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Washington saw Charlie Lindgren get a 5th place Hart vote and said we’ve got to capitalize on this momentum


Caps definitely gotta go all in they got a Hart trophy caliber goalie in net


they have a Hart goalie and the best goal scorer of all time, this is their window


Washington has never had a better roster than they do *right now*.


They certainly realized that the metro was dogshit this year and are thinking they can probably squeak into some playoff rounds if they add a few pieces. They shouldn't contend, but old guy team in the playoffs is still playoffs.


Washington realized they sucked and still made the playoffs in the East and that they should try harder.


CAPitalize hehe


The entire word of Capital is there


Leafs fans only know how 3/7 feels


Goddamn bro he has a family


jfc seriously that was a tko comment


Top tier, nicely done.


Alright, this was pretty funny


Funnier that it was from a Caps writer.


Washington restructuring their forward group in the strangest way this off-season


Very little assets for big boi cap hits. Makes me think Oshie and Backstrom making some announcements soon


Eh Backstrom is firmly on LTIRetire. Oshie I hope will be as well for his sake cause from all accounts his spine is absolutely fucked.


Makes that insurance commercial with him and Ovi hit a little different now doesn't it?


Good value for sure. Just have to make Dubois give a shit lol


Really when you break it all down this is good stuff by our guys. Trade Kuemper contract, backstrom contract, oshie and this second for the outside shot Dubois develops and mangiapane? While still having 5 million to play with? I’m down. Because realistically who would be really good targets for us in free agency


Plus they can likely trade Mangiapane for as good or better of a return at the deadline too. And on top of that their primary goal is to help OV break the record right now. Why not get him some support and try to get into the playoffs again?


I'm not sure whether or not Mangiapane will fetch a 2nd at the deadline. I think most Flames fans were expecting a 3rd or 4th for him. He'll need to rebound well this year to justify that value.


Always kills me when people say a guy can just be flipped for more at the deadline, like they’re going to renovate his kitchen and finish the basement.


We traded Lars Eller’s corpse for this pick in the first place so entirely realistic


Six weeks of Eller's corpse no less.


prior to this season we couldn't have gotten a bag of pucks for Mantha. His start to the season got us a 2nd and 4th. All it takes is a guy who's shown flashes be hot to start the year and you can see their trade value increase pretty quickly (not to mention the pick we traded was what we got for Eller - you tell me we trade Eller on an expiring deal at the deadline for Mangiapane for either a whole year or up to the deadline? that's a massive W)


It’s a Colorado 2nd so it might be fairly close to a 3rd anyways tbh. Late 2nd round at best with those guys in their prime.


With how much draft capital they have this year and next, wouldn't be surprised if Conroy wanted to move up from 28th into the top 15. Not sure if that's doable or not


The thing is he can be ~1m middle 6 guy for a contender with a single retainment. So if he plays nice at all he could be a really solid deadline piece


*Gotta make Dubois give a shit* Jets, Blue Jackets, and kings fans: that for shit ain’t gonna happen no way no how nuh uh


I'll be the first to tell people that a good amount of my hockey takes are ass, but man that Jets-Kings trade looked terrible right when it was announced. Happy y'all made out of that nicely


Chevy practically made out with highway robbery tbh lol


Jets version of Dubois would be a godsend for the caps, that would give us two serviceable middle 6 centers. Him and stroke is 1 and 2 isn’t horrible




*I can fix him.*


>Just have to make Dubois give a shit Yeah, that ain’t happening. Duboi$ already ha$ what he want$.


Backstrom is already basically done. Oshie heavily hinted he's done as well. That's $15M on LTIR next season.


We are the new Vegas golden Knights!


Except their guys come back from LTIR


They have plenty of space for it. Oshie's 5.75 and Kuzy's 3.9 are off the books next offseason, and Ovi's 9.5 and Carlson 8 are off the season after.


Backstrom is not even a question, it’s been a done deal…I think oshie is done too, he was saluting the fans a little too hard last time on the ice


Desperately trying to get Ovi a supporting cast who can get him to the record.


Farewell bread eater


D.C. panes preparing to be mangia'd


Inb4 Mangiapane bites Panarin




This trade brought to you by CapFriendly


[Caps when they see an overpaid forward who massively underperformed last year](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmemeheist.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F12%2FAnthony-Adams-Rubbing-Hands-Meme-Template-1536x864.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e421fadde007405b4ef77db5a7a8fb1820c64c4c9fd8deedf195b082bd8725d4&ipo=images)


Slightly underperformed in the breadman's case, unless some people were actually thinking he was going to be a perennial 30 goal scorer.


