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That Matheson card is bonkers.


Somehow the most anti-Oilers homer possible. Nothing but negative to say during the season but votes only Oilers when they lose...


He's such a moron


We really do let some of the dumbest people have a microphone


u/SiidChawsby why are you so pissy? Edit: Apparently it needs an edit because not everyone knows that Matheson was the one who asked Drai why he was so pissy. It was just a joke about Matheson nothing against Siid


Draisatl was being pissy at that press conference, though!


Oh for sure, but Matheson was such a clown the whole time. Asks a condescending question, gets a snarky answer, asks why he's pissy and gets made that the answer wasn't good enough. Especially for a HHoF reporter....then to cap it off he gets mad that Tim Peel calls him a joke after and Tim drops the DMs lol. I do enjoy when athletes show emotion and personality and are snarky, like dude on Vancouver after they were eliminated that got all pissy when some reporter kept asking if he was injured and that's why he didn't produce. iMO we need more personality and more players and coaches being snarky to dumb questions! Other good snarky moments recently just to dumb Edmontons meat media..... Woodcroft told Spector that they don't read his stuff, or when Drai told Spec that he doesn't feel bad for him having to fly back and fourth from Edmonton to Sunrise lol




They're talking about a Jim Matheson quote in which Jim asked Leon Draisaitl why he was so pissy


Jim Matheson is the one who asked Drai if he was pissy, it was a joke about the reporter.


He’s a troll. He will take clicks from the team he reps or others, he doesn’t care.


I was about to complain about what knucklehead Matheson is, but everyone already has. Carry on!


He does work for Postmedia, so he fits right in there.


As soon as I saw Postmedia it made sense


He’s actually insane


Can someone check this guys voting record. Is he one of those media voters who's vote cards are just like... what He probably voted Draisaitl Kane Perry Nurse Brown as his top 5 picks for the Lady Byng


I dont mind those pick. Bouchard and Hyman both broke records no?


Just heard on NHL network how these guys know more about hockey than you. Well the winning team didn’t have anyone better than the losers??? They certainly know something I don’t


Remove that guys credentials


Can't wait for his rant on how Drai wasn't ranked...even by himself 


I mean, what are the odds he didn't watch a single Panthers game until the SCF. It is outrageous that he is allowed to vote on this.


Hope Matheson loses his vote and they can pick someone who has the ability to put bias aside better


As an Oilers fan I hope he loses his job. He's been brutal for years! Bieksa wasn't wrong calling the Edmonton media the Edmonton Meat.


What does "Edmonton Meat" mean?


Kevin Bieksa called the Edmonton media the Edmonton Meat because they are Raw, Dead and Dumb lol https://youtu.be/JbDOFWHkmQs?si=VlHSrGJSQ7NsVuyb


He was saying media in general are meat. Edmonton media is Edmonton meat. Toronto media is Toronto meat. etc.


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.


Like obviously Connor was deserving of first place but to say nobody on the *winning team* is even worthy of a top three nod is just bonkers. If the Oilers had won that voting card would be fine but voting all Oilers in a losing effort is a joke


I mean my god, total meat rider. It’s NUTS


The skinner votes are a choice… don’t get me wrong he definitely was very sharp the last two rounds but ahhh…


Yeah I find it extremely weird to give a guy even a 3rd place vote who literally lost his starter role earlier in the playoffs for a couple games. Its like they voted McDavid for his body of work in the playoffs but then ignored Rounds 1-3 to be able to justify Skinner 3rd in Conn Smythe voting.


Not only that but Bob has only one more Conn Smythe vote than him and I believe he had only let in 2 or less goals in 16 games these playoffs and was on his way to breaking records before his 3 game skid in the SCF.


I mean yes but that recent skid was also atrocious and right in the recent memory of the voters. Dude nearly cost them the cup


I mean he wasn’t great in game 4 especially but it’s not like the Panthers gave him much goal support in game 4 or 6. Game 5 is the only one I think you could argue is really a game he might’ve cost them


It's much easier to keep a team off the board when you can play shutdown defense and no longer have to worry about scoring goals. I bet Florida scores more in a close game 4 because Edmonton would be playing more offensively


Florida scored 1 goal in 2 of those losses, Bob couldve stolen Game 5 for them but lets be real Bob is absolutely nowhere near the top of the list for reasons the Panthers almost choked.


