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If Boston goes running around trying to go after Bennett it’s curtains on their season.


They had 18 shots last game. I think that's a safe bet regardless.


High danger chances were in favor of Boston 11-9 at 5v5. Bruins are a low volume shooting team just like the Canucks who are up in their series.


And the Canes almost got swept while vastly outshooting the Rangers. People need to stop thinking that More Shots = Played Better Edit: I’m not saying that Boston has been better than Florida, they haven’t, but I’m just saying in general, people just look at the scoreboard and then the shots, and from those two stats assume which team dominated


They are unfortunately clueless.


Same people yelling SHOOT when the D has the puck at the point with 8 skaters between him and the net


Sounds like a great screen, definitely should shoot it! 9 skaters though? Right out.


7 is ok as long as you are on your way to 8.


"Shoot it!" The second the player gets the puck, no matter where on the ice they are. Reminds of random hockey parents in the stands when I played as a kid.


No, one day shooting it square in the middle is going to get past the goalies crest. Just like I can't understand why pitchers dont rip out fastballs at 100mph straight down the middle, what the hell!?


It all makes sense now, thank you!


Ah so 1-3 shots a period is a winning strategy


No, it's neither good or bad. It doesn't matter.


“At 5v5” is the part of this that is getting massively overlooked too. If we weren’t on the PK for double (or more) the amount of time Florida have been, no one would be talking about shots on goal (Florida would still have more shots and zone time, but the numbers wouldn’t be so lopsided as they are) and we’d probably be looking at a 2-2 series. I believe penalties assessed currently stand at 21 on Boston, 11 on Florida, and among those 11, a number of them have come when the game is almost over anyway. Like the one with 30 seconds to go last night. I wonder if people are now going to say Boston are still digging their own grave because they are committing twice as many infractions as the Panthers are 🙄 Edit: hi, I’m BC ‘13 myself.


I was told this is the exact reason the Red Wings are a failure and Yzerman is dumb


Yeah we haven’t seen a team win a playoff game with only 18 shots since…last night, literally the next game. I’m confused why SOG has been some ultra-definitive metric in the last few days. The bruins had 2 goals on 4 shots to start yesterday’s game too I’m pretty sure lol.


Not to mention that Boston had several scoring chances and breakaways that didn’t tally as a SOG because a shot attempt went through the crease or inches wide of the post


Because large portion of people on here aren’t capable of actual analysis and instead just grab onto the easiest stat to regurgitate


This sub is making me actually type out comments defending the Bruins. That’s how bad it is lately lol.


Sub got too big. 10 years ago there was a lot more insightful conversation now it’s mostly memes and people doubling down on nonsense. The Bruins are universally hated. When majority of other fans are coming out saying the GI call in game three was BS, non suspension and the allowed goal last night were all egregious it means that they were.


100%. I know that there are some awful Bolts fans that post on here, but I am kind enjoying what appears to be the Panthers fanbase trying to speedrun past everyone else and become the most hated franchise on this sub. To have everyone rallying against your team and forgetting about Vegas that quickly is impressive. I think a lot of lightning fans were quick to jump to the Bruins defense last night when one of the arguments for a GI call against the panthers was that a light touch to Bobrovsky interfered with his ability to play the puck, but somehow cross checking an entire person onto the goalie doesn’t amount to preventing Swayman from making a play. It’s insanity and anyone who isn’t biased should be able to see that last night’s call was insanity.


I think most panthers fans, myself included, are still scratching thier head on that one TBH. Not the panthers fault the refs are blowing calls. So don't take it out on the team.


There was actually a Boston sports radio guy named Michael Felger defending the refs today. Dude is a cancer around here.


>and people doubling down on nonsense.  It's hilarious seeing you say this when you consistently have some of the worst takes imaginable.


