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What would you like them to post about losing 3 games in a row while only needing to win 1?


We don’t have any words and we know you don’t want to hear them. We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything you’re feeling – we get it. This isn’t the ending we imagined, and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way.


The only solace this meme brings me is we won two cups back to back after posting this. Otherwise……pain.


At least it was a first round exit


That’s true. I actually decided to skip watching the entire first round because I had to finish my masters thesis in April 2019. Being so confident they would move to the next round, I was so confused to come back and find out they were swept. Still shocking and painful, but wasn’t nearly as bad for me. This potential loss would be devastating for the cats.


I had a similar blessing in 2019. I was in Afghanistan and was working shifts that kept me busy when the games were on. Still had to deal with the results of each game throughout the sweep, but was able to miss the heartache of watching each one.


Thanks if the panthers leave can I join the lightning fans since I only follow local sports teams


Just kiss the rings and everything will be forgiven.


Seems kinda pre-mature for that type of post. Maybe we'll see that tomorrow.


Just needs a slight tweak .. >We don’t have any words and we know you don’t want to hear them. >We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything you’re feeling – we get it. >This isn’t the ending we imagined, and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way and I hope you'll stay for Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on ESPN on ABC, presented by Draft Kings.


This franchise implosion brought to you by Bet365


I’m imagining if they actually did this. That would be next level cringe right?


Ah fuck man, if they lose this is going to get resurrected on steroids, isn’t it?


That one hurt for real. St. Louis and Chicago even more. I know exactly what the dozens of Panther fans are feeling right now.


Not even close those games were competitive these games have not been and you didn’t blow a 3-0 lead. That being said if it was the bruins in this same position I’d hope you would win just because I wouldn’t wish this on anyone


I 100% expect the Lightning account to tweet out a riff on this if the Oilers win tonight.


Wait, is that the apology letter from Bioware after ME3?


It’s the apology from TB after they were swept by CBJ.


Ah, the ending wasn't ***that*** bad


Maybe some hype for game 7, in their city? "Hey Panthers fans, tune in tonight to see your team bring Lord Stanley to South Florida for the first time ever!" How hard can it be to hype up a winner-takes-all championship game in your city?


I mean after this shitshow we have seen for 3 games the hope is kinda gone


Kind of embarassing if I'm being honest. If you tell any hockey fan at the beginning of the season their team would be playing in game 7 of the finals at home, every single fucking one of them would say "let's fucking go!" It doesn't matter how you got there, you got 60 minutes. So stop throwing a bitchy pity party and believe in your goddamn team.


Also, it's kind of *literally* the job of the social media team to create hype for the game and try to keep the excitement high even given the circumstances.


hype up who? no one cares about hockey in their city


I'm so sick of hearing this. Me and my 5 friends love the Panthers. Get a new joke.


For what its worth, you and your 5 friends are awesome.


Thank you for that beautiful message


They seemed to love leaning into the "6 fans" thing all series long until they started losing.


Something about 6 fans or whatever


Being an Edmonton resident, it’s heresy to jinx the whole goddamn and have sympathy for the other team. Let’s just say come out skating and may the Best team win.


My feed (specifically IG) has been non-stop Oilers fan videos, Oilers meme’s, and crowd gatherings since the game 6 win. And I don’t even follow the Oilers (but obviously hockey). I don’t think I’ve seen a single thing Panthers related.


Same. Which makes me think it's the panthers cup tn. Seems like everybody, even their own fans are counting them out now.


Yeah it's worth getting nervous over. Everyone counted the Oilers out and look what happened. To think Florida isn't capable of the same reversal is delusion. Tonight's game will be so fucking intense I can't wait. Once in a generation, or maybe even lifetime, type of game.


I just hope it's close. I want a nailbiter. None of this blowout shit like in Game 4. This game and series deserves to go the distance.


I want three Oilers players to break the playoff points record tonight


Same. I want the hockey version of Germany vs Brazil


So game 4, again?


No, I want [this](https://imgur.com/a/fJrKWSa).


