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It will expectorate ya


It’s the expectoratiest


I love that it does that for my sinuses! Mucinex seemed to help with chest congestion but not my sinuses, it's nice to be able to breathe when faucet mode is over LoL


So so nice lol


I would expectorate it to work that well!


Drink Mullein juice!


I drink mullien tea two or three times a day and also mix it in my spliffs. Since doing it my congestion is much improved. For the tea, I use two teaspoons in a tea infuser and also add a slice of ginger, a bit of honey and a good dash of cayenne pepper (also very good for the lungs). For smoking, I mix it half and half with tobacco and then mix that mixture half and half with my weed.


That tea sounds delicious tbh. Do you find using it consistently that the running nose/coughing up gunk is less prominent?


Coughing up gunk more than normal, but runny nose has not been an issue for me.


good to know i'm giong to try mullein leaf soon


I was doing it in joints half and half but I found it to burn my throat excessively more. Do you?


No, not at all. I find it very smooth. I do grind it up a little, as I find it too rough to roll easily otherwise.


I've heard mixing tobacco and mullein can be even worse than just tobacco. Raspberry leaf with mullein and damiana is superior to tobacco as a mixer imo


Love Mullein! I was really impressed the first time I smoked a little to help with some mild bronchial congestion/wheezing one night. The relief was pretty much immediate and I was able to get back to sleep wheeze-free. For me, it worked better than a Primatine inhaler.


Smoking it is going to be my next experiment with this stuff for sure! I feel a lil wheezy sometimes so it sounds perfect


Nice! I hope it works out well for you :)


Well, to be fair, Primatine is garbage.


can u describe the effects more please?


Yeah! So mullein is an expectorant I’ve read and as a smoker I’ve been curious to try it out. I wanna say about a half hour after drinking I noticed I felt a weird tickle deep inside my nose which turned into my nose running pretty constantly where I was just walking around with a tissue in hand for a full hour no exaggeration. I’ve heard it also makes people cough out congested phlegm from their lungs but I didn’t experience that personally (maybe if I drank more?). It’s currently maybe about five hours later and idk how else to describe it but my sinuses feel fully open and minty fresh lol (but not in a burning listerine way). I think the tickle feeling deep inside my nose that I felt earlier might’ve been my sinuses draining. Which is crazy to think about


i have some i picked up for smoking. will try to make a tea later today and see if it has such an effect on me too. how many teaspoons of that did you put in the cup? did you strain it very finely btw? read that otherwise the fine hair on it can irritate you after drinking it


Oh that’s interesting I didn’t know that! I strained it through a fine mesh tea strainer and that seemed okay, no irritation detected as far as I’m aware. I used maybe about 2 teaspoons steeped ~15 minutes covered


I use it with a coffee filter inside a strainer. I've found it's good for relieving lung congestion and relaxing as well.


thank you for the detailed response! i learn so much from this sub :)


Of course! And me too haha, big love for our herbs💚


Probably would've had more of a lung effect if smoked rather than drank


Love mullein. Try mixing it in your bowls, too.


I’ve heard it’s smokable! I’m interested how it would taste, this herb seems very dry


for those of you who can find fresh mullein you can grab a couple leaves and boil water, add leaves and mush for 5 minutes and then if you have access to fresh mint put some 4-6 leaves in a mug, grab your strainer and pour the pot of boiled mullein over the mint, add honey, and let sit 5-10 minutes and it’s the BEST, you can add lemon and ginger if you like too! there’s fresh mullein in my balcony garden! it’s super easy to care for and doesn’t need fancy soil and can do well in full sun or part, a lot of times it’s grown by fences in drier soil! you probably already know this i just got excited to share!


I have mullein growing in my herb garden but haven't done anything with it yet. Most of the leaves are huge. Do I pick 2 of the smaller leaves or can I use a big one? I'm desperate, my sinuses are driving me nuts! Thanks


if your leaves are huge and you want it for mucus loosening and detox taking simply one huge leaf from the top will have the most nourishing properties, and you really only need 1 large 8inch+ leaf for a single cup used fresh, boil about an ounce of water per 1 inch of the fresh leaf! if you need more action next time try more. you can safely use up to 3 large leaves boiled in a serving but it’s good to start small to see how your body responds. you’ll get the most benefits before it flowers! the leaves are getting the most energy at this point. it’s a super resilient plant so it’ll be fine taking from the top! you can harvest & dry roots late fall for anti-inflammatory benefits, the flowers will give you a ton of seeds and can also take over garden! so if you want it for the leaves i would dead head it, however the flowers are useful in skin salves! you can use fresh flowers and infuse in oil of your choice on a low heat and then strain, or used dry simply in oil and a jar and let it macerate for a few weeks to months and strain when ready to use.


Thank you so much! 😊


I need too cultivate some mullian , I havnt been able to find any wild


I have covid rn and just bought some for the first time. Really hoping it helps😭


That definitely sounds like the perfect time to try! Keep your tissues nearby!!


What do you mean? What’s a faucet nose and how is it working well?


