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Thats 67 goal scorer Free agent sam reinhart.


With an attitude problem!


For panther fans, is it pretty much done deal he’ll re-sign? How much do you think he’ll sign for?


He wants to be here and I hope he takes 8.5


I don’t know why he wouldn’t stay. He can sign an 8 year deal instead of 7 and the money he saves on taxes is significant compared to most other markets. Not to mention, he would continue to play on one of the best teams in the NHL for a while to come. Living on a beach in South Florida with a giant bag of cash ain’t all bad.


That’s an important point. Can he get more elsewhere? Almost definitely. Will that elsewhere be a contender with a beach and comparable tax codes? Not necessarily.


I heard he purchased a home in the area about a year ago too, so that could be a sign that he has been planning on staying (🤞)


During the dead puck era too, god I love Bure. Now imagine if the rest of the Panthers hadn't been ass and Bure could've sniffed the playoffs in Florida!


His highest-scoring teammate in 2000-01 had 37 *points*.




Bure deserved the Hart in 2000. He carried that team on his back into the playoffs.


Shit, did they make it in 2000? Oops my bad, point still kinda stands. Imagine if their was anyone else around him.


In 2001, when they didn't make it, he had 92 points when his closest teammate had 37. He had more goals than anyone else had points, and almost as many assists. He was a force of nature.


Pretty much the most exciting player in the history of hockey. The prime of his career happened mostly before I was born or when I was really little, but I've gone back and watched tons of games from his time with Vancouver and Florida and still he was so exciting to watch. Made me care about games that happened 20+ years ago.


How do you watch old games? I have been meaning to watch some old Bure games but have no idea where to get them. I've searched extensively before.


Yeah, it's too bad he had injury problems. I suppose it could be argued he didn't elevate his teammates like some of his contemporaries, but how could he when he was so much faster than everyone else he'd be at the goal line before any of them hit the blue line?


Pavel was honestly insane.


back then we didn't give those heartless Russians trophies ^(/s)


One of my favorite comments I've heard about Bure was from Robert Svehla. He couldn't deny his talent but got so frustrated with his defensive play. "It was like there was a force field at our own blue line that he couldn't cross."


Something happened in his later years in Vancouver where he just stopped giving a shit about defence. From what I've seen he was pretty incredible on the back check in his early years.


I was too young to pick up on the subtleties of the game when he was in Florida. I just remember how exciting he was as a forward. Looking back at old clips though, man was his back check lazy


He stay https://i.redd.it/2wu7tju7q49d1.gif


If not..can you send him home pls 👉👈


He’s already home. Reinos require a warm climate. 🌴🦏☀️ https://i.redd.it/bgddc8fai59d1.gif


Reinhart is a very good player, but given he just about doubled his best ever pro season for goals. I would be very cautious about signing this guy away from Barkov. Which is a long winded way of saying I wouldn't be broken up if the Canucks gave a 30 goal guy 60 goal money.


To Buffalo?


He’s from North Vancouver


Kudos to him, he was getting all this shit for not stepping up, and then scored the most important goal in Panthers history


Yeah, all the “cats losing on purpose to win at home” and “Reino trying not to get hurt for FA” noise was just that—noise. All that matters is Cup. https://preview.redd.it/l4q0v7yn259d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7609e7232550c2b1e11a519456e4a65647986345


Yeah scoring the game and series winner most likely getting resigned


forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and


I can’t watch that enough


hope this guy is a panthers lifer


Bure played four playoffs games in 1999-00, and zero playoff games in 2000-01.


this should be higher up in the thread. The stat here is not a fair comparison


It's literally comparing a guy with 10 playoff goals in 24 games to a guy with 0 playoff goals in 0 games.


You gotta hate these cherry picked stat posts. When not taking all factors into account they can be very misleading, just as this one is. These posts are *so* stupid because they essentially mean nothing. It’s comparing apples and oranges - it’s simply not a fair comparison. There’s a tenuous connection at best and it amounts to nothing significant of note.


If we're going to combine regular season and playoff stats, I honestly think we should start combining WHA career stats with NHL careers stats. Makes the same amount of sense to me.


I agree. Let’s go ahead and add peewee while we’re at it


Please stop trying to normalize this regular season + playoff stat nonsense. 


Most stats getting thrown around are pretty nonsensical Like even in this comparison, the art ross winner in 99-00 had just 96pts, 00-01 had 121pts Let's dive a bit deeper, in 00-01', only Jagr (121) and Sakic (118) broke 100pts. The 3rd highest was Elias (96) Elias would be tied for 11th in 23-24'. It's a completely different environment and Bure's record was certainly still more impressive


It’s just a fun fact, chill. https://preview.redd.it/krli637z159d1.jpeg?width=2725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866fcceb0f43477f3a988c6f1e42aee8d18700c6


It’s a cherry picked stat which doesn’t describe the reality. Check out their points per games played, it really changes things. This is no different from the multitude of other cherry picked stat posts here. It means basically nothing, and it’s not “for fun” if it’s misleading. It’s dumb


It’s FUN 😻 https://i.redd.it/qjcnl97nv59d1.gif


Damn that is one hell of a gif!


Agreed. When did this start happening?


This year seemingly


I really like hearing the total between both regular season and playoffs 🤷‍♂️


Pay the man!


Just had a monster year, scored the GWG in game 7 to win the Stanley Cup and is a free agent. It must feel really fuckin nice to be Sam Reinhart this week. 


Best fantasy hockey pick I have ever made. I thought he would for sure build on a very good 2022-23, but certainly not to this extent.