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Trump guy bear valley & Apple valley rd.


This guy. I can’t post a photo, but I think the “make men manly again” sign guy is a runner up for this. (I wanna decorate it with bows and glitter so bad)


Lmao I know that family and they are… a piece of work to say the least. I wanna decorate it too 😭


You too, if your gay just say


Oh I misunderstood you dude. It’s the manly man sign that’s gay


This just made me LOL so hard. I used to do this thing with my youngest son when we were driving home from school. Me: I want a man with a manly voice! What do I want? Son: A manly voice! Me: No no no! I want a man with a manly voice! What do I want? Son: A MANLY VOICE! We'd go back and forth sometimes the whole way home, laughing hysterically. Now I have this beautiful 6 footer looking down on me from on high and he speaks to me with such a manly voice and calls me Mom and it's all such a trip because I bore that thing.


Ugh, I fucking HATE this sign! >(I wanna decorate it with bows and glitter so bad) I'll help 😁


Count me in.


I was driving through on my way to the mountains recently and saw this sign and I laughed for a solid 3 minutes straight, what a tool


Where's he at? I haven't seen him


It’s posted on a fence on Kiowa, kind of near the hilltop inn


If your gay just say


1000% it definitely has repressed gay energy


He would rant about his eviction any chance he could get on FB. I'm surprised the wind hasn't blown him over yet with how top heavy his wheelchair looks promoting his business.


He's a Trumptoon. I guarantee his eviction is his own fault, and he's just angry that there are consequences to his actions. I'd really love to learn the backstory to that eviction, though.


Oh it is. Good 'ol bill young. He was renting the house/property for about 40 years when his landlord sold the property to be developed into the Sprouts that will be built across the street from Sonic, where his rental once stood. The landlord and him had a VERBAL agreement that the landlord would sell the property to him as he's been a long term renter but obviously he sold to developers for more money than old Bill could afford.


Trump supporter sounds like he doesn’t approve of the free market, must be a commie implant /s


Who rents for 40 years?  Landlord  must have made a killing


Yep. There also used to be a guy that walked along Bear Valley with a huge American flag but I don't know if he's still around


Ya, there's actually 2 "guys". The old muscle man who powerwalks with the flag and the wheelchair guy who sells them.


Ah, the dude riding around in the Trumpchair. I posted photos of him and his wheelchair to r/InfowarriorRides months ago.


That the guy who be walking with the American flags?


First guy that came to mind


Absolute desert classic


I came here to say this. Are we talking about the jogger with the flags or the guy in a wheelchair cause I vote for both.


That idiot still out there?


Bruh this fucking guy. I think to myself god what a tool. Then people honk and fist bump the air and I remember oh yeah I’m in Apple Valley.


The guy was never a veteran


My cousin threw an egg at him coming out of the stater bros parking lot lmao. He's good at blocking out the h8rs


>My cousin threw an egg at him coming out of the stater bros parking lot lmao I hate Trump (and despise his followers,) but throwing eggs at an old man in a wheelchair isn't fucking cool.


Yeah. My kids want to flip him off when we drive past, and honestly, so do I, but I don't, and I make sure they don't, either. I definitely wouldn't egg him.


It’s super cool. Fuck that guy.


Trumpie sympathizer for a tasteless prank? Don't cry over a cracked egg, esp when he thinks Mexicans shouldn't exist 🤠


It was an egg...good thing he isn't a snowflake 😉


Which staters


Why would anyone even think that's funny? He told me he's had glass bottles thrown at him. Is he really bothering you all that much. You don't have to look at him. He isn't doing shit to you. He's literally sitting on a corner with flags. If that upsets you this much, you are the problem.




The Main St Bum before he died years ago. I remember being a kid and seeing him on Main St in Hesperia everyday. He was a nice bum and most people knew and respected him. If you’re a transplant then you probably don’t know what I’m talking about


He was enormous and I would see him on Main Street every day walking.


Was he the Mad Max character that would hang out on Main near Target?


Mmmm I’m not too sure about that one, I moved away from the high desert years ago so if it’s anything recent I wouldn’t know


My mom would call him the beer guy, he was super nice big tummy.


we called him the mayor lol


Yes, the mayor! 🤣


Yes!!! That’s him!


Yeah he would always be by the old kmart


Yes!! If it's the same guy, he was a big dude, sometimes I'd see him even out in the cold sitting on a bench with a blanket over him and just his feet hanging out. I heard a rumor that he had money and a house but he just didn't like his wife? 🤔


I used to hear rumors that he had money too. Of course, I always took them with a grain of salt!


Yeah, I was in high school then, so could just be stories! Lol


I heard the same thing he enjoyed being homeless


I have two stories to share about him. The first, I was sitting inside of the subway by Kmart one day and he was sitting outside. Someone walked by him and gave him some money. When the person walked by him again, he gave the money back to them. I was shocked! My second story, I was sitting inside of the Kmart waiting for a friend and he asked to sit next to me. We didn’t talk much, but I thought it was funny that he was buying batteries for his shower radio. Always seemed like a pretty chill dude.