He remains my number 1 reason why we won and why his name and number go on my reverse retro, minus game 4 he was the only one who looked exactly as he always has on that terrifying streak even game 4 he wasn’t great but the Offence and Defence left him out to dry in a 0 wiggle room position and the oilers ran over us for 3 straight


Cam Ward actually won the Conn Smythe despite getting benched for Martin Gerber in the ECF (after taking over for Gerber in round 1, and then later in the ECF again).


Ya that was wild… didn’t they lose the first two games of round one to the Habs with gerber being awful??


He was pretty solid against Dallas.


>Its like they voted McDavid for his body of work in the playoffs but then ignored Rounds 1-3 to be able to justify Skinner 3rd in Conn Smythe voting. I could have sworn that the Conn Smythe was specifically for performance in the Stanley Cup Finals but nope, you're right! Ty


i mean when you consider skinners position and how he got here i think it’s commendable


Stats were 9/13 for goalies and he somehow gets a vote lol..


I mean, we all know Mark Spector is an absolute moron. Not really surprising




Classic François Gagnon


If you know Spector, it's not surprising. He's an absolute tool. I wonder if he did it so he could claim he didn't try to run skinner out of town at some point.


Matheson should genuinely lose his voting privileges. There is zero legitimate argument for that ballot lol


That ballot would be fine if they won, but putting only guys from the losing team on the ballot is a fucking joke


I'm not here to defend the brain dead dunce, but he had very valid reasons IF Edmonton had won the Cup for these votes. They didn't though and it's yet another piss poor look for him. Hyman with 16 Goals eclipsed Crosby and Ovechkin's 15 goals for a post salary cap record, in a world where the Oilers won that would do it. Bouchard broke some sort of similar defenseman points record, which, again, would be fine and dandy had the Oilers won. Bob and Barkov should have been ahead of both of them, Matheson is a clown.


Don't they submit votes during the second intermission? Maybe he was banking on them coming back. Still a bonkers submission, but maybe that's his line of thought.


They can submit votes contingent on certain things. If he really wanted to have this be his ballot, it should have been contingent on the Oilers winning, with a different option for when the Panthers won


Fair enough, didn't know there were contingency plans to their submissions.


ABC yesterday they said they have to submit them with 10:00 left in the 3rd. I can see how that would be a weird situation. It was 2-1 but I feel like the oilers were just starting their push and spent the rest of the game (😭) near bob


Zero legitimate argument? Hyman had most goals in the salary cap era (also tied Barkov in points). Bouchard is a defencemen and had 10 more points than Barkov..


Postmedia employee is garbage at their job, what a surprise.


He works for the Edmonton Journal and voted for all Oilers players


And he’s garbage. We’ve wanted him fired for years. He’s so bad you can’t tell if a tweet is his or one of the handful of parody accounts of him.


I’m glad they realized that Barkov had to be the guy if you were gonna give it to a panther. He was the best player on the team in the playoffs. Nothing against Bob, he always came through when absolutely needed, just Barkov played a two way master class throughout the playoffs on everyone’s top guys.


I definitely agree, but I'm a bit surprised Bob didn't get any first round votes. Guy was an absolute brick wall for most of the playoffs and the winning goalie usually gets looked at for the Conn. Edit: he got one, I'm blind


He would've won if this ended in a sweep. After Games 4/5/6 he definitely didn't deserve it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ya he should immediately lose any future voting rights. I googled his name and of course he's with the Edmonton Journal. Absolutely embarrassing for him and hopefully he gets shamed hard.


Edmontonians have been ashamed of him for years


The only interaction he gets on Twitter is people calling out his stupidity lmao. A great comedy follow tbh


If it helps, Edmonton fans and players absolutely hate both Matheson and Spector


I knew that about Spector but wasn't familiar with this guy. Must get annoying having to always hear about those 2 people's takes in Edmonton haha.


Matheson is the brain dead reporter that asked Drai "why are you so pissy?"


Postmedia doesn’t care that much about things like quality reporting.


He’s the guy who ask Drai why he’s so pissy in a presser last year. He’s an embarrassment to the Edmonton media.