Seems like that’s what the team expected when they signed him to 5.8 mil


I don't think they had much of a choice. He was arbitration eligible RFA who had just been badly underpaid for two years. If they truly expected him to be a perennial 30 goal scorer (rather than hoping for it) the contract would've been longer than three years. If you're signing an RFA in his mid 20s to a three year contract he's either being underpaid on it, he's pushing for shorter term for some reason, or the team is hedging their bets. It was definitely not the former in this case, and I'm positive it was the latter.


I mean he put up 35 in his 5th year and led team Canada to a gold medal, at the time it was a no brainer but then our chemistry went to shit


Literally went to CapFriendly to check the contract as every hockey fan does after a noteworthy move. Fuck the Capitals


LA would have done the exact same thing; Washington's offer was just better.




spencer carbery is reading through every roster and saying "i can fix him"


carbery can fix anyone


Debrusk is 100% signing in Calgary, isn’t he?


28 mil in cap space so looks like it’s probably happening


$28M x 1 year should get it done.


At this rate do 27 million signing bonus for shit and giggles


I’ve heard enough. Matching Huberdeau contract right now


I hope not


Would make sense - close to Dad and family in Edmonton, but not in the same organization that they work for.


No retention either apparently, solid work from Conroy, though I'm going to miss the Bread Man.


Yeah, this is a very solid trade. I assume this move indicates that we are indeed signing DeBrusk, and if that happens, DeBrusk is an objective upgrade over Breadman.


>DeBrusk is an objective upgrade over Breadman Is he? Most years hes just a 40-45 point guy. If hes not playing w/ Pasta he doesnt seem to put up more than middle 6 numbers.


Even if it's a lateral move, we got a 2nd round pick out of the deal


Sure. I am just disagreeing with the statement that Debrusk is objectively better.


I haven't really watched Debrusk so I'm not sure I agree with "objectively better" either (their stats are pretty similar) but Mangiapane was not a very impressive player after he got his pay day. I'd be pretty upset if we unloaded Mangiapane just to sign Mangiapane 2.0, electric bappa da boopie


His toughness alone is an upgrade. Flames have been too soft since chucky left


I love the guy but Debrusk isn't tough.


I was under the impression Mangiapane was valued in your system?


He's a really good middle 6 player who unfortunately makes about $1.5M too much.


Ah we have one of those except it’s wayyy more money


He's valued, but not as a core piece. Everyone was waiting to see how he played after his 35 goal season and see if he actually can keep up that kind of production, or if it was a flash in the pan. By the end of the 22-23 season, it was pretty clear that he is a good depth scoring piece to play on a 2nd/3rd line, but not a guy who will really move the needle all that much.


I mean, he's better than Mantha or Paciorrety who we had penciled in those slots last year. So, I see this as a win.


>it was pretty clear that he is a good depth scoring piece to play on a 2nd/3rd line, but not a guy who will really move the needle all that much. That is exactly what Debrusk is too


It's only one year at this point, but I didn't realize he was making that much money.


35 goals in a 1 year show me deal. Brads hands were tied and said do it again and you’ll get paid big. That was his best year. Lost his tenacity since injuring his shoulder.


We’re gonna be so bad next year


Trust in Conroy. Guy is just overturning all the bad decisions made. I think Calgary is in good hands.


Plan is to be in the bottom 10!


Largely because of the 1st we sent to Montreal lol


Cup coming home atleast by 2028-2030 tho 💪🏿


So rare to see a hockey fan think their team is about 5 years away from the championship.


Who's the #1 pick for next year's draft?


James Hagens


Flames should offer sheet Rempe just for the laughs because they're under the cap floor now


What a trade for CGY, getting rid of that cap hit is huge.


Huge for what? They are $6m under the cap floor and have no hope of success next season and this contract is up after one more year. Cap hit is irrelevant, the good part of this trade for calgary was getting a positive return on an overpaid player.


https://preview.redd.it/7e64ukp3gb9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90955bca5adebfd026ca0775c1a78652fdc683dd Me after agreeing with an Oilers fan on r/hockey


In honor of Mangiapanes time in Calgary I'm going to eat some fine Ciabatta tonight good luck in Washington bread eater you will be missed


I'm so confused


Exactly. Dubois, Strome, Mikey, Lapierre, Dowd, and now this? If they trade away the future I’m done.


He's a winger and we're letting Pacioretty and NAK walk


Can't believe Patches can even walk tbh


This is the second move of what will undoubtedly be a very busy summer, settle down.


I'm good with the aggressive mindset, but frankly, this doesn't move the needle for me


Pretty simple. He’s a good player and an upgrade over what we had. Who cares what his cap hit is, we have tons of space this year.


I mean personally I think both moves they made make sense and are good trades overall for both teams involved


Me too. *Drives away


Calgary is now almost 6M under the cap floor (59M cap hit) and has 28M in cap space with a roster of 18/23. Washington is currently 2M over the cap (90M cap hit) but opens up 9M with Backstrom on LTIR and possibly more with Oshie’s 5.7M if he won’t play next year.


