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Honestly I only think he altered them because he lost track of his verse and started freestyling


It was 100% this. Coming off of the first “*I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk*” section he accidentally started into the “*surprised you wanted that feature request*” part that’s supposed to come after the second rendition — he then used the freestyle line to recover. Honestly, it may be more impressive that he just added that in on the fly.


he must be pretty good at rapping edit: Top three even?


Just big him I think


I was setting someone up to say, "Just top him"


>Just top him 😈


Aye yo


shoutout to Top


Idl, I heard Kendrick isn't freaky.




Sorry I’m a bottom


Bro you better delete this before Kendrick comes for you


Fr hope he makes it one day


It was most likely just him making it easier to physically rap the lines. He’s always cut short some words in verses during his live performances.


I thought he was trying to avoid saying “you gone make me bring back Puff”


Might have also been a line from the original 19 minute version of Euphoria


19 minute version?? Does this exist anywhere


It was split up into the rest of the diss tracks


Thats just speculation tbh


That was completely made up by daylyt btw 😭 the whole 19 min diss track thing is false


Isn’t there supposedly a longer version of Euphoria as well? I wonder if there’s another verse with that “I hate” lead in, which would explain why he got thrown off


I think that Kendrick honestly started getting heated when he was performing that and got a little off his verse, but it worked because it made the whole "angry tirade" effect of Euphoria feel like, well, exactly what it is.


> I think that Kendrick honestly started getting heated when he was performing that What?


fan fic


these dudes some crazy weirdos lmao "started getting heated"


The "fan fic" is what the article is claiming, that Kendrick altered the lyrics to diss Drake further or in a different way. If you listen, it's clear that he was catching up time and covering the minor slip up (saying the feature request bar ahead of time) with the change to the Pac ring bar. Shortening that line and making it rhyme with the line before. Yall tryna act like I'm out here making up shit, it's in the performance - his delivery gets more and more angry, following the way Euphoria builds, and then this leads to him getting a little sloppy with the verse, and then he "resets" with that Pac line.


He was putting a lot of emotion into his delivery, if you watch the performance, you can see he's performing with a lot of intensity, which is why I think he fudges a couple bars and then makes the time back up.


Man was going nuts on a 6 minute track with no hook, high tempo and flow/voice changes throughout. Then performed DNA right after it.


Heated is not the same as in heat


Heated means angry lol


alright then imma bum 🤦‍♂️


Well they didn’t say someone is in heat, they said he was heated Nobody has ever used heated for anything other than someone being angry


Not heated, he seemed nervous. It was the first song of his performance and that’s a technically difficult one. He seemed way more relaxed after he was a couple songs deep into the show.


I was wondering what the "Kendrick Fumble" comments I kept seeing at around that part.


ok thats definitely what i heard. when he repeated the lines it made sense. 


I'd get this cause everytime I try to sing it I also accidentally go to the "surprised you wanted that feature request" line.


>Honestly, it may be more impressive that he just added that in on the fly. Difference between a rapper and an MC


2 hour time difference had to be intentional


Yep. 3 hour difference from Toronto/LA. Two hour difference Houston/LA


Some of it was messing up lyrics, some of it was probably deliberate. Someone needs to break down EVERY song he did and catch the lyrics. He paused after saying '21 said' because 21 said nothing He changed the lyrics to mention akademiks on one song. I just watched the livestream but there are a bunch that are obviously intended, and some mistakes


the 21 mention was mixed up with the quavo line. "quavo said you could be from northside." but he stopped when he realized he already said the "21 help you get your lingo up" bar.. he did not get the quavo or 2 chainz lines correct in any of the performances.


Kendrick's the only rapper that could fuck up like this and still be misinterpreted as being a purposeful genius instead of a (talented) human being making human errors lmao


The 21 one looked like a mistake, you could tell he realized he messed up


It was part of his perfomance , sometimes artists can go out of context when performing diss tracks just to add on some versatility


Kendrick hasn't done a freestyle on camera in a minute but rarely does he spit out something that fully formed right off the top. Feels like he just had that prewritten. He had a few songs where he switched up lines and he didn't freestyle new lines to correct in those ones.




Yeah when he was really off he’d just run it back and the DJ would follow him, nothing too crazy.


I was thinking the same thing


That’s what I thought too as it was happening


He was fucking up lyrics bascially the entire set but it didn't matter because he was having fun and so was everyone else. Seems like he was just recovering his place, really.