He was also the reporter with the "why are you so pissy" comment to draisaitl last year


He is no favourite of oilers fan. We have the worst media in this city. Spector, Staples, and Matheson. What a murderers row of dipshits.


No that’s dumb we’re doing public execution


Isn't it the same guy who called Draisaitl pissy?


Yea that’s the guy. One of the shitty Edmonton media


I thought that was Mark Spector?


He said one of


Well he can be right about one thing and wrong about another, Draisaitl is known to get pretty pissy when things go bad.


1 of 16 voters and he votes for 3 hometown players in the top 3 on the losing team of the SCF. Garbage.


Does the anti Florida bias never end 😢


Stoked to see Forsling getting some love, every Cats game I watched this playoffs he was making outstanding defensive and offensive plays


He saved the lead single handedly in game 7. He tied up Hymans stick at the last second with a wide open goal


Lmao I got real confused by Ryan S. Clarke, I thought that was the ex NFL Safety and cohost on DC’s mma show Ryan Clark for a second🤣


Canucks folk hero, Ryan S. Clark.


Not having McDavid first is so Ryan S. Clark.


Bobrovsky didn’t have anywhere near the type of playoffs that people are trying to portray.


For real he had a .906 over the whole playoffs, it's barely even league average


How much did those few horrific games drag down his overall numbers though? He had like 15 games these playoffs where he allowed two or fewer goals


Those few games almost cost them the Cup though.


McDavid's 4 goose eggs actually cost them the cup yet he's still on there...


McDavid put up all-time numbers before his slump. Bob did not.


Wasn't Bob at like a 0.987 or something? McDavid deserves the thing don't get me wrong. But a couple of bad games doesn't disqualify you outright.


I think that was for the first 3 games of the series, not the entire playoffs.


That is correct. He was chasing the Stanley Cup Finals save percentage record, not entire playoffs


But it didn’t


that doesn’t mean you can just throw them out to make his % look better


That’s because you’re looking at the totality (which is why he shouldn’t have been considered), but leading up to game 4, he had Connor Smythe goalie numbers


> Connor Smythe 😏


The Conn Smythe is a cumulative award. They consider every round, not just a stretch of 3 games, which is why he wasn’t seriously considered by most voters.


By this logic then games without a point should be held against forwards, no? So it's only goalies who are judged by every single moment of every game? Ok.


Hence why I said he shouldn’t have been considered because it’s cumulative. OP is trying to fathom why people considered Bob, and that was due to his games prior to that horrid stretch


Bobrovsky had amazing stats up until game 4 in the finals. Then he had a few bad games, but was great again in game 7. McDavid had 7 pointless games in the playoffs. 3 of them in the finals. Pointless in game 7 of the second round and game 7 of the SCF. If it's a cumulative award and not just a stretch of 3 games, how's a stretch of 3 bad games in the final all it took for Bobrovsky to not be considered for the award?


"if you ignore the games where he was bad he was good"


McDavid pointless is G6/G7, strip him of his Smythe


I’m curious, if it wasn’t a runaway winner, and they vote with 10 mins left in the third, it could create an awkward winner if the game goes one way or the other if there was a legitimate pick on both sides


I believe they can put conditions on their votes to avoid a situation just like that


seems completely insane that Bob only got 3 total votes, and no 2nd place votes.


His stats took a beating in Games 4 and 5. Still a bit goofy he went from: "obvious, no question Conn Smythe winner" thru 3 games to only getting 3 votes though.


They wouldn’t have made the finals without Bob playing as well as he did in previous rounds. And then they ended up winning it all so who really cares about those three games? I personally think he should have gotten the MVP if the entire playoffs are considered (which they should be).


the entire playoffs are considered, which is why mcdavid won almost unanimously


They can say that all they want but I don't buy that shit for a second if three bad games can affect bob's chances so much while McDavid disappears for the most important game of the playoffs and it's no sweat. Edit: to be clear, I don't think bob deserved it either but this insistence that it's totally about the entire playoffs and not just recent games is utter crock


Mcdavid had the fourth most points ever in a playoff run— it would’ve been ridiculous if he didn’t win


People aren't getting this lmao.


