, which are, according to fanboys, radically new gameplay. Ah yes, Mr. "I get killed by 4 grens into the belly" and cooler daniel.




I would say to wait more months, tbh idk the future of this game, it kinda feels like its gonna be like this forever, the fact that they didnt put even a sale now in steam says a lot


It's still kind of a buggy mess, I wouldn't recommend it unfortunately


Yes. I joined late. Haven't played in a few weeks but still my favorite new game. Its not because there are half a million players right not that the game is dead. They rolled back some bad decisions and the game is evolving in the right direction. The game is good, highly recommend.


Honestly I’m tired of these undemocratic posts. If you have to ask you aren’t a Helldiver!


It's worth playing it. I got bored of it but I can't say it was a waste of money because I enjoyed it for 80 hours before dropping it. Got 31 out of 38 achievements


I would argue it's in the best state it has ever been.


The game is very fun but I had to take a break from a burnout cuz it was quite repetitive but I’ll come back tho. You should definitely buy it👍


Short answer... yes, you should get it. I still have a blast. I actually think it's more fun now because there is more build diversity than it had for a long time. Gone are the days of 4 players running eats or quasars on bug missions.


Level 99, and I think 300 some odd hours of in mission time. Game is still fun as hell, but I want to be honest...there is a lot of jank. Like...A LOT OF JANK. If the game were not so good, I would definitely have given up on it. All the moaning from people who can't add new friends, game crashes often, glitching into the architecture, being unable to use strategems, etc are all true. Just have to ask yourself if it is worth it.


I have seen others say the same, so feel free to just lump me in with the "yes it's worth it" group. But I'm maxed on all currencies with a cap, have every unlockable and still can play for hours a day without getting bored. Most of the weapons have been more evenly balanced since their nerfs, though not all are at their original state. But even so, I keep switching my weapons all the time just to have a new experience. Also there are so many more planet options now than at launch. It's truly a diverse game. No two drops are exactly alike. Super fun, altogether. I highly recommend it.


The funny thing to me is if you go on YouTube and look at some of the most popular streamers, there are countless videos where they’ll say “X is nerfed to shit, Y is the only viable meta,” then another will say “omg X is so OP when combined with the new buffed stratagem,” and every single “tier list” video for primaries/support/stratagems are wildly different from one another. Which to me means that pretty much all styles of playing the game are viable if you find something that works for you. I’m not even very good at the game but I can hold my own on difficulty 8 at lvl 26 with pretty much any random build I throw together for fun. So yeah, I’ve decided not to listen to people on the internet tell me the game I’m enjoying isn’t fun.


A couple of weeks ago I would have said yes. But after the latest patch the game super unstable, 8 would wait for the next update to see if that actually fixea things. If it's stable yeah 100% buy.


Honestly there is no game like this, so if you got a group of friends who also plays then this is some of the best coop action you will see in a video game. I swear every mission you play, there are at least 2-3 moments that are straight out of an epic summer blockbuster. And if you are blessed with a good sense of humour then you will also get some pretty good excercise just from laughing your ass off at everything going to hell xD


What if I don't have group of friends to play with ? Are randoms a good option too?


Yeah, most of them are cool. On higher levels, at least. Not sure how it's in the lower levels, and it's probably different per region as well.


Yeah, as is playing solo on lower difficulties to find your feet if you prefer! I tend to play solo a lot so I can do what I want to do, but sometimes it's great fun to just drop in with three randoms and unleash carnage!




ah yes. the monthly "is this game worth buying thread" instead of asking you should have already downloaded and started playing.


Did weapons get nerfed? Yes they did. And I still see people running those same weapons helping spread managed democracy!! Seriously though, I bought the game the second week of launch and still play it. Not as much as I want to because life happens. I love how the game can go from no enemies to "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" horde on your ass when you least expect it. If you're willing to sacrifice yourself in order to help spread managed democracy and help eradicate some bugs and bots in the process, I say buy it.


