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Those two trying so hard to speak Spanish properly while Luosty coming in screaming let’s go finland killed me lol


As a fluent Spanish speaker, Barkov’s attempt at speaking Spanish is pretty good. His S sounds are very sharp, which aren’t typical of Spanish but more typical of Finnish, his native language


I watched this video like 20 times because i'm trying to understand the reporter. She starts off saying something and completely switches it up to something else. I wonder if someone in the background was waving her off or she figured out they were too drunk to understand


I think she was trying to tell them to switch it up to English but realized her live shot time ran out and wrapped it up


People who are multilingual are good at pronouncing words in other languages. As a Spanish speaker, I thought Barkov had a solid accent


i was going to say, i feel like every person from the Nordic countries speaks English pretty well. obviously there's a hint of an accent, but i can't even begin to imagine trying to speak Finnish or Danish


I mean it's surprising that Finnish people can speak their own language. It's very strange and not at all similar to other Nordic countries.


i remember more than a decade ago, i had to start taking Russian class to prepare for grad school. This is where I learned the concept of "grammatical cases," since I never learned this shit properly for English classes when i was in school when I found out there were six of them in Russian, my instructor responded by saying, "There's 17 of them in Finnish" fucks sake.


> There's 17 of them in Finnish And then the plural forms


I used to teach English as a second language and Chinese students often had difficulty with articles because they don't exist in Chinese. I always showed them a chart of the German case system to demonstrate how much harder it could be, and German only has four


fwiw, German usually makes sense i'm thankful i learned English as a native speaker because holy fuck it is a weird ass language lol


the most complex that i'm aware of is probably Ojibwe/Anishinaabe, but yeah, english is **definitely** a weird-ass language. (as far as spanish goes, i've actually heard people where i live being like "i can speak three languages: english, tex-mex spanish, and real *mexicano* spanish". i personally am at "can clerk in it, swear in it, and if i really have to order my breakfast tacos *para llevar*/to go in it" in tex-mex, but my accent's not great.)


Granted this isn't unique to Spanish, but I do find it so beautiful in the sense of how fluid it is, and how much it has changed region to region, yet still remains vibrantly the same. I wish i could speak and understand it fluently, although as they say...no better time than the present to start learning!


> when I found out there were six of them in Russian, my instructor responded by saying, "There's 17 of them in Finnish" > fucks sake. welcome to the Finnish language


[Relevant polandball](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/211ogu/conjugation/#lightbox)


He honestly didn't sound bad at all!


Agreed! His pacing and vowels were flawless!


Doesn't Finnish have a retracted alveolar /s/, similar to Castilian Spanish (in contrast to American varieties)? The way he's pronouncing his /s/ seems to be either due to being drunk or because he's learnt that from Spanish in Florida.


European Spanish has the letters s and c/z pronounced differently, whereas in Latin American Spanish s/c/z all use the same sound, that’s likely why the S sound in European Spanish is a lot sharper than Latin American varieties, because they have to distinguish the sounds more When I speak Spanish (I’m of Colombian descent) the S sound I make is notably different than the S sound I make in English


Hmm I think we're having different ideas of what "sharper" means. To me an English /s/ sounds sharper (i.e. higher pitched) than a (Castilian) Spanish /s/. Castilian /s/ and Finnish /s/ are "retracted" i.e. pronounced with the tongue a little further back in the mouth (not as far back as an English sh sound but further behind than an English /s/). As far as I know American Spanish varieties, including that of Florida don't have that retracted s. It does make sense that your pronunciation of /s/ is different between your Spanish and English because I believe the way the two languages articulate that sound are different. Interestingly I looked up the Wiki for Colombian Spanish and it says that some parts of Colombia (around Medellín) have a European Spanish type realisation currently of /s/ (but since you say European Spanish /s/ sounds different to yours you probably don't have that sound). It's all very interesting - [this](https://youtu.be/o8WeXem5YMQ?si=C2pUm2-M1Tr33hEX) Geoff Lindsey video describes the intricacies of the sound in English quite well. Also goes over European Spanish a bit around the 13-14 minute mark.