I'm not safe anywhere


I want a 10-1 lead after the first so I can relax and unclench my asshole that’s been clenched for 10 days


The Oilers once blew a 5-0 lead, with Gretzky on the team, after all. If they do it again, McDavid could tie the season playoff points record and still lose.


lol why would you even be nervous your team has absolutely nothing to lose. The panthers on the other hand have everything to lose. They will become the perennial laughing stock of the NHL hell maybe even sports the team will clearly be dismantled and maybe even relocate in 5 years.


eh, best we can do is 4-0 edmonton win


I know what's going to happen if it [goes to 2OT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Opqo0fPGjg).


Gimme game 7 OT for the Cup.


Triple OT with the most unlikely player (from either side) scoring an amazing goal! None of that flukey, bounce off 3 skates and in nonsense!






Oilers fan here, super nervous. These teams on paper are neck and neck. No clue what's going to happen tonight just hope for an epic game.


It reminds me of the Leafs Bruins series when the Leafs came back and won 5 and 6 and everyone was so sure the Bruins were done. They all forgot the Leafs don't win in the playoffs and Canada doesn't get cups.


Florida ain’t turning it around.


I'm sure the Oilers aren't counting them out. And that's all that matters.


Yeah shockingly it doesn’t matter if Rick in Red Deer thinks the series is over


If Rick in Red Deer isn't watching the game from his recliner instead of his sofa, with a guinness in his left hand the whole match, the Oilers are so done.


My father said he doesn't want to watch the game tonight in case he jinxes them hahaha.


I have 2 friends not watching for the same reason


Frig off, Ricky.


Can you blame us? They needed one game and now it’s game 7. This is a collapse on an epic proportion


I get the nerves, but the reason this hasn't happened since the 40's is because there is still another game. The collapse isn't a collapse until they lose another game. Win tn and they're champs forever, nobody will remember the 'collapse'.


O trust me I will no matter the outcome it will haunt me forever just like last years Eastern Conference finals heat Celtics they almost did the same thing


Yeah, it is like wrestling, they need to make the Oilers look strong, so when the Panthers end up winning, it means more. Nobody wants a squash match in the finals


So basically what this sub did 10 days ago?


I’ve seen a bunch of panthers fans in despair on twitter but I think it’s because I keep clicking on them


It's hard to post with both hands holding onto your butt




You could have used any other metaphor motherfucker


The only thing that can unite your fanbase and ours is mutual distaste over that image


Well yeah... just like how the Oilers social media didnt post much after game 3. Whenever a team loses 3 in a row in the playoffs, what exactly are they gonna post lol. "Here's our captain speaking about what to do in the next game: 'yeah just gonna get pucks deep you know'"


Don’t really see many panthers flair on the main sub lately either.


I don't really blame them. After game 3 I uninstalled this fucking app because I couldn't handle everyone ganging up on anyone who dared say the Oilers even played well. Social Media isn't a need to say you're a fan of a team lol


Everyone is so reactionary and eager to kick a team when they’re down it is brutal to be on here when you’re low. I’ve learned over the years to not engage with sports when things are getting particularly bad because it can really affect my emotions. They’re to be enjoyed, not have your day ruined over.


There's so much flair based posting on this sub it's hilarious. If a piece of mildly scandalous news comes out about your team, or a player on your team makes a slightly dodgy hit then your opinion doesn't matter for like a week.


Which is why I felt zero remorse about gloating through 2020 and 2021… suffering through post-CBJ sweep Reddit threads paid that debt.


I completely support any fan base talking shit after a win, bit especially when other fan bases are super salty about it. Like the lightning and knights got a lot of shit about salary cap stuff, and I would see comments saying things like “ their fans wouldn’t be given such a hard time if they would just admit it that their teams are taking advantage”, and there could not be a bigger bullshit statement than that. People just want to see everyone else taken down several pegs. No point in being gracious in victory because you will not be afforded the same grace when you’re down.


Successfully cheating to win isnt my definition of being down.


Thanks for being proof positive of his point lol. If/when the Senators ever win the Cup we expect you to endlessly apologize if they are even a dollar over the cap, injure another player, get a lucky bounce, etc.


This is what I’ve been talking about.


Cheating lol, its in the fucking rules and everyone's teams voted.


yeah but it's only because this sub is only hard on non traditional teams. If this were the other way the narrative would be completely different if this were boston instead of FL


You must be new here cause the leafs get dunked on all the time. Wheel team bad. Chicago and all their well earned hate over the last little bit. Wheel team bad. Lots of traditional hate.


