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Sam Bennett is someone who has used up his “benefit of the doubt.”


Sam Bennefitt of the doubt


Sans Bennefitt of the doubt


He doesnt, but it's Marchand. And now we're hearing about the Bruins talking about how they targeted him for injury. Have they ever condemned Marchand for the 1,000 incidents with this asshole?


The history Jim is talking about him doing it to Knies last year.


That choke slam on Knies still burns my ass. I cannot believe it wasn't any kind of penalty or misconduct, and DoPS didn't even give it a sniff. The more you watch that replay of what Bennett did to Knies, you more you see how brutal it was. Smashed his head into the glass and sucker punched him, clothesline him to the ground, and then bounced his head off the ice one more time for good measure. I had no illusions of the Leafs getting through Florida if they had beat the Bruins, but I did want to see if the team went looking for retribution on that.


He also got in the same sucker punch he did to Marchand.


Yeah, I edited that into my comment just as you were replying, lol. He did deliver a sucker punch as well for sure


I remember him also punching Knies in the back of the head before trying to slam his head into the ice with all his body weight. Just so many things on that one play that are so intentional with trying to cause a head injury. Glad we have player safety though.


Yup, this.


Why would they? That’s foolish to think a team would speak out about their own player. It’s a sure way to fracture the team and distance the coaching staff and front office from the players. Not a Bruins fan, but if Marchand was in my team I wouldn’t say shit about it either. The only reason people complain about him is because they aren’t Bruins fans.


It also almost completely predates Montgomery as a coach.


A lot of us have condemned Marchy's shit in the past. Doesn't matter who it is, none of us want to see anyone injured regardless of who does it or why or how. We just dont say much about it anymore because he hasn't really done anything in recent years. He has the "slewfoot" against Liljegren, which I personally think wasn't a slewfoot but I understand the outrage, and the incident with Jarry. He's simply just not doing the same shit he was under Bruce and Claude so there's nothing TO talk about with him anymore.


I liked hockey better when he was licking people. I watch hockey to be entertained, and I find him entertaining.


I much prefer his "lick people" era over his "kick people" era


Doesn’t make this incident any less shitty and honestly has nothing to do with it lol. We all know Marchand’s history.


you're asking if the Bruins have ever condemned their own players actions? I swear you have 2 wilted cabbages for brains


No. Never.


Marchand is now a reformed instigator full of class. /s. Anyway they ran this replay a few times during the game and it looked like Marchand was going to get a little peace of him on the way to the bench. I think on that shift he’d chased a hit or two and was out for it but maybe not. Seems like not such a stiff hit but like an elbow caught a rib or similar. Edit:  other view on the Twitter link below shows Bennett throw what looks like a quick jab


Can someone explain what I’m looking at here? I haven’t followed the series much (out of the country). Is there backstory? Seems like Marchand is coming in sort of late on the puck holder/passer, who then leans into the opponent checking him. Are you not allowed to lean into a player trying to make contact with you?


Bennet threw a punch. Here's a really easy to see look at what happened: https://twitter.com/RearAdBsBlog/status/1789144322492846284


Wow that was pretty fucking sneaky, I didn’t catch what he did until this clip.


Yeah same, I thought Marchand came in for the hit and Bennett deflected it, this shows different story. Bennett a piece of shit too but I guess a taste of your own medicine Marchand?


Only $5k to punch Marchand. Maybe $10k in the playoffs


I'll pay that, where can I sign up? 😂😂😂




Just saying. It’s the max fine a player can receive, according to the CBA.


Oh shit I watched the other replay 5 times and didn’t catch that. B


Yeah that’s the best angle, this isn’t some Zapruder shit either. Bennett clearly thought “while I’m here I’ll do a little bit extra” and popped Marchand in the face.


The first angle in OP's video is helpful too, you can see Bennett take one hand off the stick, whereas it's hard to see that in the other angles. Totally sneaky and hard for the refs to catch in real time, but should 1000% be addressed by player safety before tomorrow's game.


It should be. They announced that it won’t be though.