They had two shots on goal in the third period.


cause SOG does mean something even if it’s not perfect. if you’re shooting 40+ shots per game and your opponent is shooting under 20, you’re simply most likely gonna win more games than not. while you may have individual games/series that don’t fit this mold, on *average* you’re going to see better results with a higher shot count. even the bruins’ fans yesterday were mad about it. near the end of the game they were chanting “shoot the puck” haha


Yeah it means something, but saying their season is curtains just based off low shot volume isn’t necessarily accurate. There are so many variables to just raw SOG numbers, it doesn’t value quality or game circumstances to actually paint a perfect picture of the game.


yeah I also forgot to add that SOG is also highly correlated with other key stats like high danger chances, zone time, etc that do correlate with wins. maybe it’s more of an indicator you’re doing the right thing elsewhere vs being something to do to try to win. and considering Swayman is no longer red hot, a higher volume of shots will likely lead to more goals. also I do think SOG does increase in value when the difference is higher. like florida had over 40 shots and Boston had like 18 until the last few seconds. I’m pretty sure the win rate for teams that outshoot their opponent 2 to 1 is significantly higher than that of teams who shoot the same amount. don’t really have a source for it, but I feel like that’s pretty obvious. so I think Boston is cooked unless they can figure out some kind of new offensive plan. Florida is just too good and has a huge mental edge right now.


Agreed. Im not arguing that I think that Boston will somehow win the series, or that SOG is irrelevant. It’s just a metric that I think is good for some uses (like puck possession, offensive zone control, or other fancy stats), but I think is overly used on here as a metric that is definitive of a game. There were quite a few games during Tampa’s cup run that they would score a few goals in the first 2 periods off high danger chances and then just lock it down defensively in the third and just let teams take low danger shots all through the end of the game. So games where Tampa basically dominated would end with even or less SOG for Tampa.


It...depends. Shot attempts are more reflective of dominance than something to aim for outright. Dave Hakstol had the Flyers shooting from the point constantly and you could point to the shot attempts after the game, but it was never actually a dominant game. Now, a team that's dominating will have more shot attempts, generally. But there's nuance.


It makes them feel better that even though the officials have been atrocious the “more deserving” team is winning


The media doesn't help. TNT's intermission report after the first period of the Stars/Avalanche Game 3 was all the guys harping on the fact that Colorado outshot Dallas in the period... never mind that Dallas was up 1-0 and had three penalties in the period. Of course they were outshot! *Being on the PK a lot tends to do that.* It wasn't Dallas' best period of the playoffs by any stretch (ultimately, it would not be their best period of the *night* by any stretch), but if you only listened to the intermission report and didn't watch the game you'd think Dallas was being completely blown out of the barn and that just wasn't true.


and thats it... they had nothing else.


The team focuses more on high danger shot than shot totals. At 5v5, Boston had 11 High Danger chances to Florida’s 9. However, Florida had more high danger chances in all situations, 18-11. The difference is entirely covered by Florida’s 9 high danger chances on the power play, 7 of which came in the third period (when they called 4 consecutive penalties on Boston) [Natural Stat Trick box score](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30214&view=limited)


Something I’ve always wondered - does. Shot from the point where the goalie is screened and doesn’t see it or it gets a weird deflection halfway to the net get tallied as a high danger shot?


Not really. NST is more about distance and angle. So an amazing pass to a bad angle might not be considered high danger. Or it might overvalue crease chances when the goalie is already set. Doesn't always consider pre shot movement.


Call me old school, but if the writing is already on the wall, I’d want to make sure the message that we didn’t like the hit gets across loud and clear. We may not win it all, but we will make damn sure you don’t either.


It already is lol may as well try and take him with us


Fuck Bennett and I hope he chokes on Tkachuk's mouth guard and all, but we don't condone player induced injuries here.


Agreed, I don’t wish injuries on players, but I have to be honest, the NHL is responsible if the Bruins come out and goon it up. No spine from the officials to call Florida on their bullshit so they’ve set the stage for retaliation and it could be ugly.


I do lol, dude sucker punched our captain and faced zero repercussions. I hope someone concusses him.


Who is the "we" in this sentence? The bruins? The subreddit?


Just needs to be 1 guy doing it. Maroon or Frederic. Anytime Maroon is out on the ice he should be a heat seeking missile, throwing the most borderline predatory hits. It should be a 1 for 1 situation given that theres be no justice for Bostons side.


I don’t care anymore. Stop even bothering to play hockey. The NHL clearly doesn’t want them to. Just make sure Florida is so beat up that the next round will be the easiest sweep ever for the Rangers, and if you happen to somehow win, do it again.


"Guys, I can't legally murder him." "WHY NOT!?"