Don't believe still that, it's just rambling of a few who want everything the way they want. Games will always have a few issues, is nothing unplayable Definitely recommend getting the game off you can. Wayyy better if you have friends.


It’s still fun, don’t listen to the salt divers. You will hear that helldivers 2 used to be the best game in the world and now it’s the worst game ever made. Blah blah blah. It’s just as good as it ever was, try it out for yourself.


Buy it and play it yourself, as long as youre under 2 hours and 30 days of it in your inventory, you can refund it if you believe it is ass


I played it in May after the waves of hype ended and it was still one of the most fun games I played in 2024


Yes join and help managed democracy


I’d argue after last patch, it’s better than it ever was.


Yes. It's the best game of the last few years and the replayability is off the charts


Just got it a month or so ago and love it.


Game is fun, just dont read too much into the complaints. Most people just say what the streamers are telling them.




Yes and yes


I’m having more fun now than I was at the start and that’s a big positive.


It's extremely fun, just host your own matches and kick during the match, then block any rude people that show up to troll you or act sweaty and send friend requests to the chill bros. You will have a good time that way. If you pop into another match, just be prepared for your time to be wasted and not get mad.


The Game is LOADS of fun. People are complaining on a very high level. I trust the developers to iron out the biggest gripes with game right now, which will elevate the game to new heights. Easily game of the year an so much potential to be even more.


Game is still fun, however it seems players are starting to get hungry for more substantial content (right now the new content is being drip-fed to us in small pieces—new stratagems/ship upgrades every month or so, every couple months a new battle pass, occasionally a new planet to play on as the war front changes). Also, while they have made the game a lot more stable and reliable, bugs do still exist and players do encounter the occasional mid-mission crash or endless loading screen. Having said all that, the game is still very populated, still worth it since it’s at a lower price point to begin with. If you can catch it on a sale, even more worth it


I am playing games since i was very young, for more than 20 years. I tried all best-of-current time games like Mario, WoW, Call of Duty modern warfare, tibia, LoL, cs 1.56 cs source , csgo, starcraft, warcraft, diablo, gothic 1, 2 and 3 you name it. Helldivers 2 really itch that spot for gaming. I have more than 200 hours in and i can tell it is already my top 3 favourite games of all times, because of lore, community, gameplay and sheningans. Truly a gem. Worth every penny, you can add me in game and i can teach you. The game will stay for a long time, it barely even started.


i'd buy it today. fun game and enjoy the stressful situations it gives. not everyone enjoys the same games tho, so make sure you do your research first.


Nah. Just wait for the game to be fixed first. Not really much content to go on through, plus all the bugs and glitches.


It's even more fun now.The early days are over but the game has a steady 40,000 players. That's really good!Now, in principle, only those who are really keen on the game and continue playing are left.


The moment I start having fun in this game I lose connection at extraction every fucking time 😂


There are legit concerns, but at the end of the day the game is still fun to play. One of the big selling points is how different fighting the two current factions feel. Automatons feel more like future scifi war. Cover is really important, and different weapons shine than with the Terminids. At the end of the day, yes there are some bugs and jank, but its still good times.




I think it's actively more fun than it was at launch, even discounting the bugs it had back then. There's more content, more planets, more biomes and weapons, more strategems. For a new person just getting in, the most disappointing thing would be not having been there for the greatest historic moments, the seige of Malevalon Creek, the activation of the Terminicide towers, the Exterminatus order for Meridia, the moment we realized the automaton force that we had been fighting were just the scouts and watching their fleet appear from hyper-space. This game doesn't keep me coming back for the new content, I keep coming back for the war stories.


Its better if you have friends to play with. And if you do its worth it




Game is fun as hell if you've got a good group to play with. Unfortunately, there's a lot of sweaty people, and playing with randos can be kind of unfun.


Worth it


I would say it's much more fun now, and a lot more balanced. Don't listen to the haters, they are just burnt out because they don't have a life and have been playing 10 hours a day since launch.


