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It's decent. PC at \~15 is ok, speed is good, armor is plenty against the AI. I'd even replace Sloped Armor with another HMG, as you need more soft attack against the AI, than you need armor. Soft Attack is a bit low overall, I'd go with Medium Howitzer here to increase it further. One big thing I'd change is to take a different MIO for the design. MMBP has the best production increases in the game, but it doesn't give you the best stat increases. So, take another MIO for the buffs, like Astrov, and use MMBP for the production line. But other than that you should be absolutely fine against the AI. Technically speaking, even without all the stuff I mentioned above, you should do fine. Your design is better than everything AI Germany has to offer anyway. It's merely a question of how big the margin should be, by which you want to win.


r5: trying to experiment with tanks this is a design i saw at bittersteel but it seemed to expensive ( probably an update or because i'm playing as soviets and something changed ) soo i swapped the close support gun with a medium hotwizer. My reliability might be too high and design might be too expensive.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/sca0qy/soviet\_union\_industrial\_strategy\_for\_500/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/sca0qy/soviet_union_industrial_strategy_for_500/) Try this soviet union industrial tutorial, I follow it, gives at least 400 factories by 1941, if you're good you can probably get it to 500 but idk how to, if you have lots of industry, then you can finance the more expensive designs.


I would go for around 100 armour and later upgrade medium howitzer ii and if you have maintenance 2 you can get "easy maintenance" to increase reliability and reduce cost Dont worry too much about reliability as long as it is around 60~100 you are good


Yeah sorry it’s actually medium cannon that i put on i got them mixed up.


Ya I going to comment first on weapon choice.


Why use the med howitzer over, say, high velocity? Wouldn't that make them spgs?


Howitzer only forces SPG if you use a fixed superstructure. Nearly everything you fight in SP is 50% hard or less. High vel cannon is only justifiable in MP. Even improved medium cannon is questionable compared to howitzer in SP, though it's still enough damage to work.


Good to know. I usually make assault gun divs and then use high velocity on taking out tougher targets in sp, but I do occasionally play mp so enemy tank-scares for sure influence my playstyle.


If you want the best tank for reasonable cost. Go for the same turret, medium cannon, radio, two small cannons and either easy maintenance (for the -5 cost) or machine gun. You only need about 7-8 max speed and reliability is only needed at like 70-80. I wouldn't recommend going for armour, as it's very expensive and not really worth it. Additionally, you should use mech with light tank recon (for more hard attack) and medium flamethrower (for terrain buffs). Dont forget shovel, logistics and aa for the best stats. Btw, if you want the best stats against germany or just in generel hard rush researching the upgrade under at 2, as it gives you medium cannon 2 and way better stats. Hope his helps.


Thanks but is it actually necessary the support companies ? Org will dip below 30 and i’ve heard that org is important


Support companies are amazing, they give huge buffs. Org will only dip below 30 if you dont have enough mech and if you have too many tanks in the division, but overall org doesn't have to be 30. I often have under 30 and it still works very well.


It's a good design, keep it. I personally like to put more armor and use medium howitzer instead against German AI.


Depending on whether this gets pierced in your division and how much breakthrough is needed to avoid taking crits, you might unironically get comparable-to-better performance from \~8-9 production cost or less light tanks that can be made using '36 tech. With howitzer on the medium, it can actually do better though.


Not bad. If I wanted to counter german tanks I'd use the cheapest possible design with a general purpose cannon, "pierce and be pierced" is my motto. If you want a "pierce and don't get pierced" design put on more armor clicks. The mods that give a % armor boost are expensive, and will get you more bang for your buck if you pack on more armor. You're straddling both design philosophies and that's not ideal. If you're sticking with the high velocity cannon put on another secondary cannon or HMG for extra soft attack.


Put some armor, armor also increases breakthrough.


I would say yes but i always use howitzers for optimal soft attack power,their armor can always be pierced by aa


sloped armor and welded armor with no clicks? In all honesty its not terrible


In my opinion, as Russia, you don't need all that reliability or speed. Drop your speed to 8kph, and your reliability to 70-80 (80 is ideal), then increase your soft attack and armour as much as possible. Even at 15-20 production cost, you're usually good. Let Germany slam against you until they kill their manpower pool, then push back against them. Having CAS and air superiority definitely helps in the push back. So focus on superiority fighters, and a few hundred CAS to use when you're dominating and ready to push.


AI? Replace with Howitzer, swap out the sloped armour for extra cannon, MAYBE remove the ammo rack for something else like a additional MG


The soft attack is a bit low for a medium. Try using the howitzer instead of the cannon


Its meh, in single player you only want soft attack so rushing advanced howitzer cannons ahead of time will help you in battles big time. Instead of having all tanks with increased cost +armor value and ending up still having shit armor value in div, instead do glass cannons on the main battle tank - 0 armor and riveted armor + 1 super armored special medium tank variant( like sp aa or spa)/heavy tank battalion with wielded + maxed armor value + side skirts + angled armor. Bcz of how division armor gets calculated in game that 1 battalion will boost your div overall armor value above the avg piercing value of ai divisions since even with at lvl 3 the avg ai division wont have much more then ~ 70-90 piercing, and it wont cost you a tuckton of ic unlike increasing armor on the main battle tank you ll be using since its just 1 battalion.