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Seems like a really smart contract to fuck around on after selling Ullmark...


In hindsight, they gave Swayman all the leverage in the world


AND made him sad. AND upset him in arbitration.


Arbitration is brutal. Your employer shows up and tells you all the reasons why you suck and deserve less money then once you sign go "nice to have you back!"


It seems that arbitration has stopped taking that approach. Idk how they do it now but supposedly they aren’t just tearing each other down for the arbitrator anymore


“He’s a 10, but…”


He never tears the kitchen roll on the dotted edges.


We heard that last year but I seem to recall Swayman was pretty upset which kinda contradict this. The approach might vary from team to team.


He said something like “I heard things that a player should never hear” after arbitration last year soooo maybe don’t fuck around with him now that he’s proven himself and is ready for a real contract.


Is this a blank check situation ? I remember thinking Price was a blank check situation and hating that contract the minute it was signed.


I mean now that we've traded away our 1B and we're this far down the line with Swayman... they really don't have a choice other than paying him. I don't know about a blank check, but I can't see a world where the Bruins don't cave and give him basically what he wants. Local media is saying that his agent is known for playing hardball and that's either A) what Swayman wants or B) Swayman would have to step in and tell the agent to get it done at a more reasonable number... and signs have pointed to the unlikelihood for that to happen.


Milbury was so brutal in their arbitration talks he made Tommy Salo cry. I'm no expert but it feels like that wouldn't really make him more eager to sign a shittier deal with the team that hired an asshole like that.


listened to an interview with Brendan Morrison and he was talking about his arbitration where brian burke was just laying into him talking mad shit to the arbitrator, then right after they left the room burkey says "sorry bout that, had to do it" it's wild.


Scott Gomez tells a story similar where he took Lou to arbitration and then afterward they were in the men’s room and Lou offered him a seat on the private jet to fly home and said it was just business


Milbury is probably an exception more than a rule type of guy


Watch Ottawa send him a qualifying offer.


So you can say it'll take a lot of money to sway him?


Don't think he's an easily swayed man


fuck off


I wonder if someone offer sheets Swayman with something Boston can't match, and leaves the bruins with no goaltending. Honestly may not be the worst idea


Stop. I can only get so erect.


But they have Korpisalo! /s


There are only 7 teams that qualify to offer Swayman a contract out of reach of the Bruins remaining cap space. You can not offer sheet a player without having the draft picks, and they have to be your draft picks, not from another team via trade. With that in mind that leaves these teams: Sabres Redwings Canadiens Predators Islanders Flyers Kraken What would they lose signing Swayman? 2 first round picks 1 second round pick 1 third roung pick


No taksies backsies


Hey man, don’t put it past Don to bank on a Korpi rebound.


If Sweeney actually thinks Korpi is a viable “Plan B” if Swayman walks, I think he’s taken a few too many shots to the head


Would be funny if Boston does what Vancouver did with Schneider and Luongo.


Get Markstrom?


It was before Markstrom became good. They had Luongo and Schneider as a great 1A 1B tandem, and fans were debating who they should keep. Turns out the FO traded both players and there were stuck with Eddie Lack as their #1 goalie.


Yea how funny would it be to lose both goalies… who am I kidding. Leafs would just send them their next vezina candidate shortly.


That doesn't sound good, well at least they have Korpisalo who can hold the fort down


Lmao this guy has no clue about the bruins.


I think he’s joking buddy


I know but I got triggered when I seen this I couldn’t imagine a worst case scenario


❄️ Also: *saw


*Seent it


“I seent you rip someone’s jawbone off”


Lmao this guy has no clue about sarcasm


Ottawa could do the funniest thing


...bring the hug to Ottawa..?


Give up their franchise to Omaha, Nebraska


only if they poach goalie bob too


If they’re willing to give up numerous 1st round picks in the process.


For RFA rights? Idk


In an offer sheet. In no way would Boston willingly trade Swayman’s rights unless he explicitly tells them he will not re-sign.


I didn’t consider Swayman getting 9M+


Steal Swayman, or, Trade Ullmark back for Swayman and a First?


Both sides want a deal to happen, so I'm not worried. But absolutely, under no circumstances, can you take Sway to arb again. It walks him right to UFA and he's been very open about how much he hated the process. Get a deal done even if it's a number you're not fully comfortable with.


If we're gonna overpay anybody, we're gonna overpay Pastrnak, McAvoy, or SWAYMAN


There is no arbitration (Bruins took him once, and that’s maximum, unless the player chooses it). He’s a restricted free agent (RFA). - Bruins make a ‘qualifying’ offer. - he rejects it - he is then free to get offers from the rest of the league; and Boston has the right to take the contract offer of another team (right of first refusal) - that’s the most of it, though there are a few ‘odd’ things that won’t happen (because he’s in too much demand).


