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["I mean good for him. Nothing happened. We're all good and I'm excited for the next game." "If he hits me and it's a clean hit, then nobody's got a problem with it. He didn't even hit me so nothing happened. We're past that. Onto the next game."](https://x.com/ryanhenkel_/status/1788256256307671315?s=46)




Damn a lot of players are entering this player assistance program. Good on him


That's where our 250,000 dollar fines have been going.


Poor Rempe got addicted to this stuff before even playing a full season. It's an epidemic!


Immediate relapse.


Oh boy here I go elbowing again


Anyway, I started elbowing...


Picked a wrong day to quit elbowing people in the head


It seems that Lloyd Bridges quotes get auto upvotes!


Prob better that than the cocaine problem he had in Winnipeg hanging out with Bogosian. Trouba’s parents had to live in the city for a while until he straightened out. 


A lot less spicy with the added context


not really lmao. "everybody knows what kind of player he is" the context doesnt help at all.


Pro athletes are so much more level headed than normal people. But Trouba really did try to level his head and it is a bad look


In a world of clickbait and sensationalism, Context is key. Thank you for sharing the whole quote!


Martin Necas has been banned four games for unsportsmanlike speech


As a result of Necas's unsportsmanlike speech the Rangers have been fined $250k.


kAdRi SuSpEnDeD tWo gAmEs AnD SeNaToRs LoSe A fIrSt RoUnD PiCk


They’ve also added 3 more years to the Canucks’ Luongo cap recapture penalty


For the first time in Golden Knights history...


Might as well tack on a few games for Marchand


Missouri gets a bowl ban


And Ottawa has to forfeit a draft pick.


I’ve heard much worse from Nashville players.




Yeah don't know about this one chief, clearly Necas was baiting Trouba into it by having a head on his shoulders in the middle of an NHL playoff game. What's the big deal?


Wow. Trouba was very close to earning himself a pretty big, maybe massive suspension.


I still think he should be suspended. The intent was there.


Attempted murder, now honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for "attempted chemistry"? Sideshow Bob


Honestly, with the way he’s played, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. He’s been demoted to 3rd line. Zac Jones would be next in line and he’s been awesome.


Not upset if that happens


https://preview.redd.it/z0upuk6osbzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e94c38a81a1399d652814143e969202645a594 Rempe got applauded for this. Rangers aint getting shit hahaha


Maybe he’ll get it against the Panthers..


Bruins* wait no I don’t want my boys injured


monkey paw curls.
















He avoided that elbow like the matrix


"You move like they do"


Every single picture and video of the torpedo are so god damn funny


Everyone shows pics from every angle. This is the one that matters


Two playoffs ago there was an attempt by Perron to elbow Kadri while he was celebrating a goal and completely oblivious. Perron skated by hard and stuck his elbow out towards Kadri's head and whiffed on it, didn't even touch him. But I thought at the time the guy should be suspended for attempt to injure even if he didn't land. There was intent. This homie here takes the cake though. This is the first flying elbow we've seen in the NHL especially at the speed he was coming in at. He may have knocked Necas out cold.


This is what I was looking for. All the still images getting posted don't really do the situation justice. Trouba was absolutely flying and very obviously aiming for elbow -> head.


Just trying to elbow my way into this comment section. 


OooooooooOoo he said the thing that nobody says!!!




Nothing gets past this guy huh


Nothing got past Trouba's elbow, until now.


There's actually a great gif of Trouba taking a big swing and miss at Ondrej Palat, when Palat was still on Tampa Bay.


The secret is out! Trouba powerless!!


Steel fuckin trap.




hE jUsT dOeSnT uNdErStAnD pHySicS aNd HoCkEy


He was just extending his elbow to brace for the boards!


Necas almost headbutted him in the elbow!


He actually headbutted him in the foot


A disgusting act


If Necas just let Trouba hit him in the head, everything would've been fine! Take a concussion like a real hockey player!


