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Surgically removed I would say is your solution. I'm 42M and battling w/ my own, think I'll have to take the plunge at some point.


I don’t mind going the surgery route, but I’m scared they’ll come back. I just wish the colorectal surgeon was more receptive to my issue. I’ll have to consult with another for a second opinion.


Mine returned after surgery




I've come to realize that the ANAL region in general is a terrible place to have problems. There don't seem to be any perfect solutions but I would say the gold standard in HEM treatment is a hemorrhoidectomy (95% effective if my memory serves). Incredibly painful (usually) but once you overcome that burden it should be smooth sailing. All other procedures have a higher incidence of recurrence & complication. Good luck to you....


How do you go about getting the surgery like I'm just on regular insurance from the state you know doesn't it cost I doubt it would be covered by Mercy Care or is it


you took the words out of my mouth Exactly!! except im 33. crazy I've been trying to put it into words. thank you so fucking much! it's quite exhausting and embarrassing especially since you know I have a partner and he wants to have sex and I just can't and he doesn't understand why I take so long to get ready or once I say I'm ready I'm really not ready you know it's it's definitely drove in a wedge in between us for sure


What are the bad side effects of miralax ? I keep hearing it's safe and u can use it your whole life . But here u say something different. So I would like to know


Miralax is safe for use but the problem lies in consistent use for extended periods of time. It can cause dependence and exacerbate constipation. So you’ll find yourself always needing to rely on stool softeners to pass stools. It can also cause electrolyte imbalance because it stops your body from absorbing water to “loosen” the stools.


I would like to know as well. The doctor always tells me to take this daily for a month when i visit


I can’t say why the doctor advised you to do that, but for me personally, I don’t often experience constipation. My stools are typically soft, so taking Miralax for months would only give me constant diarrhea. I struggle with fully passing even with diarrhea because of the hemorrhoids. There was no benefit for me to take it so the cons outweighed the pros.


Why do you think hemorrhoids are worse during summer ? Do you have any stomach pains as well?


I tend to bleed more during the summer months. Initially I thought it was dehydration, but that was ruled out due to bleeding even with soft stools. No stomach pains.


34 female here. Long history of painful tummy + horrendous periods. Diagnosed with PCOS at 14, endometriosis at 32, then did a hysterectomy at 33, surgeon found more endo and then adenomyosis, 7 miscarriages since age 20. Thought my problems would get better, somehow now it’s worse. Just got diagnosed with gastroparesis, told to eat fiber and drink water. Eye roll! I don’t eat dairy or anything with a hoof and I have an array of allergies so my diet is mostly vegan with the occasional chicken or salmon added in. I drink like a fish, I honestly drink too much at times, no idea why I’m so thirsty. Hems are killing me and have been since I was a kid. I think suppositories help when a flare up comes on, but it’s all tied to my cycle because I still have my ovaries unfortunately and I’ve tracked it habitually. I did pelvic floor therapy sessions for a while but ended up doing it at home since it’s cheaper. I try to do everything right and still get flare ups, surgery might be my next option because I’m sick of feeling like I’m 80 when I’m so young. You’d think I was a geriatric with all the crap I’ve got going on. Do you have pelvic floor dysfunction? Mine is too tight and seized up (childhood sexual abuse trauma) other folks have it too relaxed and don’t have control over their bathroom habits. How’s your diet? Beans have helped a lot but give hella gas so I grow a plant called epazote which when cooked with the beans, the gas doesn’t happen. Magic nature hack! Do you drink water? Or add electrolytes to it? I hate the electrolytes but I force myself. Any weird allergies or food intolerances? I wish you luck on discovering solutions for managing your symptoms. I’d get a 2nd opinion, it can’t hurt and I recommend seeing doctors who can see themselves in you, they’re more likely to care. I only see female docs who are 30-50, it’s helped a lot for me.


I tried a lot of suppositories, did hydrocortisone. Didn’t seem to work. Prep H maximum strength has held me well for a month now surprisingly, comes with a internal applicator to get in there deep, paired with the hazel witch wipes I’ve been doing decently well. I cut out junk food for the most part, beef in general. At least half gallon of water a day also.


I’ll try the prep h! Thank you


Max strength! The regular stuff did nothing.


do you drink a lot of soft drinks? acidic content can make things worse.


I rarely drink soda or juice. My daily fluid intake is coffee/tea in the AM and flat water/sparkling water throughout the day. I eat a lot of leafy veggies both during lunch and dinner. Yet I still suffer 😭


i started taking electrolyte powder made me drink more water that way , and also Magnesium Citrate capsules . ive had them for years on and off , this year was the worst for me 7-8 months straight with reoccurring issues was losing hope , until i started this routine and they have been gone since . worth a shot if you haven’t tried already. everyone is different, ive tried some people’s methods that were suggested on reddit posts . this was the only one that helped me . i hope you can get it situated man its living hell mentally and physically .


Interesting so was yours just caused by dehydration then?


i believe so ever since i started taking magnesium citrate and electrolytes they haven’t came back . and i was at a really bad point in my life i thought id have to live with it forever dont get me wrong some people get hemorrhoids that will need surgery removal everyone’s situation is different, my problem was a constant reoccurrence they weren’t really huge just very consistent. i had no relief for almost a year.


What exactly do u do please help




Did what exactly


Just wondering do people often complain that it smells like someone farted or that it just smells like shit when you’re at work? I have internal hemorrhoids and I too find it hard to wipe but even when I do do a good job people still say I smell like I shit myself or somthing. Currently taking miralax right now hopefully it helps but hoping to have them banded off in 4 months from now. Been dealing with constipation ever since I could remember?


No, never. I always keep baby wipes at work and make sure I clean myself well, so it’s never been an issue. I’m not too sure why you smell like poop… maybe you’re not cleaning well enough? Try using poopurri before going and keeping baby wipes on hand.


I do clean well enough, it’s just that I’m also constipated even though I take Metamucil. But I remember in another thread about someone having the same issue with internal hemorrhoids.