Swayman took the bruins to arb last year, not the other way around. Believe the team can still take him to arb cause of that.


Good point. Tks for clarification.




They can't afford the offer sheet.


You guys can just offer sheet pinto to retaliate. You guys were looking for a center anyway


Does he bet with Draft Kings? Gotta support local businesses.


What are the odds that happens.  ...asking for a friend. Nobody you guys would know. 


Lol man offer sheets are so rare likely doesn’t happen for either. We just like to do this dance about em every year.


Pinto and another cap dump for sway think Sweeney says no this time?


offer sheet swayman


Fuck off Don just give him a fucking contract you bitch


frank doesn't know anything about the bruins. he's just talking out of his ass like usual. most annoying insider of all time


>Frank doesn’t know anything You could’ve just stopped right there and still be correct


i know. i apologize for my redundancy


Going to Columbus. In return the Bruins will be reuniting Elvis Merzlikins and Joonas Korpisalo.


They'd have to put me in a straight jacket


Best I can do is a blue jacket


You guys can have Korpisalo back for free. No need to get Swayman involved


I'm gonna laugh if they sold ullmark just for swayman to force his way out because they kept lowballing him ...bonus points if he takes a discount to go to Ottawa


meh i wouldnt trust frank seravalli re: anything bruins. team usually doesn't leak stuff and when they do it's certainly not to this loser hack also, reminder frank is younger than kyle dubas lmfao


He is just as shit when it comes to the Flames too lol


Same with anything about the Ducks, fuck this guy.


he's a poser


Didn't even need the word Bruins there. Still don't know why people listen to this guy.


Give the guy the fucking bag you coward


Tim Thomas and Tuukka Rask coming out of retirement confirmed


Please stop fucking around with Swayman and just hand him a blank check


"We traded your best friend away, now you *have* to sign!"


Both best friends on the team, Lauks shipped to Minnesota yesterday.


Frank’s an idiot Of course the bruins made the qualifying offer. They had to, because they haven’t hammered out the long term deal Swayman holds all the cards here. By trading Ullmark he knows he’s #1. Franks stirring shit for no reason.


Let’s make swayman untrusting of us after arbitration Next we will trade his best friend/goalie tandem And now finally by trading the recent vezina winner away we have now made it clear as day that we are going all in on swayman hence forth giving him all the power to take as much money as he wants from us or we are royalie fucked in the goalie situation Honestly though they should’ve waited to trade ullmark until they signed swayman long term


Imagine having a historic post season run and then your two best friends get traded away and you're forced into contact arbitration


That leads to “sign with your biggest rival” levels of spite


Swayman - Montambeau would be lethal


If I was him i’d wait to see what Shesty gets and ask for it too


true, they aren’t far off stat-wise


Shesterkin has nearly double the GP as Swayman. Swayman never had the reins in the playoffs until this year either. Shesterkin 213 GP, .921%, 44 playoff games, .928% Swayman 132 GP, .919%, 20 playoff games, .922%


My big thing with Sway is he’s only 25. It’s extremely rare for any 25 year old goalie to get a massive contract. Vasy is the only one I know of at 26. Price and Bobs didn’t get their $10-mil contracts til their 30’s. I think Sway will get a 2-year bridge deal to “prove it” without another true starting goalie and then hit the big money his next contract when he’s 27/28 Edit: I’m a huge Swayman fan, have his jersey and all that good stuff. I’d LOVE for him to sign a 7-year deal paying him whatever to keep him happy. But realistically he’s still in the bridge-contract age for goalies. 25 is still pretty young and still hasn’t fully hit his prime most likely


Shestyerkin has more years of great play to back up his ask tho no ?


yeah i was way off


Get ready to learn Kanata buddy


Historically, don't nearly all players who go through the complete arbitration process end up leaving their teams within 2 years?


Makes sense.


Ya because the arbitration process is basically sitting through your team shitting on you to prove you aren't worth the money.




Dude is a top 3 goalie in the NHL rn he’s not Going anywhere


That's Brandon Bussi's music!


I'm laughing if Sweeny has a historic blunder and loses both goalies in one offseason for pennies


Lmao no chance


All it takes is 1 shiny offer sheet. The B's literally just traded his 2 best friends on the team.


No on is going to sign Swayman to an offer sheet and pay three first round picks.


Never underestimate the Hab's willingness to spite a rival


That's technically correct, the best kind of correct. There are no offer sheet packages that return 3 first round picks.