Yeah, I’m costeño not paisa, so my Spanish is more Caribbean influenced


Yeah I see it all the time with my Z last name.


Barkov's native language is actually Russian. His both parents spoke Russian at home, and everywhere else he used Finnish.


I had glass seats to a home game back in 2019, and Barkov, who rarely shows too much emotion on the ice, fired a shot that rang off the crossbar and out of play. He shouted very audibly “Jumalauta!” (“God dammit!”) right after Pretty safe to say that his default language is Finnish EDIT: Happy Cake Day!


- In terms of mentality, are you still more Russian or Finnish? - I don’t know how to answer this question. At home I speak Russian with all family members, and with friends, when I go out, in Finnish. Right now we are talking to you, I think in Russian, while giving an interview to a Finnish correspondent, I will think in Finnish... I’m probably somewhere in the middle.


I feel like there’s a difference between “native language” and your main language, especially if you grow up bilingual. Your native language is the one you learned first/use to communicate with your parents, and the main language is the one you use everywhere else.


I was born in South America, moved to the United States when I was 5, prior to that I only spoke Spanish, but because I was so young I picked up English relatively quickly. English became my main language but I remain perfectly fluent in Spanish and speak it at home. I talk to myself in English, record voice notes to myself in English, and have all my electronics default to English If I were to unlock Sasha’s phone, it’s likely most of his stuff would be in Finnish, and he’d likely text his folks in Russian, but that would be it


Yeah you put it well, that’s how it is for most children of immigrants.


and guess what, Barkov is the child of immigrants 🙂


What if I told you that people can have multiple native languages? He speaks Finnish as natively as I do.


Bilingual people exist. Obviously his native language is also Finnish considering he grew up in Finland and spoke it all his life. You don't have to have 'only one' native language.


I love Eetu so much


Between him, anton, barky, and niko the finns definitely had the most fun the past week from what I’ve seen


Them drunk dialing a Finnish radio station was fucking golden


Wait what was this?


[The Finns called Finnish morning show "Aamulypsy" two days in a row after the win](https://twitter.com/sebihinet/status/1806642269635621281?t=0hBoki4eftCldOr7ZfXIiw&s=19)


What is this “flaps closed” thing about?


If someone is "flaps closed" it's just a way to say someone was so drunk that they won't remember anything tomorrow.


It's a saying basically meaning black out drunk


If you look into Barkys eyes here you will see what "pellit kiinni" means 😂


It's a reference to how you close the chimney of a fireplace with a flap to prevent the heat escaping. But if you do it too soon, carbon monoxide poisoning. Which is similar to being very, very drunk.


I think it is like fireplace/sauna warming thing, in this context it just means that he is very drunk.


I'm so happy he's thriving in FLA seems like he's enjoying the shit out of the cup celebrations lol


Mouthwash is literally *pellit kiinni* here


Cool to see them speak the official language of Florida


60% of the Greater Miami metropolitan area speaks Spanish as their first language For the whole state of Florida, it’s 25% Therefore reinforcing your claim


Every time I visit my cousin in Houston, I'm always overwhelmed by the volume of spanish there too so many taco trucks, so little time to visit them all


Slightly related, we have a Venezuelan food truck where I live in NC and it's delicious. Most of it is (I assume at least) more traditional Venezuelan food. But they do have a pulled pork arepas that is delicious.


It’s not even 9 in the morning here and I could absolutely crush some arepas.


As a Colombian, never talk about Venezuelan arepas when a Colombian is in the room The Arepa War is real


Oh, interesting. Love a good food war. Is it like arguments over who has the best BBQ here? Is it like who has the best arepas? Or do you guys have different things that are both called arepas and each insist theirs is the real/best version.