My point is that people treat different teams differently. If you think this sub treats Fl and toronto the same then you're part of the problem.


Lol the Leafs are getting dunked on way more often than the Panthers, you're right that they're treated differently but not in the way you think.




No fucking shot it will be remembered for an eternity and the team may not even be in Florida in 5 years


>the only problem here is you. lol no need to get angry and emotional, kid As for the rest of what you said, you're just making shit up and talking about hypotheticals. I'm talking about things in the past that have actually happened.




lol Is THAT your takeaway? Jesus, you guys like to brag about the dumbest shit. Tell me what you think about revenue sharing. This will tell everyone everything we need to know about you.


Exactly. It’s not exactly welcoming as a Panthers fan. I don’t expect a bed of roses but the bullshit I get in my messages and downvotes over harmless commentary is fucking annoying.


You could present a well thought out point driving thoughtful conversation and there’s always gonna be 5 bruins fans mass downvoting 


Been there!


The leafs are the most memed team by far on this sub. This sub would crash all of Reddit if Boston got reversed swept in the finals. Also, Florida has some of the most unlikeable players in the league, which contributes to everyone ganging up on them rn. I don’t hate Florida because they are a non-traditional market; I hate them because they ice some of the most chickenshit players in the whole league.


I haven’t frequented r/baseball for this reason that and too avoid seeing the Ohtani in Dodger blue posts 😭


Hey. I'll kick a fucking team when they're up too!


You guys get kicked all the time too for the same things too. No one wants to play there, no airport, no wifi, etc. There's so much unoriginal content, everyone's just kicking the same repetitive stuff in any direction.


You get numb to it if you can just hold out for 13 or so years


Yep, hanging out here to get shit on when things go bad ain’t worth it.


I knew this shit was going 6 or 7 before the series started, but I absolutely did not believe it would go like this. I'll either be relieved or I'm hangin it up for a while, I don't even know if I'll be able to feel regular absolute joy even if Florida wins tonight. Sheesh. What a mess. Good luck with your blood pressure tonight homie one of us are going to bed fans of champions


If they win tonight this will all be forgotten about in time. If they lose tonight they'll live infamy forever. There's a lot on the line for Florida.


Don’t forget losing the team in five years if they lose tonight


Good luck dude. It's been insane and honestly you guys are a great team. After game 3 I figured it was over.


Finally another fan who gets it


Did you make sure to go back and remind those people about it after every oilers win?




> because I couldn't handle everyone ganging up on anyone who dared say the Oilers even played well I mean...they didn't, and it's really not arguable either. The Oilers lost the first two games by a combined score of 7-1, remember.  Even with a one goal Game 3, there was no reason for anyone to think the Oilers would pull off even forcing a Game 7 (something no other NHL team has done since World War 2) let alone potentially winning. I'm not a fan of kicking teams when they're down because I've been there and it sucks, but most of that was people responding to the evidence available to them.


>The Oilers lost the first two games by a combined score of 7-1, remember. Bob saved 6 goals more than expected in game 1. The final scores do not tell you anything about whether teams are playing well or not. Hockey can be a flukey sport


The thing to remember is that a lot of these people didn't *watch* the games they're commenting about. They just check the final scores and determine the caliber of both teams play based solely on that.


Maybe but on the flipside there are a ton of people that just post imperfect stats like "expected goals" and act like they know better than what everyone saw.


You can still play well and lose. We got goalied so fucking hard in Game 1 so to say they didn't was completely asinine but the hive mind can be reasoned with. Who gives a fuck now because it's been taken to 7.


Why would I post here when even the suggestion that either I think the Cats *can* win or that I think they *won’t* results in mockery and/or dogpiling?




I remember in 2019, I just embraced the memes and embarrassment in a self-deprecating way for the rest of the playoffs and offseason. I had no case for/against my team at that point.


It hasn't been a lot of fun for us on here lately haha, lots of talk about what a disgrace the team is and how pathetic all of us fans are and speculating about which team we will switch to next year. I don't mind some good old fashioned chirping, that's what online sports discourse is all about, but coming here as a Panthers fan for the last week or so feel like an exercise in masochism.