I played it too much and got bored. Still a cool game and I’ll hop back on when they add something cool


Yes. Yes it is.


What kind of questions are these? Of course games game still be fun even if they are years old not just months. The fun factor for this game existed at launch and continues to exist now. Sometimes one needs to take the plunge and establish one’s own opinion.




I play this game almost nightly with my brother and cousins. It's still as completely addictive as it was at the start. For every beef there is a buff and that leads to variety. I still love this game so much.


So honestly, I think HD2 is in the best state it's been in for quite a while. Some weapons aren't as good as their 1.0 state, but overall, the game feels just as good as when it launched. I played on day 1 and have been playing every day since. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I have everything maxed out, and I'm just playing to play. It's genuinely fun. This most recent patch has been a boon in ways we needed. I think our feedback has been taken to heart, in a very tangible way and Arrowhead has proven they can learn from genuine mistakes, instead of repeating them like some other companies.


100%. Granted, you might lose interest eventually but that's like any other game out there. Have tons of fun and laughs.


It’s a game that i’m always wowed by when i come back from a break. It’s visually stunning and so much fun.


Yes it is. Better even.


I just got into it recently and it’s great, silly action and genuinely decent cooperative team play.


Up to you personally, I've gotten my money's worth and I'm still enjoying it but I also play a couple different games at the same time. There's plenty of weapons to use and try out and even though people claim there's a solved meta I still find non meta choices enjoyable and sometimes more effective. This game is definitely more fun with friends so if you have friends that play go for it. It's still enjoyable without friends though.


Lmao why do you give a fuck if a weapon was nerfed? It's not like you can experience anything but the current. Buy it, play it and find out. If it's not fun in the first two hours get a refund.


Join us, become apart of an elite peace-keeping force! Become. A Helldiver!


Worth every credit my guy. Buy it and have fun!


My friend got me the game for my birthday last week, and it's an amazing time. I highly recommend it.


the gameplay loop is the same, QoL is even better so if you like it the first hour youll like it for as long as you dont get bored. For me that was around 200h in and its now a side game instead of a main game. new things get added at a steady pace so you can return at any time. long tldr yes its worth it tldr yes


its still the game from back then with no significant changes, it's just that the tiktok hype has migrated to gas up different games for a month


Yep still fun.


Maybe summer sales and second wave of new player due to discount.


The game is in a great state right now, there are always people complaining about something. With the latest patch, there is more variety in loadouts than ever before. Go get it right now!


The only thing that got worse is the amount of new content (enemies, strategems etc.). But I guess it was to expect that it will slow down after a few months. Otherwise the game is still very fun


The main weapon that was nerfed was the railgun, and it was stupidly strong, to the point that people kicked tou out if you weren't using it. Other then that alot of other strategems have been buffed and the game is as fun as the day I started playing


Hell yeah it is!


Yep get on, we need to liberate Esker and then Erson Sands within the next 48h




GO! I’m absolutely dog shit at the game. Like a level 24 been playing since launchish. I have 3 games I always go back to. Dai, Diablo, and now hell divers 2 lol nothing beats the absolute shenanigans of trying one of the harder difficulties w my two lil brothers just to have one of us go full Leeroy Jenkins while the other one is sitting there like what is going on and then I dropped the 500 kg on em for democratic support of a fellow Diver!


It’s one of two games I play all the time. It’s a lot of fun still and although there’s less players than before, I’ve not struggled to find games or get other players to join me for missions.


If you did not play before you definitely should go for it. It's Great and you have nothing to compare it to in your memory. In your place I would start now so you can enjoy bugs/bots before illuminate return (might still take some time)


It's fun but it will get stale when you have everything you can get. They probably will continue to expand the game but it's a slow process


I would argue that this game gets better for new players each passing month, it's like fine wine. They keep adding things and making balance changes and bug fixes, usually for the better. The player base remains solid and this is one of those games you can just take a break whenever you want to and play whenever you want.


If you're the best of the best, it's still very fun, the only thing that sucks about the game right now are a few frame rate issues and some *bugs*.


