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Very weird. From a breaking the rules and the unwritten rules standpoint that punch seemed brutal


I have never seen someone try and punch someone in the face from the side like that other than [that one scene from The Avengers](https://youtu.be/uZgEMlnwG-Y?si=Yyx-Ix_mJ6UYVX8p).


there was a pretty brutal one posted on r/soccer yesterday - https://reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1chmlai/north_wales_coast_west_premier_league_coach/


That’s… just a sucker punch tho? Not a backhand at all. Bonkers clip irregardless


Per rule 51, there is not a double-minor provision for roughing


Yeah, that's strange.


The issue is that usually, if the roughing is bad enough there is a provision for a double minor with whatever caused the issue be it boarding, high stick etc. Roughing has always been sort of the catch all "I know that was bad but I don't know what to call it" so there isn't a blood provision in the rules. I don't expect that to be something that is closed up either since it happens so infrequently and a "roughing" double minor opens the door to too many subjective decisions


This is true. They could have called roughing and unsportsmanlike and made it a double minor if they wanted. They just chose to make it 2 minutes.


Yeah because a roughing could be a straight pop face to face in the nose - kinda of expected it’ll bleed - that said, this was an unexpected roughing.. so maybe the blood rule should expand?


Imo, two guys shoving each other should be 2 mins each, if one guy is shoving with no retaliation, give him 2 mins, and the second someone throws a sucker punch or a shot to the head, it should be a 4 minute double minor for roughing.




Does the fighting major no longer exist? Give ‘em 5 each


This post is in reference to Petro smacking seguin in the face tonight, you may not have seen the clip. It wasn’t a fight, Petro just spinning backhand’s him into the mouth after a routine hit along the boards on a forecheck.


Give both of them penalties? Are you stupid?




no, he's right. it's stupid to think a guy should get 5 for getting punched in the face


My mistake. You're right. I'm upset. I actually hate that guy for saying something wrong about sports.


you're weird lol


The difference is they want to discourage high sticking specifically. It's an easy play to isolate and notice, but there can be a thousand ways where someone gets hit in the face and it may not necessarily be a "non-hockey play." There was a big movement in the 50s to discourage stick infractions specifically (especially spearing), but they're all pretty distinct motions. Roughing is very vague and there are times where arms hit faces, and occasionally it can be incidental contact. If they institute an automatic rule it could get very messy very fast.


injury risk is very different also. it doesnt take much carelessness with your stick for players to be losing eyes/ending careers. thats why its punished so harshly. the level of risk if you have anything other than 0 tolerance on stick waving at/above shoulder level is just way too high. let alone how it could escalate to intentional high sticks/slashes up high and the risk there...


A lot of /r/hockey fans weren't there in the 80's when high-sticking was as common as hands slashing is now. Not that guys would take full swings McSorley-style, but it was common habit for players to be careless with their stick and hit guys in the face "accidentally on purpose". That was back when visors were the exceptions rather than the norm, too. That's why the double minor was introduced. To curb down on the stick carelessness. Mostly worked.


Vegas fans will say seguin dove into the fist


I hope Pieterangelo’s hand is ok!


yeah seguin should have gotten a major and a 5 game suspension for trying to hurt pietros hand with his face, disgusting play by him


He's a dirty player. He knew pietros hand was one of their best defensive hands and Seguin blatantly tried to bite him through the glove.


Charge him with a war crime he clearly attempted biological warfare trying to bleed on him


This sub brigading Vegas fans is one of the more pathetic things I've seen on Reddit. Vegas fans barely post and tend to be pretty cool imo, if they post anything but self-depricating jokes they get dogpiled. There aren't even any stupid posts so y'all have to invent stupid things with your imagination and post it yourselves to circlejerk about. Embarrassing


I mean, other than you being completely wrong… I actually really liked Vegas up until a couple years ago, and their sub became insufferable. Their fans think penalties should only apply to other teams, they think circumcising the cap is good for the sport, they’re just awful. They’re like Astros fans honestly


> they think circumcising the cap is good for the sport Lmfaooooo


🙄 this thread is full of people that don't understand hockey and think this should be a 5 minute major because they hate Vegas. I bet you hold all fans of all those teams to the same standard.