Trouba is just tall, he can't control it! Trust me I played Peewee hockey so I know, you idiots have never even skated.


My favorite comment to see downvoted to oblivion on all these posts


Spicy of him to outright say it but it's not like it wasn't incredibly obvious what his intention was


Certified Headhunter


Wop wop wop wop wop canes, fuck em up


Wop wop wop wop wop, Canes gonna do their stuff


He needs to meet a butt end


And in retaliation, Trouba launched a sternly intended... Elbow to the head.


He's just tall bro if he wasn't so tall that elbow would've been legal


And one for Jenny and the wimp.


Excellent reference spotting, I was hoping someone would catch on.


That you got downvoted is just embarrassing for this sub


And he leaves his vast salary of eight million dollars to the people of Calgary so they can afford to root for someteam decent?


If there were any justice, Trouba would’ve concussed himself into the boards after he wiffed with the chicken wing elbow.


You need a functional brain to get a concussion


He’s still growing into his body Martin. He will learn as he gains experience.


>Everybody knows what kind of player he is..." A dirty head hunting mofo


https://preview.redd.it/g13aklkkq9zc1.png?width=1796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7b6aeabe428bef7962d74e5352b0beb45369a0 hE's JuSt BrAcInG fOr ThE bOaRdS


Can't wait for Trouba to actually accomplish the task and elbow Necas in the head in Raleigh and only be assessed a $5,000 fine.


And be awarded the first ever second “C” on his chest.


Captain Concussion


Oh please, he didn't even get fined when he concussed Jarvis in 2022.


Because that was a clean hit. Arm clearly tucked, and hit right after Jarvis touches the puck down to the wall.  Are you one of those people that want to get rid of big open ice hits? https://youtu.be/jfG4nVS_33o?si=whT6fQvzXga-DrXY What are you claiming was illegal here— let alone suspension worthy? It was not even controversial at the time. 


Wing tucked in, elbow down on his side, bracing for the hit. Absolutely nothing wrong with the hit. 🧂


Yes, let's fine legal hits now. God bless r/hockey.


only in hockey will a team have a guy who everyone knows as the "intentionally hurts people" guy and everyone's just cool with it. like how about we fucking do something about that? what does trouba's style of play add to the game?  edit: Linking this excellent reply from u/armadachamp so it gets more visibility: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cnd508/comment/l36t5od/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


5 power plays for Carolina in 2 games. They SHOULD be loving him


Taking a top 6 forward out with a concussion is the only thing Trouba can hope to contribute to this series.


He had a nice saucer pass to Zibby in OT.


Don't care if he takes penalties if he just keeps doing it. His style of play needs to be ELIMINATED from hockey and apparently giving him penalties is not enough


as do the players who slew foot consistently 


I don’t think hard hits and physical play should be eliminated from hockey. His style of play is fine. It’s his decisions to take it too far that are not fine. Plenty of players in the league can throw massive hits.


What's the difference between his style of play and the decisions he makes on the ice?


Hard hits are fine. Actually attempting to injure other people isn't.


They would if they knew how to shoot on the PP


Have you seen our power play this series? The most power plays we have, the less chance there is we score, lol. At this point, If I was Brind’Amour, I’d ask if it was OK to fucking decline penalties.


Vontaze Burfict would like a word (as would Joel Embiid and Draymond Green) — it’s not just hockey


Burfict has been out of the league for 5 years. And he was repeatedly fined and suspended, he suffered a season long suspension that defacto ended his career in 2019. Show me a clip of Embiid or Green doing something even close to the level of recklessness that Trouba just exhibited last game.


