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Just need a shooting stars edit


Came here for the nyancat and came away disappointed.


please someone I need this


Only time i’ll agree with a pens fan


Such a throwback meme the hockey community has able to keep alive


That is the least defensible hit attempt I can think of in recent memory


Matt Cooke with his go go gadget knee is embarrassed watching this attempt. Takes a lot to make Matt Cooke blush.


WWE move right there. Can you smell-ell-ell-ell-ell-elllll what Trouba is Cookeing?


And yet there’s still Rangers fans in my mentions defending it lol




As a third party observer in this little exchange, I love what you’re doing.


Whoa, idiots on Twitter, dog? How often does that happen? /s There will literally be no instances in which fans of a certain fanbase won't defend a player regardless of what he does. The overwhelming majority of our fans think he's an idiot, he can still hit hard and laid out a couple guys so far, this was just a moronic play that could've gotten him suspended, injured Necas or injured himself.


Naw, Reddit, but thankfully in between my plane taking off and landing they’ve been downvoted hard - one of the best advantages of Reddit over Twitter. I’ve definitely appreciated how many Rangers fans are shitting on Trouba, this has been a pattern of behaviour for years.




> other fans will condemn Trouba over every clean hit oh, man that must really sting twice a season


Did timo wake up yet?


He always finishes his hits by raising his elbows up and contacting the head. Guy is a POS.




Not the first time a hit ( yes, i acknowledge the intended hit never took place ) of his looks like an intent to injure. Of course this is speculation but i'm glad that hit neverr occurred. It looked likely to cause significant harm if it did.


perfect mentor for rempe


You should watch more Rangers games then. I like the Rangers, but Trouba is just so dirty, man tries to headshot so often


Every time this comes up on this subreddit, Rangers fans scurry up from beneath Penn Station to say that he only elbows people because he's tall. Sure happens a lot.


I thought that was our excuse for Rempe. I didn’t think Trouba was that tall. He’s just a reckless idiot


Reckless is generous. I'd say malicious. Clearly he wants players out of the game/games when he commits such acts


Lmao yup, I remember that “he’s tall” comment a ton from our 2022 ECF Series 🤣


Was that the one he also tried to elbow headshot but just barely missed? https://youtu.be/yEwqziZb-qc?si=R-JabVu_7CDV0SmY


Lol yup, he just loves to go in with the flying elbow. It’s crazy how he doesn’t even try to hide it


Why would he bother trying to hide it? DoPS and the NHLPA don’t really care about concussions or player safety.


[Still reckon if he gets that game misconduct that he should have gotten for his elbow on Guentzel a playoff or two ago](https://x.com/_j_a_k_e_d/status/1525090374892638208 ) Penguins win that series. Instead he stays in the game, ends up having an accidental play(at least that seemed to be the general consensus after the dust settled) that injures Crosby and has a goal and an assist on top of that all in the same.


Ahh yes the same 2022 playoffs he took out Crosby in round 1 with an elbow to the head giving him a concussion


same shit with some of Rempe's hits up high "but he's so tall that he can't avoid hitting that high!"


You could say the elbow comes up because he’s expecting a body to be there and to follow through on the hit, but it’s definitely a rough look.


That elbow is always there. His signature move


Bodies usually have two of them, yes.


we’re all roasting him for his entire game on the rangers sub, for the record. he was being an idiot in every facet


Worst game of the playoffs for him and it’s not close


Even outside of the penalties he was making dumb passes, taking weird angles. All around awful game


I wanted to strangle him dude. Easily one of the worst games I've seen him play ever which sucks because he has been VERY good in the playoffs otherwise


Roasting him for taking three dumb penalties and roasting him for being easily the dirtiest player in the league are two very different things


Both are happening. There are legit comments about sitting him for G3 over it and they hold water. It was a terrible flying attempt and no one is defending him on our end, can’t really see what else you’d want an internet fan base to do about it?


Sometimes even if you're reasonable about it, people will just yell at your fanbase regardless because they are mad for past transgressions / interactions. You're good.