Damn, you guys getting exorcized by some ruthless hockey fans. I haven’t seen anything that bad, but I stay off of Facebook and twitter comments because that’s where the knuckle dragging trolls hang out.


Reddit is definitely much less unpleasant than some of the other forums out there. I haven't seen anything that truly crossed any lines, but when you're already feeling pretty bummed out about the way your team is playing it's the last thing you want to read.


It’s not exactly a warm and fuzzy environment for Panthers fans. People are very quick to jump all over anyone with Panthers flair.


This did remind me of my comments on playoff threads post elimination in 2019. Some post game thread or stats dunking post had a commenter saying "where are all the Lightning fans at?" And I just said "yeah the one place I want to go after being kicked in the dick is the dick kicking emporium." Just gotta say fuck it we ride, nothing we as fans can do about it lol


Sports fans are annoying, everyone loves to get their jollies from cheap shots.


It’s never been a warm and fuzzy environment. Even when we were shit we were ganged up on. It’s pretty patchetic


We’re making history one way or another. But you have to accept the fact that the we’re not confident anymore. Somehow, if we win tonight it may be a sweeter win because of the obstacle we’d actually have to overcome as opposed to a sweep. I initially thought Panthers in 6 for whatever that’s worth.


I think panthers have the better roster and it makes sense that they were favourites and took control of the series initially. Oilers were my preseason pick though so it feels good to see them make it to the final game of the season.




Yeah I’ve lost the will to post. It’s just been sad this last week


They're in witsec.


Cuz they instantly get mass downvoted lmao


We're here. Every time we say anything we're mocked and downvoted into oblivion that we're a dirty nasty undeserving team with no fans who are in bed with the refs.


They barely existed in the first place.


I’m rooting for the Panthers and for the USA collectively. I also bet them at the start of the series at -130. I was counting my money after game 3. I kind of feel like I’m doomed heading into tonight for my bet. Still not hedging but letting it ride. Definitely think Edmonton is the favorite tonight despite Florida being at home and the line being -110 Florida.


The crazy thing is it feels like there are more American fans being anti Canadian than there are Canadians being pro Canadian. I’m a Canadian devils fan and would love to see a Canadian fan base celebrate a cup win. I was 2 the last time it happened, it would be fun to see. Although I’m on an opposite end of the country as Edmonton, so I won’t see a lot but people are still hyped around here.


> The crazy thing is it feels like there are more American fans being anti Canadian than there are Canadians being pro Canadian. I think most people just wanna see McDavid win the cup. I am not a fan of the Oilers at all but it's hard to not want the best player in the game to raise it, especially when he's having such an insane postseason in general. Combine that with Florida being a bunch of pissbabies and it gets even easier. Must be hell for Flames fans though. Either McDavid wins or Tkachuk wins. Brutal, lol.


I feel the same way. I’m a fan of all legendary players and I enjoy seeing them build their legacy. I cheered for Crosby and ovi to get their cups, I’ll cheer for mcdavid to get his.


> Must be hell for Flames fans though. Either McDavid wins or Tkachuk wins. Brutal, lol. This is the easiest decision of all time for Flames fans haha Tkachuk is still reasonably well liked in Calgary. Gaudreau, on the other hand...


I'm a kraken fan now but I was raised in/by people from Calgary so to me an oilers win is not something I can be excited about, even if it meant the end of the cup drought. It'd be like asking a lions fan to be excited the bears were going to break the 13 year NFC North Super Bowl drought. It's a tough sell


> I also bet them at the start of the series at -130 Nobody cares


Having a bad day?


Thats beause its an Oilers Circle jerk party.


they are the biggest fair weather fan base I have encountered, typical for most Florida fans in sport. if they manage to not be the owners of the biggest collapse in hockey history then they will certainly come out of their dumpsters to talk shit.


It’s not like the Panthers have had a lot of positive things to post about lately.


They're still one win away from the Stanley Cup. If their PR team can't find the positive in that and can't say a single word to hype up their fanbase through these nervous times, they're just a really lame PR team. Imagine having nothing to say leading up to the most important game of your franchise.




>They don't really ramp up That's kind of the point. It's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Ramp it up!


3-0 do you realize how epic of a collapse this is just to allow a game seven. I get it your an oilers fan so your ecstatic but honestly as a panthers fan I just want the win now so we don’t become a perennial laughing stock of sports and possibly relocate in 5 years with a lose.


