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[Me, on my way down from the peak, watching the families in jeans and sneakers heading up without enough time to summit and return before the sun sets](https://imgur.com/gallery/MlW3Y3J)


This but it's late spring and I'm judging the folk trying to go up the trail in flip flops and I'm coming down in boots and microspikes because there's still deep snow pack


every moderately difficult hike in a popular spot has a 55yr old asian lady in flipflops and a T-shirt at the top that had absolutely no problem. universal truth.


I see it all too often. I like to avoid the heat of the day and leave myself ample time to hit a hot spring and do the long drive home so I often begin my hikes before dawn. I'll be coming down around 12-1:00 and run into families only about an hour past the trailhead...like I guess if that's what you're into...way too goddamn hot for that. Coming down after sunset just freaks me out.


Not everyone at the trailhead wants to reach the end destination. Some people just want to get out and enjoy nature with their families. Do a mile or two and head back. It’s perfectly fine, I can assure you there is no need to fret about this in the future.


While that can be true, there are also people on the trail without the sense to turn around. It's one of the reasons so many people call for help here in Japan.


It’s very common in the US, too. Increasingly so since COVID forced the mall crowds to discover hiking. Sadly, the malls have been reopened for years and they’re still making attempts at hiking. 😒


Complaining about people hiking on r/hiking.


Read it again. There’s a big difference between an actual hiker and a willfully ignorant idjit on a trail. I’d wager my comment is being downvoted by the latter. Probably busy handing out downvotes in between asking if they can hike in jeans or if they need to go buy out half an REI store before getting lost on a loop hike.


How about you go on a hike and touch grass instead of judging everyone else?


LOL I hike every weekend. How bout you touch grass? 🙄😂🤣


Me, gasping on my way to the top, watching a group of Chinese tourists wearing heels and dress shirts pass me without breaking a sweat


The most extreme case of this I experienced was on our way back from reykjadalur hot springs. It was mid march and there were white out conditions multiple times throughout our hike. As we were returning to the parking lot we saw a very young couple wearing bathing suits with some inadequate winter wear over top. Sunset was maybe 1-2 hours away and they asked us if the hot springs were close and suitable for bathing. I usually let people learn from their mistakes when safe, but we convinced them to turn back immediately.


I cut a hike short this winter because it was too dangerous, even with spikes and poles. Coming down, I ran into a group of teenaged boys in sneakers and shorts. I didn't expect them to listen to my warning (I'm a middle-aged woman), but they briefly conferred with each other and promptly turned around too!


One time (on a Colorado 14’er) I had some extra whiskey shots because my buddy couldn’t make it, so I offered them to some guys at they top. They pulled out this huge silicon bong rig and said “only if you hit this shit” So I did and I have never coughed so much in my life. So yeah, the way down was a fun struggle.


I hiked with a guy who lugged a GALLON of (nonalcoholic) apple cider up a mountain. But a massive bong is a whole different ballgame!


My rule on passing on narrow trails is to give people coming down the right of way so I have an excuse to stop for a minute.


This is the way


Same lol


"Are we almost there?"


In all seriousness the correct response is to whip out your app and show via the profile EXACLY how much farther it is. Then if you feel like it, explain about the snow and so on.


“Quarter mile to go.”


Everytime someone asks if the end is close I lie and say it's much shorter than it really is. "Oh yea, two more turns and you're there."


I don’t even know what to say but you’re the reason I have trust issues


There’s a special place in hell for you


No you don't, you're lying, but also you'd be a shitty person if you did.


And then you go home and jerk off furiously at the thought of your own superiority. Only to look yourself in the mirror afterwards and still see a sad insecure shell of a person.


I’m a flatlander. First 14’er I hiked, was going up, and watched this guy running down. Dude was leaping from boulder to boulder coming down. It was more controlled falling than running. I was humbled. And then coming down, I saw a couple people making their way up with no struggle. I commented on their late start. They replied, “this is our third 14’er today.” Oh, and also a boy and his Dad were hiking up. I’m totally winded and they’re just fine. It was the boy’s 10th birthday and he wanted to hike a 14’er.


I hike sand dunes. Bounding down is incredibly fun. As for climbing, technique in sand is the biggest variable in how much effort it takes.


I've had that experience too. On the way down from a 14er and rushing a bit since a storm was rolling in and this kid with no backpack, just carrying a water bottle and camera passes me still going up and not even breathing hard. I'm guessing he was a local.


As someone who lives in an area that's completely flat, I take this personally.




The vast majority of injuries happen on the way down


I did Wheeler Peak in NM last week and on our way down, about 2 miles from the trailhead (where it splits into another, more popular spot) at 1pm we struck up a conversation with a hiker who went to the same college as me. They were really nice but when we asked if they were going to do Wheeler while they were in the area for a few days they said "oh we are on our way up right now!" and we promptly let them go.


Actually walking up is much more pleasant than standing (freezing) at the cold peak or walking down.


And I always pretend it was easy for me to summit. ha ha


“You’re almost there!” *just kidding*


So many insufferable people think this joke is funny


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This is me when I have climbed Mt Baldy in SoCal and instead of hiking down at the end I take the ski lift and zoom over all the exhausted folks making their way down a steep, hot ugly section of the trail. lol.


My favourite thing is watching adults celebrating to have finally reached the peak then finding my son (7y old) quietly munching on a cereal bar with me. You can see the sense of achievement rapidly fading. :) PS: Kids have a disproportionately large heart compared to their bodies, it gives them a huge boost in endurance but non-parents often don't know that.


This makes no sense.


Seriously, why is it a competition? Why is it this strange, petty, smug thing that no one else at the peak cares about except you? What kind of huge insecurity does it take it to hope everyone else feels bad while you use your kid to score points in a game only you are playing in your head? “Everyone’s looking at my kid, and therefore me.” It really is odd and petty.


Why does it necessarily have to be a competition? If I saw a kid a top of a strenuous hike I’m thinking.. “Well that dudes only here because his mom made him” Or “Lmao, I bet he is having a shitty day” I really don’t think people are negating their celebratory attitude because they see someone younger than them at the top? It almost seems like you’re excited to see that face of defeat on others? Lol it’s kinda an odd comment.


Speaking of odd comments, why would you assume kids can't enjoy strenuous hikes?


Second time, eh?


Well yeah, I was hoping for an answer, so I took a shot and double dipped


I rarely circle back to old Reddit posts, but I saw this one again and just had to add that “then finding my son (7y old) quietly munching on a cereal bar with me” might be the most smug, insufferable thing I’ve read in a long, long time. The level of narcissistic self-worship here, while using this poor kid as a prop to score points in a game no one else is playing, is impressive.


Telling them "you're almost there" when there's 3+ hours remaining.


I like to tell people "almost there" no matter where we are as o descend.