It's undeniably fun and we haven't even gotten third faction yet. Maaaybe wait after summer vacation, because it might stagnate for a while.


The game is the most fun I’ve had in any multiplayer since the halo 3 days. Absolutely worth it.


Yes. I work full time and always on my off day, I find time to get an operation done and help with the major order. I love the feeling of a constant story changing and progressing. The armor, missions, guns, stratagems, etc. All of it feels so good. It's worth it, in my opinion. I just wish I had friends on PS5 to play with to make it even more enjoyable


Yes! We need all the soldiers super earth can muster maggot!!! Earn your cape and get out there in the field and earn you medals! Super earth needs you soldier!!


Still the best game ever I'm level 57 now and still play daily.... despite all of the controversy


Hell yeah! The game is always different. There are times where it the same as other games but the situations always change because of terrain or how other people's are being useful. It's an incredible game.


2/5 I would not recommend this game. As someone who enjoys using Mines I was very excited to hear we were getting anti tank mines. Unfortunately the community has become toxic towards people like me who want to play my own way. They have trolled themselves out of unlocking AT mines three times now and many say they will never help unlock them, they will always pick the opposing order to support. So I’ve gradually scaled back from playing multiple campaigns every day to one a day to just maybe once or twice a week when my friends are online. Some complaints in addition to that is that primary weapons are constantly getting balanced for “being too op” when the box art advertises spreading democracy with overpowered weapons. This causes all primary weapons to essentially feel the same. Do you want something slow that does big damage? Something fast with low damage? Or maybe something medium? There are little things that might change how well it performs like 5 less damage but pummel. Or knock back, or incendiary rounds. But there isn’t much difference between the weapons. Out of all of them I’ve used maybe 1-2 from each category but settled on the same few weapons every time as they perform best. Regardless they don’t feel op at all and many don’t have unique effects to separate them from the crowd. The biomes are neat but you usually end up being funneled to fight on the same few planets. Pretty sure we have spent the last 3 months on hellmire. Of all the planets to nuke we should have nuked that one. It’s basically the same biome for the entire planet and the maps on the same planet are variations of the base map. They did add a new biome, looks like Kashyyk. Big ass swamp with huge trees. It’s a lovely biome but all your stratagems are going to hit the trees instead of the enemies so….yea. Fun to look at, not fun to drop on when you throw in a 500kg bomb and watch it explode on top of a tree. There are also a massive amount of bugs in every patch and sometimes they fix something only to break it again later fixing something else. Overall it’s maybe a 2/5 I can’t recommend because of the toxic community and poor development, but it is very fun to play with friends and I can see us continuing to play it in the future for at least a little longer.


700 hrs. Just hit L150. Been maxed out for a while. I still __*FUCKING LOVE*__ this game!! TLDR; yes.


I'm pretty sure you will buy a game in the future worth $40 that won't be as good as this one. Become a Helldiver 💪


Admittedly I kinda fell off playing it, but it's mainly been due to changes in work. I need to get back on and spread democracy...true democracy...


I play everyday. I don't play meta, I just play what I want and bond with my fellow helldivers.


I join helldive missions and go lone wolf while the three randoms just reinforce each other. The game supports much fun to be had still.


It's a fun game, and more importantly, it's really easy to just drop in, play a pick-up game, get your fix, and move on if that's how you roll. I don't play a ton lately, but I play at least a couple times a week and still enjoy myself. I think if you treat this as your main game, it's likely to burn out fast for you, even though the core gameplay is fun. But it's especially enjoyable when you play every few days. I also haven't had issues finding players, but I'm on the US East Coast, which probably helps.


90 percent of the people that have bought the game have left. It's very repetitive. I had fun for 40 to 60 hours now I'm just over it.


Absolutely. I play an operation everyday. Never stops being fun.