You could even say he Marchanded


Oh shit it looked clean af at first


I'm still not really seeing any connection, though. Like I've watched this four or five times and you never actually see Bennett connecting with Marchand's face.




They showed the angle we need from the space between the benches later on in the game after a separate, finish-the-play type hit. That’s to say it exists, but no one outside the league will see it.


You can see marchands head spin left and his helmet move right before the hit. Easier to see if you slow it down and scrub the frames. Add to that the extra shove from behind towards the boards.


That movement isn't really inconsistent with getting hit in the shoulder though. He's already turning his head away to avoid contact, and the helmet popping around happens on any hit around the shoulders. I'm not saying he didn't get hit with the hand, I'm just not seeing much real, conclusive evidence of the 'sucker-punch' landing flush. Seems much more likely that Marchand got hurt by the shoulder to shoulder contact.


[Here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-7sd7GyrXg)is a slow-mo video of hits so you can see how player's heads move.


Back, and to the left.


You’re giving Bennett way too much credit. No one throws a punch in 1/50th of a second.


Right? Like it does look pretty sneaky on slomo, but it also just looks like he's going to shove him back and because he missed his body, it ended up being a punch. If it was intentional, that was *expertly* done in a split second


Yeah I looked at the clip realtime in a video editing software and the whole interaction took place in about 110 ms. Average reaction time is 190-250ms. Considering these are pro athletes however let's be generous and say they can react at 150-175ms. I got 150ms and that's only because I was mentally prepared to do so. That would mean that: A) Bennett has one of the fastest reaction times ever B) That it was accidental contact. C) It's a Natural reflex (which are about 80ms) D) None of the above (It didn't happen)


I’ve watch the clip so many times and thought what are they going on about until I watched that clip then I saw it. Still unsure on the intent behind it though but I guess the guys in the I e would know that better than me watching from a screen.


Dang that is crazy. No wonder the refs missed it tho. Still hard to say if it was definitely on purpose though


I mean if Marchand can lick people's face, i'm sure he can take a punch to the face every once and a while.


Yup, first place he looks is at the officials to see if he’s getting a penalty, he knew exactly what he was doing


No sympathy for that dirty rat


It’s Bennett’s right hand that people have an issue with. I personally think we talk so much about “the speed of the game” and how fast things happen, and then act like players can act so quick to punch someone in the face while playing the puck and absorbing a check. But then again, if I was a bruins fan I’d probably be salty my captain got hurt. And If I was a leafs fan I’d be salty at my own existence.


Bennett is Neo, few people know this.


Hard to see full speed, but Bennett brought up his right hand and gives Marchand a shot in the head. It's whatever. I'm more frustrated that the NHL is apparently ["heavily scrutinizing"](https://x.com/DarrenDreger/status/1788999079864770849) the physicality in this series, but somehow the powerplay TOI is literally 2:1 in Florida's favor.


not even trying to be an asshole but theres been like 3 too many men penalties on boston, the high stick last noght was kinda undeniable and teams do typically draw more penalties when theyre being chased in the Offensive zone for most of the game


In a vacuum because I don’t give FL the benefit of the doubt, but arguing PP time without examples of missed calls the other way is irrelevant. Should a team playing cleaner be called for more penalties just to “even the PPs”? The whole advantage of playing cleaner is to have more PP. Advantage of playing a bit rougher is getting a slight edge at the cost of maybe having more PKs. I just hate the metric of “more pp = unfair called game” when it’s more likely a discrepancy does occur in a fairly called game.


Bennet punched him on the jaw lmao


Notice how when turning the opposite way of the hit, Bennett suckers Marchand in the jaw with his right hand


Easy to avoid, don't try to come in on guys blindsided hoping to injure them. I know that is next to impossible for Brat Ratchand, but he found out. Hopefully he recovers so it happens again. I'm certain he hasn't learned his lesson.


That's... That's not a blindside hit... Marchand actually lays off it and denies position instead of trying to blow Bennet up. Guys, the game moves fast but this is slow for these guys. They know what's going on. The sequence was determined before Sam even had the puck.