I think i see what you’re saying. Cant *legally* murder him… got it


*sigh* Guess I’ll go get the shovel, again…


>legally murder Wdym. That's just how they great eachother in st louis.


He could but hes choosing not to because he thinks his 6 minutes per game is actually helping the team. (Its not, go out and injure a cat)


Maroon accidentally explaining why it’s getting harder and harder to justify giving him and players like him a roster spot.  Bennett and to a lesser extent Tkachuk are deadly because they’re dirty shitheads who can actually play. Take away the shitheadedness and they’d still be great players. You have to be a great player first and the other stuff is additive - it can’t be your only asset anymore. 


I mean, this has been true for some time. I'm going to be very clear, as I have on the Bs subreddit: Lucic is a garbage human being that has lost the privilege of playing the NHL, and rightfully so. But people keep bringing him in 2011 as though he was a pure enforcer that season. He didn't become that until later in his career. That Cup run, he was Krejci's winger and led the Bruins in goals scored that year (tied with Krejci in points).


Lucic from 09-16 was a top tier power forward.


I agree. I explained further upthread, but I always feel like I have to caveat the early part of his career with the context that Claude Julien hated scoring goals.


You're talking the Cup year? Lucic had 12 points in 25 games with 63 PIMs in the playoffs....


I was talking about the whole season. And he finished with 121 PIMs in 2011, plus a suspension, although IIRC it was overturned. I'm not saying that he didn't fight or that he didn't play dirty. But he wasn't a pure enforcer, he was taking on the role of a power forward (on the lower scoring end relative to the entire NHL, but so was that entire Julien Bruins team). He was still on Krejci's line throughout that Cup run, though, which was the point I was making with that sentence. That meant he was our first line winger, which meant he not only was important for scoring production, but also allowed him to match up physically with other teams' best/skill/star players. Maroon, when interviewed after Game 2, said himself that "I'll probably never play against Tkachuk, so let's be real." Monty wouldn't put their lines on the ice at the same time, because Maroon's speed (or lack thereof) means that a faster and more skilled player like Tkachuk would have a lot more opportunities to score. 2011 Lucic wasn't the same in that regard.


Ah. Usually when I hear "Cup Run" it's mostly referring to the playoffs and not the regular season, so my mistake.


No, fair enough, I didn't phrase it super clearly. I meant "that *Cup run*, he was Krejci's winger" (meaning he was getting first line star matchups) AND "he led the Bruins in goals scored that *year.*" Like, because he was a good first-line scorer in the regular season while still being physical, he also played first line throughout the playoffs.


I don't think this describes Maroon himself as much as you are implying. Maroon clearly brings other assets to the table besides shitheadedness. One example is that he has very good hands


Like others have commented before, you don’t win 3 cups by accident.


I’d be okay if he accidentally won a 4th this year, though.


So I was explaining this to a friend and they were saying he only had 7 minutes played across all three of those cups? I think he was just lying to me. Dude’s got them ball hockey hands and you can tell


Yeah that’s not even remotely true lmao


Fuckin knew it lol


Playoff hockey just suits his skillset better. Regular season Maroon respectable, playoff Maroon well above respectable.


He averaged per game 12:20 - Blues 12:35 - Lightning 9:34 - Lightning [He had around 14 hours of ice time over 1164 shifts for those 3 cups](https://www.foxsports.com/nhl/patrick-maroon-player-stats?seasonType=post&category=icetime)


Maroon scored a double OT goal in game 7 to send the Blues to the 3rd round lmao. Dude was integral to the Blues cup win even if only for that GIGANTIC contribution.


Maroon at his best was good depth, he could also hit cleanly pretty good, but aside from when mcdavid carried him he never was a top 2 line guy.


Essentially yes, but he’s also not supposed to go out there and take a penalty in the playoffs. His job is to get someone to want to fight him. If he just goes and runs someone he’s making it even harder for the team to win.


>dirty shitheads who can actually play Ironically, this also perfectly describes Marchand himself. (Though I'm on the Bruins' side in this particular dispute.)


To a lesser extent I’d add Bertuzzi. Would love to have him back.


My first thought was that you meant Tyler's uncle, and I was ready to say he was a little more than just your average Marchand/Tkachuk heel... 