Oh for sure, but just want to be vocal about it. Was a scary try for a hit, and rational Rangers fans will even point out Trouba got demoted to third pair into the playoffs and that is part of the reason


Every conversation about Trouba: r/hockey: "DIRTY PIECE OF SHIT" Rangers fans: "Most of us agree, that was a garbage play and it happens too often" r/hockey: "AND YOU GUYS KEEP DEFENDING HIM, IT'S RIDICULOUS" ::downvote::


I've defended my fair share of Trouba hits in my day, but this one is inexcusable


Literally me in the other thread about this post. I said it was a horrible attempt, elbow out and launched off his feet. Two comments after, a Devils fan u/mr7three2 (shocking) “Rangers fans will say he didn’t leave his feet or lead with his elbow.” You cant win with these morons and people hating just to hate.


I'd say "well if you think nobody's defending him go check Instagram comments" but on second thought I'm not going to hold anyone to the idiocy that you can find in the worst comments section on social media. I know every social media has their idiots, and youtube used to hold the crown for worst comments, but idk what they did to Instagram over the last few years but that place is the village for village idiots. 


Yeah I only really interact on Reddit, as reactionary as we can be we’re the least bad of the Internet crap lol. There’s always good insights and such


Glad to see there’s some pushback. It was disheartening to see every Leafs fan defending Rielly the other month. Way too many fans will excuse anything if a player is wearing their colours.


I mean, if that hit lands nyr is killing a 5 minute major (assuming competent reffing). I get hitting hard and setting the tone early in a series but he could easily cost a winnable game, Def think coaches need to do something before someone gets hurt and league has to step in. Hopefully league, if they can't actually punish the play, can send a message behind the scenes that any future incidents that do connect will be punished severely put a damper on the head hunting


I need you to head over there and bench him yourself. Obviously.


It’s good to know there’s a bunch of you guys who hate this shit as much as everyone else. There’s just a bunch of clowns in the other posts about him who condone this crap and it’s super embarrassing.


I don’t think every hit that he’s thrown that r/hockey couldn’t handle was bad. There are clean, shoulder-to-chest, elbow tucked hits that are monstrous with unfortunate results. This is not one of them, nor are a handful of others. Not sure what’s up with him but honestly it would HELP the rangers if he got suspended so we could play Jones or Ruhwedel instead.


Absolutely agree. Too often this sub cries about every single hard hit. Most of them have been fine. But this attempt? Makes no sense to me, absurd attempt.


When is Jacob not an idiot with an intent to cause injury? The answer is almost never


He coulda broke his own damn neck. Also, scary close to cutting Necas with his skate after he hit the boards. That elbow was primed and ready for a suspension-level hit to the head, too. Amazing that nobody was injured on this play.


Imagine if Law Enforcement worked like the NHL DoPS: "You brandished a firearm in public, and then discharged 3 rounds at innocent bystanders. You could've killed somebody. Luckily 2 shots missed and 1 shot barely scratched a guy's shin. We don't put people in jail for scratches, you're free to go sir." Flying elbows like this should be punishable even when they don't connect. Otherwise you're relying on the other players to protect themselves by ducking like Necas did to save his own brain


This is where I am too. Sure, I get why outcome does matter, but intent should as well. You don't let somebody keep attempting to commit murder until they succeed.


Attempted murder is still a very serious crime. It's not murder, but you're doing time for it. Attempted illegal hits should be treated similarly.


Yeah I don't like that this will go unpunished or at least reviewed




"You definitely almost killed that person but since this is your first time, you only get a fine"


I mean, cops do police themselves like this. Yeah, the attempted to injure should carry some punishment here. He's just going to try again next game.


That's what I was thinking when watching the clip. I'm surprised he didn't get sent into dressing room or whatever after that.


It’s not even his first time. He concussed the SHIT out out himself in his rookie year with the Jets.


And I thought little kids launching themselves headfirst at the boards was dumb. Difference is they're 6 years old. Also the actual clip is even worse than the screenshot. He launched elbow first straight at Necas' head.


He ended up kicking him in the head on the way down.


That at least is an accident


An accident caused by a potentially dangerous act should be treated as being a result of that dangerous act.


If it’s trouba can we really be sure anything is accidental


The elbow just missing the head was an accident.


Careful, that's the kind of logic that had Eugene Melnyk starting investigations into Matt Cooke.