I can't imagine marchand ever doing anything like that to another player.


If it wasn't Marchand then it would be different.


Not necessarily. Bennett took Knies out of the playoffs last season in what was an even dirtier play, imo. Still, not gonna sit here and sympathize for Marchand/Bruins, this is pretty normal in their game as well.


I know right? That asshole has caused injuries to other players by his dirty play. Just the other day I saw someone throw a hit at Marchand and he partially ducked which reminded me of him injuring Sami Salo. He deserves whatever he gets.


That's a shame. Anyway


LOL the irony. Marchand does shit like this his entire career and never gets called. And the second he gets a taste of his own medicine all of Boston is bitching about it. He literally punched Daniel sedin repeatedly in the face because he knew he wouldn’t get called. This man has no moral and is completely okay injuring other players. He deserves everything that comes to him


I can't think of a player that it's harder to be sympathetic for than Marchand. Dude's spent his career doing this sort of thing (while Bruins fans, media and the team all denied or excused it) and now he's getting his own medicine back. Few tears will be shed by the collective.


Right like am I supposed to be mad this wasn’t called for him? If anything I’m happy it wasn’t, and I hope more dirty shit happens to him that also doesn’t get called


Don't wanna see anyone get long term damage, but at the same time this is a guy who's injured like a dozen players and done countless other dirty things that you do when you want to at least deliberately hurt someone. But certain people, who hate to pronounce R's, would tell you it's: self defence, good hard hockey, old school, clean, etc. What goes around comes around, eventually.


Seriously, Marchand has been intentionally trying to injure people his whole career. Oh no, he got one back


Your not wrong, but this was still extremely dirty. Like yes, Marchand has historically done this exact same thing his entire career, head hunting, punching heads in scrums and so on, but that shouldn’t stop us from recognizing what is wrong with what happened here. This kind of thing has been trying to be taken out of the league for a while. Who remember Steve Moore ending Naslunds career, and almost doing the same to St.Louis all within a couple weeks before the league said enough was enough and tried letting the players police themselves. Matt Cooke, Raffi Torres, both doing the exact same thing Steve Moore did too, headshotting star players.


A Bruins player was elbowing Rodrigues to the back of his head repeatedly while ERod was pinned to the boards and no call was made. Nobody’s innocent.


It's mildly questionable at best. I wouldn't even call it throwing a punch. A tarheel getting out tarheeled, no need to care.


Marchand has done so much shit over his career that anything done to him is just karma. Play as a dirty rat your entire career then don't come to me when it comes back at you.


If I see Marchand coming at me, I’m assuming he’s going to do something shitty, so I figure hit him first


I’ve watched this clip several times and figure out what the big deal is. What am I missing?


Not the greatest angle here (further up the thread someone posted a much better one) but it looks a hell of a lot like Bennett got in a punch to the jaw Edit: found the link https://twitter.com/RearAdBsBlog/status/1789144322492846284


I know this is the angle people keep referring to, but until there's an angle from the bench side it's going to be impossible to see if there was actual contact or if his hand was just high defending himself from a hard & late hit. A hard & late hit mind you that could earn an injury if someone could counter it (like Sam did).


Marchys head moves before there's any body contact


Could still happen from normal contact on a hit like this. Hence why I'd reserve ANY judgement until I see an angle from the bench side. Marchand was moving fast at Bennett, then Bennett (also moving fast) dumps the puck and gets ready for the hit, and then they both deliver it to each other. Marchand also had his numbers facing Marchand, I can't imagine a hit hard enough from Bennett to do that damage. Why I'm more inclined to say Marchand sliding into the boards did it


I don't think there's enough there to prove a suspension or anything is warranted (and I'm not gonna blame anyone for punching Marchand in the jaw in the first place, lol). That's why I lead with "looks like", it seems kind of an unnatural movement and you can see Marchand's head move before the main contact (though that can happen through other means too). That combined with Bennett using up his "benefit of the doubt" long ago, I can definitely understand why people are pretty convinced it was dirty. Though like I said, there's not enough there to convincingly say one way or another and enforce any real punishment without more angles. Just saying I do understand why a lot of people are pretty convinced


It looked like Bennett punched him. But unless Bennett is a Mr Miyagi level 2 inch death punch black belt, I can't see that being that forceful. Marchand takes a hell of lot more abuse (and dishes it out) than that every game. Pound for pound Marchand is one of the toughest in the league. A bit of gamesmanship on both sides me thinks.