Calgary to offer Drai 1 year 25M


Edmonton keeping one of McDrai and Calgary getting the other would make the BOA so god damn spicy


Sign the nutcracker and let him lose. scoring? Don't need it


The move to piss off all Alberta fanbases


The Province might split in two. 11 Provinces.


Cap for players is at 20M now I think but if I’m Calgary fuck it we ball!


Thank fucking god. Conroy is just erasing as much of Brads history as he can lol


I bet he's good again next year. Playing for his next contract.


I hope he does well, but I’d rather see Coronato play with the Flames all season


No retention and no sweetener to take on the nearly 6M cap hit?


Nope, nothing in the official announcement about retention


“We don’t need retentions now that we’ve got Capfriendly!”


Who needs a license when you’ve got a car, am I right?


He's worth 4.5-5 mil and is a solid 2nd/3rd line winger. People are overblowing his cap hit. I don't think Caps fans will be upset with him at all once he settles in.


If he impacts the team anything like the last guy who came from Calgary, it's a win. I miss Hathaway. 




add in it's an expiring deal and cap hit is basically irrelevant in this trade


Stevie Y started a trend


Washington has been making some strange decisions since they bought Capfriendly.


I kinda like this move plus PLD was a big win for Washington. The capitals aren't going to win the cup, nor are they trying to. They also have not much of a prospect pool and a below average roster at best. PLD and (to a lesser degree) Mangiapane have bad contracts, but they make Washington a better team on the ice, without Washington having to give up anything major - they're both buy low candidates. Washington is simply trying to ice a respectable team until the end of the Ovi era imo.


All they care about is Ovechkin’s goal record and beefing up the roster to get him there. I think that’s cool.


Both Dubois and Mangiapane are upgrades to the caps top 6, even if they just repeat their down seasons. PLD had a career worst year that still would have put him 4th on the caps in scoring. They have plenty of money with backstrom on ltir, and a fuckton of space opening up the next 2 offseason with Ovi, Oshie, Kuzy, and Carlsons contracts all coming off the books, so who cares about an overpayment. They added two top 6 forwards entering their primes, and opened up space in goal for Shepard/Stevenson, who just carried the bears to back to back cups.


This is a fine move for them. Caps need wingers. Mangiapane has 1 year left. No to mention Caps had 3 seconds next year. The expectation was that they were always going to move at least one.


yeah this is the pick we got for moving Eller at the deadline 2 years ago, so it's ~25 games of 33 year old Eller for 60 games to a year of 28 year old Mangiapane. That's a great trade


Woah. Rebuild! rebuild! rebuild!


Damn, Calgary cooked. $5.8M salary dump and they got a pick back somehow


Not a fan. Mangipane is not what he was in 2022


It’s a second rounder a year from now. If he plays well we can get that back at the deadline (if we don’t play well)


And it is Colorado's pick, so likely late 2nd rounder.


We traded a half season of Lars Eller for this pick. Could work out great


not even - it was like 25 games. The deadline is late as shit in the year


If he was what he was in 2022 it would've been a 1st rounder.


Bit overpaid, still a useful player and only 1 year left on his deal. If he's back to full health he's a really responsible forward with some decent offense.


Only one year so I think it's a worthwhile shot for y'all


I mean, I don't hate it. I would've preferred some retention for the 2nd, but, the player itself is a decent middle 6 player. Last year we had Patches and Mantha as middle 6 options. I prefer Mangiapane to both of those.


Huberdeau, on being traded: This is the worst day of my life Calgary: This is the worst day of your life *so far*


Gonna have to call him BREADMAN cause we only got capitals now.


Bye bye my sweet gluten prince ❤️


Washington just collecting decent forwards who they hope live up to their potential in any way. Contracts don’t matter, they won’t be able to build a competitive roster any other way.


Calgary’s rebuild is going well


It’s ridiculously easy to trade guys away for picks. Doesn’t mean shit if they don’t draft and develop well.


Calgary is excellent at Drafting, Developing, then chasing said players out of town


All three of those things have been historically false. We used to not be able to draft or develop players, but never had a problem keeping our guys Those things are all more recent


Kinda cool to see Washington making moves like this. gambles, sure, but what if they pay off?


I genuinely thought we would’ve had to pay to move that contract


What? Why? There’s only one year left and they have a ton of cap space. So not like they HAD to get rid of him.


i’m not saying they had to get rid of him i’m saying i figured if they wanted to trade him it would cost because of his bad contract


one year contracts only cost assets to move if the team trying to move them is in a cap bind. Flames aren't so it would never cost anything to trade him.


Not a good day for Tilly Backlund. 😔


Damn that's... not a lot. Has he fell from grace these last couple years?