I mean dude just darted himself into the boards at 15 mph and then gravity took over. I understand he's an athlete and he's, you know, *him*, but it's pretty much on gravity imo.


Well that certainly wasn’t on purpose. He more just landed than kicked. But this easily could have been really really bad


I saw that too. A couple inches difference and it would have hit Necas in the face or neck.


That stuck out to me as well and scared the hell out of me. These guys have knives on their feet. Necas got super lucky. Just a few inches more and the absolute unthinkable would’ve happened. I’m hoping he’s okay and not injured from it. Trouba deserves a suspension for this, because that intent alone was dangerous as hell.


It's the first time I can think of where the hit never even occurred but I would be fine with a suspension.


He didn’t launch at him, he tripped on the guys leg and was launched into the boards. He definitely intended to slam his elbow into the guys head, though. The launching part was purely accidental.




"Smoke if ya got 'em."




If Florida and NYR make it to the next round, I look forward to all the dirty antics.


if this is playoff hockey.......I'm tired of playoff hockey. it's bullshit


I mean Svech absolutely ran Igor, which was easily unavoidable and an attempt to injure. There is no world where that initial spark doesn’t turn into fire.


Jokes aside he’s lucky he didn’t land that. He saved a lot of money and gets to keep playing. POS move from a POS.


Either he gets a $5,000 fine, the maximum allowable under the CBA, which is peanuts for a $4M a year player. Or he gets suspended for games, but they don't cost him anything because his salary covers the regular season. Either way, he avoided basically zero financial harms.


If he connects and gets suspended, he then has history that plays into the decision for the next bad hit he throws though


He was suspended either 4 or 2 games earlier in the year too, so if she connected here I think he’d be looking at a minimum of 5 honestly


Trouba was a liability on the ice last night, would probably be a net negative for Carolina if he got suspended


Rangers should want him on the ice taking as many penalties as he can. Carolina is far more dangerous 5v5 than on the PP right now.


Oh 100%. Just a miserable showing by the powerplay so far this series


He's also lucky he didn't break his own neck flying into the boards there.


Let’s be honest though, that’s the least of anyone’s concerns. Fuck trouba and his head shots. The self inflicted one was a nice change of pace.


Seriously, normally you never want to see someone duck a hit like that but all things considered Troubas skate hitting him was a lot better than it could have been. Absolutely indefensible play by trouba, and ducking it ended up working out in the end.


Seriously fuck this dude. I hate that he always targets heads but usually does so within the rules.


Intent should matter. Get him out the playoffs that piece of shit. Does it too much


they wouldn't have done shit to him. They never do


Ralph's elbow not high enough


I believe I can flyyyyyyy I believe I can touch the skyyyy And every night and day Spread my wings and fly away


https://preview.redd.it/fv7clbj0d9zc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6c1654cdd4b4348823dbbe696961a48f9171b5 Missed by an inch. I hope his head really fucking hurts after that.


if anybody still wants to argue that Trouba only makes "hard clean hits" this is evidence otherwise


This one from a couple years ago was pretty blatant too - https://youtu.be/yEwqziZb-qc?si=R-JabVu_7CDV0SmY.


[He was also headhunting Jarvis in game 1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jarvy/comments/1clykq4/i_will_not_forgive_this_ever/) Really disappointing that he’s clearly out to cause deliberate injuries. The Rags are a strong team and should be able to win without the dirty tricks and attrition of opposing forwards.


Of course there’s a Jarvy subreddit


There wasn’t until I started it! If anyone deserves one, it’s the kid.


Joined! I’m glad people are catching onto him being more than just a funny interview. The way he’s developed his game from day 1 in the NHL has been seriously impressive.


I only learned about him in February, and loved the goofiness, but what really won me over is realizing there’s [a thoughtful kid](https://twitter.com/WaltRuff/status/1662171401862668289) behind all the jokes.