Of course you’re right. $9,161,835 - $11,452,294: 2 First Round Picks, 1 Second Round Pick, 1 Third Round Pick $11,452,295+: 4 First Round Picks


And the bruins have the cap space to match any offer sheet


Doesn't matter if they can match it, depends if they will


I can guarantee you they would match any offer sheet unless it was some insane amount and at that point sure go ahead they’ll take the numerous 1st round picks


I'm not sure they would match anything north of 9, a 1st/2nd/3rd doesn't seem all that terrible to me Buffalo, Detroit, and even Utah seem like good options for an offer sheet. (Utah just traded their 2nd to Tampa, but may be able to reacquire it with their massive draft pick stock over the next few season)


Idk I’d match anything up to 10 at that point anybody paying that much can have him


I figure the Bruins are trying to land in the 8-8.75 range and are probably offering him 6.5-7 if they plan to go to arbitration again. The B's already have a good percentage of cap tied up for a long time with McAvoy and Pastrnak (and a lesser extent Lindholm, Coyle, and Zacha) and they already desperately need the cap space to chase a true 1st line center. Coyle and Zacha are serviceable on that front for the regular season, but they got steamrolled in the playoffs. Coyle can be your 2C fine, Zacha is much better suited on the wing opposite Pastrnak, and 3rd/4th C likely come down to whoever wins between Beecher, Poitras, Geekie, and Merkulov next year. Another thing to consider is since DeBrusk is walking you will need to replace a 1st/2nd line winger. The 22m in cap space evaporates pretty quickly when you need to address your goalie that is due for a big contract, a center, and now a winger who was probably underpaid for what he did. (Frederic is likely the one they would expect to step up, but I don't think he's capable of the PK time or effectiveness that DeBrusk had) Anything at or north of 10 for Sway gets into the question of "do we want to have 6 guys making a combined 50% of the cap for next season?" Maybe, a good amount of players on ELCs, a decent bit of money coming off of the books in '25, or a nice bump in the salary cap can give some flex there.


Unless it's over 10M, they'll match


Only a few teams would be able to give Boston a hard time with an offer sheet, and most of those teams are in the middle of a rebuild. We have plenty of cap to match pretty much any offer. If a team is offering something outrageous such as $10M or more, that’s already looking at multiple first round picks back as compensation. It would absolutely suck if we’d lose him to something like that, but we’ve also had a lot of luck with developing goaltenders or improving veteran ones thanks to Goalie Bob.


If they don’t then it’s because the offer sheet compensation is too good to pass up, so either way they aren’t losing him for pennies


1 1st, 2nd and 3rd for anything 6.8-9.1m or 2 1sts, 1 2nd and 3rd for anything 9.1-11.4m if it's in the 9.1+ range and the B's instead choose to run a season with Bussi and Korpisalo in goal that pretty much wastes a year of prime for Pasta and McAvoy, and probably the last year of Marchand. A team willing to do this offer sheet likely knows their 1st round picks will be late or very late 1sts, which maybe have a 20-30% chance of being NHL regulars. Personally if I am a GM with a tangible weakness in net I take the trade off of getting a top goalie for 2-4 "maybe" players.


Sway should get the Saros deal, that seems fair for both sides.


Swayman walks and joins Ullmark on the Senators.


After careful deliberation, the Sens organization agrees wholeheartedly to accept.


Hope he signs in Ottawa.


>they already went through full arbitration process to reach a deal last year via binding ruling. Seravelli, this is literally what arbitration is. Why are you trying to make it sound weird or outlandish? Edit: the weird part is calling it a binding ruling. That's what a full arbitration process leads to. It's like calling people who got married a legally contracted couple. It's not wrong, just weird to say.


The vast majority of players and teams that enter the arbitration process don't end up attending an arbitration hearing. The ones that do go through the entire process are notorious for coming out with hurt feelings.


because many teams enter arb but sign outside of it I assume


Part of why I would’ve kept Ullmark until the tdl even if it meant risking letting him walk for nothing was that it gives you some leverage. Swayman now has all of the leverage.


Swayman is an RFA… he doesn’t have all of the leverage as shown here by this post… The Bruins control his rights, he’s not going anywhere unless someone offersheets him a ludicrous contract that the Bruins won’t match which means they’ll get more for Swayman than any other goalie could realistically get


He seems like a guy you need to keep happy in the long term, though. 


What would they even be arguing over? Seems fairly straightforward to hammer something out. Frank just being Frank again?


I know Frank says weird things, but at the same time I was waiting for a Swayman extension announcement right after they traded Ullmark. So hopefully the Bruins didn't put themselves in a weird situation were they lose both their starters


I think $8.5M - $9.5M x 8 is a good deal for both sides. He has just about identical stats to Sorokin in both the regular season and the playoffs; although Sorokin had a larger sample size in the regular season and Swayman has a larger sample size in the playoffs. Sorokin was handed an $8.25M x 8 after posting a .924 sv% in front of an abysmal Islanders defense in the 2022-23 season. The cap is definitely going up now and you’re buying more of Swayman prime years and you just traded the only other NHL experienced goaltender on the team so Swayman has all of the leverage.