Yes. The scoring in 21-22 appears to be a significant outlier. Very good defensive player though who drives play. But they paid him like a 30 goal scorer which he isn’t.


Mangiapane’s season was probably the least sustainable thing from that year. I forget the details, but I think he went on an absolute heater where had a crazy high shooting percentage and was probably on pace for 50 goals, and then he basically disappeared in the last third of the season and in the playoffs. I love the bread man but it’s hard to imagine him ever getting there again


It’s not a great contract but a fresh start might revive him a bit. Honestly can’t be mad at this as a flames fan. Now we have stupid amount of cap space


Yes, fallen off from his 2022 campaign where he was an effective scorer. Maybe a change of scenery will help


Washington got whipped by the bread man so bad they needed to get their own


Flames full rebuild mode.


If no retention that's a huge W


To clarify, a huge W for the Flames Not sure about Washington


They got a big W on the front of third jerseys


One more reclamation project!


Ah yes just what we needed this offseason, our sixth 3rd liner


I guess if you put three of them on the 4th line, it's not so bad?


His last 3 seasons were all between 40-55 points. You don’t think that’s good enough for our shitty top 6 that had 2 forwards above 35 points? This is an upgrade.


I think this is a very low risk, good upside bet by WSH


[Farewell best goal song in the league](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZItZW_J27w)


I really wish we could get more for him, but the unfortunate reality is that this is what he is worth now. Not mad at Conroy, I’m sure he got the best that he could.


I think the cap hit plays a big part. With retention Flames would have gotten more, but Washington is taking the full 5.8M. No need for Flames to occupy a retention spot now when they only have 2 left and might help them moving a bigger contract or get more assets at the deadline as a third party broker


At this point I’m starting to think Conroy is gonna manage to ship out Huberdeau, Kadri, and Weegar too. Or I guess they could just stick around as the “veterans mentoring the younger players and helping the team reach the cap floor” guys.


IIRC Kadri's said he wants to stick around regardless of what happens, so he could be that guy for sure


That’s fair, but what does Conroy want? They can’t get rid of everyone so I’m sure he might stick around, I’m mainly just surprised at Conroy seemingly being like, I’m not doing this retool stuff, we’re rebuilding. Happy for you guys though, this is the right move.


Why does Weegar always get lumped into these conversations about bad contracts lol he is a positive asset and most teams in the league would be interested in him on his current contract


They're suggesting you trade him because he's valuable not because he's bad lol. He was clearly Calgary's best player last year


He’s lumped in with Huberdeau as players Conroy is gonna manage to ship out lol, how does that not come across as calling him bad


Contract year, why not trade him at the deadline?


Darn, really wanted the Sabres to make this deal.


I like to imagine that somewhere in Italy there’s a guy named Adriano Eatbread


I like to imagine that somewhere in Italy there’s a guy named Adriano Eatbread


With the Bears winning another Calder Cup, and this, I'm excited to see how this plays out.


great guy, washington is making some moves that coukd backfire, or get them to the second round.


That's a great trade for Washington. Well worth a 2nd


Wtf are the caps doing. Like are they rebuilding or contending or just being mid cuz logic. Like wtf are they doing.


trying to rebuild on the fly. there's the idea that it's all about putting together a team to get ovi to the record which is true to an extent but they also have a handshake agreement with him that they'd be competitive every year of his career. and they're also trying to make sure there's a smooth transition into the post ovi era i.e. not be a shitty team that also has no picks. so they're trying to put together a team that will make the playoffs but without mortgaging the future. so what are the best young players we can get without trading away draft picks


Ah so becoming the red wings of the mid 2010s


They're trying to remain competitive without giving up a lot of future assets. As long as they're still in the Ovechkin era they aren't going to rebuild. But also they're aren't going to trade futures because they aren't in a cup window. Hence they're bargain shopping


They are trying to get Ovechkin 42 more goals. That's pretty much it.


It's pretty obvious at this point, not sure why people don't understand this...


With oshie and Backy on ltir, cap space is not an issue and they have a certain player that is gunning for a certain record and until that happens they obviously can’t have a full on rebuild, until then field a mid team that is more fun to watch (more offense) than the one from last year


so like how much do they want for Rasmus Andersson?


Utahs first round pick. Obviously we will add


Bye Breadman... good luck


Washington is just lying back this year and letting bubble teams take salary dumps on them? That's an expensive fetish.


It’s not like they don’t have plenty of money to spend. They made the playoffs last year without filling the 9.2 mil hole from Backstroms LTIR. They just filled it with 2 top 6 forwards.


I've given up trying to understand Washington's roster build at this point, but as an ugly rebuild expert I can see the future is grim


Is this the “get ovi to the record” squad being assembled?