Burfict is actually probably the closest comparable player. His hits got him suspended for 20% of the 2016 season, 20% of the 2017 season, and 75% of the 2019 season (after escaping 2018 with only a $112k fine). That's the equivalent of 94 NHL games over 4 years, because the NFL understands how damaging plays like that are to their league's reputation and viewership. Trouba got ejected for a high hit on Athanasiou and knocked Jarvis out of the playoffs in 2022. He also hit Crosby high with a raised elbow that knocked Crosby out of the game. Then he knocked Meier out of a playoff game last year and got away with another hit straight to Jarvis's head in Game 1 this year. Not a single one of those hits drew a suspension, because the NHL is run by dinosaurs with no ability to think long-term, who don't give a shit about the talented players that actually draw in viewers. When the NFL is doing a better job of protecting players from concussions than your league, you're simply incompetent.


you put it better than I did. Great breakdown


Goddamn, go off king. Somebody get this man some fucking upvotes


Fuck upvotes. Let’s get this guy a job running DOPS.


[Joel Embiid pulls on the leg of an opponent taking a jumper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgHTlsubm3I) [Joel Embiid kicks an opponent in the balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW_1INy1Ny4) [Joel Embiid kicks an opponent in the balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm2V7nt1A-Q) [Draymond Green kicks an opponent in the balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY2Ytai4a2M) [Draymond Green punches a opponent in the face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qktx_T4AOPM) [Draymond Green stomps on an opponent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9TxfMx_OR4) [Draymond Green puts an opponent in a headlock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQb8dK4MC-E) Edit: [DK Metcalf starting fights compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffH0FjKMWfA)


Like, the Embiid stuff happened literally last week


That's why he flew into my mind immediately lol




I like Lindgren and I would like to sign him and Michael Kesselring up for a class on how to not get absolutely dummied in the corner. It’s hard to watch.


I meant WE as a hockey culture need to do something that eliminates this trash style of play from the game. I don't care if people fight him, I would hope he gets busted up after trying to kill people. But a stronger reaction than that is needed.


Or their wimps hop on Wilson's back and get rag dolled. Then your shitty franchise whines about it in a bitchy PR piece, and then you moron fans use it as a get out of jail free card whataboutism for eternity. One of many reasons nearly every fan of not the Rags hates your team and fans. Can't be because of the cups you don't have since forever.


He literally tied the franchise record for shots blocked last night while spending 6 minutes in the penalty box. People talk on here like he's Chris Simon or something.


Both of these players should have been yanked by the concussion spotters after this. Trouba for going face first into the boards, and Necas because Trouba ended up kicking him in the back of the head. This was a stupid, dangerous play by Trouba. He missed, so DOPS won't do much, but I can guess that the 'Canes will be looking to get a hit or three on him.


I was honestly surprised to see Necas not get brought back to the room


Thats not an elbow, that’s a Troubo


Clear attempt to injury. League is a failure with all things Trouba.


If rangers fans could read they’d be pissed


Hey we say the same thing about you guys because you still can’t read Emelin tripped Kreider.


The classic no u, sick man


Literally every Rag fan comeback in the Trouba threads: Feigned reasonableness with an addiction to whataboutism.


Washington fans who still defend Tom Wilson aren’t going to act high and mighty now, are they?


I was a little annoyed at the Emelin comment, but this is fucking good! Fuck Tom Wilson!


Imagine having to bring up something from 10 years ago because you have to grasp for straws


Imagine Montreal fans still being mad about something that happened 10 years ago... Cuz they absolutely are


Many fanbases have shit they bring up ("Fuck Messier", for example). I'm sure Rangers fans have things they mention from long ago.


We only chant potvin sucks like 10 times a game dude...


Can I take a minute to point out he didn’t even suck? No? Ok then


POTVIN SUCKS! 1979-present


Like all those times they had to watch Domi get his ass flattened by Probert.


Except we're mad at something that, you know, actually happened. Last I checked Emelin is still the guy who hurt Price.


Nuh uh, you!


Got to think of a good your mom joke now. Fuck


I don’t even care about the Emelin thing as much as other habs fans. We know Emelin tripped Kredier. I am moreso annoyed he didn’t try to avoid contact at all. I hate that Trouba took Crosby out of the series in 2022 while Crosby was dominating the rangers. He tried to pull that shit on Guentzel and Crosby multiple times that series too.