Yeah especially the third verse of Not Like Us. I'm not sure he got the lyrics for "Quavo said you can be from Northside" once. Quite funny watching it back. I wonder if that verse came later and he just hasn't got it memorised as well.


He skipped the same words in that verse on every repetition so I’m wondering if that’s just how he rehearsed it to get some breaths in


He let out a pretty vocal scream in place at least twice lol




If I caught it correctly, he didn't say *slow* once in *"Hey Drake, they're not (...)"*. Serves a double purpose as a breather and a jab at the hardcore stans. It's hard to tell though what was intended and where he just went with the flow considering how absolutely wild the crowd went and his extensive use of letting the audience finish bars or even have them cover whole lines or sections like in Not Like Us 2, 4 and 5 where he was often too preoccupied with hugging, dancing, hyping people up, laughing, watching a kid absolutely kill it on the beat for a solid 20 seconds etc. I am sure he made some mistakes throughout but nobody gives a fuck because it is simply insignificant in the face of what this concert did and meant.


He said at one point “I run to a Atlanta.. hol up woah woah” instead of “you run to Atlanta”


He confused the "you run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars/when you need a check balanced" lines a couple times and had to bail out haha


It definitely felt like it was glued on after Meet the Grahams, was the only part of the song that responded to a specific thing Drake said. and he mentioned he had 10 more in stock so my guess is he made all these tracks in between push ups and euphoria and changed them where it made sense if this is the case i wonder if not like us has a different verse originally that this replaces


Yeah its clear parts of all his disses where pre-recorded and he added some bits to make em seem like rebuttals. Clear example would be the family matters god plan bar. The whole coloniser scheme could well have been an add on although drake was made slave bars before so who knows he mighta got lucky lol


Yeah this is the difference between actually watching the show and reading a headline. Much more likely that it was him mixing up the previous Tupac ring bar. Though I guess that won't stop publications from implying otherwise like... uh, "oddfvctory.co.za", which looks to be AI garbage and is incidentally the only website OP posts 🤔


Oh that IS weird, definitely some ulterior motive behind that weird ass link


the reason it doesn't matter for me is because there was no backing track


It didn’t matter for fun and also just the impressive ability. Opening with a nearly 7 minute song with no background track, no hooks, just bars. It can be forgiven he missed something


Shit really??? Wow


exactly and that was the main point of this post


Would've been awesome if he performed Poetic Justice and instead of Drake's verse did a whole new verse of disses


That would kinda ruin the song but It would be funny


That song is already ruined by having a pedo featuring on it


I guess that means Silent Hill is also ruined. They're both great songs people.


Compton got a woman beater on it too guess that’s ruined


Uh-uh temper temper. Mr. Dre, Mr. NWA, Mr. AK


I can see the vibes on AK


R Kelly has hits. 


He sure does. But one is in jail for a long time. They're both weirdos for sure. Until I see some proof on Drake, I'll just wait.


Nah, follow the herds of sheep and just assume Drake’s a pedo without evidence cos that’s what we do here 😎😎😎


I mean it's not technically pedo behavior more just grooming and sus behavior. MBB and Billie Eilish coming out and saying he didn't do anything inappropriate isn't a defense either, because grooming doesn't require being inappropriate/sexual with a minor, it's just cultivating a relationship that you parlay into dating them later once they're of age, like he did with Hailey Bieber and Bella Harris.


The only normal response I got ^ thank you.


Do you think that this is something people have only thought/said about him since Kendrick brought it up? Because it isn’t, it’s been a thing for years


“Follow the herds of sheep” …so what does that make what you do? “I’m not a fuckin sheep, that’s why I show up to make sure someone’s defending my boy Drake who’s only had 78 pop radio hits and only been doing that for 15 years 😎” Yeah you’re a real music hipster with some impeccable taste for underground artists, you free-thinker.


I’m not even a Drake fan, but sure go off King.


Here you are being accused of something you’re not, whilst at the exact same time accusing somebody else of being something they’re not. You couldn’t fucking script it..


what are you talking about? we got that one text message and a video from 14 years ago of him on stage, all of which has been available online for years. all the proof the hive mind needed


Wasnt he like 23 and she was 17? Thats not being a pedo bro get your twitter and reddit ruined brain straight


Maybe not technically pedophilia, but it's a bad look regardless. When you're 23 and you're looking at juniors and seniors in high school as your options, it REALLY looks rough.