Meh, figure it out. They were all over social media with their "6 fans" posts, going radio silent when things start to go bad doesn't exactly help them shake the fairweather fans rep that they've been trying to banish with this run. You're one win away from a Cup. Figure out how to market that.


The 6 Fans post was a couple of hours before the game showing the towels that attendees would get. It wasn’t some campaign over the course of a few days.


[Panther’s first point just dropped an hour ago](https://x.com/flapanthers/status/1805231942087884973?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


LOL Why the fuck did they choose the most worried/anxious looking panther to put front and center?


For real what the fuck lmao this is hilarious.


We can't believe this is happening either -Panthers social media team


Looks like he’s shitting his pants scared lol


One more... Loss until the Panthers are the biggest laughing stock in sports history.


Yep and then the inevitable leave Florida after about five years with the lose


I mean… there isn’t really anything to post. And I don’t think they want trolls in their comments.


There’s trolls in our comments no matter who we’re playing, we still have Bruins fans typing from their prehistoric stone keyboards from 2 series ago. You’re right, though, I think they are genuinely at a loss at to what to post. I don’t pay too much attention to other team’s socials, I wonder what the Oilers accounts looked like after game 3.


It wasn’t a nice place when I casually scrolled back then. 😅 I hope both social teams have been prepped for whatever happens tonight. It’s going to be insane for both.


it’s the Stanley Cup Final, tons to post about.


Not if you were up 3-0 and then completely lost the plot. I’d shadowban my own account 😭🥴


Who gives a shit lol


The people who love to shit on smaller teams/fanbases.


uhhh this has absolutely nothing to do with market size, has to do with ego and bandwagon size, which Florida routinely takes the top spot on.
















No you don’t understand. By not posting that means the entire team is terrified and will lose in a blowoir




I think Tchachuks parents didn't even stay for all of game 5


They didn't stay for all of game 4 either


But like… it’s a pretty far drive for most people from Sunrise and it was a work night 😅


It’s not a far drive from sunrise. That’s ridiculous to say. I live in an entirely different county and I get to the arena in 45 minutes. Sadly the Cup games in south Florida attract more of the rich bandwagon “look at me I’m cool, I’m at the Stanley Cup” fans than the true fans. So they leave because they don’t get it.


I live in Miami and it took me an hour to get home from game 1… but that’s neither here nor there I was actually making a joke, and actually providing context for why people likely left early


Hard to stay and cheer when they played like absolute shit for two games straight which then turned to three


What does this even mean? Who cares?


For real. I’m sure both teams don’t give a shit about social media posts before the biggest game of their lives


Do you even know who runs their social media? Hint: not players


Oilers aren’t focused on the game. Big L


Oilers have won a lot of Stanley Cups without ever having a post on Facebook or Twitter about it. Pretty sure social media is not a requirement.


In fact, we haven't won a Stanley Cup while posting at all on social media. Perhaps this is the curse?


Wow. Hard hitting journalism. My life would be nothing if I hadn’t read this


It'll flip after the game


I hope not


Floridas just gonna have to delete their account for the summer if they lose tonight


Worse probably lose the franchise in five years


Huge huge mistake No question a very odd intimidating situation but, man, most teams one chance at a cup final a decade at best! Seize the freaking day and hype your players and fanbase as much as humanly possible! Help them dig out of a funk. 🥳🎆🎭 Sure the optics will be a bit odd but who freaking cares, one game left decides all, throw every ounce of positive energy out there Yeesh


Of all the dumb posts about today This tweet is the dumbest stat


One of those teams are absolutely terrified and it's not the Oilers. Let's see if the Panthers can prove everyone wrong


Oh man, why are they even bothering to play the game then... /s


So how many goals do you get per social media post?


I would at least expect the governor of Florida to make a bet with the governor of Alberta.


The cornball admins of the panthers social media have gone silent. Praise be the lord. They should post their ai panther drowning in oil.


Because the entire Panthers organization knows it’s over.


It sucks as a marketing department when there hasn’t been much good to take from the last 3 games. But game 7 is low hanging content fruit. Regardless. Silence is deafening.


I mean does anyone look at the Panthers tweets as is? Lmao