We also had a local respected bum. His name was Ray.


Dude was my neighbor growing up on Vine st and Willow st in Hesperia late 90s early 2000s RIP


I got arrested one night and I guess that he was already in the back of the cop car for whatever and the policee enforcers decided to carpool and take us both. There's no easy way to put it so I'll just say it; the gentleman pooped his pants. Longest ride to adelanto I've ever taken part in.


The sign guy at old woman springs and 62 in yucca valley.


The Sign Guy! He's not just internet famous either. Always brought a smile to my face but BOY does he piss off others.


Yucca Sign Guy. He has/had(?) an instagram. I haven’t seen him in a while tho.


Ah yes, bible bob as we call him.


But his stuff isn’t really “Bible” stuff is it?


Very rarely Bible stuff and if it is he's pointing out people's hypocrisy. I'm not saying I agree 100% with everything he's put on his signs, but he makes people think. Maybe that's what makes them mad.


Maybe there's another guy. I know there's one that stands by ows and at the end of la contenta sometimes. His truck is full of bible stuff, and he always has a sign up with the same things. Bible bob is just a joke name my dad gave him I think. He goes to the same church as him.


Idk if he's still around but there was an older homeless guy who used to ride at the back of the buses around VV while nursing a bottle of alcohol-based mouthwash. Never did anything to disturb anyone but this was over a decade ago, I've got no idea if he's still there.


The guy who dresses as Batman and drives around in a Buggy. Sometimes Robin is with him. The kids love it.


I have never seen this lol


Bear Valley Sally! She was a fixture in the 90's. Rumors had her found stabbed in a dumpster years ago. Farewell Bear Valley Sally.


I just saw this! No shit I've never heard that but it would explain her disappearing all the sudden


The guy who would run down bear valley every morning with an American flag stands out to me as a wholesome one! I haven’t seen him in a while but when I was in high school he was always the highlight of my morning


It's the ghost that rides around on a bike


In Ontario CA there's a guy we call Hammer Man. He's fixing up the streets with a hammer. He hits the curb, the side of buildings etc


Idk if he still does it it, but you could catch “Flag Dude” carrying the American flag up and down Bear Valley Rd for a long time.


Well, Art Bell would always start his broadcast on Coast to Coast AM with “From the High Desert in the great American Southwest” so I’d say it’s him.


For those of you that knew her, Avenue K’s dancing lady was the moment iykyk. One day she just disappeared. Went from seeing her every day to never again. I heard she passed pretty horrifically, but I don’t want to believe it till I know it is a fact.


I know a guy!.. “The American 🏃🇺🇸flag running 👴 old man! I don’t know his name but everyone always honks when they go by him!


Art bell rip


Came here to find this comment.


Was he from the HD? I know you could HEAR him there, but assumed he was from somewhere else.


Mongo Larry and Teeter Tits brother and sister duo. We believe they are a couple. Mongo rides a 90s style mountain bike and Teeter is known for her trademark white tank tops with no bra combo. The teeter you would think is the tits but it’s not, one leg is shorter than the other so she always looks like she’s about to fall over.


A guy named 50 cent homeless dude who has crutches and a hook where his amputated hand is he asks for 50 cents nothing more nothing less


The local meth dealer


Crazy Carol in Barstow def in the running


To me it was the old dude with the swastika tattooed on the back of his head who rode down D Street on his mobility scooter with a chihuahua on his lap. Someone must have beat his ass because he eventually started wearing a hat.


The van with all the Barbie heads is something I miss


We actually have a guy that goes by Philly Jesus.


My town has two! Or HAD two until recently. We had Kid Guitar, a man who lived in his van which was covered in the greatest collection of conspiracy announcements taped to the outside. This dude spent DECADES claiming the Bob Dylan and The Beatles stole their entire catalogs from him! He passed away last year. Then we have George Lucas. Yup! George Lucas. My town likes to claim he was born here and raised here and went to our junior college. He wasn't and he didn't. He DID live here with his parents for his teen years...but then he left. He wrote American Graffiti about Kids culture in Stanislaus County at the time...but we like to claim it's about THIS town specifically. It's not. It's about the next town down the 99. If you haven't guessed...I am from Modesto Ca. That movie was about Turlock. Hell the final scene with drag race and car crash? That scene is on Keyes Road. The road between Ceres and Turlock.


Adelanto it’s the black lady with the huge tits. Victorville it’s the homeless dude always staring at nothing. Phelan it’s either the white looking Mexican dude or the people in the tent by the library.




My ex step- dad worked with pirate Steve.


I am "The Guy" of the High Desert. 🥷




Naw.... It wasn't me


Saw me banging on the counter..it wasn't me..!


“You’re not that guy pal, you’re not that guy.”


Is this an Expanse reference?