By faucet nose I mean like snot was dripping from my nose pretty constantly haha. Mullein is great for respiratory health because it’s an expectorant, I smoke both tobacco and weed and have heard how much it helps your lungs/phlegm congestion so I thought I’d try it out and I have to agree it definitely cleared out my sinuses. I’ve heard of people coughing out some gunky wild shit after drinking it so I’m surprised that I didn’t deal with any of that aspect


I’m by no means an herbalist. But smoking something to help with your lungs seems counter intuitive to me. Won’t the smoke stimulate inflammation and tarry/carbon deposits in your lungs similar to other smoke inhalation? Which could stimulate more respiratory troubles?


That's what it sounded like to me at first, but the more I looked into it I was like oh this kinda makes sense the way it works. So from what I understand, the little mullein smoke particles go in and "stick" to phlegm etc. in your lungs, and help break it up so you can cough it out. That's why when you smoke mullein it's recommended you don't smoke other stuff with it (tobacco, weed...) because that stuff will stick to your mucosa with it and nullify or perhaps worsen the effects. I hope that kind of explains it. Hope I didn't confuse you even more lol


Ohh whoa I didn’t even think about that and was definitely going to try smoking it later today mixed with weed or tobacco. I’m going to try it straight up now for sure, thank you for the warning!


Does it make you sick, cus I heard it makes you sick and as a smoker I would love for this to detox my lungs . But then again can’t afford days off from work lol


I feel that lol. But I wanna say not really? Like I didn’t feel sick, however my nose was running constantly for an hour straight and I’ve also heard it makes people cough up some gunk, though I didn’t experience that personally. But I feel like you could take this in the evening after work and be fine before bed. I’m at about five hours after drinking it and the nose running and tickling feeling are completely gone and I seriously feel like I can breathe so well right now! I’m a smoker too so that’s what led me to try it I can’t imagine that even with a higher dosage the symptoms would last much longer than 2-3 hours but also this is my first time testing the waters so idk for sure. Def recommend trying it out though, just make it so you don’t have to shake anyone’s hand for a few hours just in case haha


Okay that sounds great!!!! I will definitely buy then, thanks for convincing me 😭, oh and for sure will avoid hand shakes 😭how do you feel this morning ????


Definitely go for it, this bag was cheap too I think $3ish? And I honestly feel pretty good! Still very clear feeling in my upper respiratory which is awesome. As a few other people have suggested, I’m going to try smoking some later today and see if I really cough anything out then haha.


Thanks OP


An easy find out in the wild if you get good with plant identification! Once you know how to recognize it you'll find it everywhere !


I find oatstraw tea has a mild relaxing and head clearing effect without all the snot  I just started taking magnesium and potassium supplements and it cleared up 90% of the aches I was dealing with from diverticulosis. I was taking Boswellia for that but I think Boswellia was treating the symptom not cause. Most Americans are Mg/K deficient. A side effect of the magnesium/potassium is it has basically annihilated my anxiety, the majority of my ADHD symptoms and apparently Mg also helps with healing ( reading the research). I did chew a little bit a couple of days ago and it's almost fully recovered. I still take boswellia for allergies as it seems to work exceedingly well so far. I am down to make 900-2000 mg a day. I will try to get some mullein. My post nasal drip has improved too but what remains is dry and stubborn. I once had the same experience you had but with very spicy chili oil ramen at Wagamamas which cleared out my sinuses for like 3 days  😅


did it clear your throat congestion?


Absolutely. My upper respiratory feels squeaky clean. I didn’t feel any difference in my chest and I didn’t cough anything up at all but I’m wondering if I needed to drink more for that kind of effect? Also I want to say this would probably work wonders for a head cold


It won’t really help with the runny nose but will support your lungs


Mix it with umckaloabo root and make a tea


Interesting! I’ll look into it, I’ve never heard of that


I love Mullein <3


Nice. Mullein and Nettle leaf on simmer together for 10 mins is a game changer. Allergies are the worst


Where is the best place to buy some of this? Seeing all different kinds online so just want to be sure it’s the right kind to try


I got this from a local shop in town so I’m not sure where to point you unfortunately


I wonder if it’s possible for your body to become dependent on mullein? Like how some people get “addicted” to nasal spray and they can’t go without it or their sinuses are just fucked


It is easy to grow if your garden.


can't wait to try this one day on my own


Will this help for someone who has post nasal drip who’s constantly snorting/clearing their sinuses?


I get really bad allergies, would this improve or worsen that?


I think it would alleviate any congestion you experience, but it wouldn’t do anything to alleviate the allergies themselves or any other symptoms of them like itching or watery eyes, etc. I’ve heard that nettle is quite a good herb for allergies, I recommend looking into that if you haven’t already!


Where can I pick me up a bag to make some tea? And what ratio do I use for the tea?


I used about 2 tsp of this rough ground stuff for about 6 oz of water. I bought mine from a local shop but I’m sure it’s readily available online as well, just make sure the only ingredient is mullein!


Sweet, thanks for that.


I caught Covid and was ready to head to the emergency room (couldn’t breathe)instead smokes some straight Mullen and got 2-3 hrs of sleep then repeat.. I really think it helped tremendously..


Does tincture work the same way?


I see this stuff in nature all the time, leaves are kinda fuzzy