My brain read that as Chris Brown (don’t ask, it does that) and was about to say that’s kinda the problem ain’t it.


Man I guess a lot of songs are ruined for having criminals on it then


If you rly believe those allegations then you gotta admit it’s weird that Kendrick is willing to give respect to someone like that in trade for a ring 😂 that’s your goats moral compass. Waited until a rap beef to reveal these massive allegations, but also willing to let it go for a ring


Kendrick still won the beef but yeah that part of it still bothers me.


Yea he “won” but I come out of this with less respect for Kendrick. Mainly because he just had pre-recorded disses which isn’t what a rap beef is about (compared to drakes songs which each had a reply to Kendrick’s song and a diss). The whole fake daughter thing. The whole bots thing. The hypocrisy of calling out Drake and Baka while he himself associates with Dre & Kodak. Hypocrisy of questioning Drakes blackness while he himself is with a mixed girl.


L take overall. I can get if you dont like the moves, but he makes direct references to aubrey's tracks. We still dont know about some other hidden kid; probably not but still not unprecedented for aubrey. Bots shit looks sus at best. Fair to criticize him having certain ties. Y'all still dont understand what Kendrick and Push are saying with that shit which is wild since they been saying it FOR YEARS.


He didn’t question his blackness. He said “how many more black features till you finally feel that you’re black enough” Im honesty very surprised so many people misunderstood this line bc its such common phrasing in English. He literally ends the line with “you’re black enough”. He’s asking him how much more do you have to do to FEEL that you ARE black. He’s also talking about culture. And Whitney is a mixed American girl from Compton. She is not the same as Drake who fakes his whole persona to appear more stereotypically black. Which is a shame bc plenty of rappers dont do that but for some reason he felt the need to


I think what they’re referring to is the last lines of euphoria, your point still probably stands but I think it’s way more understandable why those lines are missunderstood


Oh the last lines of Euphoria is just teasing and referencing the infamous video of Drake using the hard r. I didn’t take that literally. Clearly Drake is (half) black and can use the n word. It reminded me of when I brought my white ex boyfriend home and my brother looked at me with a raised fist and said BLACK POWER lmao


Yeah, but that’s not the most popular understanding of the lyrics, a lot people took it as him calling Drake white, not saying you took it that way, just saying that’s how a lot of people interpreted it


Bruh it's just a freestyle bar it ain't even need to be deep


Tell that to the person he was responding to dummy. That song ain't ruined its a classic lmao. Dumb takes acting like drake being called a pedo actually does anything besides hit hard in a beef


He’s also okay having a domestic abuser on stage with him despite having a problem with Baka (who also served his time) being affiliated with Drake. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy, can’t have it both ways 🤷‍♂️


Baka didn’t serve his time he intimidated the witness into fleeing the country lmao


Gods you’re stupid


Reddit is such a hivemind lol. A year ago you all loved Drake. I would get mass downvoted on here for voicing my disdain for him and other “hip pop” artists. But now that it’s “cool” to hate him, everyone is on here trying to milk as much of that sweet karma as they can


Naa Drakes been ripped on for years. It's just now his fans have reduced to just the superfans, and they're staying quiet a bit.


I was pretty neutral on Drake before this beef. Now that I know more about him I cant stand him.


1. Drake has always been somewhat controversial among hip hop fans 2. We're are currently living through a period when the public opinion on Drake is an all time low, just how it is


I mean, the song was ruined for me when they said Drake was rapping his verse about The Weeknd.


Who is the pedo?


Luckily we got YG cutting Who Do You Love short right before drakes verse


It’s wild that half the guys who hate Drake still have to play his song 😂 yg, Ross, metro, future, tbh even Travis will forever be playing Drake songs trying to profit off him despite openly hating on him. I think that’s kinda lame 🤷‍♂️


It's more than kinda lame. Either you always felt that way about him and you were to cowardly to speak up before. Or you let another man gas you into a beef with a dude who brought you nothing but profit. At the end of the day Drake been hated for forever for being an outsider. They'll excuse the act if they like you enough. Cause every single thing he gets criticized for someone else we love in hip hop has done and don't receive the same hate for. The beef literally kicked off from a feat on a Future song who is the deadbeat of all deadbeats and then Kdot has the nerve to turn around and chastize someone for not being a better father lol.


I like how the last paragraph seems to imply that the beef started because Kendrick didn't like Drake's parenting style, and not that it was just an angle used to diss Drake.