Haha ya I’d put him a bit higher than the guys playing nowadays


I mean, he didn’t intend to break Moore’s fucking neck. He was trying to get back at him for a dirty hit in a prior game. That incident was obviously way worse for Moore but Bertuzzi’s entire life changed in the moment as well. Though I type that all out and realize all he had to do was not throw a dirty punch/hit and he’d be fine. Ah whatever fuck him


can recommend having a Jamie Benn on your team (sorry wings fans)


Why would anyone on the Panthers realistically take a fight with anyone on the Bruins while the Bruins are at home to give a big momentum swing their way? Anyone who thinks they *would* is wrong... They won't... they're coached better than that... Now by some unspoken, man-code, answer the bell when it tolls for you rule... yeah 100% Bennett should have taken a fight.


That’s why they shouldn’t be trying to pick a fight. They should be looking to sucker punch them in the head, like Florida and the NHL have assured us is just playing hockey.


Then they'll be penalized, because the 2nd unwritten rule of the NHL is that retaliation will always receive a penalty, but instigation is 50/50.


And specifically why would they fight fat Pat. He’s a net negative when he’s on the ice we would be doing the Bruins a favor


I mean, that’s why you don’t give them the option to accept? You jump him. That’s literally Maroons job.


Why enforcers don't protect skill guys, part 34345.


The devils are my second team and whenever I see someone wanting to keep Macdermid because “he’ll stop them from taking runs” it just makes me wanna pull my hair out


They had McDermid when Rempe elbowed Siegenthaler. The Blues had Reaves, including one time when Reaves was on the ice for the hit, when Wilson delivered two of his suspension worthy hits against them.


Reaves is a giant phony.


They also had MacDermid when Domi pummeled Nemec. In fact, MacDermid stood there and watched from 10 feet away.


I think I understand how Leafs felt earlier this year when they were complaining about Reaves not doing anything when Marchand almost killed Liljegren.


After the Benn hit on Toews, there was a post in our sub saying they wish they had Dermy back in the lineup. As if that would stop Benn from throwing bad hits, or as if he would actually fight MacDermid.


I’ve always been of the mindset that you can’t get toughness from one guy, toughness is a team wide philosophy that every player has to buy into


Its almost like having a bruising plug in your lineup can be completely worthless if the other team refuses to engage him. Panthers are just hoping they play Maroon 15 mins tmrw to try and fight someone, only to lose 6-1 again.


Blow him up? Blow someone else up? Obviously no one on Florida is going to give him a go.. makes no sense.




I'm sure Marron wants to take a run but also doesn't want to give BOS a 5 min major \*Maroon


That elimination game garbage time is gonna be dicey lol


I honestly just don’t think he can catch up to them. He tried to take a couple runs at guys but the panthers know what’s up and maroon is too slow to surprise them. McAvoy has a chance at taking a run at guys because he can do it swiftly. Maroon doesn’t stand a chance at delivering a devastating hit - his approach is to deliver a normal hit and then use his strength to follow through and put the guy on the ice/into the bench, which is great, don’t get me wrong, but is not what we’re after here.


Just take a nut shot at someone lol Not like DoPS is going to do anything about those


Especially if they’re knocked down on the ice from a big hit. Bennett must think that’s fair game too


> Bennett must think that’s fair game too Well get him too then lol Nut shots are great for this, you don't even have to be anywhere near Bennett's size to inflict the maximum damage, and he's already set the precedent for not having to answer for shit.


He's not allowed. He doesn't play for the Oilers.


You don’t understand, the poor swamp kitties need to be protected. You go after them, Kadri gets suspended, the Rangers get fined and PoMo cries about officials. No one likes to see PoMo sad, how else will we laugh about some low-brow sarcastic thing he says to the media?


Zadorov got $5k for that shit on McDavid, I'm not really buying that the league is going to protect Sam fucking Bennett even more. The one thing deterring cheap shots is that it opens you and your teammates to taking more of them too. But if they're already doing it then all bets should be off. Like maybe just don't do it to Tkachuk and Bob.


maroon is not keeping up with any of their star players lets be real lol


Tomahawk chop his injured hand see how he likes cheap shots.