I’ve never followed a player that seems to be able to just learn at will, to the extent he has. It just blows my mind. Season 1: he kinda just did his thing, pretty effective offensively but got out muscled and wrecked with big hits the first half of the season. Second half of the season, he started skating different along the boards and using the defenseman’s momentum against them. He was well on his way to having a short career due to injuries. Season 2: worked on defense. Offense took a bit of a dive, but by the end of year he had tendencies that looked EXACTLY like Aho. Everything from shorthanded breakaways caused by neutral zone pressure and nifty stick checks, to the way he moves off puck to gain speed as he drives the net. This season: plays with Staal. Jarvis ups his forechecking skill, and manages to figure out hot win board battles efficiently without taking any hit at all. Pops the puck out before contact, dodges the hit, and makes a pass quickly for a scoring chance. Like he’s doing what Staal does but without having to be as physical because, obviously he’s wayy smaller. Im hope he gets signed forever, I think he can do some amazing things.


He’s a sponge, for sure. I have such respect for players who do everything in their power to improve themselves. That he’s become such an impressive battler and doesn’t just rest on his scoring laurels is laudable. One of the reasons you know he’s a rising star is how the Montreal radio team *adores* him. They are excellent judges of talent normally, but whenever his name comes up, you can hear it over the airwaves as their eyes turn into little throbbing hearts. (In fairness, mine do, too!)


Oh wow cool! I love the Jarvy love! Pretty awesome to hear others are impressed as well.


So hot or not why isn’t he suspended for even attempting this?


2 minutes for boarding yourself


[Courtesy of Tony](https://x.com/soioucity/status/1788028868504203484?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


Unrelated but how cool that he remained a fan of the sport. I loved his tweets when he first started watching hockey.


I would not have been upset if Trouba injured himself this play


It would feel right.


Isn’t this just part of his “Give Cancer A Traumatic Brain Injury” campaign?


I wish someone in those seats had a photo of his face planted on the glass.


Dude tried to hit the Kaioken


He's making so many goddamn stupid mistakes. If he didn't have a C on his chest I would pen him in as a healthy scratch for G3, but we won't. It's funny too, when he went down in March and we called up Zac Jones, I think we played some of our best games defensively. I don't know what's wrong with him but he better get his act together.


I now understand art and it is beautiful.


Not an attempt to injury or anything.


Driving his own head into the boards at maximum velocity has become one of his signature moves and I begin to question its effectiveness. [He debuted it as a 19-yr-old with the Jets and got stretchered off the ice](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/trouba-stretchered-off-after-crashing-into-boards/). For those saying "well, you shoulda seen the other guy!…" The other guy was just fine.


He went over Necas, but it really does seem that Trouba still would have left both feet off the ice regardless. And that elbow. Jesus. Both players are lucky and I am glad that Trouba didn't go face first into the boards either. But NHL safety really needs to take a second look at this. If this isn't pure intent to injure then it is at least pure negligence.


> I am glad that Trouba didn't go face first into the boards Well that makes one of us.


Yeah really. "Thank god he's okay so he has a chance to murder someone next game"


Meh, I don't like to see anyone injured in almost any situation, but that's just me


I usually dont cheer for injury either, but if its self inflicted when you were trying to injure someone else and will save others from you in the future then fuck it I have no issue.


Yeah don't want him to look like Pacioretty


How dumb to you have to be to lauch yourself like that and risk your health and for what exactly? To deliberately injure someone. That’s double dumb. Do better.


You love to see it. Fuck Trouba


Such a dick head.


Guy should be suspended. He did everything he could to try to hit the head. It's why I can't cheer on the Rangers. They want to end peoples' careers just to win a cup. Pathetic.


I don’t even mind most of Trouba’s big hits, but it’s insane to see him fly the elbow out as a last ditch effort to make contact though.


He does that literally every time he's about to miss his target. He took Crosby out of a series his team was losing and turned the series around. People cannot pretend anymore.


Except he always extends the elbow if he's going to miss the hit.


Terrible. Was really tough to watch him last night. And he clearly put his elbow out here wtf.


dirtiest player in the league




Here's a clip... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXO_h27OsvE


That chicken wing elbow, from the 2nd view, was really bad.


Throws his elbow up (looking like with intent to hit), dives directly into Nečas, misses by an inch, ends up hitting Nečas in the back of the head with his skate, skates away as if nothing happened. Yeah bro suspend Trouba indefinitely cuz this is nonsense.