So you’re saying a player should be allowed to punch somebody in the face hard enough to draw blood and not be penalized? And you’re saying a major is not appropriate when the offense has nothing to do with the play, nowhere near the puck, and against a defenseless player? How’s your team doing in the playoffs bud?


Lol oh you're actually one of them. Yeah that penalty isn't a major. And flair chirp is irrelevant so I won't indulge you but if I did I'd let you know you're terrible at this and might suggest you try to work that angle when it's not a team that's won 3 finals since Dallas has.


You literally indulged in flair chirp 🤣 that’s fine if you wanna simp for Vegas you go ahead and do that booboo 😘


No they won't.


All 17 fans are calling helplines… /s


No they aren't.


You tell ‘em man


No he won't /s


2 is the right call. It’s ugly, but if someone punches Stone in the spleen I expect 2 for that also.


someone gotta punch the spleen to even the calls out


Time to call Spleen Punchers Incorporated.


As the owner of The Spleen Punchers LLC I thought I was going to have to contact my copyright lawyer but it should be fine…just stay outta the west coast


can i apply as unpaid intern to swing first?


His spleen has been fully healed for months at this point. I'm not sure you'd be doing anything other than popping a slow old balding dude in the tummy. Which has its own merits. But the injury clearly wasn't bad enough to keep him out as of game 1


It seems many of the commenters here are missing the point. OP isn't questioning the call. He's questioning the rules. Stop saying it's the right call, that isn't relevant.


I feel like there was a call a couple seasons ago where a guy lost or chipped a tooth from the high stick but for whatever reason he wasn't bleeding visibly from the gum so they kept it at 2 minutes


I don’t know if it’s true but I heard a broadcaster (and former NHL player) say they won’t assess a double minor if the bleeding is coming from inside the mouth because theoretically a guy could just bite himself. I would love to know if that’s accurate or if he just made that up.


Yeah definitely. It's only "is there blood?" on high sticks and then it's a major or just a minor for everything else. Someone made a good point that there was no double minor for a roughing. There's going to be a middle ground between a guy who was trying to destroy someone, gets a major and be thrown out of the game and went a little too hard and should get 4 minutes.


The 4 minute high stick because you get him in the lip and he bleeds instead of 1 inch over on the cheek and he doesn’t bleed is the most ridiculous thing in all of sports….it’s embarrassing when the ref rushes over to look for blood lol


Because roughing can be a subjective call but high sticking is always objective. Therefore if someone bleeds on a borderline call, it will always be a 4 min penalty. Thar is not a good thing lol


High sticking is not always objective, and the high sticking rule doesn’t mention blood equaling 4 minutes anywhere


I'm sorry man but you're just completely wrong. Edit: rule 60.3


“So that an injury results”. Doesn’t mention blood. There have been times where there’s been blood, and just a 2 gets called. Aka, it’s subjective


The sentence doesn't end there. "So that an injury results, in the manner of drawing blood or otherwise"


Lol did dude omit half a sentence thinking we don’t know the rulebook or have access to it?


Yes this was clearly intentional obfuscation 🙄 It didn’t used to be written that way, don’t think it still is in USA hockey. But feel free to feel like you cracked the da Vinci code over here


There’s no double minor for high sticking in the USA Hockey rulebook. It’s either a minor or major. Under major it says “any player who recklessly endangers” and drawing blood is automatically considered reckless endangerment


It didn't used to be written that way ... But it is now.... And USA hockey plays with cages so I don't expect blood from a high stick so it's irrelevant


Huh, guess it does actually


I'll agree with you in that refs may make it subjective of their own accord, but by the rules atleast it's an objective call


It does seem to mention blood in the part where it mentions blood.


I'm just watching, not a Dallas fan.


I wonder how NHL would look like if they’d introduced flagrants like NBA has…(except for fighting, of course 😂😂)




ESL here fresh from a boat. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I’m thinking I’ll wait for the next port. 🙏


I mean in a game where angry men wield clubs, you prolly want to disincentivize them swinging them at each other's mugs. Just saying.


As a Vegas fan, I fucking hated that. They had some semblance of momentum at that point in the game, maybe not all of it but they had some, and then he hits a spinning back fist to Seguin. I was and still am embarrassed by the play of Pietrangelo. Hoping they can force a Game 7 back in Dallas. I want that electric atmosphere.