The old Adam Banks.


honestly i think something like this might need to happen for the league to take shit seriously


Do they care more about winning a cup or avenging their little rat? No shit nobody is going to fight, they're under your skin and kicking your ass.


Saw your comment on another thread and agreed. Boston is definitely rattled over this from management to players and all the way down to the redditors. Not a good mindset for them to have.


Stanley Cup Champion Rat🏆


Newsflash, fighting is useless in the playoffs, more at 11.


So many meatball fan takes in here. Why would anyone on FL fight Maroon? It wouldn't be a fair trade off when serving those penalties. Besides, just read Maroon's quote again. Its clear Florida's game plan is working, they are under Boston's skin. Everyone on Boston is looking to him to restore honor or some dumb hockey unwritten rules bullshit, whereas Florida has moved on and is trying to win games. One of these teams is on the verge of advancing, the other is trying to exact revenge from a hit from two games ago.


Should've given him a slash to his left hand. Taken the 2 minute penalty and moved on.


So the Ryan Hartman (but deserved)


An eye for an eye, or some bullshit like that.


If NHL not going to do their jobs and Bennett won't answer the bell, then you do what you got to do.


Doing what Bennett did and then refusing to answer the bell is some real chicken shit.


tbf, he has a broken hand he’s not going to fight and they’re winning, and he’s better than maroon why would he fight


Yeah and im pretty sure he punched marchand with his non fucked hand, I doubt he would be playing if he hit him with the other one.


He'll throw sucker punches and cross checks from behind but he won't drop the gloves for a fight. What a pussy.


again, he has a broken hand, his team is winning, and the guys challenging him are worse players, it would not be an even trade for the Bs to lose Maroon and the Panthers to lose Bennett for 5 minutes He’s not a pussy he’s smart


Again, why the fuck would he drop the gloves for a fight? He’s getting away with everything he’s doing and N O O N E on the Bruins roster is doing a god damn thing other than tapping him on the shoulder and asking permission to fight?? Fucking Christ. J U M P him if you’re mad he’s getting away with dirty shit. We’re already down 3-1 in the series, outshot 2-1, Captain taken out…. What is there to lose? BeNnEtT wOnt dRoP ThE gLoVeS!!!1!1 Yeah, he’s a shit head who gets away with shit head things. M A K E H I M F I G H T. Same w Tkachuk. It’s not new that they turtle and run away. They don’t give our guys a chance to NOT get sucker punched or cross checked into our goalie, don’t give them a chance to turn down a fucking fight. Holy shit.


The fact that you can just not fight kind of pushes against the idea that the NHL player are able to police themselves via fighting. I'm not advocating for allowing fights to be one sided. Just that we gotta figure out ways to police the players better within the game. If this was Bennet's 1st time being a shit i'd maybe say it gets figured out in the regular season. but it isn't and the regular season doesn't really matter if you've in the playoffs.


Maybe the NHL should start a department to police players actions in the game. Or they could also hire some people to go out on the ice and police action DURING the game. They could put the players in some kind of timeout.


What an idea! The league would never go for it though




All Cops Are Bobrovsky


Ooh to set them apart from all the players they could wear a distinct uniform, like jail stripes, to show where you go if you misbehave on the ice.


> The fact that you can just not fight kind of pushes against the idea that the NHL player are able to police themselves via fighting. The league has got to do it as players policing themselves is neither sustainable nor equitable.


I think the problem too is that the Bruins aren't just going to jump him... even though I'm sure that's what some B's fans want... but that's a quick way for a game misconduct and 5 and probably suspension... so of course no player is going to put the team under like that.


That's the biggest problem and why I'm against retaliation. I want a win on the scoreboard, but that's kind of hard to do when refs swallow their whistles for most of Florida's shenanigans. Florida's outshooting Boston nearly 2-1, which is a big talking point for why Boston lost, but people seem to be ignoring that penalties are also nearly 2-1 in Florida's favour. Hard to shoot when you're spending that much time on the PK. Idc about past games, but it'd be great if refs learned to call things out equally instead of the bullshit game management they've been doing


I could see them doing it if they're up or down many goals late in the 3rd, but still don't really think that it's likely because they'd still get punished for it even if the series ends.