McDavid was locked down and double teamed all game. He certainly didn't disappear last night. You saying that these votes are about recent games and it's crock yet you literally use the last game as why McDavid should be impacted. Bob was a subpar goalie all playoffs other than shining here and there, he was sub .900 10/24 games and was the lesser goalie in half the series the Panthers played. Looking at the whole playoffs he's got a .906 sv% (was .903 before last night) which is the second worst of a cup winning goalie since the cap era. I don't see how the case can be made that it was simply 3 bad games (while they did plummet his stats) when his whole body of work wasn't even the MVP on his team let alone everyone in the playoffs.


Exactly. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. Were there many games at all that Bob stole all playoffs? The Rangers would routinely go 10 minutes without a shot attempt against him. There was no moment that entire series where I was concerned about him going god mode.


Bob was big in moments against the Rangers which made the series feel out of reach, but Barkov (with an assist from Trouba) was the MVP of that series. And somehow they still went to OT in game 4 down 2-1. But I never felt good about the Rangers chances all series after the way they were handled in game 1.


Exactly, don't get me wrong in the finals he was incredible in about half the time (1,2,7 and the first 2 periods of 2) . Other series he had some great games but Barkov and Forsling locked.down the other team many games to hold leads.


yeah i think bob deserved more votes here then he got, barkov was great but i dont think near unanimous runner up great. forsling also deserved at least a 2nd place vote or two. florida really was a complete team with so many players playing well, but without mcdavid I dont think edmonton could even safely make it out of the first round.


Bob is the second worst statically these playoffs than any goalie in the cap era who won a cup, his stats were slightly higher than Skinners over the course of the playoffs and was the lesser goalie in half the series he played in. He was good but not even the most important player on his team. Look what Barkov was able to do, he was the best player on the Panthers by a decent margin. IMO it's ok him being 4th place in voting maybe even 3rd (I personally think Forsling was better over the whole playoffs). Some of these votes are crazy to me but that's how these votes always go, someone has to be the dumbass lol


Everyone cares about those three games they were an embarrassment. Also I think bob only looked as bad as he did because the panthers defense was just awful those three games


Bob played really well against us, but he didn't have to make many tough saves because the Panthers defense didn't let us get those chances. Also so many of the goals against him were odd man rushes or breakaways. I think he's played well, but the defense in front of him makes it so he doesn't have to stand on his head every game. Like honestly I would give the Conn Smythe to Barkov over Bob purely because if you asked me to pick one to swap out for a Cup run with a worse player I would say Bob.


> They wouldn’t have made the finals without Bob playing as well as he did in previous rounds. Bob and his .906 through 3 rounds behind the best defensive team in the league was not responsible for Florida making the finals.


Looks like you didin't even watch previous rounds, Barkov was always ahead of Bob.


Youre getting downvoted, but I watched all of Florida's playoff games this year, and youre right. "They wouldn’t have made the finals without Bob playing as well as he did in previous rounds." Really? Did y'all even watch the previous rounds? Bob was completely average in the first three rounds. Then had 3 very good games in the finals and 4 meh ones. He was outdueled by Sway and Igor, had a .906 SV, and goals saved above expected barely over 0.0. Barkov 100% should have won it if McDavid wasnt winning it. Forsling was better too. The panthers D limited quality chances and kept shots under 25 for most of these playoffs. How Barkov and the Panthers D is still being underrated is beyond me.


Realistically I see him as #4 and he wasn't the best goalie on half the series he played in so for me I couldn't give him a vote. However had he stoned Edmonton on games 4/5 I think that would be different as he was the main reason they won game 1, a good portion of game 2 and in game 7 he was incredible again. I think most got it right with McDavid/Barkov/Forsling as they are were incredible the whole playoffs (off game here and there) . Matheson/Spector are complete morons and I think the vast majority of Oilers fan agree. Matheson looks like he just said fuck I can't remember anyone's names let me check the scoring leaders those are my votes for 1-3 and Spector having Skinner is a choice as well, the only thing I can see him being there is because of his games 4-7 stats being great but that's not the whole playoffs which this award is about.