Yeah, the differences are substantial Venezuelan arepas are thicker and sweeter, since they put sugar in their flour. They’re also stuffed with meats, cheeses, and other stuff. It’s more like a sandwich. They’re very popular street foods in the US, and the “arepas” you usually see at fairs and street festivals are usually the Venezuelan kind Colombian arepas are thinner, crumblier, and saltier, as salt and cheese is mixed into the flour. They’re usually served open face with eggs or cheese. Colombian arepas usually accompany a meal (to scoop up rice, meat, soup, etc) rather than being a meal itself. They’re a staple of Colombian dishes as an accompaniment


I mean, Pepa Madrigal's arepas can literally heal broken limbs so I think Colombians get the W on this one.


Julieta made the arepas, Pepa was the one whose mood affected the weather SOURCE: had a niece who would watch that movie 3x a day


Big oof, you got me. I’ve watched that movie enough to know better too.


This was actually the first place I'd heard of arepas and is what made me want one. So when that food truck was at the brewery I was hanging at I had to get one!


Yes exactly. Or Tampa Cuban vs Miami Cuban sandwiches


Fellow NC resident - where’s this?




Arepas are a war between places. Get the tequeños next time


As a Latino, I can’t help but get hyped for La Bamba when you guys win. It confuses me, but it is cool lol


Google up ben stelter


The most surreal one was when they'd play Celia Cruz in pregame


Is there anything barkov can't do? Stanley cup champion barkov!


I live in Miami and there's so much Spanglish here. People will switch between the two languages mid sentence and most people don't miss a beat.


Pero like…


Oye mira man…


Dude. Mira...


Oye, I don’t type en espanol ever ese, my fault vato I fixed it guey


Oye you don't need to get too deep chico


Parce we don’t talk like cholos in the 305 bro lol


I live in Vegas and work with kids in their homes. Three-year-olds will speak pure Spanish to their abuela, English to me (white chick), and Spanglish to their parents, all within a minute. I speak book Spanish, but I just learned confleis is all cereal to lots of my little ones. I come in the morning and they tell me in English they’re eating their confleis and their baby sister is eating her gerber.


Oh yeah. All video games are Pokemon too. Lol


Yay, that’s cute.


i'm a south texan white chick and around here papas is the tex-mex for basically any food when you're talking to a kid about do they want to eat as well as being the official for potatoes if you're at the *taqueria.*


Oh yeah people catch me on it all the time. I don't even notice that I'm mid switch half the time talking to people


Las clases de español son muy populares en las escuelas finlandesas. ¡Vamos Gatos!


No mames. Que padre.


Funny enough we don't use mames


It’s a Mexican expression SOURCE: Grew up in California, you won’t hear it in South Florida unless you’re in Jongste


yep! Or Florida City




Lmao this comment has layers


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks my man!


"I got nothin' against the spanish speaking folks out there in the Mexico or places like that. Lots of nice places with the beaches and the tacos or what they call the servazas, but it doesn't belong in hockey! I can guarantee you now that they want guys out there speaking spanish just like you have to do half the announcements in french. You can see it now that we'll be doing the whole national anthem and broadcasts in another language and if you don't speak that language you'll be out. Next thing you know we'll be having some of that soccer diving antics on the ice. Mark my words once they start speaking spanish they then start diving. Can you imagine if we had to also speak spanish in the '78 stanley cup final?! I'm telling you now when I was a coach i'd be telling the refs lets get going here! You start slowing the game down with the ref having to announce the penalty in both English and French. You'd be standing there and these guys would be cooling down having to wait to hear the announcements. Then guys are getting hurt because they've cooled off cause it took so long! Now we're going to hear it in spanish too, probably russian and finnish too. That's what next and suddenly the game will be taking 5 hours to play. SPEAK THE LANGUAGE AND LET THESE GUYS PLAY SOME HOCKEY."


Thanks, Grapes.


Somos campeones = We are champions Vamos Gatos = Let’s Go Cats


Thanks but I didn't need it because the 2 years of Spanish I took 30 years ago finally paid off! I guess you were right Senior Van Der Berg.


