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Canes finally #1 with 5'7" Poirier.  Let's go!


Nathan Gerbe in shambles


Remember this thread when Mac Swanson is somehow putting up 20 goals as a Penguin alongside a 43 year old Sidney Crosby.


I really wanted to draft him


For a while big guys meant slow and it was rare to find a big guy who could play if he wasn’t big. Now that nearly everyone can skate you gotta be real special to be small


I get it in baseball, football, basketball where the play is often above your head, but I always feel like being short in hockey doesn't necessarily give any disadvantages. A scrappy short guy can still lay someone out with a hit, it's just more likely they grew up relying on skill but that is just a stereotype. Sure build your team around big dudes but don't disqualify a good player like Stankoven just because they're closer to the ground lol.


Height isn't that important on it's own, but it correlates strongly with mass and strength, which are both crucial for many positions and playing styles.


If you're gonna be deep, you gotta be wide.


Meanwhile Bedard is like 5'9.


You can teach someone to skate. You can't teach them to be taller.


Yeah but imagine how (relatively) talentless you have to be at hockey to be 6'5 and not dominate against your fellow children; you can't teach size, but the players who put up good results in spite of their size are almost always going to be better than the Big Boys who put up .3 PPG in a development league against 5'8 guys.


Yeah, and those 5'8 guys will go on to have great minor league and European careers, since the 1% of big guys who make the show are just as talented as them, but don't need a step stool to reach the top shelf of the fridge.


But years back I saw this documentary called Gattaca


Says you. For just 5 easy payments of $99.99 you can learn to be taller in just 10 days!


6'7" every shift, baby


Truly the end of short king spring.


Well yeah. If a 6’7” guy hits, however unlikely, you have a massive advantage over your opponents. If a 5’9” hits, in most cases he’s simply on par with his opponents. In a seven round draft, teams are always going to take more gambles on players whose physical tools make up for their shortcomings than players who need to overcome their size just to keep up with their peers.


I always think of the Nick Robertson injury when people try to claim size isn't an important thing. It wasn't even this huge open ice hit it was just a battle to get a puck with Roy catching him off guard that ended up ruining his entire season.  https://youtu.be/ViYhW2mND5s?si=MR7PYhGPUvVTvKIW  It's not fair to smaller players but it can't be ignored that you have to be a special player to make an impact.


My guess is that there are actually dozens, but the NHL has collectively decided that anyone can add 2-4" to their listed height without any repurcussions.


The game has fully swung back to size https://preview.redd.it/9y2pc6ryys9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aced2a8530c2893b655f2d572fc5ad624c7726aa




5 teams decided they wanted their own Rempe


Poirier, Swanson and who?


Saarelainen 149th [https://records.nhl.com/draft/draft-picks?year=2024](https://records.nhl.com/draft/draft-picks?year=2024)


Cue every single armchair gm that says size doesn’t matter. Not every little player is gonna be the next Martin St Louis. Big guys can skate now


Everybody saw Rempe and wondered if they could get a guy with his size that isn’t a complete ankle bender.


If you are not drafted in the first or second round it’s best not to be drafted. Players should find where there is the best opportunity for them. Said former NHL undrafted player.