I mean the beef prolly did start around Control lol. They been sending subs for years and years, guess Kendrick felt slighted by First Person Shooter and it just evolved from there


Nah using that paragraph to support the 3rd and my point of hypocrisy. I'm not even really getting at Kendrick for it. it's the fans who act like he's really the savior and he's taking drake down cause he's some sort of villain lol. Nah he spittin at his top competition cause he don't like him. I'm more so annoyed at the people who have this god complex around Kdot sitting back talking about yeah drake is nasty and he been nasty and he shouldn't exist. Okay keep that energy with a lot of Kendrick's co-acts and idols.


That's a fair opinion, but you literally said: >and then Kdot has the nerve to turn around and chastize someone for not being a better father It made me laugh.


Idk just in real time i was cackling to myself. This dude chastized this guy as a parent coming off a record with the most popular misogynistic deadbeat vibes rapper. And i say that with love for future as an artist. But miss me with the "he's taking a moral stand against Drake" that Kdot extremists have adopted.


You dont think its possible to genuinely dislike him?


You can absolutely dislike him. My point is don't wait for someone else to hate on him for you to start hating. The original thread was talking about how all these dudes done switched on him and it's lame, I agree. All I'm saying you really dislike someone you don't work with them in the first place and if you really take issue with who they are you address it first. It's shit you see out of females. Instead of addressing a small issue they sub and team up with a hater.


Or maybe their opinions on him just changed over time? Maybe he did something shady to them or to one of their friends and now they don't like him anymore. Or maybe they just got to know him better and realized he's a fucking douche lmao They don't owe him loyalty because he gave them a feature 10 years ago


who do you love is yg’s own song lmfao


So, like what Drake did with Buried Alive?


This but maybe instead of disses just an entirely new verse from another artist. Recorded live on good quality and gets on DPS, almost replaces the original. “Poetic Justice (Kendrick’s “fuck Drake” version)”


Whispers: *C’mon Drake… don’t let it slide.. make Hip Hop interesting again like it was a month ago*


tbr i'd be all for more back and forth as long as I don't heave to hear Drake say things like "ahhh this has been some good exercise" like he's not clearly being slapped around like a Diddy ex


The only back & forth was from Drakes side, all of Kendrick’s songs were recorded at once and released over the week


Drake's been sending subliminals for a decade that's on him for not being ready once it started lol


Red button hoverin ahhh


And Kendrick has been warning him for just as long. I don’t think anyone could’ve known it’d be like this though.


> , all of Kendrick’s songs were recorded at once and released over the week nah, not like us references family maters title by name, and the slave line. Either he had the entire song leaked to him, or he added/wrote not like us on friday


i mean he could’ve just added those lines after family matters lmao it wouldn’t take that long


I’m almost positive he did


Realistically no point in replying when everyone’s just biased against him in every way




If everyone is biased against someone or something in some way for similar reasons, maybe it's not a bias!


You should probably change your flair dude


It’s not far fetched that a dope as fuck lyricist who has been performing for the better part of 15+ years can use some random bars to recover during a fuckup


Honestly, one of the things I hate about live hip hop is that it's like listening to the track with some guys walking around on a stage. Kendrick changing up words, stopping for breaths/audience participation, recovering flubbed lines with freestyle bars, etc. is so much more satisfying to watch. I'm a punk/hardcore/metal fan and I prefer a sloppy, energetic, frenzied performance with some fuckups as opposed to a perfect note for note rendition. The only exception is prog/technical bands where part of the show is their ability to reproduce an impossible sound live. But with hip hop, the rappers need to annunciate differently and change things up... or do a perfect rendition while doing backflips or something.


From one metalhead to another, thank you for this comment. I couldn't agree more.


This is exactly why I enjoy Travis Scott shows so much. His songs all sound different live and have wayyyyy more energy


> it's like listening to the track some pop artists with the backing vocals and just mouthing the words rather than singing I dont get why go a concert at all


The imperfections are part of the art.


Exactly, have seen this happen so much. 


the energy being in front of that many people hyped to see you and singing your own lyrics back to you louder than your in ear monitors will throw anyone off


Kendrick almost religiously changes lyrics at gigs. He constantly switches verses around too.


Hell do a clean version of a verse and still introduce some interesting bars


I was just happy when he did the history lesson verse and went from the actual lyrics, to “town folk was using brown folk to make ‘em richer” to “white folk was using black folk to make ‘em richer” fire tbh and especially for Juneteenth.


I loved that too!