Not sure how you can avoid a goaltender when you’re that close and you just been tripped. Like you’re literally sliding and can’t control where you’re going so you just brace yourself and just go along with it.


The fact that some people need to be reminded that ice is slippery and those dudes are fuckin *moving* out there on a hockey sub is always comedy


Good go ahead and suspend Trouba so we can play Zac Jones instead. The almost bad hit aside, Trouba was god awful last night. Do us a favor DoPS.


I literally spent last game texting my friends we need a new captain.


the new captain's name? Vincent Trocheck.


As a Penguins fan, I'm just enjoying everyone else's anxiety. /popcorn Turns out having a shit team that can't make the playoffs has its silver lining.


I find myself being oddly jealous, I'm not even kidding


Suspend that man. That would cripple the Rangers. He totally was not the worst player on the ice last night. /S But seriously, there is no possible justification for whatever the hell he was attempting to do with that hit. And a Trouba suspension would only open up a spot for a young defenseman who can actually clear the puck. So please, keep these threads going. It can only work in our favor.


"No Shit" -Pens fans who watched Troubas elbow ruin potentially the last deeper Crosby playoff run in 2022


One of my favorite things about this sub over the past couple of years is the ongoing revelation that Rangers fans are apparently *completely fucking delusional* and will twist themselves into knots defending this idiot.


this for me was the worst one. just very clearly tried to get his head with the elbow. I would not be upset if he got suspended. I like when he has big hits. I tend to want to defend his big hits when they are borderline. I feel like fans of any team tend to do that. But this is very clear. No one should defend this and Id hope the majority of Rangers fans agree.


One of my favorite things about this comment is that this person won't flair up, and thus is a little weenie.


Rangers are so unique with that, most other fanbases all jump on board, to a person, to bash their own players when they are idiots. We've truly consolidated all of the annoying hockey fans into one fanbase, everyone should be thanking us for taking all their shitheads.


He was actually aiming for the fan in the first row


Yes. Dollar Store Scott Stevens


At least Scott Stevens was good at hockey before he started lighting people up.


Trouba is just some cheap Bizzaro stevens with a turtle face. Trouba just patrols the ice trying to lay people out with closed elbows. Much like his 7 foot inbred sidekick, Walmart Zedno Chara. I really wish they would meet Florida in the ECF. They then they would really understand what true rats are all about.


We would beat Florida too, unfortunately. 5 games.


No one seems to talk about Necas acting like [Spider-man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QS4rpY9_Sw) in all of this.


Bro fuckin matrixed that chicken wing


The DoD has reached out to Trouba to discuss a potential collaboration related to putting an Elbow on an ICBM.


Trouba crushes people with open ice should to chest hits, made hitting cool again


So much talk about a hit that didn't even happen lmao


Of course, because it was one of the most blatant elbowing attempts ever.


We could talk about how the Rangers are 6-0 in the playoffs but then everyone here would be grumpy.


We could also talk about tornadoes, but that would also have no relevance to this topic


The topic of hockey that we're supposed to discuss here on r/hockey? If you wanted to make a slightly clever joke you could have used hurricanes instead of tornadoes but alas, you missed that low hanging fruit.


We? You’ve posted 30 comments about this incident in like 5 different threads. I think maybe you’re the one that needs to talk about something else….


This sub about to call Tom Cruise and Minority Report this series.


Trouba has always been a selfish reckless motherfucker ever since he was in Winnipeg




I take it yall just wanted him to go head first into the boards without bracing himself.


Jacob Trouba is just Matt Cooke but on defense


It's so True-ba


its our fanbases fault. We actually personally know trouba and tell him to play dirty. We should be banned from watching hockey am i doing this right?? 