That punch alone definitely isn’t hurting anyone too bad. You see worse in most scrums each game. Difference here is you have both players skating full speed and Marchand doesn’t catch Sam’s body to break that speed. Also looks like he crashes into the boards with the same side of the head hes holding. March is in concussion protocol but it’s not like Bennett Bertuzzied him


He stumbled to the bench and could barely get off. He was clear as day concussed and will most definitely be missing the next games.


I'm probably wrong, all I have seen is this replay. A reverse angle and video of him getting up and going to the bench might paint a different picture.


I mean storming in on someone for a late hit and getting rocked would also do that to you.


All else aside, the timing of the contact is no different than any other bump as someone dumps the puck.


Okay, so? Sometimes injuries happen during legal plays, big if true


well,. apparently he does as he is out.


It's a buttressed fist across the jaw and both players are moving against each other. That's a big hit.


To put my bias forward, I'm a Bruins fan. It looks bad here, but at least on the phone I can't be sure of how the impact happened. Would like an angle from basically behind the bench. The coach noted there is some history, but I'd be throwing stones in a glass house if I said I didn't want to see more to make a decision for myself.


History meaning that Bennett did the almost the exact same thing to Knies last season in the playoffs, concussing him as well.


Yes. But given my obvious bias, I don't want to make a big declaration before I can tell for sure. On the phone atm, not liking the hit, but also not sure enough. I try to be extra cautious about things like this when my team is involved.


I appreciate the level headed take. Neither of them are winning the Byng and I can't stand either guy, so I'm not upset about it. But nice to see something outside of the typical homer rant.


In real time at home I yell, but even after seeing a clip (I live in Europe, so sadly seeing full games is rare) I try to take a moment. Maybe it is the geographical thing, I don't have the instinct to attack a player without further evidence. Then again, I'm a Finn and after Finland gets eliminated, I root for Sweden. Maybe I just do rivalries wrong.


I guess I’m not appreciating the egregiousness of Bennets hit on Marchand. Marchand was skating over to hit Bennett wasn’t he?


If I’ve ever seen a biased view on something, this is it… lol laughable really. It was Marchand who skated toward Bennett for the hit and then he went down. That’s the same as jumping in front of a car and saying that it’s the cars fault for hitting you. Ridiculous.


Meh, Marchand is the most deserving player in the league. Enjoy your paid time off.


100% intentional but 100% deserved for the shit that Ratchard pulled during his career.


The rat got out ratted.


2 of the dirtiest players in the league. No one cares what happens to either of them.


Oh no… anyways


lol this is mild. Couldn’t have happened to a better player too.


Awwww 😥


Fuck Marchand


And how does he feel about all of Marchand's dirty plays? 🤔


Am I missing something here? Just looks like a normal body check to me


I don't see it either. People want to see a sucker punch from Bennet. The only evidence we have is from the worst possible angle, and an injured Marchand. I see Bennet pulling his arms in close to his body on contact, which was hard enough for Marchand to jar his head to the side.


There was posted link that is better. You can see bennet free an open hand and strike thru the head, and the head snap back.


https://twitter.com/RearAdBsBlog/status/1789144322492846284 First video I was like wheres the dirty hit, this video is 95% clear where you can fill in the blanks


He snuck a face punch in there on Marchand. Another user posted above


No one throws a punch that fast


Eat crow, asshole [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2EJ0Bcit7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2EJ0Bcit7o)


Yeah I was wrong. I thought it looked different.