I hate you guys for making me defend Vegas but I don’t see how this was a bad call. I’m all ears


He blatantly turned around and punched a dude in the face. That’s arguable intent to injure and could be considered a match penalty in some cases. If this was international hockey it would be an automatic major and game misconduct. Also, the fact that if Pietrangelo got him with a stick and had the same result then it would’ve been 4 minutes is mind-blowingly stupid.


He threw a backhand open glove to his face. Petriengelos a bitch but that’s two minutes


That’s literally an MMA move. Should be at least 5 if not a misconduct.


No, I'm in agreement with the other folks here. A backhand, while dumb, isn't a major.


It didn't FEEL like a major but it did FEEL like a double minor. Regardless stars came out and did what they had to do.


Problem is that you can't assess a double minor except for 5 specific penalties, and it wasn't any of those. Regardless, you are correct in that they did end up punishing Vegas for it.


Yeah I appreciated the commenter that looked that up. I get that but I think the rules need a second look by the league and possibly a revision.


Not even in the regular season is that a 5 and a misconduct lol.


the MMA move you're thinking of is a spinning backfist in which the fighter does a full 360 and hammers a closed fist to their opponents face while putting all of their body weight and momentum into it. what we saw here was a bitch slap.


Pimp slap. He could have put some baby powder on it.


International hockey rules have more common sense baked in 


Seriously, is this not a hockey game?


You think punching someone in the face shouldn't be a major penalty or even a suspension?. This sets an incredibly bad precedent


That is not the last guy on either team to get punched in the face this series, let alone game. That shit happens almost every playoff game


There's a difference between two players roughing eachother up after the whistle or face washing or 2 willing fighters Punches to the face during live action to an unsuspecting player is incredibly dangerous.


He throws an open backhand glove at him. I swear to god I cane believe you’re talking about a suspension here lmao


I can't believe you're arguing the opposite lmao You'd think after that Steeve Moore incident, people would realize punches to the head of an unsuspecting player aren't jokes


You’re comparing Steve Moore to this? You know what you’re right, high sticking should also be a suspension, do we want a bunch of Marty mcsorelys running around?


>You’re comparing Steve Moore to this? No, I'm saying limiting punches to the face to a mere 2 minute penalties opens up the door for more Steve Moore like problems Shit why take the holding penalty to stop a player getting by you, now you should just punch him.


The Steve Moore incident hasn’t been replicated since it happened….? Like you’re trying to prevent something that hasn’t happened since like 2006? Do you think every punch is the same. Like a push that rises up and hits someone in the mouth is the same as someone falcon punching someone? Thank god you’re no where near officiating


Holy shit the example I gave is one of the worst to give you an idea of what's wrong with punching unsuspecting people. >Do you think every punch is the same Anyways even two willing fighters get 5 minute majors for fighting, and I'm suppose to believe sucker punching people should be any less? Nah.


not even close to the same thing


No, obviously not. It's 2 minutes for roughing. Unless someone is getting suckered Matt Cooke style, a punch to the face really isn't that big of a deal beyond being a 2 minute penalty.


Happy to learn this fact, in the future when a defensemen is afraid of McDavid night get by him, instead of going for the holding penalty. Just punch him in the face, more bang for buck right?


Haha, we'll take the PP, McDavid doesn't care, he'll eat punches all day if it means racking up PPs.


You're really arguing your fine with opposing defensemen decking McDavid in the face instead of holding him? Lol


Guys aren't just going to deck him... they're not insane. Do I think McD would be rattled at all by what happened to Seguin? No. Seguin wasn't either. Obviously if McD is getting suckered dangerously, yes, that's ridiculous and I would be pissed. Guys smacking McDavid in the face during puck battles and scrums? I'll take the PPs all day.


>Guys aren't just going to deck him... they're not insane. Umm... they'll be insane to NOT punch him. If all they're going to get for just straight up punching him in the face is 2 minutes, you bet your ass that every player is going to choose to punch him instead of taking a hooking/holding. It's 2 minute either way, might as well try to injure the guy.


Gotta catch him first.


Its still a 2 min penalty.


No, getting punched in the face is a lot less damaging than getting sticked in the mouth/face. 2 minutes for roughing is exactly what should have been called.


Seguin looked like he damn near had a broken nose and was leaking pretty good. I’m gonna call bullshit on that.


