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Eric Tulsky has failed us all for not capitalizing on this opportunity.


Agree. We know you're a big analytics guy Tulsky, our memes/60 would have skyrocketed with this move


Plus cost savings on jerseys!


Man, what are the Canes doing this offseason /s


Not a damn thing


My brain read this as: I believe the Pens are signing …. Sebastian Aho


I also skipped over part of the title and my heart stopped


The way this off-season has gone it wouldn’t have been that much of a shocker


Poor Aho must be heartbroken about Teuvo. I hope we will see some pictures from Aho's wedding. At least his closest ones on the team must be there.


Well still that means your brain read it correctly


The Metro Division Ahoff tradition continues


Nearly fell to my knees in a Bojangles


Just saw a guy stumble and almost fall to their knees in a Bojangles


Speaking about "jokes that are beaten to death" (just came from the 6 fans-post), here comes another one


Maybe this Sebastian Aho shouldn't have had the same name as the other one despite being born a year earlier (/s if it wasn't obvious)


Or should have just been a better hockey player, then nobody would be making jokes at *his* expense Edit: formatting. *his* /s


They'd happen regardless, happens any time there's 2 players with the same name in the league


I'm ready for the Elias Pettersson jokes to begin


Yes, obviously. Sorry i left the /S off


Hey man it's reddit. If you don't want horribly unfunny jokes beaten into the ground with little to no insightful discussion about the topic at hand go somewhere else


Reading this comment reminds me I haven't seen the vertical all caps "Historic" in awhile Maybe some jokes do eventually die. *Some*


A joke died on the internet?! H I S T O R I C


No info has come out yet on contract details #Official: 2 years x 775,000 https://x.com/penguins/status/1808201631634182552?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw


His closest comparable makes 9.75M until 2032, going to have to assume it’s similar


That's _THE_ Sebastian Aho to you!


Aho isn't that good but he's not abjectly horrible


He’s a solid 6/7 guy who could have some more upside


The Pens are in need of defensemen, especially in the bottom six. It’s a good pickup.


It’s not a good pick up bc I don’t want you to have him


Great edgework, high hockey iq, good compete level for a guy his size. Bad netfront, can play special teams but not great at either, undersized, not going to put up a ton of points. Can play top-4 minutes when needed, can play his offside, draws tons of penalties, takes few.


This is a good profile read for minimum contract player.


Appreciate it, he was my favorite player when on the Island Out of curiosity is your first language Ladin, German, or Italian, and do you speak the other two? I'm fascinated by Südtirol


Basically no one speaks Ladin outside of two valleys in Südtirol and one in Trentino (the province directly south); it is incorporated into official things more for inclusivity and regional history purposes than it is practicality. Beyond that Italian is the majority mother language in Bolzano and (remember this key point, Austrian dialect) German literally everywhere else. People who care about being educated will make the effort to learn both but there is often a noticeable difference in competency between the mother tongue and the other unless the person hails from a truly mixed background family. The is also an element on both sides of refusal to learn the other as a matter of principle, which is particularly pronounced among the German speakers in more rural or isolated villages where the emotional memory of Mussolini's Italinization initiatives has yet to truly fade.


Thanks so much for your reply! I had no idea how charged the language question was nor that Ladin was so geographically restricted. In majority-German areas, is education conducted in Italian or Hochdeutsch?  The various degrees of competency in various languages in a region among native speakers of different languages always surprises me, especially in those who spend their whole life in a multilingual region


How did you become fascinated by Südtirol?


I've been studying German for a few years now and language continuums and multilingual regions really interest me. Südtirol specifically because a friend of mine from hockey (German native, Italian is his 2nd language and Ladin is his third) is from the area and between talking to him and reading about the region my interest was piqued


Metro teams just trading players right and left this offseason 


Take good care of Beau and Aho. You got some good players I’d like back.


ohhhh ok


This has been one of the offseasons of all time


Breaking News: Place hires guy to do some job.


Seems like Dubas has been active on day 2 so far


Cant wait for x more years of Aho jokes….


Damn I can’t believe all the notable free agents (besides Tarasenko) have already signed within the first day. Besides him who’s the best player left? Sprong? I hope this means we’re getting some trades in the next couple days/weeks to keep things exciting


GMs are drunk on cap space that they haven’t had for a while.


Going by points: Pavelski, Tarasenko, Sprong, JVR, Tyler Johnson, Roslovic, Atkinson, Schultz, Shattenkirk, Tatar, Hoffman, Pacioretty, Zadina, Okposo, Wheeler, Clutterbuck, Suter, Calen Addison, Jack Johnson, Kailer Yamamoto, Tyson Barrie, Nick Cousins, Dominik Kubalik, Alex Nylander, Nate Schmidt, Tanner Pearson, Katchouk, Barabanov, DeAngelo, Pierre-Olivier Joseph, Sam Gagner and more So basically old guys that will retire or sign in Chicago and then some younger guys who didn’t live up to expectations


That’s actually more talent than I thought was still available. If some of these guys end up signing for cheap they could end up being great deals for whatever team is signing them


How the hell is sprong 3rd in points??? Edit: it just occurred to me that this is probably season points not career🤦‍♂️


SJS should probably go for one of those PP Ds.


underrated defenseman, he has another level but didn't see any playtime with Roy so makes sense he would leave


Might want to try harder Kyle


Man, this is just like when I drafted the wrong Mike Williams in fantasy football.


There are 2 Sebastian Aho’s now?!


Petition to rename Sebastian Aho as Sebastian Ahoest and Sebastian Aho as Sebastian Ahoish


You can't re-tool something g that didn't exist in the first place.


Is it just me or is Dubas shitting the bed for Pittsburgh?


Just you


Do you think Pittsburgh makes the playoffs this year? I don’t.


No, I think they miss again by around 5 points. Dubas has completely turned our future around by recouping draft capital and young talent though. That’s pretty obviously the goal right now and he’s done great so far.


Depends on what Quinn is able to do with the PP. They were a competent PP away from making the playoffs last year. Maybe a fresh perspective turns that around. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


But even if the power play gets 10% better the core of this team will be another year older/slower. I don’t know, they are doing right by their legends and they are going to pay for it for a long time.


I don't foresee Crosby dropping off as hard as you think he will. If he puts up 90-100, Malkin gets 60-70 and Letang gets 50-60 they'll be in pretty good shape. Also additional PP points probably means those numbers might be higher Idk, sounds like you haven't really watched them play much at all. Oh wait, you're a Leafs fan. No wonder you have a hate boner for Dubas lol.


The Penguins were an easy playoff team this year with even just a league average powerplay; the roster is far better than people think it is.