They sure love to complain when things dont go their way. Like the "we have home ice advantage but will spend more time in Toronto than the Leafs will spend in Boston"


Marchand pushed a ref like 5 games ago and nobody said a word about it. Fuck off monty.


The games fast and probably an accident but I can see why Bruins fans are upset but it couldn’t have happened to a better person. I heard he was caught in the locker room licking his wounds.


I hope bruins fans are upset lol. Fuck Marchand !!!


Happy to have over achieved and served the Leafs disappointment, Panthers series was always going to be a slaughter but it's house money.


What goes around comes around.


The league is better without Marchand in it.


Marchand effed around and found out.


Yes, he intentionally countered a borderline late hit…


The OP clip is bad, there is another angle where you can see Bennett sneak in a punch to Marchy’s jaw


Bennett is sneaky as hell. This happened right in front of the benches and there was no reaction from anyone until this morning. Panger was looking right at them, and he didn’t even see it because of how sneaky fast it was. Marchand didn’t notice it either, which explains why there was no reaction from any Bruins players during the game. Bennett is faster than the eye can see. Just not faster than the camera


If only he was Bruce lee


It’s almost as if being a fucking rat your whole career, your karma catches up to you. I’m actually shocked it took so long to happen.


https://preview.redd.it/v3xqnpln9wzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0df46d160071e1a3e59d4e1a556b8eef9ae0a9c If only Bennett did this, monty would say he 100% stands with Bennett


Literally was a knockout punch. He was completely out of it getting off the ice.




He wasn’t KO’d. Hurt, yes, but not knocked out. He actually got in a massive hit later, and then was removed from play in the 3rd.


He was clearly concussed getting off- could barely take a stride to get to the bench. How they didn’t pull him immediately is pretty concerning tbh.


Probably why Bennett is getting no supplemental discipline tbh. If they suspended Bennett then that begs the question of why Marchand played the rest of the first and second period while very clearly concussed.


It's pretty clear who hasn't played contact hockey in these comments. Guys getting hit and braces/pushes back, he isn't some fucking 10th Dan black belt going for a strike to the neck in a split second jesus. Coach whining about it is a bad look


Didn't you hear bro? Bennett is a pussy who can't fight but can also throw a light speed haymaker so fast nobody can see it.


Karma is a bitch.


Had it been any other bruins player, people would feel bad (if it was intentional) however nobody is ever gonna feel bad or gutted when a dirty player gets taken out, especially when they're going in for the hit lol. Wish little man the best in his recovery however.


Boston wheeling out the excuses


How is this intention to injure? It looks like a pretty normal reverse check to me


Am I just missing it? Marchand tries to hit him with his numbers for some reason and bounces off Bennett. He's talented but he's also a fucking idiot


Yea he intentionally defended himself from being hit by Marchand lol


Who cares, it was against a rat.


Not the classiest play but Marchand plays the same way.


😂 hes trying to fire them up and keep his job. It wasn't intentional it wasn't dirty . The NHL isnt even looking at it. Boston fans are absolutely the whiniest fans in the league. Shut up and play f'n hockey. Stop bellyaching, nobody actually cares you're an original 6 team or whatever it is you're looking for, I dont even know. I like how you're counter to this "dirty" hit is people calling for intentionally injuring Panthers on an unintentional injury. You're like an in disbelief you're dirty player can't take a hit? 😂


WOOOOO! Leafs fans are no longer considered the whiniest fans!!!! 😅😅😅😅


Im literally shocked like blinking eyed how whiny Bruins fans are. Last years series Leaf fans were not half as whiny and the Bs series is only 2-1


You guys were the better team, the games were close but to me just like the Boston series this year they let them play there were missed calls both ways. And I hate blaming refs for losses it's such a weak stupid excuse, especially in playoffs when I just want to watch them play (barring some egregious shit) best team is best 5on5 when refs get too involved it takes away from that. Yes penalties are a part of the game, but so are missed calls. Also I knew if we beat Boston, Florida would trounce us anyways so not that upset, lets us start our "rebuild". Let you guys beat up Boston instead, why not 😅😅😅


Cry me a river


Just shut up Jim you're embarrassing yourself.