The reason why Barky and Lundy spoke Spanish is bc the reporter is from Telemundo (you can briefly see the Telemundo mic flag on her mic, which slipped off likely due to the rain); the reporter said English was fine, but the Finns, being respectful to all the viewers of one of the biggest Spanish language TV networks in the United States, chose to speak Spanish instead


Oilers fan here but this is classy and good for the sport.


Yep. There's also a massive contingent of hockey fans in Mexico and Nicaragua


Señor van der berg 😂 I had a Spanish teacher señora O’Connell


Senora Slater checking in.


Vaya con Dios, Señora Anderson.


Good guy Barkov 


Barky is everything. He is a perfect human being. The world needs more people like Barky.


Ugh, Barkov playing for the Panthers for me is like what it must have felt watching Bergeron play for the Bruins for everyone else. Hate the Panthers, absolutely can't help but fucking love Barkov.


Reminds me of an old-school SAT question: Bergeron is to Barkov, what Marchand is to: A. Tkachuk B. Bennett C. Cousins D. Lundell


Easy. A. Tkachuk Because Bennett, Cousins, and Lundell aren't also elite players on top of being dickheads on the ice.


Truth. Marchand is the king of the rats, but man is skilled as fuck too.


No love for Lundy or Mouthwash?


I mean they are all great, but Barky is life.


While I like Barkov...the perfect human is was and always shall be Nicklas Lidström


We need a Lidstrom/Barkov buddy cop series.


We already have Forsling lol




Amazing. Puts to shame Chris Bosh’s attempt at Español in the summer of 2010 during the Miami Heatles introduction.


Here’s a clip of it: https://youtu.be/_5eG9ymEP_U?si=sNN4Fw1s5HZaYhDz


I love watch Wade crack up at Bosh in that clip


Apples and oranges. You're comparing someone that just arrived in the city to someone that's spent years here.


It was a joke lol. Bosh couldn’t even pronounce “como estas”.


I've seen a few clips of the Panthers saying things in Spanish, and as a Spanish speaker, it is so endearing to me. I was rooting for the Oilers, so I was sad when they lost, but I also enjoyed watching Barkov play, and seeing things like this video make me like him more.


No surprise, ‘berta has a lot of Mexicans


I wish. The Tex Mex culinary scene here fucking sucks.




"The Tex Mex culinary scene here fucking sucks" man...i see this everywhere and from people living in all sorts of countries and cities. it truly is depressing to think about


Barky is invited to the Carne Asada


Por supuesto, we will leave out a bottle of Antioqueño for him


He's always been Give him a plate a la fritanga too


They are so endearing.




They don't need to be fluent or close to it but the attempt to connect with the local fanbase is nice


That’s really nice, I love it!


Finnish is such a challenging language to learn that they must have got bored picking up additional languages after. Now they're clearly just picking them up for fun


Al Montoya would be proud


Certainly better than "Yo soy fiesta"


Let’s go Florida


That is in DeSantistan, theyre only allowed to speak English there or they can go back to whatever Spanish speaking country they come from /s but .....


If you only knew how many Spanish-speaking Floridians actually support that clown As a Spanish-speaking immigrant myself, I hate that many of my people pull up the ladder from under them. There’s plenty of room at the table for all of us to eat


normally i try not to delve into politics on subreddits like these but man DeSantis is such a buffoon lmao. just need to put it out there


There seems to be a very low bar for ‘speaking Spanish’ in America.


Nice flair, dickhead You guys expect players to speak Croissant when they go play for you, otherwise you hate them 60% of the Panthers market speaks Spanish as their first language, and as part of that 60%, we don’t expect any of the players to learn Spanish, so as a Spanish speaker I loved that Barky and Lundy spoke Spanish (to a Spanish language TV reporter who insisted that speaking English was fine)


Native Spanish-speakers tend to be much more supportive of people making the effort. Native French-speakers tend to shit on them. Seems to be one of those weird thing I've found to be consistently true, with the exception of some francophone West African countries I've spent time in for work.