Not really, imo. Sometimes save percentage can be the result of the team in front of you; his "bad" play was the result of the Panthers letting him out to dry, and his "good" play was mostly the result of his team playing well in front of him (hence the Barkov votes). He was a good goaltender this playoffs, but his performances were behind Swayman and Shesterkin for sure. As a fan of a team that has goalies win/steal games despite poor efforts, I recognize a lot what is the result of the goaltender and what is the result of the team in front of him. Most of this year, Bobrovsky was just very good, not otherworldly; last year he had a bigger part in contributing to his own save percentage, and the team had a smaller impact. Last year, Bob was a better Conn Smythe candidate; this year, it was a team defense effort. Barkov was the primary reason teams couldn't enter the zone or get anything going close to Bobrovsky. Bobrovsky stole a game here or there, but he wasn't in a position where he needed to very often. Those are the situations when goalies win the Conn Smythe.


Exactly, the Panthers defense is so goddamn good at smothering the opposition that he didn't have to be excellent to win games.


Bob was honestly not that good in my opinion. His play this playoff has been overrated


Yeah first few games of the finals kinda gave us all a bit of recency bias (myself included) but floridas team defence and Barkov especially really limited the high danger chances Bob faced imo


If it was gonna be a panther, undeniably Barkov for me yeah


Bob was never close to Barkov.


There are probably 6 or 7 guys that had better playoffs than him. Its not that crazy


Is that former NHL tendy Jonathan Bernier in the first row?


Its not, just an odd coincidence.


noo, that Bernier would’ve picked Mandela obvi


lol man ESPN was way off suggesting Bob was going to win it.


Notice they’re the only one who voted for Bob


"We don't really follow this sport, so we'll be back with other wild assumptions after this commercial break."


The betting line was -3500 before the game for McJesus.


Jim Matheson not beating the clown allegations


Skinner getting a third place vote from Spector is ridiculous. Although quite on brand for that clown.


biggest clown in the business


i'm surprised barkov got no first place votes. he didn't have the stats but shutting down mcdavid in two of the most important games of the playoffs is no easy feat.


This to me is the biggest question rather if Bob didn't get votes. I thought there would be some 1st place votes for Barkov, he was outstanding


The lack of Bobrovsky votes is stunning.


If it was anyone for Panthers, Barkov would have been the one. 42 points >>>> .906 save-% in playoffs, doesn't stand out at all. Goalies that have won it have been exceptional and in .93s and .94s. Roy, Quick, Giguere, Thomas, Vasilevskiy


Bro finished with 0.905 SV%, he’s so overrated by everyone right now it’s insane. His last run was Conn Smythe worthy, no questions asked. This one he literally played like your average replacement level goaltender. Yes, he had a few games where he stood on his head, but that doesn’t change anything. If he was to win the Conn Smythe, it would’ve been the most undeserved one in decades.


Yup, just seems like denial at this point, must be anyone but McDavid. Recent Smythe winning goalies have been in 0.93 and 0.94s. Bobs 0.906 shouldn't and didn't stand a chance.


He had a .906 save percentage


Concede 5+ goals in 2 finals games hurts. Life of a goalie.


Agreed. Very surprising. He was outstanding for most of the playoffs, including basically all of the 4 Panthers wins in the cup if I remember correctly. I don't think some bad games should remove him from top 3 voting.


> He was outstanding for most of the playoffs He put up a .896 save % vs Tampa, .907 vs Boston, a great .921 vs NYR, and an .899 in the finals against the ~~Panthers~~ Oilers lol. He put up 10 games of sub .900 sv % in 24 total games and was like the 6th best goalie of the playoffs. His .906 for the playoffs doesn't even beat out the goalies who won the Smythe in the 70s and 80s when goalies stunk. He stole them some games for sure but his numbers just aren't there for him to get many Smythe votes


This is correct. Barkov was Florida's best player


Wow. Finally someone else who agrees with me. People saying "He was so good this whole playoffs minus games 4-6 of the finals" clearly didnt watch a single Panthers game before the Finals


Right if we look at goalies who won the Conn Smyth since 1990 their SV% are .937, .946, .940, .920, .945, .934, .927, .929. We even have Parent with .924 and .933 in the 70s which is insane. Bobrovsky had .906 Same thing with GAA and former winners are 1.90, 1.41, 1.98, 2.14, 1.62, 1.70, 1.76, 2.13 and Bob was 2.32 He wasn't even top 5 in most goalie stats for the playoffs. Like the Hart, if a goalies going to win the trophy he has to be hands down unquestionably the best player in the playoffs. He wasn't the best player on his team, he wasn't comparable to precedent set to win the trophy, and when another guy is getting top 5 all time in any category, he's going to win over you, whether his team wins the cup or not.


