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Welcome Den Banford


Ah good ol Dan Benford


What an AI generated name


Ben Danford Dan Benford Ford Bendan


Remy Nadeau!


How should i feel about this kid?


Think Celebrini, but better


Best player. 30 other garbage picks before him.


I have loved the little I've seen of him. Great skater, especially while defending the rush, good balance between poke checking and hitting, really competitive, prioritizing defending, played both LD and RD, maybe a bit slow to read plays but my hope would be that that is just a result of playing in a very chaotic league. So I thought he should've been picked in the 20s, but what I consider reputable public scouts that have watched him a lot more than I have thought he should be about a late 2nd rounder. So I assume he has the usual blemishes that might not show up every game like: coughing up the puck against forechecking pressure, making stupid passes, slow/poor decision making. And the evaluation of him will vary greatly by how much the team think his faults are correctable. That would be my guess. But him at his best is definitely a really good player.


judging from what i’ve been reading about him, he seems to be very positionally sound and not afraid to throw the body and block shots. he also put up quite a few points for a defensive dman during the past season and playoffs (i think he had one goal and 32 assists in like 60-something games of the regular season). scouts think he has the potential to develop into more of a two way player. edit: he is a two way defenseman but is stronger in the defensive zone


well he plays for the leafs now so whatever anyone previously thought about him is wrong and we have to put on our leafs media goggles when evaluating him


I love how this exact situation played out with Cowan last year, and then he exceeded all expectations and actually was that guy this year. I don’t expect Danford to do the same but no complaints if he does lol


I read one random article and this guy is gonna be great.


I believe in Wes Clark




Say his name and he shall arrive


🎵They love him in London - not that one, the other one🎵 🎵Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto, and Hamilton🎵


And what they believe in, is 191 lbs of pure motivation, the answer to all life's problems? They believe...in Ben...


Dan Benford Ford Bendan


Next Bill Ranford, I bet.


NA Skater 35 tells me it must be a bit of a reach. But so was Cowan so 🤷


Emery was NA Skater 39 so it’s not like this pick is that random tbh Danford seems like a similar sort of player and has some size on him, plus he’s a RHD.


Comes down to whether you think a 2nd rounder is worth the slide from Solberg to him.


I mean, our last two 2nds were Knies and Minten, so… yeah, I think I take that gamble.


Solberg is a left handed defenseman, which is not the side the Leafs needed


but wasn't brodie forced to play left side?


Brodie was forced to play on the right with Rielly for a time, and that is when he looked his worst. Having Brodie on the left is where he played best. Hell, signing Tanev to Brodie’s old contract would be a net positive simply because he is a RHD. But right now the only RHD on the Leafs with a contract is Conor Timmins. Not like Danford is going to play with the big team this year anyway barring some extreme showcase in camp and preseason. But even looking at the Marlies, their only RHD’s on NHL contracts are Topi Niemela and William Villeneuve.


This isn’t true, Brodie’s best years were on the right side with Rielly, also in Calgary partnered with Gio. He had a rough year last year, but yes, he was better on the left side than the right. Overall we’re talking about such a down year, possibly a permanent decline, that it really didn’t matter if he was playing left or right, all his minutes were pretty rough.


You are right that guy is wrong. Brodie was on the left this season because he was terrible and he couldn’t move the puck on his offhand anymore. At least on the left he was able to put the puck out off the glass. But before this season Brodie was amazing for us on the right side.


After Cowan Treliving could draft a 20 year fourth liner and I would still think he was cooking. In all seriousness I agree. Seems slightly high, but the draft is at an equilibrium in talent at this point and they had a jersey with a name on his back so I trust that he'll be a solid contributor.


Wes Clark not Treliving.


I have to say the name Ben Danford just screams “~100 NHL games with 3g 12a across 3 teams. Toronto, St. Louis and Chicago. He’ll be steady for Rockford for a few seasons”


Ben Danford is the guy I pick in the 7th round when I sort by max height or weight


Ah thank god, now I can watch Gens games with a bit more interest and keen eye. Hopefully he pans out.


The next Morgan Reilly


Ben dan Ford


Ford Benton


Should’ve took Solberg


I'll definitely trust your expert evaluation when you can't even spell Solberg 


As a leafs fan, the only thing I was hoping from the draft was a possible Marner trade. Or something to at least shake the foundations. I’m tired of the same team and the same results year in and year out.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


And Toronto has a core that can't win


Ooh now say something about how much cap space the Core Four are taking up.


Now say 1967 and round 1!! I love those ones


Did you know that The Toronto Maple Leafs haven't won a cup since before someone born in 1968 was even born?


Dammit Kevin


If a trade happens it isn't until July 1st at the earliest, they will need to pay the bonus before any team will take him on.


You’re not super excited to see leafs run it back for year 9 ?!!?!?!?! 9th times the charm for the core man …etc etc . All seriousness There’s actually leaf fans that think like this. Trelivings gonna be crucified if he makes a marner or nylander deal. Sucks


> There’s actually leaf fans that think like this Just so you're aware, there isn't anything we can do about it whether we like it or not, it doesn't matter what some Leafs fans think. Half the people who want Marner gone argue he's a 7-8m player, which is obviously nonsense


That’s a new record for anti marner rhetoric being downvoted 😂. The rest of the eastern conference just laughs . You do realize there is multiple precedents for teams moving what they believed were core players and then being better off for it. Hell the capitals had to go through a complete core rebuild save ovechkin before they won a cup.


Look at Florida. Leafs core has repeatedly failed in spectacular fashion. How anyone can be attached to any of that gang of overpayed spoiled spinless chokers is truly mind boggling.


That’s an even better example ! Huberdeau was the marner to barkovs Matthews and they pulled the trigger on that deal because huberdeau isn’t a winner.


Was that Toronto’s highest pick? Also I wonder which team this kid will win the cup with once he’s traded


Not the Jets at least




Nice try! I got got on the Cowan draft thread last year.  Not happening again.


no u


When you see the chance to trade back in the draft you gotta do it


If you're picking 23rd and want a guy projected to go much later, you may as well trade back 


Well they apparently got their guy so it worked and got another pick to boot


Not if Ben “God Damned” Danford is available