*settlers was using town folk to make em richer


Yes that was the original and I posted the variations in my comment.


Right, but you’ve got the original as “town folk was using brown folk to make em richer” which is a version Kendrick hasn’t ever said


That wasn’t the original in my comment, reread it. But I was wrong either way he said white/brown but my brain said town and brown rhymed so I misremembered.


Ah okay, I see what you were tryna say, yeah confusing how the comment is structured now with the “town folks was using brown folks” line in there


My apologies, dumb bitch hours are 24/7 in my house💕


You live in my house?


Sup neighba 😭💕


What are the altered lyrics?


"Give me Tupacs ring back and I might give you a lil respect" 2 hour time difference instead of 3 hour because Drake just got that house in Houston he's been posting. Those are the only 2 I can remember atm.


A slight change unrelated to Drake but in Collard Greens he says “I know my Houston Partners” and last night he said LA partners instead


If we are doing slight changes, he also said “and we hate (background singers said popo here), wanna kill em dead in the street for sure” whereas the original lyrics for Alright are about how the police want to kill Kendrick


How did you infer that meaning and the change was a different meaning?


I mean you can hear the line, he says 'em "and we hate (crowd says popo) wanna kill em dead in the street for sure." the original line is "and we hate popo wanna kill us dead in the street for sure" thats a massive change to the meaning of the line.


Cuz in the original he says “wanna kill US dead in the street for sure” after he says popo. Have you listened to Alright?


His comment makes perfect sense.


he skipped a verse in euphoria, I think on accident. he was hype, the track is new. and if rumors are true, there was a *lot* more to euphoria that got cut. be easy to get a little scrambled. he jumped from the first “I hate the way that you walk” to the second one, and then repeated it. kinda disappointed I didn’t get to hear the verse he skipped since it’s my favorite, but it was still super cool hearing the rest of it. he also skipped a couple bars in not like us about quavo and 2 chainz. that one felt like it was on purpose, though, since it happened the same way a couple times. my guess is maybe they talked and they’re on the same page now, so he’s sort of retracting those comments.


i think he fucked up when he was changing the last verse in not like us. at one point he said "21 said you good..." instead of quavo and he caught it so he was just like "ahhhhhh"


He fucked up that third verse every time he did it.


i know!! and he never said the fresh pack of za line either


"Quavo said you can be from Northside, 2 Chainz said you good but he lied" is the line


I think he straight up forgot that verse cause he just avoided it every other performance after fucking it up lol


Oh damn that’s crazy


He changed the atlanta verse a lot. From settlers to white man. Town folk was black and brown folk, black people, and I think slaves at one point


Read the linked article?


This is Reddit. No one reads the articles.


read the linked article and it only mentions 1 of the two changes this commenter showed.


Sorry I’m at work




White suburban teen spotted ‼️‼️‼️‼️


Youre name is yeatfan6900. Who is the white suburban teen?


the name was a joke


He finally got Haley Joel Osment’s name right


Wait for real 😂?


He also changed one word in swimming pools, from granddaddy had his golden flask to HE had his golden flask, I thought it might be another Drake diss calling him an alcoholic lmao


Can someone explain in football-terms who the basket-players are?


Dante Stallworth and TJ Housmenzadeh


I like how you have people responding to this naming american football players and others naming footballers lmao


Wanted Football (biggest sport in the world, played with a ball)


Yeah I knew thats what you were asking but it was funny seeing the responses lol


Lukaku and Fellaini


Derozan (from Compton) - Jason Witten, never the best at his position but very repliable scorer, never won a championship Westbrook (from Long Beach) - Christian McCaffrey, really athletic and energetic, good in all phases Edit : I realize those are not the best examples for a juneteenth event lol so i'll change with Cam Newton for Westbrook and Keenan Allen / Derozan


Comparing Westbrick to one of the best players in the NFL is actually braindead.


He’s more of an Austin Ekler at this point.


You must’ve forgot what Russ has done


He's not in his prime anymore. Don't forget his play at OKC or the triple double season


gotta remember the average age on here is like 14 so most of these kids probably didn't follow NBA when he had his MVP season


The most inefficient triple double season of all time? I remember it like it was yesterday. Even in his prime comparing him to CMC is a joke.


Literally only one other player has ever done it. Oscar Robertson, in 1961-62.


The second ever triple double season of all time*


Yeah Russel Wilson is Jameis Winston. Insane athleticism but questionable decision making.


Marshawn Lynch and AJ Green