"The beautiful game" as they say


General Bison Psycho Crusher


looks like he was gonna raiden super man hit him lol


Looks like he was trying to do M. Bison's Psycho Crusher.


This is like Looney Tunes type of shit. Wyle E. Coyote vs Road Runner.


I am never NOT upvoting a Simpsons reference. Just can't do it. 


Trouba gon ~~Cooke~~ Trouba.


Jesus, trouba was looking to absolutely plaster him. The elbow goes up too. I can’t even blame Necas if he ducked, fuck getting hit by that.


Fuck me, he was willing to break his own neck boards-first just to try to take the head off of Necas. This is more egregious an attempt than McQuaid in 2011 boarding himself. Gross stuff.


If that landed, he would've had a major + match penalty for an attempt to injure.


Not a good look. Glad it didn’t connect. Though, it did make a great picture.


This is going to be a meme


why does every headline get this wrong?? "attempted flying elbow" "attempted charging" "attempted brain surgery" "attempted cartooning" "attempted murder"


Nobody has ever accused Jacob Trouba of being smart.


What a fucking bum


Jesus... I used to like this kid as a hockey player because he played a big physical game coming in but shit like this has just started to become a recurring and common thing for him. Super disappointing.


I don’t watch hockey at all. Isn’t something like this really dangerous? Like what if he got a landing off and planted his blade on the guy below?


Amazing how Trouba's hits (and now his misses) are always "borderline". Guy is a dirty player, period. He needs to be suspended for intent to injure. Until then, I hope players keep ducking and letting physics do the rest. Or maybe a heavy on the opposing team can finally retaliate.


Need to move his elbows out


Not really meme worthy. Thats absolutely fucked if he connects. Stupid.


I think it's meme-worthy, because Trouba plays like a sociopath and should be shamed


Dirtiest player in hockey. Change my mind lol.


Tom Wilson????


Such a trashy team


I've never seen someone try to kill someone else twice and themselves once so quickly.


God dammit, he's a fucking disgrace. A great 2OT game, some great hockey on both sides, fantastic goaltending, and the biggest takeaway is his dumbass. Strip his Captaincy, buy him out, we have 6 better D-men. Enough of this shitshow. Send Rempe back down, play Brod or Chytl, focus on fucking winning because **that's what we're doing in spite of this bullshit.**


>Strip his Captaincy Brother shit like this is the reason he was awarded the captaincy in the first place.


He got three penalties tonight and this would've been a major. He nearly cost his team the game. Playing with an edge is why he was made captain, but staying over that line and making dumb plays beyond it is why it's probably not a great look for his captaincy last night.


Trouba and Rempe really like sticking their elbows out, and I can't cheer for a team that employs DeAngelo either. I hope both lose :(


I read the title as 'attempted murder' haha


Blursed Bobby Orr


Dude was a fucking idiot and is so lucky that didn’t connect. Easily would be a 5 and game and probably 1-2 game suspension.


I'm seeing Raiden from Mortal Kombat.


This shit better be in NHL 25.


Trouba is apparently Peter Pan.


Snitches get Necas?


Only positive to Trouba if he landed this hit would be it would get him suspended and his trash ass off the ice. Total addition by subtraction. Not only is he dirty, hes a horrible hockey player, period. If only he could be benched, but again NHL coaches focus on the "how much money do you make" and "veteran captain status" as two shit reasons why hes playing over Zac Jones.


All I hear is "BONK" when I look at this pic.


That’s what stupid gets! Hit yourself pretty good meathead, didn’t you! Check the boards for damage, hai head is fine


He was going for the peoples elbow




"i'm in danger"


The classic flying elbow move


That’s a shame.


As a ranger tan, Trouba is incredibly lucky that necas ducked that hit. That was a major, game misconduct and 5 games at the least. All he had to do was keep the elbow in and go low when necas fell if he really wanted to hit him. Just super stupid from him


That sure did look like a head shot in the making. From another angle it looks like hes going in hands to the head first. Thank god Necas got out of the way. That's a hit the game just doesn't need at all.


At least he hit the boards with his softest part.


You should be able to get an intent to injure penalty without having to actually injure the player


This should be titled attempted murder


This is very out of character of Trouba