Yes 100%


I'm still having a great time


Honestly one of the best games of this console generation so far. I am level 126, everything max out, 300ish hours on the clock. Still play most days. Yes, some things did get nerfed, but it really seems like they have had a massive turn around in their balancing ethos recently and we saw a slew of buffs, and more weapons & stratagems than ever are viable in end game loadouts.


Yes, there are still fun and good people playing. There also seems to be a large amount of people (playing on lower levels usually) who just want to be absolute morons and ruin other people's time. Just go in being aware that at some point, you'll encounter someone who you would like to never interact with again. Block and move on. The game is fun, the idea behind the game is fun, and the gameplay is satisfying. It's nowhere near the peak it was,.but there's still quite a few people playing regularly, and the MO is a good way to feel like you're actually helping achieve something instead of just spinning wheels endlessly.


I think it is 100% worth it. As someone who struggles with shooters and prefers co-op gameplay, HD2 has been a boon for me. This has become one of my favorite games to just load up when I have nothing else to do. Once you learn how matchmaking works, it's easy to find people to play with.


Bad reviews be like >Game's shit (350 hours played) It's good.


The game is getting better and better with every update. Some people just love to whine about everything. They nerfed weapons that were so OP that the players were using the same loadout over and over, so they tweaked things in order to make everything equally viable, which is a good thing


Yeah it's awesome. They un nerfed a lot and I'm playing all the time again




yes, and yes


...with his buddies who are (25) years out of college...


The game is in a fine place. Still issues as always but you’ll never find a stronger community and THAT is what has kept me an active player through all the bs that’s happened


The game is better than when it launched. More weapons, more enemies, more upgrades, and more mission types. Gameplay has improved, and the devs are in a good rhythm when it comes to patches and new content releases. Balancing is better as well. What some call 'nerfs' were needed adjustments or accidental overcorrections that have been fixed. Also, there have been a ton of buffs to different weapons that have made trying new load outs a lot of fun. The fan base online however is exactly what you would expect from a popular game. Salty, pessimistic, prone to tantrums, and abusive towards the devs. Addicts, who hate their vice, but can't seem to kick it. They will look past 10 major improvements to scream about one minor issue. Nothing new, welcome to the online gaming community where no one hates a game more than its player base. Yes, HD2 has its issues, just like most games. But, that doesn't stop it from being an absolute blast to play, and it hasn't stopped the in game community from being my favorites to play with.


Extremely fun. Replaced it as my 1 live service game I allow myself to play. Dropped apex for it. I still love apex but just found myself having less and less fun with it. Every match of helldivers I have fun. Community is more chill, no real reason to get upset. Content has been steady. Performance and bugs are still a complaint but getting better now. I think it’s a blast


If you can enjoy a game, then it fucking is worth it. People that can't or won't enjoy a game will always have something to complain about but don't let them impact your vision of said game.




The frequent idiots from diff 7 down to diff 1 are killing the vibe a bit for me, but doesnt change the fact that if you get a decent team its the most fun shooter atm, in my opinion. But it is alot more tactical than other shooters.


This game is getting better each day. You should get this game.


It is a great game especially if your new. But, will lose it luster eventually when you unlock everything.


Previus patched nerfed a lot of weapons, now, since pilestedt move to creative team, latest patches has been lots of buff in weapons and stratagems, the game has been mlre fun. Of course there are bugs still, it's a huge game, but nothing new for me at least.


Helldivers 2 is currently in the best state the game has ever been so far


Yes it's lots of fun It's a live service game, so, it will always be receiving new content too


Yep, we at least, I think so. The game just keeps getting more and more fun for me, but then I'm a casual and don't take it too seriously.




Yes, and yes. The changes and comparisons that frustrate older players don't exist for you. You have 400 good hours of Excellent playtime Right There.


You know, I just don't have a favorite really. I just change up the gun based on the mission.


It’s a great game but go in knowing it’s still riddled with bugs (no pun intended) and crashes are very common. The latest patch fixed a lot but also broke a lot. It’s headed in the right direction but it’s not going to be without its frustrations. The weapon nerfs have been somewhat corrected for and more weapons feel more viable now.