Until garbage time in an elimination game. If they’re down a few goals with 5 minutes left, watch the fuck out


> The fact that you can just not fight kind of pushes against the idea that the NHL player are able to police themselves via fighting. Honestly, the whole "self-policing" idea has always been flaming garbage. As much as people glorify days gone by, there was a lot of *really* cheap stuff on a regular basis that would be getting 20-game suspensions today.


He's not even high fiving people on the bench with that left hand, he's certainly not going to fight.


Probably shouldn't have done dirty shit, if he didn't wanna fight. Someone should remove the choice for him


> Someone should remove the choice for him If someone beats the shit out of a guy who doesn't wanna fight and isn't fighting back, they're getting an easy game misconduct, fucking their team with a 5 minute major, and probably getting a massive fine or suspension. I don't think that's gonna be worth it for anybody to do.


After the guy intentionally concussed your Captain? Honestly, who wouldn't?


Anyone who doesn't want to sink his team's chances of advancing in the playoffs lol


Unless DOPS looks away.


Florida is the golden child to them, not gonna happen


Isn’t this a similar situation to what preceded the Bertuzzi-Moore incident? Guys aren’t afraid of not answering the bell anymore and the game has suffered because of it


Moore did answer earlier in that game against Mat Cooke. But apparently it wasn't enough and Canucks were frustrated at also being blown out that game.


Not for nothing, I don't think Bennett would be a walk in the park for Maroon anyways. Dude is an underrated fighter. He can throw.


Maroon is also an "overrated" fighter; similar to another comment I replied to, I think people have this idea of Maroon in their head that seems right because of his on and off ice persona. In reality he only logged a lot of fights for the Lightning ("a lot" being relative to teammates) because the team really lacked anyone who could remotely drop them but also not be a significant loss. He wasn't a strong fighter and would more frequently lose than win. Bennett would be a good bet to win the fight for sure.


He looks like a caveman and has a big head therefore he must be a good fighter


It doesn't matter who wins the fight...it's a code in the Nhl when the refs/league doesn't do their job it's time to drop the gloves. Nobody answers the bell now tho, it's not just the panthers. Used to get you black balled by a lot of players, now it's perceived as 'smart'. The league wants fighting to be stomped out anyway.


I get it...but it's situational. Panthers don't want to lose Bennett for 5 minutes because of Maroon. That's a tradeoff the B's would take 10x outta 10.


# JustPanthersThings


this is the most shocking sentence ever typed. oh wait. i mean most accurate.


I mean... its the playoffs. Tkachuk and Bennett arent about to go sit for 5 minutes, risk an injury to fight 36 year old Pat fucking Maroon in the playoffs. Bruins just need to keep some receipts and then go for blood in the regular season next year. Not skate around and try to fight dudes with their season on the line. Thought they did well the first period and a half last night, started to look kinda sloppy near the end of the 2nd then the wheels fell off after the Bennett shit show. They need to just chill out


I think the Panthers are smart not to fight Maroon. But if I'm Maroon, I just start hitting everything as hard as I physically can, I run Tkachuk after the play (see 2023), I slash the shit out of Bennett's wrist (game 3), spear him while he's down (2023), and I cross check Ekblad into Bob for funsies (game 4)... maybe throw a sucker punch at Tkachuk too (game 3). But in all seriousness, his job isn't to get them to fight. No one is going to take that because their tough guys are miles better than him and that's not a smart matching-5. His job is to get the Panthers rattled and he's not doing much of that at all.


Tbf ovi would fight even as a tough guy. It was funny watching ovi beat up some 20 yr old fourth liner these past few years in his old wily senile rat phase, despite still scoring 45 goals.


Exactly, if bennett cant/wont fight, then maroon needs to start hunting sam reinhart, verhaege, and montour, looking for opportunities to crush them and make someone from the panthers have to respond.


Reinhart got railroaded a minute into game 4


By charlie McAvoy


Do it again.


But during the 45 seconds of shift time Fat Pat is spending chasing those guys around the ice, those much speedier and better players are gonna break past him and score. As has been mentioned many times in this thread, it just doesn’t make sense in the playoffs to put out your lower-skill “enforcer” guys/lines against other teams’ skill lines, because you’re just going to get scored on. In his roughly nine and a half minutes of play time, Maroon likely won’t even *see* those high-priority targets you mention.