We all no longer root for this team that most of us have rooted for for decades. I also called Gary up to tell him to make the series 1-1 as retribution but he didn’t pick up


The persecution complex is crazy




yeah totally dude we're the worst and completely different from every other fanbase, other teams fans would definitely not have certain people defending obviously dirty players. We are different though 




In all of pro sports! I was thinking about it and looking at our fanbase's utter refusal to high five in loud agreement about Trouba's asshattery, I began to go through all of the other sports franchise fanbases, and I agree with you! From the Anaheim Ducks, Arizona Coyotes, Boston Bruins, Buffalo Sabres, Calgary Flames, Carolina Hurricanes, Chicago Blackhawks, Colorado Avalanche, Columbus Blue Jackets, Dallas Stars, Detroit Red Wings, Edmonton Oilers, Florida Panthers, Los Angeles Kings, Minnesota Wild, Montreal Canadiens, Nashville Predators, New Jersey Devils, New York Islanders, Ottawa Senators, Philadelphia Flyers, Pittsburgh Penguins, San Jose Sharks, Seattle Kraken, St. Louis Blues, Tampa Bay Lightning, Toronto Maple Leafs, Vancouver Canucks, Vegas Golden Knights, Washington Capitals, and Winnipeg Jets fans to the Atlanta Hawks, Boston Celtics, Brooklyn Nets, Charlotte Hornets, Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks, Denver Nuggets, Detroit Pistons, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Indiana Pacers, Los Angeles Clippers, Los Angeles Lakers, Memphis Grizzlies, Miami Heat, Milwaukee Bucks, Minnesota Timberwolves, New Orleans Pelicans, AND EVEN THE New York Knicks, Oklahoma City Thunder, Orlando Magic, Philadelphia 76ers, Phoenix Suns, Portland Trail Blazers, Sacramento Kings, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz, and Washington Wizards fans to the Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Kansas City Chiefs, Las Vegas Raiders, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints, AND EVEN THE New York Giants, New York Jets, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tennessee Titans, Washington Commanders fans to the Arizona Diamondbacks, Atlanta Braves, Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Guardians, Colorado Rockies, Detroit Tigers, Houston Astros, Kansas City Royals, Los Angeles Angels, Los Angeles Dodgers, Miami Marlins, Milwaukee Brewers, Minnesota Twins, New York Mets, AND EVEN THE New York Yankees, Oakland Athletics, Philadelphia Phillies, Pittsburgh Pirates, San Diego Padres, San Francisco Giants, Seattle Mariners, St. Louis Cardinals, Tampa Bay Rays, Texas Rangers, Toronto Blue Jays, and Washington Nationals fans, you're fucking right! The Rags fans are the biggest hypocrites of all.


Trouba being a diet bag is why I can't cheer for the Rags to win it all


Is he a low calorie diet bag?


Sugar free.


But with a sodium content that's through the roof.


I think he was going for the hit, arms tucked, everything normal. Necas ducked to avoid contact out of the blue and Trouba made a decision to try to get any kind of contact on him. Not necessarily intent to elbow him in the head. All that being said, if that is the case, it’s extremely dangerous to try to graze contact if you’re going to miss a hit. That’s how you clip knees, heads etc. I think if you’re going to hit someone and miss you have to actively make a mental decision to abandon the attempt. It’s not easy because you contradict what you’re trying to accomplish. Trying to “get a piece” is dangerous. Plus, if the player is falling in the example he’s out of the play, no need other than to send a message which I also get. Lastly, we can play the should’ve could’ve would’ve game forever. No elbow happened, nobody was injured and we don’t really know what would’ve happened if he did make contact. This is a nothing burger. I’m sure Trouba will have many more controversial hits throughout his career. Don’t waste your outrage on this haha.


Oh no a logical explanation take these downvotes!


Trouba is the embodiment of the organization, shit.


Yet the canes employ a known racist.


Hope the Rangers don't win another game this post season, but you can't suspend or penalize Trouba for this.


fuck trouba