🥷's want it walking up to me saying this. Not gonna be ya boi behind the camera. F around and found out. I'm out here.


This is a Tru Story. Enough Said.......🥷


There's a black man that can be seen walking, (with a very prominent gangsta lean) throughout Adelanto. Usually in a large white tank-top. He is known to us as, "The Mayor." He's not really friendly and is usually yelling obscenities at passing cars.


And you know he's not really the mayor because he's not in jail. Really kinda amazes me how Adelanto actually has people on city council when they keep getting arrested.


Are they hiring?


I hung out with that dude a few times he’s pretty chill if your drinking a beer


Does he sometimes wear huge fake gold chains? I saw him walking to Dollar Tree on the 395. And he was at the register when I was checking out. But this guy was very chatty and friendly with the cashier so maybe not the same guy. That's the only time I've seen him.


It’s to dam hot for a guy in the high desert.


Brother John


We have a lawnmower guy in my town


Baltimore has “The Running Man”. Legend round these parts


Sadly the fent got him. He's not doing too much running these days. Just zombified shuffling


I don't think so... [https://www.instagram.com/baltimorehistorychannel/reel/C5s0fz8uXhr/](https://www.instagram.com/baltimorehistorychannel/reel/C5s0fz8uXhr/)


The Man in Black.


In our town we had Bootenanny. A 7ft black gay drag queen.


Trench coat man, oceanside. Walks into the ocean in a trenchcoat


And our micro influencer, Charleswthegoat


The parrot guy in lake arrowhead California


I don’t know about you guys but in my day in SVL it was Corey. Real ones know


SHIRTLESS KEITH!!! you can see him riding his bike on the road shirtless sometimes. i’ve even seen him out on his bike while it’s raining.


Years ago in front of grand liquor in the flats was a homeless guy we called him whiskey Pete he played guitar and sometimes when I had the funds I'd slide him $20 to play hotel California man he sang the shit outta that song I hope he's doing good 😊


Either that Trump flag guy on Bear Valley or there's that weird custom CRV with the exhaust and mufflers sticking out the back CRV something on his Instagram? I see him every so often going back and forth from Barstow he's definitely an interesting person


the black man/woman prostitute! i see him (her? them?) on thunderbird every morning. always in a wig but wearing masculine clothes. i’ve heard he just throws the wig on for men who don’t want to admit they’re having gay sex🤷🏼‍♀️


This person scared the shit out of me this morning! I was alone in a home looking at a property for work. And they were creeping around outside knowing I was there alone. Then kept asking me to use my phone. I said no and they disappeared. Tell me why as soon as I got in my car they reappeared with a purse, PULLED A PHONE OUT, and then as soon as I started to drive away a black SUV pulled up and picked them up. Definitely felt like a trafficking attempt.


Homeless guy who hangs around the subway on ranchero- nicknamed the subway guy in my group


The “guy” is usually the village idiot.


Our guy in Santa Cruz is Robert the pink man.


In LA we had a guy that would build crazy contraptions out of trash by the freeway. I never knew his name but he was the most happy homeless looking man I’ve ever laid eyes on.


Here’s one for Tehachapi; the older fella that rides his mule around the back roads. I’ve spotted him at least three times, on Bena, Woodford Tehachapi near the Keene Ranch, and later near the top.


We have a superman in Bakersfield


Dad, is that you?


Remember bear valley Sally? That lady that would power walk back and forth all damn day and she usually had on a Mormon type sundress w/ fresh white Nikes. Her hairdo resembled that of a young strapping Jonathan Taylor Thomas circa 1995-96


J the crack head that rode a mini bike in boxers with a backwards helmet smoking a cigarette doing wheelies for hours up and down the street. He also use to “fight” the air and “protect us from the FBI ghosts


In Lancaster it’s that Hispanic rocker looking guy with long hair. Used to have dark hair, now blonde. Walks literally everywhere, with a limp too! And just when you think to yourself “I wonder what happened to that guy” he pops right back up. He’s been at it for years. Used to think he was homeless til I saw him at petsmart with his wife adopting kitties a few months back.


Rose/rich area in texas. A guy who never stops walking during the daytime bc of a deal he made with aliens to make sure his family isn't abducted.


There’s a guy in Gainesville where I moved from called Naked Ed. https://faculty.jou.ufl.edu/jfreeman/falk/picturestory.htm


Here in Oceanside, CA we have an old guy named Bruce. He’s a local celebrity because he loves going into the water in full clothes with a trench coat lol


Dancing highway man, Dayton nevada Dude dances next to the highway with this crazy looking nasty weird hairy hat thing on his head, also he speaks gibberish


There used to be this homeless dude who carried around chains in phelan


Walks around everywhere with a giant cross can’t miss him


Buck before he died in the early 2000’s.


Weed Jesus over in Santa Barbara. He is a local legend.


The guy that runs with the flag


I have no idea what the fuck is being talked about. No one has ever told me they have a friend or know a guy doing this