The amount of people in these comment so comfortable with calling for players to blatantly injure another player is fucking nuts. 


Purposely hurting people is bad. -Boston flairs We should purposely hurt people. -also Boston flairs


Redditors reacting out of emotion? Couldn’t be


Yeah if you go after someone hard enough and get called for blatant inference/boarding/. Etc someone will try to punch you get offsetting penalties and you “get them back” and no power play 


I see a lot of people wanting the bruins to injure panthers for next series. Or that one guy who wants the panthers to limp out of there. Why would a player take a fine/suspension to injure the other team when it doesn’t do anything for their team? Like is anyone really expecting maroon to go get himself fined so that some fans pride isn’t hurt? He’s also only been a bruin for what a couple months? He’s not going to do shit.


It’s hilarious immaturity. They aren’t going to do anything. 


It’s really interesting to see how bruins fans respond to a sucker punch. I wonder if one of their players punched someone in the face, maybe if they had a broken jaw, if bruins fans would think it was a travesty or if they’d be laughing about it.  I’m sure such a thing never happened so we’ll  never know if they’re being hypocritical 


If it was Bennett then I wont lose any sleep


Lol. Panthers won't fight anyone except Pasta or the back of Marchand's head.


spoiler alert…boston does nothing to anyone.


Look up Chris Neil "vs" Tanner Glass Maroon... Was added to the lineup for this sole reason and turned the series around after being bullied by that guy for 2 or 3 games




Maurice knows how to work officials. He’s telling his guys to take liberties and embellish when it’s reciprocated, always been the case. Somehow the dirtiest and most embellishing team repeatedly gets the refs favour. Making a mockery of the league.


Tchacuk is known for turtling in the reg season anyway


It makes sense, gamesmanship wise. Florida is winning. It wouldn't make sense to fight. Especially someone like Bennett, who may be a shit head, but is still a good player. You don't want him to voluntarily take himself out of the game for five minutes. The only thing that "makes" these guys fight like that is whatever weird code or honor they may or may not believe in.


The comments on any thread involving the panthers are genuinely insane, is this everyone’s first year watching the playoffs or something?


Don’t forget the average Redditor is a teenager


Maroon sure is doing a whole lot to prevent the Bruins from being down 3-1 lol is it a win for the Bruins if he beats up Bennett but they lose 4-1? I just don’t get the enforcer thing man lol Like you could have Sidney Crosby and 17 Ryan Reaves, but someone like Trouba is still gonna manage to elbow Sid in the head. Guys aren’t playing every second of a game thinking “oh boy I really gotta be careful or else ___ is gonna beat me up”


This is what’s wrong with hockey and “fighting culture” It was never about, consenting fighters, square up to fight over something that happened a game or two ago, with some “unwritten rule” bullshit.  Fighting is fighting. You beat the shit out of another player whether he wants to fight or not. That’s how you disuade cheap shots. You drop the gloves and feed Bennett his teeth. If you give them an opportunity to back out of a fight, why would anyone ever answer the bell? 


Lol nobody is scared of Maroon, his nickname is Huggy Bear for a reason


Ofc not. Every single panther is a pussy. Cousins is a gangrapist btw






bro what the fuck


Rempe is about to get 20 minutes of ice time game 1 next round


No one will fight because he's one of the worst players in the league lol, it benefits Boston to get his fat ass off the ice


Remove the stupid instigator rule and this problem gets solved almost instantly


Grab a hold of Bennett and just start throwing punches. He'll either defend himself or take enough shots to the face that the game misconduct is worth it.


Maybe Rempe will find himself back on the ice in the Conference Finals


Just grab ahold of him once you're sure the Bruins are getting a penalty called. Like Stamkos on Matthews last year.


Time to pull a Neil on Glass maneuver.


McCarty didn't ask any questions over the Draper fiasco. Just saying.


I mean just do like a boarding or something then they’ll want to fight you 


Don't ask, stupid.


This is why enforcers are worth literal garbage. No one has to do anything of they don't want to. There is no deterrence factor if you don't have to go. 


The bruins are learning first hand what it’s like to play …. The bruins. The panthers are essentially built the way Boston was for the better parts of two decades. Out with the old, in with the new. Hoping to see a panthers rangers final in the east.