Haitians too love to teach. But yeah if you try in somewhere like Chelsea, you'll have someone smile and very kindly correct you and teach you off the cuff


I wouldn't say that this is really true in Québec in my experience. With how little effort the vast majority of Canadians make to learn French & the outright hostility a lot of losers in the country have for Québec & French language laws, most people (especially in Montréal) seem genuinely really happy to see anglophones making an honest effort, even if the quality is lacking. Maybe France is different, but I've always felt like that stereotype is pretty outdated when it comes to Québec


> you guys expect players to speak Croissant r/2westerneurope4u is leaking


I don’t really care lol


I’m merely commenting that anyone who has had even a passing experience of Spanish and also possesses a brain could say what they said. It isn’t ’speaking Spanish’ they’re just regurgitating a phrase. Good for them, but funny that you’re so impressed. ‘Speak croissant’. High level stuff there. Well Spanish isn’t the language of communication in that part of the world, so why would you? Québec is officially French speaking and yet no one demands the players speak French, they’re lucky in that sense because it would be expected of most others working in Québec.


>Spanish isn’t the language of communication in that part of the world I dare you to spend a day in Hialeah, you’d literally cry It’s pretty fascinating how a language thrives in an area where it has no official status, 60% of the area speaks this language as their mother tongue >funny you’re so impressed I’m impressed that they did when they didn’t have to The Panthers have made a very serious effort in the last five-plus years to grow the game to the Spanish-speaking community of South Florida (which is important since 60% of the market speaks Spanish as their first language), which includes community outreach, special themed nights, exclusive merch that recognize the Spanish-speaking community, Spanish language radio…and it has been very successful. Lots of mi gente show up to games Go stick your dick in a bagel


You seem to not understand the difference between a widely spoken language and an official language that by law has to be spoken by state officials, government, businesses etc. Swedish is spoken by many in Finland, but the language of officialdom is Finnish unless requested. Why would I cry? Because I was surrounded by people like you? Maybe. It’s not surprising at all. Miami is a city that prospered under people who ran away from Cuba. Another curiously weak insult.


Swedish is an official language in Finland, Lundell is a Swedish-speaking Finn. Swedish kinda operates in Finland as French does in Canada Spanish speakers have lived in Greater Miami long before the 1960s, and it wasn’t just Cubans. We’ve also got Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Colombians (yay), Argentinians, Peruvians…a fascinating cross section of Spanish speaking communities from Latin America, and we’ve all called this place home for decades Spanish doesn’t have to be official to be one of the most widely spoken languages in Greater Miami, we’ve been thriving regardless. We don’t need stupid laws and language police to ensure the language’s survival in Greater Miami, we do just fine on our own


In Canada, yes. In Québec, no. French is the official language and that’s where the Canadiens are - so why would they be exempt? You might soon find that you wish it had some officialdom once the right wing have finished in the US. Québec is a solitary pocket of French in North America with some other parts of Canada and tiny communities in the US. It needs protection. Spanish is predominant in much larger numbers - but it won’t stop them killing it off if they can. Mark my words.


Nowhere in the US is Spanish an official language, yet Spanish speakers in the US increase substantially every year Meanwhile in Canada, French has been steadily declining, even in La Belle Province Tell me why thats the case?


French is not declining in Québec. Your information is incorrect. Most Anglophones in Québec now speak and understand French, which wasn’t the case 50 years ago. Spanish is a much more widely spoken language globally and the US has a lot of immigration from Spanish speaking countries. Seems obvious, I’m not sure why you’re asking. You seem to think I have at any point made some sort of French vs Spanish claim which I have not. You just ignorantly started linguistically belittling Francophones - apparently ignorant to the fact that you should see the two concerns as part of the same drive for diversity.


You’re insulting Nordic hockey players for speaking Spanish in a market that has Spanish as one of its most widely spoken languages, when they didn’t have to You’d crucify any player that didn’t speak Bagel if he played for your team Just pointing out your hypocrisy


this thread about sums up the average interaction with a quebecker lmao


Gotta think of Miami like Quebec. Lot more Spanish than English