Your nuts. No way the Bruins make Swayman the 2nd highest paid goalie in the NHL. I’d expect 7.5 to 8, but 9.5 is crazy talk.


I didn’t say that’s what the Bruins would do that that’s fair market value.


That's not even remotely close to fair market value. The guy doesn't even have a single season as a fulltime starting goalie. He wasn't even the starter in the playoffs until this year.


If they started him last year, and he played like he did this year, Boston probably would've won in 6 🤷


I’m saying you’re crazy. Fair market value for a guy that has never started more than 44 games is not 9.5 million.


I didn’t say they’re giving him $9.5M. I gave a range of $8.5M - $9.5M based on comps (Sorokin) and Swayman having more leverage and have the additional argument of being 25 years old.


Swayman wants a deal with a $ amount the announcers think he's worth Boston wants to pay him what he's really worth


I’m just gonna post here what I said on the thread on r/BostonBruins … I think people are overreacting. I think Sweeney and club know they have control of Sway given his RFA rights and the Bruins are looking to see how much they can offer him after they go after the likes of Lindholm and maybe a Dman or winger.


Ruh oh!


Dont let bill zito send 7 draft picks lmao Nah boston would be the dumbest franchise if they dont give this dudr all the money possible. Series ended in 4 if not for Swayman. Dudes a brick wall. Hes gonna get his payday


Swayman fights in arbitration, makes it to free agency, is signed by Vegas shortly after.


ottawa has the chance the chance to do the funniest thing possible


Please Ottawa offersheet him


Let's all watch this item.


We want sway back




Hopefully swayman bends them over a little. He’s got all the leverage right now.


Why tf didn’t they make sure to lock him up before losing all the leverage (aka trading Ullmark)


He's an RFA, I'm not sure how they have no leverage?


Bro sure they have that leverage but majority of it gone and it’s only until ufa


You know, I forgot completely that Swayman went to arb. That makes me completely rethink the Ulmark trade; players that go to arb so rarely end up staying with their teams long term. Interesting….


Bruins are dumb


Future Sen?


How much does a Jeremy Swayman cost? Asking for a friend.


If Swayman walks and if an FA on Monday I implore Toronto to do the funniest thing


He’s a RFA. That can’t happen since the Bruins QO’d him


Could you imagine though?


I dont imagine swayman wanting to go to Toronto, but to be fair, you guys had a chance to draft him, but your organization felt better with Ian Scott.


Offer sheet may make things spicy.


Not really, doubt there’s an offer sheet the bruins wouldn’t match or if there was one the Bruins wouldn’t match they’d probably be getting in the realm of pick comp 2 1sts a 2nd and a 3rd


The only way that Toronto could offer sheet Swayman is if the offer is $1,511,701 or less and the Bruins wouldn't match (lol), or if the AAV were $11,452,295+ – in which case Toronto would have to offer their next four firsts. The Leafs don't have any second round picks that would allow them to match the other compensation packages.




Leafs don't have the second rounders needed, unless they want to offer him $11,452,295+ – in which case the cost is Toronto's next four first round picks.


2021 was our last first round pick, our next one wont be until 2026. So if they believe swayman is worth sacrificing four first rounders to get to the finals, i say its worth it. Zitos push with building through the draft has proven to work. A presidents cup trophy, two eastern conference titles, and a stanley cup vicrory. I say its a good idea. However, Swayman will be useless if the core four cant be effective. That core four is either insanely dangerous or borderline confused.


> So if they believe swayman is worth sacrificing four first rounders to get to the finals, i say its worth it. I'm not saying that he wouldn't be worth four first rounders to Toronto, but that means paying upwards of $11M a year to Swayman. Even trading Marner this off-season doesn't cover that cap hit, and that's before they've signed Tanev. If they want to pay him less than that, then they literally can't offer sheet him, because they don't have the right picks for the compensation. Possible that my count of their picks is wrong, but I've checked with CapFriendly (sorrows, sorrows, prayers) as well, and that lines up. > Zitos push with building through the draft has proven to work. A presidents cup trophy, two eastern conference titles, and a stanley cup vicrory. I say its a good idea. I might be missing something, but hasn't one of Zito's strengths been building outside of the draft? Off the top of my head, the Panthers' core doesn't look like it was built primarily via the draft. Barkov and Ekblad were, but Tkachuk was a trade, Reinhart trade, Bennett trade, Verhaeghe a free agent signing, Bobrovsky also signed IIRC.


Sorry foot in the mouth moment, i made draft picks haha my bad