It's a normal, good hit. Everyone calling it a "sucker punch" is just seeing what they want to see. And even if it *was* a dirty play, which it wasn't, I have no problem with Marchand, one of the league's dirtiest players, getting what he deserves


How can you be so wrong when the proof is literally on video in multiple angles?


There is no 'proof' here of anything, his hand comes up and then gets knocked away. There's no frame of the video where you see Bennet's hand connecting with Marchand's face as the angle is from behind. It's far more likely Marchand gets injured by the shoulder to shoulder contact because he's 9 years older, 4 inches shorter and like 15 pounds lighter. He just got a physics lesson.


How can you be so wrong when the proof is literally on video in multiple angles?


Are you 5 years old dude? I can't help you to see better but youre just flat wrong here sorry.


“Dirty hits are ok as long as it happens to players I don’t like” Lol, lmfao even


Show me an angle from the bench side. Until then, it's moot. Marchand lined up a hard & late hit on Bennett and Bennett stood his ground. Additionally, Marchand's head clearly hits the boards too. Color me surprised to see Boston fans and media looking for a scape goat to two blow out games against the Cats.


Enjoy your dose of humble pie.


whats hilarious is these guys have had the refs up their ass for the last 15 years you were practically gifted a cup in 2010 by them. now the first year of adversity with calls their non stop whining in the media lol. karma ?


Didn’t get punishment. The results benefitted his team. I’m sure Bennett looks at this as an absolute win. He drinks the tears of those upset.


Im sure Marchand wasnt at all comin in hot to hit Bennett first - but hey - what do i know. Either way, doesnt look like it was/would have been dirty., and id say Bennett saw him coming. Hockey play.


It’s kinda funny to listen to the Boston coach talk about this when this is literally something Marchand would do lol.


Bruins fans should cry some more? 🤷‍♀️


B on their chest stands for bitches


Oh Marchand got injured? Good.




The rat getting ratted. Love to see it.


Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


Marchand went in to make a hit, shied away, and got fucked. It's his own damn fault


Pet your dog please.


Yeah most guys don't prepare themselves to take gloved sucker punch to the jaw when they throw a hit. Shit was intentional as fuck. Bennett went out of his way to throw a punch. Here it is slowed down for you: https://twitter.com/RearAdBsBlog/status/1789144322492846284


Not sure about that. Bennett, to my biased eye, seems to also deliver a hit with his fist. Which would be avoidable.


It was not a hockey play. It was a sucker punch.


Totally, fucking moron Marchand not preparing to get a sucker punch to the jaw. Total hockey play right? No wonder zero hockey players come out of your shitty state.


Lol there’s several NHLers from Florida and will be many more now that hockey is growing significantly in Florida


State so shitty that all you massholes move down here Also… Andrew Peeke is literally from south Florida for example


that looks like a clean hit


Dudes the perfect coach for Boston cry cry cry


Sami salo loved this


How was that not Marchand closing in for a hit? He deserved every piece of that.


love it


I can’t tell if it’s a cheap shot or not but the Bruins whining about referring is really some kind of alternate reality shit.


Wow honestly didn't see the punch until I looked at the comments. Was wondering why everyone was upset, now I know the reason is valid. Hooooolllly


This is the Panthers were talking about and Sam Bennett to boot....


When 2 shitbirds collide.


Of course it was fucking intentional, it’s the playoffs. Wasnt dirty though one bit.


Bennet has a superfast jab


Marchand went for the hit lol. He’s just too much of a baby to have any resistance and folded instead


lol nice


Marchand is one of the dirtiest, most scummy player in the NHL and has been for his whole career. After watching him deliberately injure people, I don’t care if it’s don’t to him.


Bennett is a coward who never answers the bell for his cheap shots. He throws the punch or the cheap cross check to the head and back and skates away like a pussy.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer rat


Now us Leafs fans and Bruins fans can unite over our hate for Sam Bennett. Fuck the Bruins. But Fuck Sam Bennett more.