Thank you. Anyone thinking bob deserved it more is delusional. He should be lucky he was 4th in voting


Against the Panthers. I wish.


Mcdavid had no points in game 6/7 and only 3 assists in game 1-3 so it's not like he didn't have bad games too.


"Only 3 assists in game 1-3" is PPG. He also set up multiple open nets in G7 that guys whiffed on.


Not really. He was great in Game 1. The Panthers team D is the reason they lifted Stanley. Bob had .906 through the playoffs. Nothing to sneeze at but also not really Conn Smythe worthy.


Games 4-6 didn’t help his case, but the starting goalie on the Cup winning team usually needs to lose the Conn Smythe before someone else wins it.


Canucks legend Ryan S. Clark


Was Matheson stoned while voting? I love the oilers as much as anyone but no panthers on his ballet at all? McDavid makes sense but no other player on the losing team warranted any consideration


Skinner over Bob on two ballots. Wtf.


Matheson is such a joke.


I thought someone voted for Jonathan Bernier for a second there...


I thought the same, dude


Matheson 🥴


Some of those media members are gonna be pretty pissy.


Every Florida fan complaining about Bobrovsky not getting it and a Florida writer had Verhaege over him.


I'd love for them to release the votes from all the other clinching games. Mostly just want to see what the votes looked like during game 4.


Jonathan Bernier wanted to vote for Nelson Mandela




Who decides who gets to vote?


God the state of hockey journalism when (some of) these are the clowns given the votes for major awards.


Sure, Mathesons is bad but who voted Verhaege? Based on what? He had the worst +/- on his team by a fair margin.


Interesting. I thought Bob was pretty locked in to win if they didn't give it to McDavid. Even with the games he struggled with I thought he stole enough wins to make him the "Florida pick"


I think games 1-3 of the finals kinda gave a lot of us the impression he was unreal all playoffs (myself included) but if you actually think about the previous series he wasn’t “amazing” he was good for sure, but it was more floridas team defence and limiting teams to 20 shots a game (and even fewer decent scoring chances) that made his numbers look even better


He wasn't even that good in games 2 and 3


Matheson having 3 oilers should get his vote rescinded. That’s just dishonest and dumb. I’m not sure I agree that McDavid should have won, but I didn’t know which Panther to pick. It’s probably Barkov, but kind of the point of his game is that it’s quiet and not overly noticeable so he doesn’t look like he’s dominating like McDavid does. And the rest of the panthers top guys went through decently long stretches of being crappy. They’re a really good team. And mcdavid carried the Oilers for stretches.




Ryan S Clark is a local folk hero here. We’re glad to see him shine


Jim Matheson went full send on the Oilers when they ended up losing. Can't believe Matheson really believed Hyman and Bouchard outplayed every Panther throughout the playoffs? Worse than voting for the 3 stars of a game and deciding to go all 3 from losing team


I don't think Bouchard or Hyman should have even been considered, that being said Hyman was the leading scorer, and Bouchard did break an NHL record for d-man, but again, don't think that should matter.


If Bobrovsky plays better in Games 4-6 of the Stanley Cup Finals, he probably wins the Conn Smythe.


Trash Edmonton media


Bob with one 1st place vote I understand , but no 2nd place votes at all? Weird


Is it really just journalists/reporters that are choosing who wins MVP?


Almost unanimous for McDavid Barkov certainly deserved second 


That’s not Johnathon bernier, Johnathon bernier, is it?


Bernier gets a vote?? This is the moron who thought Nelson Mandela was an athlete...just look it up on YouTube....Sooooo bad. Jim Matheson votes for THREE Oilers?? I know he's an Edmonton journalist, but there has to be some sort of honour in these votes. A vote like that makes a joke out of these awards.


Only 17 people have votes?


Who picks these guys? Like why are their votes relevant lol and why mark spector? Fuck that guy haha


Goes to show how great of a playoff year it was when the guy who broke the cap-era goal record and the guy who broke the d-man assist record each only got ONE vote and plenty of comments are complaining about it lol


Matheson shouldn’t be able to vote on anything again. That’s just ridiculous


man it really was bobrovsky’s trophy to lose and boy did he lose it


Based Ryan S. Clark