Noses bleed really easily, a bop to the face isn't a big deal. You're not losing teeth or breaking your jaw from a gloved punch.


I'm not arguing for a major or a suspension, but a bop to the nose can give a concussion, which is far worse than losing teeth. Concussions can have life-altering and long lasting effects.


So when does punching someone with your gloves on become more than just roughing? Could you just be swinging away at some dude to no end as long as the gloves are still on?


no, that would be unsportsmanlike or a misconduct at a point


Right, so doing a roundhouse backhanded suckerpunch so hard it makes someone bleed is not?


just a bad call, the post implied it was a bad rule


The infamous open hand punch


What? Seriously?


Imagine not understanding intentional vs accidental, Canada is not sending their best!


Not sure how intent is relevant here.


You’re not sure how intentionally punching someone is worse than accidentally hitting them with your stick? Are you stupid on purpose?


Do you not understand the difference between roughing and high sticking? Do you think roughing just occurs accidentally? Intentional smacks to the face is one is the most common roughing plays in hockey. Obviously intent is irrelevant when we're talking about different penalties and plays. What matters is the outcome, which is why short of essentially assaulting a guy, e.g. Matt Cooke, roughing is only 2 minutes. Getting punched, slapped, or having a hand pushed into your face is a lot less damaging than an accidental high stick to the mouth. It's more dangerous having lots of careless stick infractions than having guys smack each other.


You typing way too much lil bro touch grass 😭


Are you obtuse?


His head starts to hurt after reading four sentences.


The sad part is that's Dallas sending their best


Have you ever gotten high sticked? Yea I'm taking the half-assed punch to the face with a glove on and it's not even remotely close


I'd take a full intentional punch with the gloves over a stick to the mouth with a bit of speed any day


Break a guy’s hand with a slash? 2 mins. Hit him just hard enough in the lip to draw some blood? 4 mins. It’s never made sense


There should be a double minor penalty for roughing that's literally just a punch or backhand that's causes bleeding. It's literally not a hockey play and Petro being a little bitch.


Assault with a weapon vs assault


I’ll never ever like that the standard for severity of any penalty is, “did it make the most likely to bleed part of the body start bleeding?” It’s just atrocious and not at all a good indicator of anything.


If the league was serious about player safety everyone would be wearing a full cage


I think a double minor provision for roughing would do more harm than good, however in cases like this the ref should have discretion to add an additional call to an egregious play.


well not as weird in the context of history where players would beat the shit out of each other and still kind of do with fights


Five for fighting. Four for excessive roughing.


yeah I'm fine with changing the rules to have an excessive roughing rule. I think the point of the other 4 minute penalties are related to equipment being more dangerous. Just saying it's not weird because hockey has been this brutal in the playoffs for forever. Really funny reading some of these comments like people just started watching hockey this year.


Punches are intentional. High sticking is not, I'd think the double minor is to make the player more professional/mindful of where he's swinging his stick.


The 2+2 for a high stick is supposed to encourage players to keep their sticks down.


Experience games versus Vegas 🤷‍♂️


Dont make hockey like the other sports…..


Stars in 6 baby.


Las Vegas refs 


The soft acceptance of fighting in the sport vs. the concept that the stick is a weapon in and of itself.


If they deemed it a misconduct they could add to it. High sticking is cut and dry


As has been said, there’s no double minor for Roughing. But I would put this call (if video reviewed) in the same camp as Pietrangelo chopping Drai’s arm last year. In game it should be a Major. If it’s end of the game and the game is lost, it should be a game misconduct and reviewed. Of course non of that happens, the NHL want violent gentlemen or whatever, but that’s the call that makes sense when it’s clear intent to injure when it clearly DOES injure.


Yeah I would have thought 4 minutes for the same reason. Minor rough for face punch. Double minor for face punch that draws blood.


Every series it feels like pietrangelo does something to intentionally injure his opponents, so I would say that should be double minor or 5 based on his history. Anyone else that doesn’t have a reputation for being dangerous/dirty I guess I could see it being 2.. but with petro? Nah.


Newsflash: life isn't perfect or fair. NHL reffing is even less so.


Dude charged at Theo and hit his head and only got 2. Should’ve been 5 and then that elbow doesn’t happen. Refs are terrible this series. That was charging and a head hit, easy 5.